I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 579

Chapter 579

I Cangling Dao Realm can't afford to lose all soldiers and soldiers, you can give me a little leisure...

The sound transmission of Taoist Cangling came to my ears.

The latter just smiled faintly, in fact, he thought that the other party would not give himself so many people.

After all, at the beginning of the twenty or thirty supreme realms, Lin Yue also deliberately said it higher.

The budget in his mind, about five supreme realms, was enough to trouble Liuli Tayuelou.

And this time in addition to the top ten supreme, he also brought Zhang Qingxue out.

To be precise, it was Zhang Qingxue who forced King Haoyue to death and followed Lin Yue's warship.

In this regard, Zhang Sa Sa and Queen Ling Fei only had envy eyes.

It's just this envy, it is estimated that it will soon turn into anger and be vented on Haoyue King!

"Holy Lord, why don't we send more people to protect the general? We can also go and experience it?"

"Father, it's unfair to only let Seventh Sister accompany General Lin!"

Even Zhang Wudi couldn't help but make a few words.

Unwilling to pay attention to the internal and external troubles of King Haoyue, Lin Yue and Zhang Qingxue, the ten supreme warships left the Cangling Dao realm.

Lin Yue didn't choose to use the teleportation array, but went directly to Yuxu Dao Realm from Tianmo Universe.

As soon as he left the Cangling Dao Realm, there were indeed many warships wandering outside.

There were already warships trading in Yaobaht in the universe, but the number in front of them was obviously not that simple.

"Did Lin Yue come out?"

"Let me go up and see!"

"I have been waiting for more than half a month, I don't believe this kid can stay in the Cangling Dao realm forever!"

"If it weren't for Taoist Cangling to block the realm, and only let out and not let in, those of us would have already entered!"

Some of these people have already arrived here since the arrest warrant was issued from the Daoist Realm.

The other is that the ghost emperor has recently added a reward for ten years of perception. The temptation is too great, and they are desperate to gamble on luck.

Soon, these hundreds of warships were surrounded in front of Lin Yue's warship.

"Stop, let us see if Lin Yue is inside."

"Damn it, isn't that Lin Yue?"

These people originally wanted to search for people.

But when he took a closer look, Lin Yue just stood on the bow of the ship so swaggeringly!

"Good guy, it's finally out!"

"Ten years of insights, ten years of insights in the Great Emperor Realm, take him for me!"

On the battleship, Lin Yue put one hand on the fence and admired the scenery of the starry sky, "Fang Yi Dao Realm is beautiful, but the vastness of the starry sky is still more spectacular than the sky."

Looking at the stars, Lin Yue said to himself.

Zhang Qingxue on the side brought Lin Yue's favorite tea, "Master, are you too arrogant?"

Taking a sip of tea, Lin Yue said helplessly, "Master has always been low-key, but even so, these people still refuse to let me go. Fortunately, it's high-key once."

At the same time as the voice fell, countless warships were already approaching here.

Their speed was not slowing down, and they wanted to crash with Lin Yue's warship.

"Number five, go up and clean up."

Lin Yue said lightly.

Just as he left the Cangling Dao realm, he had already assigned a number to the ten supreme realms behind him.

All these ten people wanted to kill Lin Yue.

It is a pity that the Taoist warned repeatedly that if Lin Yue died, they would not survive.


The Supreme Realm, which was given the name of Number Five, stepped out and swept away with Supreme Intent. The three warships that were closest to them instantly shattered and decayed. Before they hit Lin Yue, they had already disintegrated!

"Supreme! There is supreme on board!"

"Damn, what is a supreme afraid of, let's go together!"

Lin Yue shook the teacup, "No. 6, you go too."

He ranked [literature museum www.wxguan.vip] code in order of strength.

At this moment, No. 6 nodded, his body shape had disappeared in place, and when he appeared, he had stepped on the opponent's largest warship!


This foot contains the supreme power, which directly penetrates the warship!

That No. 6 foot was exhausted, so I kicked it again!


Five ships!

Ten ships!

Thirty ships!

In front of Lin Yue, the sound of fire and explosion continued to echo.

His warship still did not stop, as if unable to see the other warships that were continuously disintegrating around him, and passed through it leisurely!

Until Lin Yue's warship had been far away from the Cangling Dao realm.

Numbers 5 and 6 also returned to the warship.

"How is it?"

Lin Yue said lightly.

No. 5 replied, "The five weakest were left, and the others killed them all according to the messenger's orders."

Lin Yue's current identity is the messenger assigned by Taoist Cangling to the Yuxu Taoist world.


Lin Yue nodded, his tone calm.

There is a coldness that ignores life.

Zhang Qingxue was a little puzzled, "Master, why don't you cut the grass and root?"

Lin Yue shook his head, "Those who are greedy for good fortune do not hesitate to arrest me with personal risks. Such a person can't be killed."

He said with great care, "Rather than killing it, it is better to leave a few livelihoods and let them spread today's fear."

"I understand."

Zhang Qingxue patted herself on the forehead, "Master, this is called killing a hundred."


Lin Yue nodded, but in front of him, the sound of fighting came again.

"Could someone come to catch Master again?"

Zhang Qingxue worried about being authentic.

Not only her, but Lin Yue's supreme realm powerhouse is also ready to take action at any time.

But the battle fluctuations in front became clearer and clearer, but it didn't seem to be coming towards Lin Yue.

When everyone looked from a distance, they saw that it was a primitive warship, being besieged by three other warships.

"Master, it seems that it is not for us, let's go around."

Zhang Qingxue said that she wanted to change her direction, but Lin Yue held her jade hand.

"what's happenin?"

Zhang Qingxue looked at Lin Yue in surprise.

But the latter's gaze was staring at the quaint warship from afar!

Zhang Qingxue followed his gaze and saw that a sail was simply standing on the battleship.

And on the sail, there is a word written on it.


Tianmo Qin Family...

How could Lin Yue not recognize that, under the underworld, the Ksitigarbha King used the technique of cause and effect to show him Qin Yiyi's tenth life.

It is on this day that Mo Qin's family!

When Lin Yue's spiritual thoughts dispersed, he saw that the Qin's battleship was besieged, and most of the people were already dead and injured.

And in the central area of the Qin family, a beautiful woman was holding a little girl impressively!

This little girl is only two years old!

Under her immature appearance and fair skin, although she hasn't grown up yet, she can already see delicate gazes faintly.

With her exquisite and clear eyes, she watched a group of vicious people besieging him.

Not only was she not afraid, but she had a bit more stubbornness and determination in her eyes.

It is hard to imagine what a stunning and outstanding woman this little girl will be when she grows up!

And Lin Yue, also when his divine consciousness fell on the little girl, was calmly unable to make waves again, ripples once again appeared...