I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 580

Chapter 580

Although the little girl couldn't see anything in her appearance, Lin Yue wouldn't admit that she was wrong with her eyes.

"Qin Yiyi..."

Lin Yue said these three words in a low voice.

Zhang Qingxue on the side heard how she couldn't guess that it was a woman's name.

And it was the first time she saw Lin Yue's affectionate appearance.

"Master...do you have someone you like?"

Zhang Qingxue wanted to ask this sentence, but finally swallowed it back.

She didn't dare to ask, because she was afraid that if she knew the answer, she couldn't even do it by Lin Yue's side.

"Are we going to see it?"

Zhang Qingxue asked, cautiously in her tone.

The young man's gaze turned and fell on the group of people who attacked the Qin family's battleship.

The strongest is no more than a world of law.

He wanted to shoot, but he hesitated.

Because of the distance, he saw a warship appear again.

"That is......"

On the battleship, there were also sails floating, and there was a big stern word written impressively.

"A group of starry sky ruffians, Hugh hurts people!"

On the Yan family warship, there were a few righteous and righteous voices.

Immediately, I saw a few figures flying out and landing on the Qin family warship!

The leader bowed to the Qin family, "I haven't seen you in ten years, Brother Qin don't come here without any problems!"

The man was kind-looking, and there was a hint of righteousness in his brow.

"Brother Yan, really you?"

The Patriarch of the Qin family burst into tears, and Lin Yue's spirit came quietly, much stronger than the people in the Qin family, so no one found him.

"He seems to be the grandfather of Qin Yiyi in this life."

Lin Yue thought about it.

"I heard about Linglang, Yan came to offer condolences, but never thought that he actually saw these thieves make things difficult for you!"

The Patriarch of the Yan family sighed, it was that Qin Yiyi's father was dead, and a mother was left with her.

After the other party finished speaking, his eyes fell on the little girl.

"Brother Qin, she is Yiyi, right?"

"Yes, I'm not afraid of Brother Yan's jokes, the old man is the only one left with Yiyi!"

"Brother Qin, don't worry, you and I are friends of life and death, and no one can hurt you today!"

At the moment, on the Yan family's battleship, a young man who looked seven or eight years old was not very old, but he already gave people a sense of aura.

He stood there straight, his eyes met the little girl.

The boy's heartbeat speeded up suddenly, as if a god-given marriage appeared in front of him.

far away.

Lin Yue withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

It turned out that the Ksitigarbha King said before his death that the catastrophe of Qin Yiyi's life was resolved in this way.

"She is also called Qin Yiyi in this life..."

Lin Yue smiled faintly, turned around and took control of the warship by himself, and walked into another trajectory.

Skimming the battle between the Qin family and the Yan family was also a gift from Qin Yiyi.

Lin Yue no longer looked at it. According to the Ksitigarbha King, after this disaster, Qin Yi could live a happy life in this life.

He recalled the scene when Qin Yiyi used that fragile body to block himself from a blow to death when the flowers bloomed on the other side of the world.

With such a sacrifice, Lin Yue didn't want to appear again.

His way is destined to be invincible, and he wants to unlock his own secrets, the cabin, the system, that very woman...

This road is extremely dangerous, unable to carry too much, such concerns.

However, on the deck of the Qin family, the one-year-old girl, whose bright eyes are now walking through the silhouettes of fighting, fell on the front of the battleship, on the body of the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy!

Her little hand broke away from her mother subconsciously, seeming to instinctively want to chase the boy.

But the front was too dangerous, the Yan family had already joined the battle, and the starry sky bandits who were besieging them were falling down one by one.

Fortunately, the little girl's mother reacted promptly and stopped her.

The seven or eight-year-old boy from the Yan family kept his eyes fixed on the girl.

But the girl was looking at the juvenile warship, and she left her so far away. For some reason, her childish face suddenly became uncomfortable!

That's her heart stabbing!

The little girl burst into tears. Her mother thought she was frightened by the battle. When she hugged the little girl into her arms, until Lin Yue's warship disappeared from her sight, the little girl cried louder..... .

After a few more hours, Lin Yue's warship was extremely fast, and it had already reached the Yuxu Dao Realm.

"Would you like to go in a bit low-key?"

Lin Yue touched his chin, now their lineup seems a bit high-profile.

If it is found, it will be in trouble.

However, before he decided, a terrifying divine thought had already descended outside the Yuxu Dao Realm!

This divine thought instantly enveloped Lin Yue and his party's warship.

Even the ten supreme realms behind him felt an unprecedented sense of oppression under this divine mind!

"The Great!"

"Why did you alarm the emperor as soon as he came over?"

The hearts of several people tightened, Zhang Qingxue forcibly suppressed the fear, but Yushou had already subconsciously clenched Lin Yue's sleeves.

"I underestimated you."

Lin Yue smiled faintly, as if he knew who came, "Fortunately, only a divine thought came, so it's better to say something."

He raised his head and his eyes fell on the Yuxu Daojie ahead!

Thousands of years of snow there, a vast expanse of white!

It is the most beautiful place in the Tianmo universe in the legend.

But in the white void, Lin Yue met his gaze!

At this moment, there is a place in Yuxu Dao realm that has passed through many years, towering above the iceberg that reaches the sky!

An old man is sitting in front of the chessboard.

"The person Cang Yuan Dao's main arrest actually came to my Yuxu?"

The old man held the black chess, but the raised piece never fell.

He was in the wind and snow, but the wind and snow couldn't touch his clothes at all.

In front of the old man, there was no one, but on the chessboard, black and white chess pieces were fighting anxiously.

No one knows who is playing White.

No one knows who his opponent is.

But the old man, at this moment, his eyes were deep, reflecting the light of stars, not elsewhere in the universe.

Surprisingly, it is exactly the area where Lin Yue is located!

"Let your old site travel for a few days, don't be so stingy."

On the deck, Lin Yue spoke faintly, and his gaze turned, he urged the warship to enter one of the teleportation formations that only he could see.

With a swish, the warship almost disappeared in place.

Even if the old man has the ability to reach the sky, he can only give a whisper at this moment.

"Anyone who can evade the old man's spirit is worthy of being someone Cang Yuan can't catch."

The old man smiled faintly. Heizi fell, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of the chessboard.

Although the breath of this figure is not as tyrannical as the old man.

But still exuding a trace of balanced imperial prestige!

This person is surprisingly a balanced emperor!

"Lin Yue brought ten supreme realms to my Yuxu. Go get him and let me see."

The old man spoke slowly, his eyes still falling on the chessboard.

"Heaven and earth are like chess. One step is three calculations. Lin Yue may have a relationship with several Dao realms. Remember, you have to live."