I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1735

Chapter 1735

Chapter 1735 The mysterious hole in the depths of the ruins

Although Lin Yue's answer was casual, but the old man and the others didn't think so. The level of Emperor Zhun was unimaginable. If he fought in the world, it would be enough to destroy a large domain with one.

It's the realm that they don't talk about touching now, they just don't even dare to think about it.

And Lin Yue actually fought against such a powerful person.

The old man didn't have much, but he looked at Lin Yue a little more.

They came to the north of the snowy area, and they could see that this place had turned into a dead place, and they could not see the slightest vitality.

The snow floating in the sky also had a black aura.

"It really is the breath of burying ice."

Lin Yue felt it carefully.

Although the residual breath here is weak, it already gives people a feeling of heart palpitations.

Bing Ji and the others have a low cultivation base, and when they came here, they couldn't bear the aura of this place.

At this moment, Lin Yue used burial ice to protect Bingji and Xiaobing, which made them feel much better.

Snow Clan and Bing Bing are a natural fit, and now Lin Yue has all the origins of Bing Bing, but it is just a ray of breath, and it also benefits Bing Ji and the others a lot.

Especially Bing Ji, her talent is not weak, but in these years, she has been worried about Bing's veins, she has been suppressed, and she lacks the resources for cultivation, which has led to the current state, but it is ancient immortal. Early.

Under the aura of Burial Ice's origin, Bing Ji actually realized something, breaking through to the middle stage of Ancient Immortal as if it came naturally.

"Thank you, Lord God!"

Bing Ji bowed slightly, with a sense of surprise at this moment.

The old man had a hint of envy, but it wasn't easy to lick his face, so Lin Yue also came over with a trace of the source of burial ice.

"This is just related to the precipitation of your years."

Lin Yue shook his head.

In fact, Bing Ji has already been at the peak of the early stage of ancient immortals, and now it is only through the introduction of burying ice to break through to the lower realm. Speaking of which, she still has to rely on Bing Ji herself.

The four of them went all the way, as they continued to deepen.

The heavy snow here has completely turned black, with a palpitating aura. The whole earth is covered with a layer of black snow, which makes people feel depressed.

Until an hour passed, a huge deep pit appeared in front of it, and the bottom could not be seen at a glance. It was like the eye sockets of the earth. His own spiritual thoughts caused huge damage.

"It's convenient to be the remains of the Snow Race."

said the old man.

The forbidden area in the snow area has already existed, but only in the last ten thousand years, only the people of the Snow Clan have been able to detect the front.

Among them is the vein of this ice, which paid a huge price thousands of years ago, and almost all the powerhouses fell into it.

The forbidden area in the snow area a long time ago is not like this. Although it is a place where life is extinct, the environment is not much different from other places in the snow area.

Thousands of years ago, a sudden change occurred here, and the power of the buried ice was released, which caused the earth to become a black snow-covered land, and even the plants were buried, and there was no life at all.

"No wonder..." Lin Yue pondered.

He came to the Snow Region for the first time, and he was the source of buried ice, but he didn't feel any sense here.

Lin Yue came to the edge of the deep pit, and that was the reason. The place was enveloped by the aura of a formation, which contained the aura of the ancestor of the Xue Clan Immortal Venerable.

They used great means to seal this place, otherwise if the aura here is allowed to spread, I am afraid that the entire snowy area will be turned into a Jedi.

The Xue Clan Immortal Venerable Elder also got great benefits from it, and his strength was improved, otherwise it would be impossible to save his life in the hands of Lingyao Pagoda and Era Hunters.

These were all told by the old man, and he didn't hide anything from Lin Yue.

However, it can be seen that in just a few thousand years, the formation established by the three Immortal Venerables has become tattered, and it seems that it can no longer resist the breath here. The formation is riddled with holes and is about to shatter.

The Snow Clan Immortal Sword in the old man's hand radiated a ray of white light, and the formation here opened a passage.

"Little friend, let's enter it together."

said the old man.

Lin Yue nodded.

Without any hesitation, they entered the deep pit together.

The light shone on the pitch-black rocks, and was absorbed without a trace. The extremely cold breath could be seen, and there were piles of white powder on the edge.

These are the bones of the Snow Race people, because the town was sealed off, they have all passed away, leaving only piles of bone meal.

After Bingji and the others saw these bone powder, they all bowed and bowed deeply.

When the forbidden land broke out, there were a lot of strong people in the Snow Clan. In order to protect the snow region, they entered here one after another, and with their own meager strength, they wanted to seal this place.

Among them, there is no shortage of seniors with their ice veins.

They didn't stop there too much.

The deep pit is vast, stretching for thousands of miles, and it spreads very deep.

As Lin Yue and the others went deeper, the sky was getting farther and farther away from them.

And the atmosphere here is getting colder and colder.

Lin Yue's left eye radiated the origin of the buried ice.

Several hours passed, and the speed was very fast, almost touching the bottom.

Even if the old man had the protection of the Snow Clan Immortal Sword at this moment, he couldn't bear it very much.

Lin Yue protected the old man with the origin of burying ice.

"Thank you little friend."

The old man hands over.

Finally, they came to the deepest underground.

The light has been engulfed, with a gloomy, very depressed.

Looking at the smooth rock, Lin Yue could sense a strong burial ice aura from it. With the source of his body, there was a bit of burial ice aura in the rock, which radiated out and merged into Lin Yue's body. in vivo.

Finally, it entered its left eye under the operation of Dao Yinjing.

The source of buried ice in his left eye was able to grow further.

"It seems that there are still some sources of buried ice left here."

Lin Yue said.

Although the source of buried ice here is very small, it is also of great benefit to Lin Yue.

With the original source of burial ice that does not belong to the body, it is constantly baptizing its body.

In the flat depths, in the center, there is a hole, with a black burial ice aura, which is constantly spraying out strength, but it has been diluted a lot.

And the breath here has also become chilly.

"Please, little friend, **** your uncle to the entrance of the cave."

said the old man.

Xiaobing's body glowed, and the ancestor of Xianzun appeared. At this moment, he had fallen into a slumber, and his breath was faint and inaudible.

Lin Yue nodded slightly.

There seems to be another terrifying aura mixed in the burial ice here. Even the old man is difficult to approach. Only by relying on Lin Yue can we reach the edge of the cave.

Lin Yue used a clay pot to protect the figure of the Xue Clan Immortal Venerable Ancestor, and then took him with him.

The aura here can annihilate everything, and there is also an aura of destruction in it, even Lin Yue, felt a huge pressure at this moment.

As Lin went deeper into it, he could see that there seemed to be several holes ahead, all of which were emitting this power outward.

There is a ring, a total of seven, but at the position of the ring, there are two, which have been destroyed because of unknown power.

"This seems to be similar to the spiritual realm of the human body, the condensed source eye."

Lin Yue looked at the entrance of the cave and couldn't help but guess.

This can't help but make Lin Yue frown slightly, and he can't help but be suspicious.

Could it be that this Ice Burial was not born with Yu Huo, or was it that the Ice Buried came from an unknown creature and was born in its body?

This is not recorded in the sun.

Even Lu Yu and the others only knew that Yu Huo and Burying Bing did not belong to the mortal realm, but only appeared in the mortal realm for a period of time.

And no one got it.

If it wasn't for being suppressed in the small underworld, Lin Yue would not have been able to conquer the origin of the buried ice in the place of origin.