Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121

"The cultivation of His Holiness Wu Zhongtian has the strength of His Holiness Liu Zhongtian, and I have to say that you have surprised me. I will be new."

"However, no one can kill my disciples of the Shen family casually."

"You are no exception."

"I will shoot myself and kill you to sacrifice the spirit of my disciples of the Shen family."

What is Shen Hua going to do?

Hearing this, everyone's heart trembled.

Because Shen Hua is not the same as the dead armored youth, he is not a fivefold respecter, but a real sixfold respecter.

Although the mysterious boy in front of him has the combat power of the Sixth Venerable, but after all, he is not a Sixth Venerable, so facing Shen Hua of the Sixth Venerable, I am afraid that he will definitely not take any advantage.

Moreover, Shen Hua is not an ordinary sixfold respecter. He is the core disciple of the Shen family, and his strength is absolutely beyond imagination.

It seems that this time, the Shen family was really angry.

However, several senior figures of the Shen family were worried.

Because the young man in front of him was so weird, they were a bit uneasy.

"Hua Shao, to deal with a little thief, why do you need to take action, let's let the old die."

"That's what he does, I can slap him with one hand."

Talking are several older characters.

"No need to deal with him, I'm enough." Shen Hua proudly said.

"This kid is too weird, I'm afraid"

"It goes without saying that if even this thing is frightening, then what deserves to be a talented disciple of the Shen family"

Shen Hua said coldly.

Indeed, he has rarely lost since practice.

Except for a few younger generations older than him, he couldn't beat, others he didn't look at at all.

Especially now, he has broken through to the sixth of the Venerable, and he is confident to fight with those older characters, not to mention the boy who is now only a fifth of the Venerable.

The opponent is a bit weird, but he has absolute confidence and can kill the opponent.

I have to say that Shen Hua is definitely an outstanding genius. Whether in cultivation or strength, he far surpasses his contemporaries.

He has been able to compete with those older people who have lived for hundreds of years.

I saw him not step out, as proud as the God of War.

The big, vigorous hand held the long knife at the waist.

This long knife is extraordinary. It is a semi-horizontal treasure.

The scabbard is dark green and is made of tiger shark skin trimmed to reach the five-star demon general.

On it, inlaid with precious stones, extremely dazzling.

Not to mention, the scabbard alone has made countless people look up.

"Treasure, this is a half-level treasure," someone called out.

"It seems that Shen Hua is serious. He uses semi-level treasures as soon as he makes a shot. Obviously, he wants to shoot with all his strength.

Seeing this scene, everyone took a cool breath.

Because they can no longer think of it, Lin Xuan can have any chance to turn defeat into victory.

In terms of cultivation, he has only five heavy heavens, which is not as good as Shen Hua. On the martial arts skills, Shen Hua also has profound knowledge, far beyond the same level.

In addition, Shen Hua has a half-level treasure level sword in his hands, which makes him even more powerful.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, this time Lin Xuan is dead.

Shen Hua held a half-level treasure-level long knife in his hand, and suddenly felt a terrible momentum on his body.

"Boy, it's your pleasure to die under my sword."

He looked at Lin Xuan, and there was a look of disdain in the corner of his mouth.

"You think too much, it's not too late to say this after you succeed." Lin Xuan shook her head slightly, her face calm.

"Huh, you dare to speak hard before you die." Shen Hua drank, then his arms waved.

The long knife came out of the sheath, making a gurgling sound, and a fiery light bloomed, as if the waves were breaking on the shore, the breath of terror was vast.

The endless light envelopes the entire space.

"So powerful breath"

Feeling the amazing murderous energies emanating from the sword, everyone changed his face.

They found that the horror of the sword was beyond their imagination.

The next moment, I saw Shen Hua holding the long knife and quickly cutting to Lin Xuan.

This knife was like a nine-day thunder blast, and the pieces of light condensed to form a huge razor blade, which was cut forward.

The light alone is already terrifying, and it hurts many martial artists' eyes, and they dare not look directly.

One can imagine the horror of this sword.

The huge slash was cut over, moving forward, covering Lin Xuan underneath.

The air waves rolled, the void was cut in half, and Lin Xuan was about to be cut.

At this time, Lin Xuan moved.

He is surrounded by sword-like spirit, like a sword god, as if to split the world.

Lin Xuan opened her five fingers to the sky and held the whole space in her hand.

He was still and still standing there, but the big hand reached out and covered everything.

Above the five fingers, the sword gas surrounds, each one is like a sky sword, which makes the earthquake tremble.


The scabbard issued by the half-level treasure was smashed in an instant.

And it's not over yet, Lin Xuan's big hand seems to cover the sky, quickly covering Shen Hua.

"What's broken is broken, how is this possible?"

Everyone was stunned because they couldn't believe it.

That is the sword of a half-level treasure, it is absolutely terrifying, and it is also played by Shen Hua, the sixfold.

It can be said that this sword has few rivals among the six lords.

However, things were unexpected.

The dreaded dagger was suddenly destroyed by Lin Xuan. Not only that, Shen Hua was captured at this moment.

Not only those martial arts soldiers around, but disciples of the Shen family were even more frightened.

Originally, they were arrogant and infinite, thinking that as long as Shen Hua took the shot, he could definitely kill the enemy easily, but he did not expect that this would be the case.

Not only did Lin Xuan not die, he didn't even suffer injuries, and he seemed to want to fight back against Shen Hua.

The change in this is too fast and unacceptable.

"Impossible, how could you break my sword"

Shen Hua was crazy, unbelieving.

Before that, he vowed arrogantly, looking down at Lin Xuan from above, he did not look at the other side at all.

However, I did not expect that this young man whom he regarded as a ants had such power and easily broke his attack.

Now, kill him.

This makes him unacceptable ~ ~ open to me "

Shen Hua was furious. He held a long knife in his hand, widened and closed, and swept across all directions. Numerous blades were vertical and horizontal.

However, he underestimated these five fingers.

At this moment, Lin Xuanshi exhibited great strength, and his five fingers were like sky swords.

Not only that, there are dragon-shaped swords enveloping between each finger.

Contained in it is the power of the Great Dragon Soul, and it is extremely powerful. His Seventh Heaven is hard to break, let alone Shen Hua, his sixth.


Countless slashes were chopped on five fingers, making a gurgling sound, but it was difficult to shake the slightest.

Lin Xuan sneered, and her five fingers closed slowly, as if she was trapped in Shen Hua.