Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1131

Chapter 1131

At this moment, another terrifying voice sounded, accompanied by terrifying energy. new

The voice had not yet fallen, and a figure had come to everyone's eyes.

This is an old man, with open hair, exuding a strong breath all over his body.

"It's the elders of the Shen family"

Many people were shocked when they saw the old man. They couldn't think that the Shen family was here.

Sure enough, behind the old man, there were densely packed disciples of the Shen family, who were rushing towards this side.

At this time, the middle-aged man in the Ares shrine in the fierce battle also shouted anxiously.

"Shen family friends, come and help me"

The old man in the purple robe of the Shen family always glanced at the fighting group, then laughed loudly.

"Daoyou of the War God Palace, don't panic. I know you've been tricked by that kid. I'll get him back now."

After all, he laughed loudly, and then flew like lightning, toward the golden hand bones.

Obviously, he didn't come here to help any War God palace, but he really wanted to get a share.

"Damn old bastard"

When the middle-aged man saw this scene, he was so angry.

Murong Qingcheng also sank, and said to the people behind him, stop him.

Now, she is fighting with the people of Aresiya, and she has no extra power to control the others.

However, the old man in the purple robe was different, and he was also a seventh respecter. His strength was huge. If no one stopped him, the golden hand bones would not be guaranteed.

Sure enough, the old purple robe of the Shen family ran all the way, very quickly.

Although the Murong family's warrior shot, but he could not completely stop the purple robe old man.

For a time, the old man in purple robes was getting closer to the golden hand bones.

"Little girl Murong, let's fight again, and the thing is someone else's."

Said the middle-aged man gritted his teeth.

Murong snorted coldly, but also quickly closed his hands and chased toward the golden hand bone.

The middle-aged man and the pink woman set out together.

For a time, all the masters gathered towards the golden hand bone.

The group of guys finally acted.

Lin Xuan quickly shuttled through the crowd, collecting treasures from time to time, and at the same time he glanced forward, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

After leaving the battle group, he did not immediately go to capture the golden hand bones, but went to several other places to **** the treasure.

Because he knew that the golden handbone was extremely extraordinary. If he went, I'm afraid it would be the target of everyone's fire.

Therefore, he had to wait until everyone was fighting for the metal handbone, and then seize it.

Moreover, there is another reason, that is the dark red dragon.

This guy was extremely enthusiastic about the top grade spirit stone, and kept urging Lin Xuan to help seize it.

Now Lin Xuan is moving through the crowd, preparing to capture the top stone.

The kid is there, stop him, don't let him get close to the treasure.

Seeing Lin Xuan's voice, those disciples at the War God Palace suddenly stretched their swords and looked nervous.

However, they couldn't stop Lin Xuan at all.

Soon, Lin Xuan displayed his illusions and magical steps, acting like a ghost, and flung everyone away in an instant.

The next moment, he came to an area.

There are two top-quality spirit stones here, and this is the only place that is not a golden hand bone area, but there are top-quality spirit stones.

There are also a few of the six Sovereigns participating in the scramble here.

When they saw Lin Xuan, they were like the enemy.

However, although Lin Xuan is powerful, they will not easily give up the top grade spirit.

After all, these treasures can never be found outside.

"court death"

Seeing Lin Xuan rushed down with an arrogant gesture, several old men below roared.

The surface of this old man has a faint beating of flames, exuding a powerful force, in his hands, he has a huge knife, white and white, very simple.

The next moment, the snow-white giant sword broke out with amazing power.

It was cut with a single blade, the force was infinite, the entire void was trembling, and the mountain peaks and the surrounding land were also rapidly cracking.


Lin Xuan pulled out the Lone Star Sword and quickly chopped forward, chopping with the white sword.

The light was shining and the divine power burst forth.

The old man with burning flames on his body kept going backwards, blood dripped from his arms, but his eyes were full of horror.

Although I have seen Lin Xuan's bravery before, I really know how terrible the opponent is when he really fights.

The sword was too horrible and powerful, making it hard for him to resist.

You know, what he cultivates is the Purple Demon Elephant Gong, which is famous for its infinite strength.

Although he is only the Sixth Lord, he can even compete with the Seventh Lord in terms of strength.

Moreover, the large white sword in his hand was also extremely extraordinary, but it was made of the tusks of the ancient two-headed elephant.

The combination of the two allowed him to reach a height of horror.

However, at this moment, he is no match for a young quintet, which makes him have a great sense of frustration and deep fear.

A sword repelled the old man, Lin Xuan reached out with his palm, cast a dragon grab, and grabbed a top-quality spirit stone.

At the same time, the Dark Red Dragon is not idle, it is also a magical power, condensing into a dragon head, biting at another.

The two shot at the same time. After winning, Lin Xuan left quickly, while the dark red dragon was making an old monster-like laughter.

Then, in everyone's shocked eyes, it swallowed the top grade spirit stone in one gulp.


The crystal-clear, extremely precious top-grade spirit stone was bitten by the dark red Shenlong as a bean.

Ok. It tastes pretty good. The dark red Shenlong licked his tongue and looked back.

The people around were stunned, especially the older characters, all staring at each other, with irritable beards.

Nimana is a top-grade spirit stone. It is an extremely precious existence, even if the king does not have much.

You are so special like eating jelly beans.

Is n't it to take a bath and cleanse, and then worship it religiously, seven or forty-nine days?

These older figures are in a messy wind, and their hearts seem to have 10,000 grass and mud horses running by.

Ah ~ ~ Abominable reptiles, return me top grade spirits

The older characters couldn't help it, and they went crazy one by one, rushing towards the dark red dragon.

The dark red dragon was a snorting sound, got into Lin Xuan's sleeve, and yelled, boy, run away

Lin Xuan was speechless, and he did not expect that the dark red dragon would eat the top-grade spirit stone so directly.

But think about it, this guy's cultivation is beyond the realm of His Holiness, but now it has fallen.

There is no problem if you want to eat a top-grade spirit stone.

The next moment, his body was shaking, and he quickly backed away from the older figures.

At the rear, the old men yelled angrily, but they couldn't catch up with Lin Xuan at all.

"Boy, discuss something and give me the top-quality spirit in your hand."

Dark Red Dragon Staring at Lin Xuan, DC Drooling