I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1861

Chapter 1861

Chapter 1861 Origin Stone

Boom boom boom!

The violent colorful butterfly wind was thrown out with Die Shanshan's raised hand, completely flattening the forests in the distance.


She can feel that her cultivation is like rowing a boat along the river, and she has passed the realm of the early stage of Immortal Venerable.

The demon crystals in the body are still volatile at this moment, and there is no sign of dissipating.

Even if it is a human **** king, what is there to be afraid of?

Die Shanshan felt a little annoyed when she remembered how she had just been scared off.


Die Shanshan looked at Lin Yue coldly and waved a colorful streamer, ready to teach him a lesson.

In the face of the incoming colored beam of light, Lin Yue's expression was indifferent, and he unhurriedly used the power of the true origin.

Between the golden light, the yin and yang are surrounded, and a powerful burst of power instantly cancels the color streamer!

He didn't expect Die Shanshan to expand so much just after breaking through. It seems that the power of the Immortal Venerable level gave her a lot of confidence, but he has not killed one or two of the Immortal Venerable level powerhouses.

Die Shanshan's complexion changed slightly, and several spells were released in succession between the waving of her hands, attacking Lin Yue, and the pressure of the Immortal Venerable level made everyone in the alliance change their color.

But these offensives were still quietly resolved by Lin Yue's means, and they didn't even cause the slightest disturbance in his breath.

"Does this have these?"

Lin Yue asked lightly with his hands behind his back.

Die Shanshan is obviously because she just broke through, she doesn't have enough understanding of this realm, and she doesn't have enough accumulation, so it is difficult to exert the true strength of the Immortal Venerable level, which is far inferior to the Immortal Venerables that Lin Yue fought against before.

Lin Yue's attitude made Die Shanshan even more annoyed. With the continuous support of the demon crystal, she no longer had any scruples.

Countless spiritual seeds unique to the Taoyuan Butterfly Clan were spilled by her and flew towards Lin Yue overwhelmingly.

At the same time, colorful streamers flashed across the sky, and a huge phantom of the source butterfly appeared behind Die Shanshan, exuding a terrifying aura.

Lin Yue glanced around, and wherever he could see, he was incensed, burning out those spirit seeds in mid-air!

At the same time, the Emperor Sword appeared in Lin Yue's hands.

The Immortal Lotus Sword Art evolves, and the sword shadow is ever-changing.

Faced with this kind of battle, Die Shanshan's face was full of astonishment. She actually felt a strong sense of powerlessness in the hands of Lin Yue, who was a half-step immortal...

Lin Yue didn't seem to have the slightest weakness, which made her feel helpless.

Die Shanshan clenched her silver teeth tightly, and she began to desperately absorb the power of the demon crystal in her body.

The power that was gushing out instantly expanded several times under her deliberate urging, and spewed out at an unimaginable speed!

An unbearable force burst out in Die Shanshan's body, and even stretched out several terrifying cracks on her smooth skin.

"Uh uh uh!"

Die Shanshan moaned in pain, her eyes turning blood red and staring at Lin Yue.

One after another, the attacks far surpassed the previous ones were unleashed by her desperately, and all of them attacked Lin Yue!

Lin Yue's figure seemed to have no time to dodge, and without making the slightest resistance, he was instantly blown away by dozens of meters.


Lin Yue's figure fell on the ground in the distance, smashing a huge deep pit.

Seeing that her attack was effective, Die Shanshan grinned, absorbing the power of the demon crystal even more frantically.

At this moment, Die Shanshan's breath stagnated.

The colored halo originally condensed in his hand began to dissipate uncontrollably.

"what happened?"

Die Shanshan opened her eyes wide, but when she looked down, she found that her body was like a broken porcelain bottle, with deep cracks appearing one after another.

Yao Qi continued to spill out from these cracks and dissipated without a trace in the outside world.

"Her body started to crumble..."

The descendant of the Immortal Race looked at the phenomenon in the air and said softly.

Lin Yue's eyes narrowed slightly, but there was no surprise in his expression.

Because he had already known from the descendants of the immortal race, Die Shanshan's practice of swallowing the crystals of the demon's legacy at the beginning was wrong.

As for the figure that was just blown away under the madness of Die Shanshan, it was just a fake body that Lin Yue used the Book of Sand to condense in advance, and it was difficult to see with Die Shanshan's strength.

"Her body can't bear the power of the demon crystal, and the reckless borrowing just aggravated the process of body collapse."

The immortal descendant shook his head.

Die Shanshan's approach was no different from suicide in her eyes.

The funny thing is that Die Shanshan once thought that she had mastered the power in the crystal of the demon and began to challenge Lin Yue.

"Did that magic relic crystal just disappear?"

Ape Cheng, who was beside him, asked aloud.


The descendant of the Immortal Clan nodded, "Although she's using the wrong method, the crystal of the demonic relic has been shattered from the moment she was swallowed and absorbed, but..."

"It is rumored that after the Origin Butterfly Clan falls, there will be an Originium stone, similar to the relics left by the demise of some Great Buddhas. It seems that it can be used to use some Origin Butterfly Clan's means."

"Although Die Shanshan used the crystallization of demonic relics, she still broke through the bloodline of King Butterfly after all, and I have never seen a source stone of colorful quality before."

Lin Yue nodded, the Yuandie family's methods are indeed diverse, even a half-step Immortal Venerable Die Shanshan can use dozens of spells at the same time.

And with the help of the demon crystal, Die Shanshan has broken through to the limit of her bloodline, and the Originium that finally appears must be unusual.

Die Shanshan's breath was rapidly falling, and she felt remorse in her heart. She knew that she would not arbitrarily borrow the crystals of demon relics, otherwise it would not cause her body to be unable to withstand this power.

Now the body is shattered and everything is reduced to phantom foam.

Until now, she did not realize that she had entered a dead end from the wrong use of the magic relic crystal.

"However, that guy must not have a hard time. He unpreparedly endured my full blow at the level of Immortal Venerable Great Perfection at that time, and he would be severely injured even if he didn't die..."

After feeling that the breath in the body has fallen to the level of Immortal Venerable and is still declining, Die Shanshan groaned.

But when her eyes swept across the ground inadvertently, she noticed that Lin Yue was looking at her calmly, and she was instantly dumbfounded.

It's Lin Yue, he's not dead?

Not only is he not dead, but there is not even a trace of scars on his body...

Die Shanshan looked at the deep pit smashed by the figure before. After the smoke cleared, there was no one there, and she immediately realized that she had been deceived.

"Cough cough!"

Under the rush of fire, Die Shanshan coughed out a large mouthful of black blood.

In the previous wanton profligacy, her body function has been completely destroyed, and the lack of cultivation has also caused her to lose the possibility of recovery.


Die Shanshan looked at Lin Yue resentfully, and the last trace of vitality had disappeared before she could speak.

Her body gradually turned into powder and dissipated, and a ray of light was reflected.