I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 581

Chapter 581

Capture Lin Yue alive.

After all, the figure in front of him disappeared again.

On the top of the vast snow-capped mountains, once again only the old man is left!

Within the Yuxu Dao realm, when Lin Yue appeared again, their warship was already in the area of the Liuli Tayuelou.

Even the top ten supreme, looking at Lin Yue's eyes at this moment, were full of incomparable surprise!

"What just happened?"

"Time and space, teleported?"

"I noticed the power of teleportation, but I didn't seem to notice any teleportation formation in the place just now?"

"The messenger's ability is very strange!"

Lin Yue didn't explain this, but looked down and said, "It seems to have arrived, right."

He turned around and took out some herbs!

Between the five fingers and the claws, Lin Yue actually made a pill under the circumstances that other people didn't know why!

"The messenger's alchemy technique, I am afraid it has reached the level of 5th rank or above."

"I can't stop it. Without a pill furnace, you can actually make a pill directly?"

Only Lin Yue knew that the beating white light in his hand didn't look like a flame, but it was the most powerful alchemy fire!

The Emperor Fire is handed down from the Medicine Emperor!

After an hour, ten pills of pills appeared in Lin Yue's hands!

"Take it."

Lin Yue threw it away, and ten pills of medicine were immediately suspended in front of the top ten supreme.

"The messenger...this..."

Suddenly they were asked to swallow the pill, and anyone who changed it would be suspicious.

"Have you forgotten the Taoist command to give you?"

Seeing these people hesitate, Lin Yue warned.

Only one sentence appeared in the minds of the Ten Supremes at the same time.

Completely obey Lin Yue's orders!

This is the highest instruction given to them by Cangling Taoist Lord!

Upon seeing this.

Even if these supreme realm powerhouses, some of them were also emperors of the Hundred Dynasties, people of the same level as King Hao Yue, but at this moment, they had to obey Lin Yue's orders.

They took the pill!

The medicine's power has been exerted, and the aura on his body has suddenly changed!

From the faintly observable supreme intention, it continued to decline and became the breath of law!

However, the top ten supreme all understand that their skill has not decayed in any way.

It's just that the breath of the Supreme Realm is hidden!

"Walking in the universe, it is still necessary to keep a low profile. If you can not fight without fighting, you can run and run, and you can remember without being noticed.

Lin Yue left a sentence.

In fact, it was because the old man in the snow mountain discovered the ten supreme auras.

If they were just ordinary people, even if he was on the battleship, he might not be discovered so quickly.

But the aura of the top ten supreme beings is so strong that when they just arrived outside the realm of Yuxu Dao, they were stared at by the master here.

Now that Lin is hiding in, he naturally has to be more careful.

Zhang Qingxue smiled immediately when he saw that even these ten supreme beings who were as powerful as her father and king were being governed and subdued in front of Lin Yue.

"Master, can we go in now?"


Lin Yue nodded, and the battleship was also under Zhang Qingxue's control and landed on a white world!

There are faint snowflakes flying down in the sky of this world.

Although not big, Zhang Qingxue who was on the side could not help but shiver.

Some of her tulle was invaded by cold air, but Zhang Qingxue ran a little air to resist, and the cold air was nothing!

In front of them, there are palaces floating above the white world!

These palaces are not like the bricks of the Haoyue Dynasty, but they all emit a bright light!

"Liu Li Yao Ba, the best-looking Yao Ba."

Lin Yue explained casually.

Zhang Qingxue was stunned, "This...everything here was built with Yao Baht?"

Lin Yue nodded, got off the battleship, and at the same time saw a lot of battleships docked near them.

These people obviously came earlier than them and have stayed for a while.

According to Lin Yue's memory of this place, Liuli Tayuelou should not have so many guests.


"Liu Li is too rich to walk on the moon tower!"

Zhang Qingxue repeatedly admired and didn't know how many trillion baht would be spent to create such a huge sect!

Lin Yue nodded and smiled, "It's just some means to make money."

He said casually, remembering what Cangling Taoist said, it was because Yaozhu and Yingtianjing were stared at by the Liuli Tingyuelou that Li Jun was in jail!

Speaking of which, Lin Yue has already begun to think about it, he has been here before, and he has also learned about several places of the prisoners.

"no idea where it is?"

Lin Yue already had a plan, and when it got dark, he would go in and take a look. Maybe he could take away Xiao Meimei directly.

But Liuli's account of stepping on the moon tower, he couldn't help but calculate it with the other party!

At this moment, Lin Yue and his party had entered the gate of Liuli Tayuelou.

Except for countless small palaces covered in snow.

And at the farthest point, there are three tallest and greatest palaces!

"Father asked me to tell Master that Liuli Stepped on the Moon Tower. There are three posters, all of whom are of the Supreme Realm. Especially the building owner, I heard that they have reached the realm of Heavenly Supreme!"

Zhang Qingxue explained.

Lin Yue nodded and understood, in fact, he knew everything here better than Zhang Qingxue.

Because Zhang Qingxue only heard about it, and during the 100,000 years of being trapped, he has personally experienced everything here, including ancient books, secrets and women.

"Have you heard? This time, there will be a special session in the moonlighting."

"What link?"

"In the previous flower viewing, it was real flowers, but this time, the second and third floor owners decided to take out a woman as the object of flower viewing?"

"Women, they say that women are like flowers, which is interesting!"

"That's, that woman doesn't know how to offend the original poster. I heard that she is extremely beautiful. She can be regarded as our first beauty in Liuli Tayuelou, and she has a half-step supreme cultivation base!"

"Grandma's, such a woman, if I can get it, I will wake up with a smile in my dreams!"

Lin Yue and his party found a place to settle down.

I heard a lot of discussions from people around me.

"Flower viewing party..."

Lin Yue touched his chin. He remembered that Tayuelou did have a flower viewing party once every ten years, but he didn't expect to be hit by himself.

It's just that the woman who is admired as a flower, the more Lin has a kind of intuition, isn't she a little charm?

"If you want, you can unlock that beauty's treasure first, she is yours."

In the restaurant where Lin Yue was at the moment, there were a few tables behind him. The person who spoke was a burly man whose height was close to one zhang.

The chair underneath, also under his huge body, bends under the pressure, and seems to break at any time.

"It's the person who burns the heavenly pavilion!"

"Are you here to participate in the moonwalking flower viewing party this time?"

"I heard that everyone in the Earth Fire Burning Heaven Pavilion majored in combat bodies, and they were tall and well-deserved at first sight today!"