Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

Seeing this scene, everyone's scalp was numb, and they couldn't think of each other.

"court death"

Seeing this scene, the Seven Lords of Ares Shrine were also quite furious. :.

A five-day-old kid, dare to pretend here

This scene made him very angry

"Boy, you are too presumptuous, let me solve you"

At this time, on the side of the War God Palace, a young man who stood up to reach His Holiness the Sixth Heaven stood out, quickly punched out, and blasted forward.

The blue mist was surging, and the sound was terrifying, and a huge fist formed in the blink of an eye, like a demon blasting forward.

"Just because you are not qualified"

Lin Xuan disdain.

Sure enough, the next moment, under the action of shocking sword qi, the youth of that shrine was blown up.

"I said, you can't, let your grown-ups get the shot."

Lin Xuan's expression was cold, with infinite domineering.

And there was a gloomy face over the War God Palace, especially the two Seventh Venerables, with frowns.

Because Lin Xuan's strength is beyond their imagination.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you"

This time, the middle-aged man didn't let anyone else shoot, but stood up by himself.

He waved his arm, and wherever he went, a huge ball of thunder and lightning formed in the sky, flashing in the air.

In the end, ten thunderbolt light **** were formed, shining with dazzling light, forming a circle in the air, and beheading towards Lin Xuan.

The horrible and powerful energy erupted in an instant, and the endless flash of lightning spread across the Quartet.

The power of this thunder and lightning wave is too powerful, and only the aftermath can kill the Sixth Venerable.

Facing this horrible blow, Lin Xuan also looked dignified.

He clenched the Lone Star Sword, spurring the blood-thirsty frenzy of the newly learned secret method.

The next moment, the blood and blood in his body burned, and the whole person was like a melting pot of heaven, erupting a mighty power.

He was chopped out of the shocking sword qi, and howled, passing all ten powerful thunder beads in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Because Lin Xuan not only died, but also blocked the attack of the Seventh Lord, which was beyond their imagination.

At the same time, Zhao Xue also shot to fight the pink woman.

At the back, the Murong family saw this and quickly asked, "What should we do?"

"Hands on"

Murong allure without any hesitation, said quickly.

Obviously, Lin Xuan is helping them. If you do n't do it now, what are you waiting for?

Murong's allure urged the Real Phoenix Jade Seal to quickly join the battle group.

Lin Xuan displayed the Dragon Soul of the Dragon and the bloodthirsty frenzy at the same time, bursting into an incomparable combat power, and quickly bombarded the middle-aged man.

That middle-aged man, even if he was a Seventh Venerable, could not stand the double offense of Lin Xuan and Murong.

So for a while, he was beaten one after another and even suffered a lot of trauma.

"Go all out and seriously hurt him, don't give him a chance." Lin Xuan murmured to Murong.

Murong nodded and pushed the jade seal in his hand.

The next moment, the real Phoenix Jade Seal glowed a fiery glow.

A phoenix emerged from the fire, dreamy, terrifying, and fluttered at the middle-aged man.

And Lin Xuan is also practicing the martial arts, and chasing the electric sword.

The lone star sword in his hand grew rapidly in the air, filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

The heavenly auras converge and interweave on the sword body, forming a mysterious pattern.

The next moment, he waved the heavenly sword and beheaded the middle-aged man.

"Stop me"

The middle-aged man yelled loudly and spit out a shield.

This is a blue shield, simple and incomparably simple, it is his strongest shield.

Facing the two young masters, in the face of this stunning blow, he had to take out a shield to defend.

However, even so, he was blown out and vomited blood.

Because at this moment, Lin Xuan and Murong were too powerful, equivalent to two Seventh Venerables, who attacked the middle-aged man.

No matter how strong the middle-aged man was, he couldn't stop the simultaneous attack of the two Seventh Masters.

Blasting the middle-aged man into the air, Lin Xuan and Murong did not close their hands, and once again came to the pink woman and shot quickly.

The middle-aged man's battle situation, this pink woman has long been aware of it, and now seeing Lin Xuan and Murong rushing to the city, suddenly frightened.

She has the same strength as a middle-aged man and cannot stop Lin Xuan and Murong Qingcheng from joining forces.

What's more, there is a Zhao Xue on her side, these are the three Seventh Venerables.

Without any hesitation, the pink woman turned and fled immediately.

However, Lin Xuan didn't intend to give her this opportunity. In the current situation, they had to create the conditions. It is not easy to try to re-create these seven respects later.

The next moment, he sacrificed the ice lotus martial spirit, and the endless ice power spread to all directions, trying to stop the pink woman.

Zhao Xue also urged the eyes of Xu Tian and settled the entire space.

On the other side, Murong Qingcheng also made a strong shot. The power of the Three Seventh Sovereign bombed on the pink woman and beat him out.

Suddenly, the two Seventh Venerables were injured one after another, and the scalp on the side of the War God Palace became numb and looked desperate.

It was so scary that their proud masters were severely wounded in an instant, which made them simply unable to react.

But one thing is certain, without these two Seventh Sovereigns, they cannot resist the Murong family at the side of the shrine.

"Ah, I want to kill you"

At this time, the beaten middle-aged man flew back again, his body was bloody, his hair was disheveled, and the whole man was extremely embarrassed.

But at this moment, the breath on him was extremely violent.

Obviously, he was caught by surprise before facing Lin Xuan and Murong Qingcheng, but now he reacts with anger and is ready to go all out.

The same thing happened to the pink woman. The two teamed up and attacked Lin Xuan and others again.

However, Lin Xuan showed a trace of coldness in his mouth. This time, instead of tangling with middle-aged men and other people, he said to Murong Qingcheng: "Next, it's up to you Murong family.

After all, he and Zhao Xue fluttered in shape and flew towards the golden hand bones.

"Let me die, come back"

The middle-aged man roared angrily, UU read a book but was stopped by Murong.

"Stop them and drive them away"

Murong Qingcheng took the family warrior and quickly intercepted the middle-aged man and the pink woman.

The two sides fought again, and the shocking energy broke out.

"Chasing, you must take those two boys, you can't let him run away"

Middle-aged manly yelling.

Suddenly, the warriors of countless war gods went mad and killed Lin Xuan and Zhao Xue.

However, Lin Xuan and Zhao Xue were too fast, and these ordinary warriors were not effective at all.

At this time, another terrifying howling sounded and hurried from behind.

"Thief, I can't think of you here"

"This time, I see where you are going"