Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1119

Chapter 1119

The older characters frowned, staring at the two figures in front of them, their eyes twinkling.

The tall young man, Shen Hua, was gloomy.

As disciples of the King's family, they have always been respected, and no one has dared to disobey them, let alone hurt them.

But now, some people have injured them regardless of their identity, and they are still in the presence of so many people, which is directly hitting their faces.

As a family of kings, if this matter cannot be resolved, then they will be faceless.

With a cold hum, the tall young man Shen Hua stepped out and shot.

However, at this time, an old man in a black robe next to him shot and stopped Shen Hua.

"This kind of thing, why Shao Hua shot, let me come."

Then there is Elder Lao.

Shen Hua retreated, Shen Sheng said.

In terms of strength, Shen Hua is not the strongest here. It is just that he has just reached the Sixth Heaven of His Holiness. Compared with those older characters, there are still some gaps.

However, his identity is very special, because he is a disciple of the Shen family's direct line, and it can be said that he is the most noble blood in the field.

Even if those older characters are powerful, they still need to be Shen Hua.

The old man in the black robe stopped Shen Hua, then stepped out, looking at the two figures in front, his eyes flashed.

"I have to say that the strength of the two of you is indeed beyond our imagination."

"But that's all."

"Originally you just needed to hand over the treasure, but now it is different."

"You dared to hit my disciples of Shen family in public and committed an unforgivable capital punishment"

"So, you have to pay it back with your life."

The old man in black robes has a strong breath and has reached the Sixth Heaven of His Holiness.

Moreover, he has accumulated a hundred years in the state of His Holiness the Sixth Heaven, and it can be said that his strength is very strong, far from being comparable to that of the ordinary His Holiness the Sixth Heaven.

Therefore, in his opinion, it is easy to kill the two young men and women in front of them.

However, Zhao Xue hummed.

"Relying on the old and selling old and old things, there is so much nonsense, you have to fight quickly"

There was a strong disdain in this voice.

"court death"

Hearing this, the old man in black robes was furious.

No one has dared to look down on him, and the other person is just a young junior

At the next moment, the spiritual power in his body erupted, and the powerful energy belonging to His Holiness the Sixth Heaven emerged.

A punch blasted out, the void shook, the thunder and lightning flashed, and the fist of horror also brought infinite thunder and lightning, as if the thunder came to the world and blasted forward.

However, Zhao Xue's expression was cold, and the corner of his mouth raised a disdain.

She raised her slim hand and pressed it gently forward.


Countless roars rang, and under Zhao Xueyu's hands, the furious thunderbolt quickly cracked, the endless thunder burst, and scattered into the void.


"This is impossible"

Everyone was shocked to see this scene, and they couldn't believe the scene before them.

The old man in the black robe shrank his pupils, and his body kept receding, which blocked the energy aftermath.

"Impossible how could you possibly have such powerful power"

He was going crazy and shocked.

I thought that beating a young junior would be as easy as searching for things, but I did not expect that his violent thunder fist would be easily broken by the other party.

This made him completely unacceptable.

"You, you are the Seventh Lord"

The old man in black robe said tremblingly.

"What Seventh Venerable"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and took a cool breath.

The Seventh Sovereign, that is extremely powerful. It is no wonder that dare to grab the things of the Shen family.

Under normal circumstances, those who reach the Seventh Venerable are generally older characters, and few people can reach this state at a young age.

"Who the **** do you belong to?" Asked the old man in a black quiver.

He was so shocked that such a young Seventh One is rare. Now he held back the shock in his heart and wanted to ask the forces behind Zhao Xue.

Because it is the disciples of the King's family who can reach the state of the Seventh Reverence at this age.

Just like their Shen family, there is also a seventh generation of the seventh generation.

Therefore, in his opinion, there must be a king's family behind Zhao Xue.

Which king family is actually so blatantly attacking the Shen family?

The old man in black robe was shocked. He had to figure this out, otherwise their Shen family would be dangerous in the secret place of heaven.

"I'm from virtual sky."

Zhao Xue proudly said that she did not hide anything.

"What kind of martial art is that?"

Everyone was choked when they heard what Zhao Xue said, and they thought it over carefully, and found that they had not heard the name of this martial art.

The elders of the Shen family were also stunned. They whispered and found that there was no virtual sky on the Tianwu continent.

"Hum, cheating"

At this moment, the elder of the purple robe of the Shen family yelled coldly: "Don't think that cultivation is lawless if you reach the Seventh Venerable."

"Tell you, in front of our Shen family, you are not yet arrogant."

"I don't care what kind of force you are, give you a piece of advice, and quickly hand over the robbed things, I can let you go safely."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless"

The old man in purple robes finally stood up.

Seeing this old man in purple robes, all the warriors in the Shen family were relieved.

No way, Zhao Xue's strength is too terrifying, he turned out to be the Seventh Venerable, which completely surpassed all of them.

Therefore, in the face of Zhao Xue, they have no chance at all.

However, the old purple robe is different this time, because he is also a Seventh Venerable.

Moreover, the old man in purple robes is definitely better than the other person in terms of cultivation.

Because looking at Zhao Xue's age, he is in his twenties, and it is estimated that he has just entered the Seventh Venerable.

But the old man in purple robes is different. He has been a Seventh Venerable for decades and is absolutely powerful.

"Even the Seventh Venerable, there are strengths and weaknesses. Let me educate you today to let you know what it means to be outside the sky."

The Elder Zipao faced Zhao Xue with a complete elder attitude ~ ~ Well, I would like to see, what qualifications do you have to say this? "Zhao Xue sneered.

Subsequently, the two clashed at each other. Although they did not take action, the breath of the two had already begun to confront each other in the air.

The low-pitched collision sounded in the air one after another, and flashes of lightning flashed from time to time. Obviously, the two had already been compared.

The crowd backed up, leaving a considerable distance for the two, because the Seventh Lord was too terrible, and the breath alone was not what they could resist.

Lin Xuan also stepped lightly, returned to a safe distance, and watched silently.

He had seen Zhao Xue's strength before, so he didn't worry about the other party being injured.

Looking away from Zhao Xue, Lin Xuan looked at the treasure house again.

It seems that he still wants to keep seizing.

This scene is annoying the disciples of the Shen family, many people stared at Lin Xuan, with murderous eyes