I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1308

Chapter 1308

Chapter 1308

Lin Yue bowed to Lin Lei.

Several people chatted for a long time.

Lin Lei asked about the current situation of the Twelve Universes.

"Old Lin, you can go back to the Twelve Universes as long as you are alive."

Lin Yue said.

However, Lin Lei shook his head and said, "I am a loser, and I have no face to return to the Twelve Universes. Looking at that continent, I am ashamed."

Lin Lei carried infinite sorrow in his heart and continued: "I am an expeditionary veteran. I originally put my life and death out of my mind. Wherever I die, I will be buried wherever I am. The mountains are all the same."

Lin Yue did not continue to insist.

Until the early morning of the next day.

Lin Lei is now like a twilight old man, his eyes are muddy, he is wearing a gray coat, but he has not taken off his armor, but has been wearing it all the time.

The sword does not leave the body, the sword does not leave the hand.

He started to take care of the small courtyard.

At this time, someone came here to visit.

"Senior Lin, I'm here to find Lin Yue."

At this time, the little fat man Bao Jianming came here.

He is grinning, his appearance is very beautiful, harmless to humans and animals, and unconsciously can arouse people's favor.


Lei pointed to the room.

After this battle, Lin Yue's sentiment is quite deep, and he is now in the process of comprehension.

Bao Jianming did not enter to disturb.

But standing in the courtyard, while waiting for Lin Yue, help Lin Lei water.

Lin Lei also knows that Bao Jianming's heels are unusual.

He was not hostile, and Lin Lei was naturally not vigilant.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Lin Yue opened the door and walked into the courtyard with a white robe.

"Friend Lin Dao is really a dragon and a phoenix among the people."

Looking at Lin Yue's appearance, Bao Jianming couldn't help but praised.

Lin Yue looked at Bao Jianming, he still had a slight influence on the man above the city wall.

He also spoke for himself at the time.

Therefore, Lin Yue still has a good impression of him.

"Under Bao Jianming, I admire Lin Daoyou very much and want to come and make friends."

Bao Jianming said warmly.

"Friend Bao Dao."

Lin Yue arched his hands at Bao Jianming.

Lin Yue grasped the reasons for the ancient characters, so he could investigate the falsehood.

Bao Jianming is now in the Yuan Shen late stage, and his talent is also very amazing.

Presumably, he also bears unimaginable good fortune.

"I don't know what the Dao Bao friend can do if he is looking for me?"

Lin Yue asked.

"There is nothing particularly important."

Bao Jianming scratched his head and said, "It's just people of our generation who are going to have a banquet, and I want to invite Lin Daoyou to attend."

Bao Jianming sent out an invitation.

Lin Yue just came here, although he had already learned the general information from Lin Lei.

But in this last ancient city, I don't know much about it, such as the strong men in this generation.

"Friend Lin, it's just an ordinary gathering. In order to relieve one's mood in this depressive environment, Fellow Daoists don't have to worry too much."

Bao Jianming said with a smile.

"No problem, when?"

Lin Yue asked.

He can use this to understand what level he belongs to in this generation.

Lin Yue has already understood that the twelve universes have been regarded as cages by the strange creatures and the creatures of the place of origin. The Tao in them is incomplete and the energy and matter are scarce.

I have been practicing in the twelve universes for many years, and I don't know that I am now behind the same generation in the ancient city.

"That's a deal."

Bao Jianming smiled, and then he took out an invitation card with a bronzing imprint on it, and at the same time a certain Taoist power.

It looks very strange.

The people in these ancient cities are not simple people, and it is unimaginable to trace their origins.

After Bao Jianming briefly said a few words, he turned and left.

Lin Yue is now in the courtyard.

Holding the gourd scoop, watering the newly planted plants of Lin Lei.

"At this party, someone may make things difficult for you."

Lin Lei said.

He is well aware of the nature of some people in the ancient city.

After such a long time, it has fallen, and it has forgotten the purpose of guarding this place.

Lin Yue nodded.

"The twelve universes and one line are never weaker than people. If someone makes things difficult, you can kill them."

Lin Lei said calmly: "I don't care about the battle between people of the same generation, but if those old monsters shamelessly attack you, I don't mind getting rid of that line."

Although Lin Lei's words were calm, they were extremely domineering.

That was the case for the first generation of God Kings in the Twelve Universes. As a subordinate of the former God Kings, he would naturally not lose his reputation.

This is the tolerance passed down from the twelve universes.

"I am the **** king of the twelve universes."

Lin Yue nodded.

There is also a plain meaning in his words.

At least what Lin Yue can know now is that Wang Tianjun's line is malicious towards himself.

Because in the previous battle, in order to kill the quasi-king, he exposed too many things.

Can not help but provoke their coveting.

However, in Lin Lei's eyes, these people are just jumping clowns.

over time.

In the land of origin, there is no obvious distinction between day and night, and it has always been a dim world.

Only a ray of light in the sky can be seen, disappearing or emerging, which is the basis for the change of day and night.

Lin Yue followed the position left by Bao Jianming and came to an empty area in the ancient city.

The ancient city is very big, no less than a world.

There are many areas without buildings.

There is also the area that has been destroyed during the war.

Tables and chairs have been placed here.

The terrain is very empty, and hundreds of people have gathered.

They are all in the ancient city, in this era, the most talented.

It is also the mainstay of fighting the weird in the future ancient city.

Bao Jianming was outside the banquet, waiting for Lin Yue's arrival.

"Friend Bao, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Lin Yue came to Bao Jianming's body.

At this time, beside him was a young man with sword eyebrows and stars, and a woman with bright eyes and white teeth. She had silver hair and big eyes, and she looked very cute.

"This is Fu Linyun, this is Bailu...that's my best friend in the ancient city."

Bao Jianming introduced.

The young man with a sword eyebrow star was also above the ancient city, speaking for Lin Yue.

I want Wang Tianjun to send people to support Lin Yue and Emperor Shi.

"I have seen Friends Fu and Daoists Bai."

Lin Yue arched his hands one by one.

The two also responded enthusiastically.

"Now the banquet is about to begin, let's go in first now."

Bao Jianming said.

Several people walked into the banquet.

Following the seats, I came to a few seats in front.

Obviously Bao Jianming's status is not low among these people, and is at the top.

This is related to his origin and strength.

"The first seat on the left is the most talented person in Wang Tianjun's line. His name is Wang Chuan. The first on the right is a man who can't see his face and is named Tianyi..."

Bao Jianming introduced Lin Yue.

"Tianyi's strength is unpredictable, and his residence is a supreme disciple who has been sealed to the world."

Bao Jianming had no reservations and introduced to Lin Yue.

But he did not speak loudly.

Obviously, there is also fear in his heart for Tianyi.

As for Wang Chuan, he has a golden armor, his eyes are dazzling, and he carries an invincible breath.

At this time, he had already stood at the peak of the late Origin God Realm.

After reaching the realm of the source god, every small stage is very different.

There are very few people who fought higher.

Undoubtedly, they all condense the nine inner worlds.

This kind of person is hard to see in the twelve universes.

Just in this ancient city, there are no fewer than two hands.