I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1862

Chapter 1862

Chapter 1862 The Great Beast

Before everyone in the alliance noticed the abnormality, Lin Yue had already activated the Book of Sand and manipulated the gravel to take the colored Originium away from the ground.

Only the four Immortal Venerables seemed to have discovered something, but they didn't point it out.

"Brother Lin is really unlucky this time, the treasure you got..."

"Die Shanshan is really a crazy woman!"

"We can all help the human race **** king to testify that Die Shanshan is the guy who is courting his own death, and the deaths of the previous geniuses are also counted on her, no! It's the head of the Yuandie family!"

All the people in the alliance are fighting against Lin Yue, and most of the people in Die Shanshan are full of dissatisfaction.

Faced with these words, Lin Yue shook his head lightly in response.

From the beginning to the end, he has not been moved by the crystal of the demon relic. Now the crystal of the demon relic has been used by Die Shanshan, but he has obtained another treasure, and the result is not bad for him.

Although some people died, they still had to move on. After some discussion, everyone decided to let four Immortal Venerates lead them.

During this period, someone suggested that Lin Yue should take the lead, but he politely refused.

After the demonic relic was dealt with, the white fog from before never appeared in the jungle, and the vision instantly widened a lot.

It only took them less than two days to pass through the jungle.

After climbing the cliff, everyone came to a plain similar to before.

It's just that everyone can clearly feel the difference between this place and the previous one. A kind of coercion filled this world, as if it may fall on their heads at any time.

Feeling this breath, Lin Yue knew that they were not far from the ancient city.

Because this is exactly the breath he felt in the Emperor Burial Pit before, but it was much weaker.

a few days later.

"There are thousands of spells in it..."

Lin Yue felt the colored Originium in his hand and said silently.

Since solving Die Shanshan, he has been familiar with this Origin Stone along the way, until he finally parsed all the spells contained in it.

In addition to some low-level spells, there are hundreds of spells that can be used by him.

And most of the spells have special effects, such as the spiritual seeds that Die Shanshan released before.

With this colored Originium, all the spells that require the power of the Origin Butterfly bloodline can be used by Lin Yue.

And it is more powerful than the effect that Die Shanshan had displayed before. Die Shanshan was only the bloodline of Kingdie before, but mastering this source stone is equivalent to gaining a higher level of bloodline power.

Just as Lin Yue was comprehending the spell in the Origin Stone, he suddenly felt a commotion from the outside world.

"what happened?"

Lin Yue opened his eyes and asked a few people beside him.

"It seems that I have met other Tianjiao, and there are also a group of people there."

Gufu just heard the news and said quickly.

"I see."

Lin Yue noticed some raw faces that appeared not far away, and nodded.

"They don't seem to have passed through that cliff and jungle. According to them, they came here by crossing a sea."

Lonely continued.

Hearing his words, Lin Yue was not surprised.

There must be countless roads leading to the depths of the burial road, otherwise the demon relics hidden in the previous jungle would have been discovered by others, and it would be impossible to hide them for several times.

After a while, everyone in the alliance was gathered together.

The four Immortal Venerables who temporarily led the crowd glanced at each other, and Immortal Venerable in white stood up and spoke first.

"Just now, we exchanged some information with the leaders of the group of Tianjiao we met. At present, we only have the last three or four days to go to the ancient city guided by the Wanzu Order, and the time is too late."

"It's just that I heard that there is a final trial before going to the ancient city. You can't help each other during the trial, so you need to work **** your own."

Hearing what Immortal Venerable White said, everyone in the alliance immediately started to discuss.

Lin Yue and the others walked out of the crowd, and the immortal descendant said.

"Every time the funeral road opens, there will be a trial before going to the deepest end point, and each trial is different, I don't know what this time will be."

Lonely asked suspiciously.

"Is it possible to enter the deepest part of the funeral road only by passing the trial?"

The background of the Nine-Eyed Clan is not deep, and Gufu has been in seclusion for many years before entering the funeral road, and he does not understand this information.


The descendant of the immortal race nodded, "If you don't pass the trial, you can't go to the deepest part, you can only wait for the funeral road to be closed and be automatically teleported back to the world."

"Every time, a part of Tianjiao fails to pass the test, and finally waits for hundreds of years in the road of burial."

Hearing this, Lin Yue felt a curiosity in his heart.

What kind of trial can trap these top geniuses of various races.

However, he remembered that he used the teleportation array to go to the ancient city in the ruins of Emperor Jingdeng before. It seemed that he did not have to pass the trial before he could go to the depths of the burial road as the descendants of the immortals said.

It seems that there are many unknown things in this funeral road.

What they know is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ancient City, Emperor Burial Pit, Heavenly Court...

Lin Yue felt more and more the mystery of the way of burial in the whole history.

After the discussion of the people in the alliance, they marched with the other group of Tianjiao they encountered.

After all, this place is getting closer and closer to the depths of the burial road, and there may be some unknown risks hidden here.

For all people, the more people there are, the greater the chance of survival.

This plain is not a flat expanse.

After half a day, they encountered a dark brown mountain that stretched for thousands of miles.

It would take a long time to avoid this mountain, but in desperation, everyone had to bite the bullet and climb up the mountain.

What surprised them was that there was no danger on the mountain, not even the slightest trace of life, not the slightest vitality.

Without hindrance, everyone quickly crossed here.

Just when they were surprised by this, they suddenly felt a violent vibration from the ground.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, the mountain they had crossed before actually stood up slowly.

It was a huge beast, and the prehistoric aura it exuded made everyone stand still and dare not move.

After a while, the giant beast escaped into the ground, leaving an incomparably wide crack.

This scene made everyone unable to recover for a long time, no one dared to imagine what would have happened if they were still on the back of the giant beast?

Lin Yue was not frightened, he had left an extraordinary imprint on his previous path.

Even in such a situation, he can quickly evacuate with the descendants of the immortal race.

It's just that the giant beast just now really surprised Lin Yue. From the giant beast, he could feel the breath that did not belong to this era, and it was even much older than the eras he knew.