I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1736

Chapter 1736

Chapter 1736 Meet the people of the first race in the world

The sight that Lin Yue saw was really surprising, because with Lin Yue's careful understanding, it was too similar to the source eye of the human body.

The Xue Clan's Immortal Venerable Ancestor has entered the hole at this moment.

Lin Yue was here, and he could clearly see the scene in it. Perhaps he was the only one who could see the scene through the eyes of Bing Bing Ji Lian.

Lin Yue is comprehending this place carefully, his guess is too shocking.

Burial ice comes from a living being?

If Lin Yue's conjecture is confirmed, it may be enough to shock the entire world.

The Heavenly Emperor who buried Bing once paid attention to it, but it was lost in the underworld at the back, and it was only in this world that it manifested in Lin Yue's hands.

Lin Yue was constantly scanning the surroundings. Several of the holes were now exuding a black aura. Apart from the burial ice, there was another magnificent power that could make people feel the ultimate terror.

It seems that under this constant erosion, even Lin Yue is going to suffer.

Lin Yue has now used all his strength to continuously resist the erosion of this power.

Lin Yue saw the Xue Clan Immortal Venerable Ancestor in the entrance of the cave, and there was also a huge problem at this moment. Although he could use the mysterious power here to complete his transformation, at the same time, that power was constantly growing. corrode him.

Lin Yue sighed slightly, and then opened and closed his eyes, the power of Burying Ice was injected into his body.

The state of the ancestor of the Xue Clan Immortal Venerable is very strange. In his body, he has the souls of the other two Immortal Venerables, and now he is out of his body and re-condensing his body.

Three days have passed in this way, and with the help of Lin Yue's burial, the three ancestors of the Immortal Venerable are reuniting their bodies.

However, it will take a long time for them to completely complete the transformation.

After seeing that the three immortal ancestors had stabilized their injuries, Lin Yue also withdrew from this area.

Along with this place, there are big secrets, but in the current state of Lin Yue, it is not enough to explore all the things in it.

When he came to the outside world, Xiao Bing also seemed to have obtained a huge fortune. Now sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyebrows were slightly closed, and he entered a strange state.

"Thank you little friend, this kind of kindness is really hard to repay."

The old man bowed seriously.

He also saw that before Lin Yue exited, he injected a large amount of ice-burying power into the entrance of the cave to help his immortal ancestor and repair his injuries.

Lin Yue shook his head and said, "I still have important things to do now, so I won't continue to wait here."

The old man nodded, Lin Yue had achieved this step, it was already a great kindness, and he no longer wanted anything extravagantly.

"After the ancestor's injury is repaired, he will personally go to the world of the world."

said the old man.

Now, for the ancestor of the Immortal Venerable, it is only a matter of time to repair the injury. Although the strength of his Snow Clan is not enough to fight against the Lingyao Emperor Domain, it is not a soft persimmon that anyone can handle.

"I want the Snow Clan to help me deliver the news."

Lin Yue said.

Lingyao Emperor's domain was secretly shooting, which had to be guarded against. He had to pass this news to the human domain, and let Chengtian Xianzun respect them and take precautions in advance.

"Every question."

said the old man.

Lin Yue wrote a letter, sealed it with a pattern of bullying, and delivered it to the old man.

"Please now."

Lin Yue said.

The old man entrusted Bing Ji and walked out of the forbidden area.

There is no specific route here, as Lin Yue walked out of this area.

The breath of buried ice was injected into Lin Yue's body.

I saw that a fairy energy gradually condensed on his body, followed by a second one.

Lin Yue's current strength is also fading, the more immortal forty-nine stops walking, the more terrifying the suppression it brings.

It can be clearly seen that Lin Yue's current realm has fallen to the spiritual realm.

However, because of the blessing of the burial ice here, Lin Yue has condensed two immortal energy, that is to say, he has now condensed a total of three immortal energy.

In just a few days, condensing three immortal qi can be regarded as a huge harvest.

They got out of the forbidden area.

Lin Yue handed over the ancient order condensed with burial ice, which can be used by the old man to safely enter the forbidden area for the first time.

After a few words of entrustment, Lin Yue took the domain gate and continued on his way.

As Lin Yue left the domain gate, he looked around and saw that it was all desolate. Even the old city had been turned into ruins, and only the domain gate still existed.

There is an amazing fluctuation here, and the yellow sand is rolled up with the strong wind, which has the effect of covering people's spiritual thoughts.

A month has passed, and this place is already close to the extreme west of the continent.

Lin Yue frowned slightly, it seems that there was a war here, which led to the barrenness.

Without a trace of vitality, the first race in the world, how to find it?

This became the question in Lin Yue's mind.

However, Lu Yu said that there must be no mistake.

As he continued to go deeper, the desolation became even more desolate. There was an aura of extinction here, which seemed to cut off all the vitality of people.

Lin Yue sat cross-legged on the ground, the power of returning to the ruins was running outside the body, and he stood at the peak again at this moment.

"The breath here is probably not something that the Holy Spirit Realm can resist."

Lin Yue thought to pay.

If a few days later, the side effects of Immortal Forty-Nine Stop will strike again, and he will fall into the spiritual realm. I am afraid that there will be great danger here.

Just as Lin Yue was thinking and paying, he was walking.

An oasis appeared in front of it, with rare and exotic beasts, and above the earth, a large bird of a hundred feet hovered in the sky.

The oasis is huge, and the presence of Yao Qi cannot be sensed, but the alien beasts here are extremely powerful, and an ordinary one has the strength of the ancient immortal realm.

However, as Lin Yue approached, the oasis in front suddenly disappeared.

It never seemed to show up.

Lin Yue frowned slightly. He now has the strength of a half-step Immortal Venerable, and with a pair of eyes, he can penetrate all falsehoods, and it is difficult for the illusion of the world to affect him.

It looks all too real there.

"I am afraid that only the first race has such strength."

Lin Yue speculated.

It is already in the extreme west of the sun, the red sun is inclined to the west, and the gravel is constantly releasing heat.

In the majesty, there is a sense of desolation.

He came to the place where the oasis was.

"There are no traces of the phantom formation here. I think it is a mirage that is reflected in a certain place."

Lin Yue said.

He looked up into the sky.

Suddenly, a fairy feather fell from the sky, and a door was opened.

Lin Yue had already noticed this high sky just now, but nothing abnormal happened.

"The first race in the world is really extraordinary."

Lin Yue sighed, if it wasn't for the first race in the world to open the door, it might be that Lin Yue went on for a few years and couldn't find it.

There were two barefoot women landing in the sky, wearing a white robe, wearing a step shaker, detailed waist and slender legs.

Because of the bare feet, it added a bit of reverie.

Their faces are undoubtedly beautiful, and with the light feathers, they are like fairies in the dust.

"But the human race?"

The oval-faced woman on the right was the first to speak.


Lin Yue nodded.

"What's the matter here?"

a woman asked.

"I don't know if you are the first race in the world?"

Lin Yue didn't answer, but asked instead.

"The first race in the world, no one has mentioned this for a long time."

The woman with a tear mole on her cheek, and her lips that are not bright, with luster, when they move, they are like beautiful jade, with luster, people can't help but take a few more glances.

"How come you asked us, my question, and you haven't answered it yet."

The oval-faced woman has a cuteness, and the two women have their own style, but they both have a phantom spirit, and they don't seem to belong to the world.

"I need to see your boss."

Lin Yue said.

"Then see if you have that ability."

The woman with tears mole said.

It seems that if you want to enter the clan of the first race in the world, you need to go through a great test.