I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306

The whole space is shaking.

The world is torn apart.

The stone sword in Lin Yue's hand had not changed after absorbing the endless power.

But everyone knew how terrifying Shi Jian was at this time.

I am afraid that there is not a quasi king present who can withstand this attack.

What happened was that the connection between the king quasi and the black mist above had been blocked by the ancient characters of the first emperor, and the king quasi had not fully recovered yet.

Now the complexion of King Quasi changed, the ancient spear in his hand vibrated, and he was condensing the final blow.


The sword light came suddenly.

Dodge is impossible.

At the same time, Lin Yue used the power of ancient characters to suppress the quasi-king.

"Even now, I have mastered four ancient characters!"

Several quasi kings were shocked.

But what worries them even more now is the current situation of the quasi-king.

After Lin Yue condensed this method, even with the blessing of the shroud, there was still death.

The time and space reset in the order of the **** king appeared, causing Lin Yue's figure to condense again.

The quasi-sage completely disappeared, and the body was turned into powder.

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Yue looked at the front faintly at this time.

There is no wave in the ancient well.

This was the first time he had dealt with the strong among the strange creatures positively.

But no panic was revealed.

Several prospective kings got rid of the first emperor and ancestor dragon.

At this time, they used a strange technique in common, and a page of paper appeared in their hands.

He actually reunited the figure of the quasi-king who had died out.

Converged on the paper now.

They didn't know how many other methods Lin Yue and Emperor Shi had.

In such a long time, the king of their weird family has not yet woken up.

Now they need to preserve their strength.


Said a quasi-king.

I saw the dark clouds receding.

Lin Yue and the first emperor did not continue to pursue them either.

The consumption of this war is too great for them.

The shroud faded and returned to Lin Yue's inner world.

Zulong was covered with scars, his breath was languid, and he crawled on the ground, gradually returning to the dragon sleeve robe of the first emperor, turning into a brand.

After this battle, Zulong was seriously injured and needed a long period of training.

I don't know how long the strange family will attack again.

Lin Yue's current cultivation base was not enough, he used the power of the **** king Ling, only to repair part of the injuries on Zulong's body.

"Now that you have been exposed, you may be targeted in the future."

The First Emperor said slowly.

They came under the wall.

The city wall is towering, with traces of swords and axes on it, exuding simplicity and vicissitudes of life.

The time it has existed is extremely long.

These weird quasi-kings originally led a large army to attack the ancient city.

However, when the first emperor came here, he was blocked from outside.

"Open the gates for both of you!"

The little fat man said quickly.

Today's scene was too shocking for them.

Everyone felt a sense of solemnity towards the First Emperor and Lin Yue.

The two came under the city gate.

But for a long time, the door was never opened.

This is what Wang Tianjun meant.

"Tianjun, why don't you open the door for them?"

Little Fatty Bao Jianming was puzzled, and with some questioning meaning, he said, "They blocked the weird army."

Bao Jianming's heels were scary, and Jin Tianjun just glanced at Bao Jianming with a questioning tone.

"Their identities are unknown, we will observe for a while."

Jin Tianjun said.

She is not in a hurry.

Lin Yue and the two stood under the city, their expressions cold.

They don't know what the people in the city mean.

"The two below, report their names."

Wang Tianjun's subordinates, at this time, said the sound transmission.

Emperor Shi's complexion was calm at this time, and he saw an aura radiating, affecting something in the secret place in the depths of the ancient city.


The entire city was shaking.

"Things left behind by the Supreme!"

Everyone was shocked by this breath.

I saw a page of golden decrees appearing in the void.

"Wait for being bold, and those who let reincarnation come in!"

A divine mind crushed in the hearts of everyone present.

"Ancient ancestor!"

Their complexion changed drastically. In the ancient city, the ancestors who had a terrifying generation were shocked by a page of decree, and they spoke at this time.

"Quickly let the senior come in."

Jin Tianjun's face was a bit unbearable.

She is also a powerful creature about to break through the supremacy, responsible for the management of the ancient city.

At this time, she was even reprimanded.

"Senior, please forgive me, but the person next to you is of unknown origin. Please let me know, otherwise, this ancient city...I hope you understand."

The old man who was with Wang Tianjun apologized at this time.

He didn't want Lin Yue to enter it.

Everyone had their eyes on the performance of Lin Yue and Emperor Shi.

Even personally beheaded a quasi-king.

The people in these ancient cities are afraid of being tricked, so they don't want to come out to help, and now the battle has been settled.

"I don't mind breaking the prohibition here."

The First Emperor said lightly.

There is endless majesty in his words.

This is not a joke. Although the current Emperor Shi has not recovered all his cultivation base, he is very familiar with this place. He has also contributed to the establishment of this city.

"Senior, you make it hard for us to do this."

The old man's complexion became ugly.

He has his own selfishness.

He knew that Lin Yue's own realm was not very high, but he had mastered many gods.

Suppress before entering the city and let him surrender those things. This is the plan of the old man and Wang Tianjun.

"I am Lin Yue, a descendant of Lin Xuan, the first **** king of the Twelve Universes."

Lin Yue had been in a high position for many years, how could he fail to see the purpose of the old man and Wang Tianjun.

His attitude was very cold at this time.

The Tao of time and space emerged, and at the same time, the God King Ling appeared in his hands.

This is the first time that God King Ling has appeared in front of the world, and its simple patterns are intertwined.

The mysterious power bloomed, making the restriction here, vaguely unstable, and it seemed that it could be broken at any time.

The eyes of Wang Tianjun and the old man changed slightly.

They began to covet the King Ling.

But at this moment.

The city is shaking!

"Who dares to stop Lin Zhigao's offspring!"

The terrifying shout just made Wang Tianjun slightly discolored.

I saw an old man in broken armor appeared, his face was scarred with wild aura, with a hideous aura, and there was still a strange aura on it, and it had not completely disappeared.

"Lin Lei, one of the three hundred veterans around the first **** king of the Twelve Universes, I thought you were already in the secret land and perished."

Wang Tianjun said slowly.

He is similar to Wang Tianjun's cultivation base.

However, he carried that warfare intent on his body, but it made everyone awe-inspiring, as if he were in an ice cellar.

"Do you want to fight?"

Lin Lei questioned Wang Tianjun.

The broken war sword in his hand was pointed diagonally, and Lin Lei wanted to make a move directly because of a disagreement.

Facing the appearance of Lin Lei, everyone was in disbelief.

The veterans who followed Zhi Gao back then were almost almost reaching the half-step Supreme.

It is hard to imagine how Lin Xuan's strength would have been if he didn't pass away.

"You can't get angry. Since it's the bloodline of that person, who used to fight against the weird hero, he can naturally enter."

Lin Xuan's name is taboo in the place of origin and should not be mentioned.

This is also one of the reasons that surprised everyone after Lin Yue said the name of his first ancestor.

However, the specifics are unknown.

The city gate was wide open.

Wang Tianjun's wrinkled face kept trembling, and this time it made her face very difficult.