Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

Just because of the strength of the two, no one at the scene dared to say, but now, it was dismantled in public by a young man, leaving them shameless and unable to come down to the stage. :.

"Huh, talk nonsense"

"It was you who robbed the treasure just now, boy, you are not brave enough to dare to steal what we see in the War God Palace."

The middle-aged man shouted sharply.

"Thank you for your compliments, my courage has always been great." Lin Xuan shrugged and said lightly.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, the middle-aged man's eyes glared and his body trembled. He could not think of the other party's solemn admission.

This made him unable to say anything threatening.

The pink woman next to her also said coldly, "Boy, since you take the initiative to admit it, it would not be better. Hurry up and hand over what you grab, and I can give you a way to live."

"Sorry, I hate people threatening me the most. If you beg me, I might give you some."

"But now, I'm afraid it's over."

Lin Xuan said lightly.

It was said that the surrounding martial arts looked weird, but the Murong family smiled.

Now they could see that the young man was obviously teasing the two Seventh Venerables.

The people over the Ares Temple were angry and stared at Lin Xuan fiercely.

Especially the two Seventh Sovereigns were trembling with anger, they couldn't catch Lin Xuan and unloaded them eight to solve their cruel feelings.

The originally chaotic scene was caused by Lin Xuan's appearance and caused a short silence.

Because everyone was stunned, they had never seen anyone who dared to ridicule the two Sevenes.

This is simply an uphill move.

"Who is this kid, does he not want to live this way?"

"Yeah, it's too daring. Seeing his cultivation as if it is only the Supreme Master Wuzhongtian."

"What Venerable Wu Chongtian, are you right?"

After hearing this, everyone was embarrassed, and then many went to explore Lin Xuan's practice.

The next moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because they saw it, Lin Xuan really only had the practice of His Holiness Wu Zhongtian.

With this news, everyone's mouth twitched and couldn't believe it.

A five-day monk from His Holiness, dare to hit His Seventh Heaven 's face and one dozen is two

Doesn't he want to live anymore?

You know, the gap between Venerable Fiveth Heaven and Venerable Seventh Heaven is very large, just like the gap between ants and dragons.

There is an insurmountable gap between the two.

Therefore, they do not understand why the other party dares to do so.

Even the warriors of the Murong family were also embarrassed. Although the comer hit the face of the War God Palace to make them feel at ease, the strength of the other party surprised them.

Of course, there are some exceptions, which is Murong.

She doesn't think so. She and Lin Xuan have known each other for so long, and haven't seen Lin Xuan suffer.

Now that the other party dares to do so, it naturally shows that the other party is not afraid of the Seventh Master.

Seems to feel Murong's glance, Lin Xuan turned his head and blinked at her.

This scene was seen by many people in the Murong family.

Next to "Miss, you know her" asked the gray-haired old woman.

"Huh, he's Lin Xuan." Murong pours his way.

"What he is Lin Xuan"

After listening to that old lady, she was also very surprised and looked at Lin Xuan more.

She is no stranger to this name.

Because from the information obtained by the previous family, here Lin Xuan and their young lady are very close, and the relationship between the two seems not to be very shallow.

This made the people of the Murong family pay special attention, because Murong's identity is extremely honorable, and the blood of returning to the ancestors in the body is very special.

They did not allow Murong Qingcheng to go too close to other men.

Because a woman like Murong Qingcheng is doomed to have an extraordinary life, she cannot marry an ordinary man.

Therefore, the Murong family was extremely concerned about Lin Xuan's affairs, and many people even investigated his background.

However, it seems that Lin Xuan's identity background has been erased. Those people only found that Lin Xuan's talents were exceptional, his combat ability was superior, and it seemed to be valued by Xianwu College.

Other things they couldn't find out at all.

For such people, the warriors of the Murong family are not optimistic because there are too many talented people, but in the end they can grow up and become peerless strong, but there are few.

Moreover, Lin Xuan has no background, so they are reluctant to let Murong fall too close to him.

However, there are also a small number of people who disagree.

Because according to their observations, although Lin Xuan is still relatively weak, he is superior in combat effectiveness. He fights every time in a leapfrog, and he has not lost at all in recent years.

In addition, the other party is also a pharmacist capable of refining Qipin yam, and his future is limitless.

Therefore, they do not oppose Lin Xuan and Murong Qingcheng together,

However, such supporters are in the minority in the Murong family after all.

This is the current attitude of the Murong family towards Lin Xuan. Of course, Lin Xuan does not know all of this.

Because he did not step forward to stand with the Murong family, because this was not his purpose, his purpose was to disturb the scene and take treasures from it.

"Boy, you're too presumptuous, obediently hand over the treasure, I can give you a good time"

"Otherwise, you will know that it is not easy to die."

The pink woman's voice was cold. She had never been so ridiculed by a junior.

Therefore, she had a strong sense of killing in her heart and was going to kill the wicked kid in front of her.

"If you want to touch him, ask me first."

Zhao Xue coldly hummed, urging Xu Tianzi's eyes, looking down.

The icy eyes appeared in the sky, like the eyes of an evil god, coming across time and space, very weird and terrifying.

Feeling the breath in the sky, many warriors trembled and their scalp was numb.

Even the middle-aged man and the pink woman have a dignified look. This young girl is not weaker than them at all.

Moreover, the eyes of the sky in the sky are too weird, and even their hearts are a little hairy ~ ~ Damn, what is the origin of this woman and how can she have such evil methods

They couldn't figure it out, because from the current point of view, they couldn't guess exactly what Zhao Xue was from.

At this time, Lin Xuan at the rear also spoke. Just as I wanted to learn the strength of the Seventh Venerable.

After all, he slowly pulled out the ancient sword behind him, and walked forward firmly.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

It is really shocking that a respectable kid from the fifth tier, dares to say such a thing.

Moreover, looking at the other person's appearance, it seems to be more than just talking, I'm afraid he will soon start.

Sure enough, when the sword was completely sheathed, Lin Xuan waved his arm and split a sword gas forward.

Everyone's scalp was numb, he didn't think he really dare to say or do it, he really shot at the Seventh Venerable