One week since I was approached by Hisoka. I noticed a certain thing. Even though she has expressed interest towards me and Eleksia, she also seemed to be wondering about another matter.
「Are you curious about that?」
Hisoka sniffed the smell of the insect repelent which was hung on the tree just beside the simple tent (with the waterproof sheet).
On the first day of the emergency landing, in order to grasp what was going on in the surrounding, Elesia collected an insect-like animal and using that opportunity, did an a.n.a.lysis which proved that it caused a fever alike to the dengue fever and the dengue virus. And then so that this insect doesn’t come close, I used the insect repellent I had on hand to test. Its effectiveness was amazing. After that I hung it. Hisoka was curious about its smell.
「From her body there is a similar smell indeed. Apparently, they also seem to be using some kind of insect repellent in theirs bodies.」
Eleksia says. The Mate Gear also has a function to be able to smell to create a desirable environment for human beings. So she also noticed the smell in Hisoka’s body.
When I picked up some body hair that dropped, with this chance I put it on the a.n.a.lyzer machine. A component very similar to the one contained in the insect repellent was detected. Moreover this was not secreted from Hisoka’s body. I can tell she purposefully smeared the repellent on her body. Perhaps, it’s likely she is trying to prevent being stung by that insect. In other words, she doesn’t have immunity to the dengue fever-like virus. Or she did it instinctively to prevent an epidemic.
This is an important clue. If it’s from and living in this environment, animals that do not have immunity to the virus should have been naturally culled. If it’s like that. The possibility that Hisoka came to settle here without immunity to the virus is pretty high. Then, isn’t the possibility that it’s not a living being naturally born from here more and more probable?
Also, when you look at that white body hair you can kind of understand it looks unnatural if you live in this environment. The original color is reddish-brown. Moreover, as a result of the a.n.a.lysis, it seems that the body hair is whitened by the action of
painted on the body, as a component similar to bleach is also detected along with the insect repellent component.
Even a simple a.n.a.lyzer equipped on my s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p discovered this much. Anyway, planetary resources are not only those of mineral origin. Biological resources are also important treasures. In order to discover something with medical value, an a.n.a.lyzer of this standard is necessary.