I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1863

Chapter 1863

Chapter 1863 Arrival

"Just now... what was it?

so horrible! "

Looking at the deep ravine not far away, Yuan Cheng wiped the sweat off his forehead and asked in fear.

At the moment when the giant beast released its breath just now, the time in this world seemed to freeze.

Yuan Cheng even had a feeling that the giant beast could kill him with just one look!

"It should be some kind of ancient beast..."

The eyes of the descendant of the immortal race were full of shock, and he said slowly after hearing Yuan Cheng's words.

"Don't you know it either?"

Wu Linger turned her head and asked.

As for the understanding of this aspect, among the few people, the descendants of the immortal race have the most extensive knowledge, and only she recognizes the demon relics that she encountered before.

One is because the Immortal Race, as one of the ten major races in the world, has a profound heritage and the most comprehensive records.

Secondly, the descendant of the immortal race is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, born several times ago, and naturally knows more than ordinary people.


The descendant of the immortal clan nodded, "The world is so vast that there must be something in the world that the immortal clan has never understood before, let alone in this burial road."

The descendant of the Immortal Clan paused and continued.


"Although I have never seen that giant beast just now, the aura it exudes makes me feel familiar, very strange..."

Listening to the chat of several people, Lin Yue narrowed his eyes slightly.

He also felt an extremely terrifying aura on that giant beast, far exceeding the powerhouse he had seen in the sun.

In his knowledge, only Emperor Lingyao, Emperor Xuanyuan, and Li could overwhelm him.

It is conservatively estimated that the realm of the giant beast just now can reach the level of the peak of the quasi-emperor.

It's no wonder that Yuan Cheng will be afraid of this, after all, he has not yet broken through to Immortal Venerable, and the strength between the two is vastly different.

What surprised Lin Yue was that the descendants of the immortal race actually felt a touch of familiarity from the breath of the giant beast. What does this mean?

After a while, Lin Yue shook his head, leaving these distracting thoughts behind.

Leaving aside the problem of giant beasts, they now need to face how to deal with the army of Heavenly Court that is about to descend in the depths of the burial road.

Judging from the attitude of the giant beast just ignoring everyone, it has no effect on them at all.

Everyone in the alliance is also aware of the reason, and after a short discussion, they continue to rush in the direction of the Wanzu Ling.

With the passage of time, the more Lin could feel the aura that permeated the air that belonged to the Emperor Burial Pit more and more.

"It should be coming soon..."

Lin Yue looked into the distance and muttered.

That afternoon, a boundless sea of Heze appeared in front of them.

At the same time, many geniuses who entered the funeral road before appeared. At this time, they all stood by the coast and seemed to be waiting for something.

"Is this the last trial?"

Lin Yue looked at the calm Haize, but there was a dignified look in his eyes.

Although the sea was calm, he could sense a terrifying force that was about to erupt from it.

This is probably why those geniuses are honestly staying by the coast.

"The final trial is actually a sea...?"

Wu Linger said in surprise.

She originally thought that the final trial to the depths of the burial road would be a ruin or some kind of organ that could test the strength of many geniuses.

I didn't expect that it would be a sea of haze that could not see any difference from the outside world.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, there is another mystery in this."

The voice of the descendant of the immortal race came.

"How to say?"

"You will know if you feel it carefully under the sea."

Wu Linger tried according to her words, and her face suddenly changed slightly.

"I see"

Because of the long distance between them and Haize, Wu Linger didn't notice the specialness of this sea just now.

After being reminded by the descendants of the immortal race, she instantly felt the terrifying power emanating from the bottom of the sea, and the state of being ready to go made her panic!

"So they all waited on the shore and didn't dare to go down."

Wu Linger looked at the many geniuses by the coast and nodded thoughtfully.

Everyone in the alliance also saw the situation not far away, and they were all joyful in their hearts, speeding up and rushing towards Haize.

After dozens of days of trekking, they finally came to the last trial before the depths of the burial road!

At this moment, a low shout like thunder came from the front.

"Lingyao's first son, come out!"

A black-clothed figure rose into the air, standing in mid-air releasing a powerful aura.

"Who is that, who dares to call out Lingyao's first son like this, isn't he afraid of death?"

"That is a descendant of the Yu Clan, and the aura on his body seems to be different from the past, could it be..."

"That's right, the descendants of the Yu clan have broken through to the realm of Immortal Venerable, no wonder they openly challenged Lingyao's first son!"

Everyone looked at the figure in the air, revealing shocked eyes.

Lin Yue's face was calm, and he had already felt the aura belonging to the Immortal Venerable from the moment the Yu Clan descendant made a sound.

The current descendant of the Yu Clan is a hundred times stronger than when he first entered the funeral road.

At that time, he was just a first glimpse of the threshold of the Immortal Venerable, and now he has truly broken through to the Immortal Venerable Realm!

In just a few dozen days, such a reborn change can be obtained, presumably with the help of the extremely special secret method of the Yu Clan.

But it is precisely because of the power of this secret method that Lingyao Emperor Domain took action to destroy the Yu Clan, and only the Yu Clan descendant survived by chance.


There was a long sigh in the distance, and then the figure of Lingyao's first son appeared in front of everyone.

"The cause and effect of the Lingyao Emperor's territory in the past will be settled by me today."

Lingyao's first son did not exude the slightest breath, but his coercion shocked everyone.

Facing the descendant of Yu Clan who had broken through to the realm of Immortal Venerable, he actually stood up without any fear.

And under the aura of the descendants of the Yu Clan, he maintained his posture without changing his face.

Could it be...?

Just when everyone was guessing, Lin Yue had already obtained the answer from Lingyao's first son.

Just like the descendant of the Yu Clan, he has also become an Immortal Venerable in the dozens of days he entered the funeral road!

Lin Yue remembered the arrogances who had surrendered to the Lingyao Emperor's realm he met during the funeral, and seemed to be looking for something.

It is very likely that he is looking for an opportunity for Lingyao's first son to break through Immortal Venerable.

After Lingyao's first son made a sound, the two of them started their respective offensives without any nonsense.

A strong Daoguang appeared around the Yuzu descendant's body, instantly shrouding his figure, like a scorching blazing sun!


An angry shout full of killing intent sounded, and the descendant of the Yu Clan appeared a few feet in front of Lingyao's first son with a cold expression.

Since the day when the Yu Clan was slaughtered by the Lingyao Emperor Territory, he had only one thought left in his mind all day long, and that was to take revenge on the Lingyao Emperor Territory!