To sum up the disaster occurrence: thanks to the brain of the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, Mate Gear Eleksia YM10 that I bought from the junk shop, I’m living unexpectebly comfortably.
Mate Gear was originally programmed to guarantee the safety and protect the life of humans. And will at all costs try to keep me safe. Furthermore, this Eleksia YM10 is a bodyguard for important people, it was made originally as a model to protect important people from terrorists as such the base performance and also its combat power is given. To put it bluntly there’s no way to not feel safe.
However, because the former owner has customized it a lot and has even made it become the intelligence of the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, the original status and the appearance has changed a lot. Certainly the original wig was a red wolf cut or it should’ve been. From that it was changed to a long blue anime-like wig, and maybe the former owner was a so to speak otaku.
Though Mate Gear operates basically with battery. The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p is equipped with an 【Amida Reactor】so there’s no worry with the electricity. The manufacturer’s slogan seems to be: supply power for ten of thousands of years. How true it is, I don’t know. It’s a famous manufacturer at least. Even if it was the type made in the beginning several hundred of years had pa.s.sed and it continues to generate electricity.
Being installed in this s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p also, the model was old but the manufacturer was that famous. Besides, the reserve indudes three machines, in other words if it’s just to live there’s an over-supply. Originally it was made to aid in moving s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps, so that’s expected.
There’s no problem with a room to live in since inside the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p exists a 【Residence s.p.a.ce】. For water there’s the filtration machine, and if there’s a simple a.n.a.lyzer equipped on the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p you can easily tell if the food collected is edible. To be honest, there’s nothing to be troubled. Even though I only have Eleksia as a companion to speak to. Well, to pa.s.s time living leisurely like this until I die, this feeling.
Only, sometimes I’m a little worried. Since I got stranded here, from time to time, it seems that an animal-like white fluffy animal is watching here. Though it doesn’t attack. But what is that, I wonder?
「Shall I capture it?」
Seeing myself being like this Eleksia speaks. But well, there seems to be no danger.
「It’s fine. Leave it alone.」
I responded. Then, a certain day when about one month pa.s.sed. It came up to my bedside while was taking a nap under a simple tent.
I who clearly saw the appearance of “that fellow”, instinctivelly I muttered that.
Yes. That white fluffy animal-like was, human, a teenage girl.