I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307 the veteran next to the first ancestor, Lin Lei

Lin Yue and the first emperor entered the ancient city,

Everyone's eyes focused on the two of them.

"The aura on that person's body isn't that strong, but the combat power just now is really terrifying."

Someone said slowly.

There was an incredible look in their eyes.

"His age does not seem to be very old, similar to mine."

Some people have cultivated terrifying supernatural powers, can investigate the falsehood, and learn about Lin Yue's true age.

After the first emperor entered the ancient city, he went directly to the secret place.

No one dared to step forward with the breath and coercion of the First Emperor.

Lin Lei waited for Lin Yue in front of the city gate.

"Thank you, senior."

Lin Yue said with his hands.

This is a friendship, Lin Lei, regardless of the rejection of the current master of the ancient city, hesitate to fight, but also to bring Lin Yue in.

"Come to the ancient city, let me go."

Lin Lei retracted the sword at this time.

Behind his back.

The old man gritted his teeth, and after someone Lin Lei existed, it was probably not those old antiques who slept secretly, and no one could have any thoughts about Lin Yue.

Moreover, he established a relationship with Emperor Shi Huang before.

Now in the ancient city, I am afraid that no one can threaten him.

Lin Yue followed Lin Lei to a residence, which was in the middle of the ancient city, but it was covered with dust because there was no one living for a long time.

The tiles on it were already broken, and as the door opened, they fell rustlingly.

A small courtyard is full of dilapidation, and the furnishings in it are also very simple.

This is Lin Lei's residence here.

However, after that great battle, he was seriously injured, and he has been in a deep sleep.


Entering the small courtyard, Lin Lei coughed lightly, and wiped off the black blood that was no longer at the corner of his mouth.

"Senior, what's the matter?"

Lin Yue asked with concern.

This person was a veteran of his first ancestor back then, and Lin Yue knew that he was the oldest person in the twelve universes.


Lei wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

It's just that Lin Yue knows that Lin Lei's condition is not good.

Without suppressing his body, his body was already showing a rotten aura, almost half of it had fallen into the ground.

The true spirits seem to have been damaged and are difficult to repair.

However, Lin Yue still wanted to try, he sacrificed the power of the God King Ling.

Want to reverse time and space and restore the veteran's injury.

Although Lin Yue knew that this kind of Buddhism was of little use.

Because the veterans were seriously injured in the battle before ancient history, and they were wounded by weirdness.

It was because of Lin Xuan that he survived.

Now his true spirit, with the passage of years, has almost completely dissipated.

"I am the one who deserves to die, so I don't have to waste the power of the God King Ling."

Lin Lei said.

He stretched out his dry palm, preventing Lin Yue from continuing to urge God King Ling.

Lin Lei is now at the pinnacle of Dao Yinjing, even if there is a hidden danger in his body, to Lin Yue, he still has a deep sense of the sea.

He looked at Lin Yue, tears in his eyes, and slowly said: "Although I can't remember the boss's face, but from your face, I can feel a familiar feeling. You are the King of Lin. It must be very similar."

Lin Lei had never frowned on the battlefield, even if he suffered a terrible injury. When he saw Lin Yue at this time, tears could not help streaming down his eyes.

Lin Xuan was too strong back then, forcibly cutting off the long river of time.

So that among the people of later generations, no one remembers his appearance and existence.

Only in the place of origin, through word of mouth, can we know its bits and pieces.

This is also one of the main reasons why the twelve universes are weak in later generations.

Because some of the heritage Lin Xuan left behind, as he cuts off the long river of time and touches the taboo, they no longer exist.

The veterans who followed him, the strongest in the twelve universes, have all fallen.

Now, only Lin Lei is left.

"Everyone has passed away, what did King Lin mean by leaving me behind?"

Lin Lei cried at this time.

He experienced that unimaginable battle that year.

Below the highest, all were ants, everyone passed away, and even the sea of bounds was almost penetrated.

No one survived, only Lin Lei, who was finally rescued by Lin Xuan by means, and was finally placed in the ancient city, falling into endless sleep.

In the current world, he still felt the familiar breath, and then forcibly took a sigh of relief and came to the ancient city.

Lin Yue did not step forward to comfort.

He knows the sadness in Lin Lei's heart.

He witnessed the death of everyone around him in battle, Lin Xuan, who he thought was invincible at the time, died in the end, not even leaving his body.

He is the only one left in the world, which is a kind of pain.

Until a long time later.

Lin Lei came back to his senses.

However, the breath on his body has become weaker and weaker.

It seems that it will not last long.

"This ancient city has lost its original intent. Now the creatures in the ancient city have lost their bloodliness because they have shrunk for too long. There are some people among them who are constantly infighting."

Lin Lei explained the current situation of the ancient city to Lin Yue at this time.

For this, Lin Yue already felt it when he arrived.

He now slightly understands why there is a strange invasion in the universe.

Although this is an ancient city that resists weirdness, they did not resist directly, but with the help of restraint, they huddled in it.

It is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net and bypass this place and enter the universe.

"Perhaps you have seen it, there is a city in front of it that has been captured and destroyed."

Lin Lei and two came to the house.

Lin Lei's palm touched the void, isolating the conversation here, making it difficult for outsiders to detect.

Lin Yue nodded.

There is where the Supreme Shroud is.

"In fact, in the original place of the year, there were a total of nine ancient cities like Emperor Calling Pass. It was only in the prehistoric and post-historical battles that it was gradually captured. Now, only this last one is left, and in later generations. Among them, a re-established one."

Lei with a sigh.

The supreme of the year has all been killed after the battle.

Among the twelve universes, there is no more combat power, and it can resist the following weirdness.

Even in the later generations, there are strong people who break through to the highest level, but after all, it is a lonely tree that is difficult to support.

From Lin Lei's narration, Lin Yue gradually understood how tragic the battlefield in this place of origin was in each age.

"In fact, among the twelve universes, the strongest among them have all entered the land of origin... it's just..." Lin Lei did not continue.

But Lin Yue also guessed.

Back then, the Twelve Universes, under the leadership of Lin Xuan, must have been extremely prosperous.

Only after the black disaster broke out, Lin Xuan took away all the strong men, and finally fell into the land of origin.

"In the end, it was the other supreme of the Twelve Universes, and used great means to return the only bloodline left by King Lin Shenwang to the Twelve Universes."

Lin Lei told about everything that happened that year.

Lin Yue listened on the side.

This is the reason for the weakness of the twelve universes.

The youngest Lin Xuan, who was sent back by the Supreme Master, did not grow up at all and was suppressed in many ways.

In other universes, there are strong men who have not participated in the war.

Moreover, because Lin Xuan forcibly cut off the long river of time and prevented the unimaginable weirdness, with the help of people's thoughts to revive, it touched the taboo, so his bloodline was affected.

Intolerable by the avenues of heaven and earth.

Everything is the grief of the Twelve Universes.

"Now some people in the ancient city, in the dark and in the dark, have ideas about you, and you must grow up quickly."

Lin Lei said: "I used the forbidden technique to suppress myself, and there is still a thousand years to protect you."

If Lin Lei does not hesitate to pay, his strength is definitely more than Daoyin's pinnacle.

After all, he was the top existence who followed Lin Xuan in the past years, and his cultivation level would naturally not be too low.