Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

"Look to death, watch me kill you with one piece!" Lord Shuilong roared, "Five Dragons seal the sky, give me!"

In the sky, five water dragons circled each other to form a dragon picture, pressing towards Lin Xuan.

The terror was overwhelming, and the whole sky was dark.

Lin Xuan opened his arms and waved his arms. His palms were as brave as Tianpeng's monsters.

With the palm of his hand, he grabbed a water dragon, and then pulled it hard, and the water dragon broke in half.

Not only that, Lin Xuan shouted, and punched out in the five dragons.

Suddenly, the blue dragon picture was punched out of a hole.

Fortunately, those water dragons are all formed by spiritual power, otherwise this punch will definitely make the blood red.

But even so, the picture is extremely scary.

A huge cave suddenly appeared in the dark sky, and it looked extremely incomparable.

Seeing this scene, His Majesty the Dragon looks extremely ugly.

But this is not over yet. Lin Xuan's right hand is Tianpeng Shenquan, and his left hand is a bright sword, like a golden sword.

One sword was cut out, and the horrible sword energy was severely chopped on the five dragon map, and the dragon picture was cut into two halves at once.

From the beginning to the present, the Supreme Lord of the Dragon was almost crushed, which makes it hard to be confident.

Now Lin Xuan's sword splits the five dragon map, which is even more shocking.

Not only that, but the two Nine Emperors who fought the Nine Elders in the distance also changed their faces.

They found that a ninefold respecter could not suppress Lin Xuan at all.

This is different from what they had thought before.

They used to think that the other party was just a Seventh Venerable, and any Nine Venerable could be killed.

But now it looks completely different.

The strength of the opponent was completely beyond their imagination, and even the Lord of the Water Dragon was suppressed.

Although the Sovereign of the Dragon is only the early lord of the Ninth Heaven, but not everyone can suppress it, not to mention that the other party is only a Seventh Heaven warrior.

However, at this moment, there was a long howling sound in the distance, and the energy of terror was flowing like a mountain torrent.

"What, again a nine respecter?" The elder nine looked ugly, and Lin Xuan frowned.

However, Lord Water Dragon they did look ecstatic, and even exulted.

"Ha ha ha ha, it really helps me!"

"Boy, see how you die this time!"

His Majesty the Water Dragon sneered, before he was too humiliated. Well now, the two Nine Supremes can definitely kill each other.


Lin Xuan Lengheng, he also felt the urgency of the situation, so he intends to perform a stunt, and first abolished a nine respect.

With his fingers bent, Lin Xuan pointed at His Majesty the Dragon and drank a little.

Broken fingers!

A finger was like lightning, and stabbed at the Dragon Sage quickly.

His Majesty the Dragon's eyelids jumped wildly. He didn't see the attack, but the warrior's instinct made him feel dangerous.

So he moved out subconsciously.


A finger was like a dragon, banging on his left arm, and suddenly made a transparent hole.

His Majesty the Dragon suffered pain, and his face was ugly, because it was almost, this finger pierced his heart!

If he hadn't stepped back before, I'm afraid he's dead now.

"Damn boy, he has such terrible martial arts!" His Majesty Dragon's face turned black, and he vowed to kill the other party.

Lin Xuan also sighed. It is worthy of being a ninefold respecter, and this can be avoided.

He didn't take another shot, because the nine enshrined in the distance had already arrived.


A figure came, this was a middle-aged warrior with a cold face and a cold body.

"Duan Ao, your family's Duan Li has been killed by this kid." Lord Shuilong said.


Upon hearing this, His Holiness Duan Ao sank, his breath suddenly exploding.

"What did you say!" Duan Ao's voice was a little hesitant.

Soon, Lord Shuilong will pass through it again.

After learning the truth, Duan Ao's face was so gloomy that he stared at Lin Xuan tightly.

"Boy, you die for me!"

Duan Ao shook his arm, and a purple spear appeared in the void.

Then the spear shook and killed Lin Xuan.


The gun is like a dragon, rough like a mountain, and stabs at Lin Xuan.

And Lin Xuan reached out Tianpeng's big palm and grasped it forward.

This scene was very shocking. It was incredible that a Qizhongtian warrior grabbed the attack of Jiuzhong Heavenly Lord with his bare hands.

Duan Ao didn't come before, so he didn't know Lin Xuan's fighting. When he saw this scene, he suddenly sneered.

"Out of your own power!"

But soon, he frowned, because he found his spear was caught by the other side.

But how is this possible!

He is the Ninth Sovereign. The coercion generated by this gun alone can kill the Seventh Sovereign.

But now, the other party has caught his spear!

"Damn, what's going on?" Duan Ao's face was extremely ugly.

On the one hand, His Majesty the Dragon's face was not good-looking: "I forgot to tell you that this boy has Jiuzhongtian's combat power."

"What? How is this possible!" Duan Ao was shocked.

He really couldn't believe that a Seventh Venerable could have the combat power of a Ninth Venerable.

But soon he believed.

On the opposite side, Lin Xuan grabbed the purple spear with one hand, and then roared, his arm shook, and immediately lifted the spear up.

Duan Ao at the other end was naturally mentioned.


Duan Ao was crazy. He seemed to be dreaming and couldn't believe it.


The next moment, he was thrown out by Lin Xuan.

He didn't wake up until he hit the ground, and it was all true.

"This is more garbage than it was before." Lin Xuan shook his head.

"Boy, you! Look! Death!"

Duan Ao stood up from the ground.

Previously he was just shocked, so he didn't fight back, otherwise how could he not beat a hairy kid.

With a roar, Duan Ao held the spear again and killed the past.


Gun shadows were spreading all over the sky, but all were blocked by Lin Xuan's sword.

Duan Ao was more and more frightened, and at this time, the Dragon Sovereign in the rear came quickly.

Can't wait any longer, you must kill this kid!

"Brother Lin Xuan!"

"Xuan Brother!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Jingqiu and Yu Fei in the rear were both worried. They were protected by Wanjuding, safe, but Lin Xuan was now very dangerous.

"Little Lord!"

In the distance ~ ~ The nine elders are also anxious and want to catch up.

"Hey, where are you going? Your opponent is us!" The two nines sneered.

Although the two of them were only in the early days of Jiuzhongtian, they joined forces enough to hold the elders of Jiuzhongtian in the middle.

Lin Xuan was defeated by one enemy and two. He was in a very dangerous situation.

Fortunately, there was a Red Lotus armor on his body, otherwise he would be seriously injured.


Numerous attacks blasted on the Red Lotus armor, making a trembling sound, and Lin Xuan's body also kept going backwards.

"Haha, boy, you are dead!"

"You are strong, nor are we two's opponents!" Lord Shuilong and Duan Ao laughed, looking at Lin Xuan as if looking at the dead.