That white fluffy woman-like , I named Hisoka密 2 from her appearance and covertly personality.
As it can be seen that Mate Gear Eleksia AM10, which gives top priority to the safety and protection of humans, is not wary. While Hisoka seems to be br.i.m.m.i.n.g with curiosity its actually really just a harmless living being.
White body hair resembling a rabbit. The ears are long and droopy, round and cute eyes which are hidden in the long forelocks, looking from a distance it didn’t look human-like at all. Yet, when i look close like this, it feels like a girl doing a rabbit cosplay. It seems that she was curious about me and Elesia and tried to covertly peek. But since I didn’t do anything hostile to Hisoka, she probably thought she could come closer.
However, Hisoka doesn’t seem to possess a clear intellect like a human being. It seems to possess the level of intelligence that of a monkey, doesn’t seem to be able to speak words, and obvious intent to communicate wasn’t felt.
Although, till now, the form resembling a human being, especially the face, made me think of her as a human being except for the fur, even though it feels unnatural.
I’m not an expert on biology, but when I think about it generally the probability to get to this form by chance is almost close to zero. It looks rabbit-ish, but the ecology has no reason to make a creature with a lifestyle of a monkey and a face of a human.
Thus, I formulated one hypothesis.
Hisoka may be the former shadow of the humanoid creatures that once inhabited this planet. They lost intelligence and lost civilization and turned into a wild animal.
If it’s true, that’s a earth-shattering great discovery.
Even a few decades ago, although a planet was found where intelligent life other than earthlings existed, it seems a ridiculous epidemic occurred there and so it has become impossible to get closer to survey. Therefore, the discovery of traces of intelligent life other than earthlings to scholars is something desperately wanted. So that means, if Hisoka is a kind different from humankind and is not a descendant from earthlings, it would become a tremendous uproar,
「Still, to report it I need to escape from this planet first, that is what is called pearls thrown before swine isn’t it..」
While I was doing my monologue while instinctively grinning, Eleksia comes with a sharp tsukkomi.
「Gah! Nice hit, Eleksia! 」
I who say in return with exaggeration as Hisoka watched with a mysterious expression.
「Is it interesting?」
As I asked, I gently patted her head. At first I was a little frightened, but now it’s something that I can appreciate while touching with my hand feeling kind of pleasant.
1.In the raw this is gettoゲット which is used in Ash/Satos.h.i.+’s phrase in Pokémon Pokémonポケモン gettoゲット da zeだぜ ! (I caught a Pokémon!)↩
2. 密(Hisoka) has two meanings that are appropriate for the rabbit girl first it means dense/thick as in a dense or thick fur. The second meaning means to take a peek or to look while in secrecy/covertly just like Renze’s first encounter with her. ↩