I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1734

Chapter 1734

Chapter 1734 Go to the ruins of the Xuezu, the connection with the buried ice

"I didn't expect so many things to happen during my retreat."

The old man sighed.

Immortal Venerable Ancestor has fallen into a deep sleep again. His current state is already on the verge of dying. If he does not enter the Snow Clan Ruins as soon as possible, he may not be able to last for a few days.

The secret was revealed.

The old man's expression was indifferent, with a terrifying murderous intent.

He looked at Xue Zhimai, who was kneeling in the field, "Murdering the ancestors of Xianzun and taking refuge in other races... Really brave!"

As soon as he pointed it out, he saw the half-step Immortal Venerable who had been seriously injured and dying in front of him, and the blood mist exploded directly.

Immediately afterwards, the Snow Clan Immortal Sword appeared in his hand.

A sword was cut out, and no one was alive, all of them were cut into powder and dissipated between heaven and earth.

This terrifying power made the other branches of the Xue Clan dare not raise their heads, and knelt on the ground tremblingly.

From the presence of the aura of the Immortal Venerable Ancestor here, they have already understood some things. I am afraid that what happened in the Xue Clan during this time is related to the Xuezhi vein.

And after talking with the ancestor of Immortal Venerable, the founder of the Law Enforcement Hall was furious, and he showed no mercy at all. He wiped out all of Xue's veins, and the Xue Clan should have undergone a huge change.

The scene fell into silence.

It was not until a long time later that the founder of the Law Enforcement Hall wiped out all the branches here.

He even directly used the Snow Clan Immortal Sword, searched the people's spiritual sense here, and killed hundreds of people. In the end, the big change of the Xue Clan was the dust settled.

After that, the founder of the Law Enforcement Hall dismissed everyone.

Now there is a big problem in the ancestor of the Xue Clan Immortal Venerable. As the strongest among the Xue Clan, the current old man must go out and stabilize the next situation.

"Little friend, please enter the main hall."

The old man said politely.

Lin Yue nodded slightly.

Everyone entered the Ice Hall.

Lin Yue was led to the far right, the most respected position.

And Bing Ji and the others can only stand behind them.

At this moment, Lin Yue no longer concealed his figure, and showed his original appearance. He was very handsome. On top of his temperament, he seemed to be a little more perfect than Zhixue seeking the Tao.

This was also the first time Bing Ji saw Lin Yue's true appearance, and she was a little lost for a while.

The breath of time on Lin Yue is not vicissitudes. Among the monks, the age is not too old.

And at this moment, it is actually enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Half-step Immortal Venerable, and even suppress it. This talent can only be looked up to.

"Little friend, what happened just now is that the old man was abrupt."

The old man apologized again.

Lin Yue is not someone who cares about things, just shook his head, indicating that he didn't care.

"That Xue Qiu Dao now..." the old man said.

Among the Xue Clan, the half-step Immortal Venerable of the Xuezhi vein has been beheaded.

Only the old man is in this state now, and it is probably a very dangerous thing for the Xue Clan.

It will attract the coveting of hostile races, so a war will occur.

"He is already in the process of cultivation and has transformed into Tao."

Lin Yue said truthfully.

The old man nodded and could only sigh.

Hearing the ancestors of Bingyi's own ancestor Huadao, Bingji and the others were all dejected, cultivators, fighting for a lifeline with the sky, how many Tianjiao have been buried through the ages, although Xue Qiudao is very talented, but there are not too many deaths. accident.

The old man at that time had also explored, and there were still huge hidden dangers on the way of Xue Qiu Dao.

But Xue Qiudao, because of his arrogance, did not listen to the entry, but chose to go to the outside world by himself, breaking through the half-step immortal realm alone.

But the most important question now is about the Xue Clan's Immortal Venerable Ancestor.

He had already entrusted Lin Yue to go to the Xue Clan ruins to repair the injury after the matter here was over.

Now that the old man is out of the customs, Lin Yue can be considered to have completed the matter.

"Since the matter here is over, I should also leave. I have more important things in this trip."

Lin Yue got up and said goodbye.

Changes in the world are happening all the time, and Lin Yue doesn't have much time to delay.

"Little friend, please stay."

The old man also got up, came to Lin Yue, bowed slightly, and pleaded, "I am not fully sure of entering the Snow Clan ruins, so I want to use the burial ice of my little friend."

Lin Yue frowned slightly. The old people who are close to the realm of Immortal Venerable are not sure that they can enter the ruins of the Snow Clan. What danger is there?

"What's wrong with that?"

Lin Yue asked.

"There are traces of burial ice in the remains of the Snow Race, and that was the birthplace of burial ice."

The old man did not hide anything.

Therefore, there is a huge threat to the Half-step Immortal Venerable.

However, from the methods of Xuezhi's vein just now, it can be known that Lin Yue definitely mastered Burying Ice.

"The safety of the old man is nothing, but my uncle and the others can't be delayed."

The old man pleaded earnestly.

"It's a small matter."

Lin Yue nodded and said.

Lin Yue was also a little more interested in the birthplace of Ice Burial.

In the end, he promised to join the old man and bring Xiaobing and the others into the ruins.

After half an hour of preparation, the old man and Lin Yue stood side by side.

The age difference between the two is huge, but now they are still on an equal footing, and they are friends of the same generation.

With Bing Ji behind her, she could clearly feel that the indifferent temperament on Lin Yue's body was so extraordinary that people could only look up.

At this age, he can be on an equal footing with the ancestors in his family, and his combat power has reached an appalling level, which makes Bingji's conjecture about Lin Yue even more intense.

Conversation on the road.

With Bing Ji behind her, she also knew that Lin Yue's true identity was the god-lord of the contemporary human race.

Regarding this identity, although the Snow Race is not familiar with the world and has always been in the Snow Region, they have also heard about the prosperity of the Human Race in ancient times.

To be able to serve as the Divine Lord of the human race, only in an era with the strongest talent can he have this qualification and be invincible at the same stage. This is the basic condition.

From this identity, we can roughly know how terrifying Lin Yue's talent is.

No wonder he can reach such a terrifying state at this age.

If Lin Yue said himself, but within a few years, he had reached the forty-nine stop from the spiritual realm, and I am afraid that it was an old man, and he would also be shocked and say a monster.

"The lord of the human race... Could it be that you were the one who fought against two powerful men who carried the Heavenly Emperor's weapon and approached the Emperor Zhundi in the great battle of the Demon Territory a year ago?"

Bingji seemed to want something at the moment, and she couldn't help but be shocked.

The battle a year ago was too terrifying and shocked the world, and the Xue Clan knew a lot.

She just looked at Lin Yue's age and ignored something, thinking that there may be two **** masters of the human race, and Lin Yue just inherited it.

However, from the conversation, Bing Ji knew that the person in front of her was probably the one who had fought with a powerful person who was close to Emperor Zhun.

"It's just with the help of the power of the sages."

Lin Yue said modestly.

The old man was stunned, approaching the Emperor Zhun and carrying the Heavenly Emperor Artifact, the power that he could show was unimaginable.

Even if he obtained the power of the Emperor, if he did not have the means and talent, it would be difficult to control.

The person in front of him actually fought fiercely with the Emperor Zhun, and this kind of record makes people feel terrified.