Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120

"Well, at this time, you dare to fight the idea of the treasure house, you have to say, you are too presumptuous."

"Kid, come and kneel to death"

"Be obedient to hand over the treasure in your hand, I can give you a whole body, otherwise, you will endure the most painful criminal law in the world."

A group of Shen Jiawu soldiers stared at Lin Xuan, looking bad. Just new

"Dare to be so arrogant, it seems not enough to teach you." Lin Xuan squinted and said lightly.

"Huh, a five-day lord, just dare to say such a thing, it's really death."

"Boy, I admit that your companion is very good. It is very strong to reach the Seventh Age at this age."

"But you are far worse. His Holiness Wuzhongtian is in front of us, but he is not even fart."

A group of people discovered Lin Xuan's practice and sneered.

Among them, it seems that Zhao Xue is undoubtedly the leader, and Lin Xuan is regarded as their younger brother.

Therefore, they now face Lin Xuan without any fear, but instead look upright.

"Brother Hua, let me go"

Next to him, the young man in armor said his teeth.

Before Zhao Xue's **** of the earth crystal made him extremely angry, but Zhao Xue was too powerful, he couldn't beat it at all.

Therefore, he can only transfer his anger to Lin Xuan.

Although he is also only a quintet, he has infinite confidence in dealing with Lin Xuan.

Because he is a member of the King's family.

He has a strong practice method in his hands, and the mass of spiritual power is far beyond the same level.

In addition, he also mastered a variety of powerful martial arts martial arts, making his combat power very powerful.

More importantly, his cultivation is not an ordinary quintet, but a foot that has already entered the threshold of the six vassals. It can be said that it is the highest existence of the five sages.

Such a person, let alone face a Venerable of the same price, even if he is facing the Sixth Venerable of other ordinary forces, he has the confidence to fight.

So, in his opinion, dealing with Lin Xuan is easy.

"Boy, believe it or not, one trick, and with just one trick, I can catch you."

The armored youth was very arrogant.

"I do not believe."

Lin Xuan's mouth slightly raised, revealing disdain.

His current strength can easily defeat the Sixth Venerable, let alone the other party is only a fifth Venerable.

So, facing the armored youth, he didn't take it seriously.

However, Lin Xuan's attitude undoubtedly angered the armored youth.

Boy, you successfully angered me, so your end will be miserable

The armored young man's voice was stunned, then he stunned, and the whole person rushed to Lin Xuan like a lightning bolt.

Lin Xuan's attitude completely angered the armored youth.

Even if it is Zhao Xue's arrogance, after all, he is the Seventh Venerable, and his strength crushes everything, and he has no way.

However, the young man in front of him obviously only has the strength of His Holiness Wu Zhongtian, even dare to be so arrogant, it is simply death.

Therefore, the armored young man was very angry and had serious consequences. He planned to catch Lin Xuan and let the other party taste the torture all over the world.

For a moment, the armored youth came to Lin Xuan like lightning.

With five fingers in his claws, he grabbed it suddenly.

This is a very sinister martial art, called the ghost ghost claw.

Any warrior caught in this ghost's claw, his whole body blood will be drained and become a dry corpse.

It can be said to be very sinister.

At this moment, the armored youth is performing these exercises in preparation for Lin Xuan to die in pain.

I saw his ghost claws tens of meters long, surrounded by black light, with amazing momentum.

Seeing this scene, everyone was exclaimed, because this armored young man's moves were too terrifying, and he already had the power of the Venerable Sixth Heaven.

Although very faint, it is not something that an ordinary quintet can resist.

"Although the boy is also a five-fold respect, he can't carry this claw at all"

"Yes, in the same class, the disciples of the King's family are God, and no one can beat them."

"Finished, the beautiful woman was also held back by the elders of the Shen family. I am afraid that there is no time to come to this boy."

The soldiers all around sighed.

The people of the Shen family were sneer, ready to go to the theater.

A five-day boy also dared to arrogantly in front of us, I really do n't know how to write dead words

"Look, he can't stop this paw."

"It is estimated that the woman in white did not have a shot."

Having said that, the crowd looked again at the woman in white.

The elders of the Shen family's purple robes also had a dignified expression, and they tried to pinch Zhao Xue so that she could not shoot.

However, Zhao Xue looked cold and didn't mean to help Lin Xuan at all.

This move surprised everyone.

However, the disciples of the Shen family sneered.

"Haha, it seems this kid has been abandoned"

"Yes, the woman in white didn't take any action at all, and the kid definitely couldn't escape the disaster."

The armored young man also learned about this scene, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face: "Haha, boy, let me die"

The voice fell, and the black bone claws in the sky suddenly grabbed, tearing the void and directly covering Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was with a hint of taunt.

"This group of people is really stupid and poor"

The next moment, his face became dignified, and a cold hum, a **** swordman flew out of him and chopped forward.


The blood-colored sword flashed like a sea of red.

Along with it, there was also an extraordinary force, surging and violent, leaving the Buddha torn for nine days.

In just a moment, the black claw above was torn.

The sword was right, the bone claw was chopped and shattered, and it ceased to exist.

The armored youth also screamed and flew out.

Before he landed, his body was split in half.

This kind of scene is very amazing, it directly stunned everyone.

The elite genius of the Shen family was dead, and he was actually stabbed to death with a sword. This is really hard to believe.

What's more, it is only a young man who has only five strengths of His Holiness.

Looking at this scene, everyone's scalp was numb and their hearts were shaking.

What kind of power is this ~ ~ A talented warrior who can slash half a foot into the Sixth Heaven of the Supreme Master with one sword.

Who is this boy who has such terrible combat power?

"Do not"

The disciples of the Shen family were frightened and screamed.

Those older characters also had pupils shrinking and couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

"You dare to kill our disciple of the Shen family, you are dead"

"Kill him and avenge our disciples of the Shen family"

Tall young man Shen Hua's face was so dreary and terrible that Zhao Xue had shocked them before

However, this time, they did not expect that the boy, who was originally regarded as a ant by ants, had such amazing energy.

Not only that, but also an elite disciple of their Shen family was beheaded in public.

This is no longer a slap. This is a direct slap.