I Was Seduced Into A Marriage After Failing To Charm The Tyrannical Bigshot - Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Chapter 150 If you want to go, go

heard the name Shen Hanyu.

The man's eyes narrowed, "No wonder Shi An came back from Mingcheng, feeling so down."

If Sang Qianqian is with Shen Hanyu now, it's no wonder that Shi'an is depressed.

This person is now regarded as one of the top telecommunication giants in the country. With Shi'an's current status, it is indeed difficult to match him.

Mentioning Xie Shi'an, Cui Yao showed a rare sympathy on his face, "That night at Mr. Guo's birthday banquet, Master An met Shen Hanyu and Miss Sang, probably because he was stimulated and got drunk. He went back to the hotel. He couldn't vomit, and he kept calling Miss Sang's name, asking Miss Sang to forgive him."

He bowed and lifted the teapot on the tea table, added some hot tea to Ruan Cheng's cup, and then continued: "I couldn't bear to see it, so I raised the warning level without authorization."

Shen Hanyu is young and promising, but he is extremely calm and low-key, and basically does not appear in the media.

And his private life is very orderly, so that it is difficult for Cui Yao to find his handle.

But everyone has only one life, and no one can care about his own life.

Even if he likes a woman again, if it is because of this woman, he may lose his life, and I am afraid that he will have to think twice.

"You can also cause trouble for me."

Ruan Cheng said lightly, "Are you afraid there won't be enough things?"

Cui Yao was a little ashamed, and lowered his head to explain: "If I don't do this, I'm afraid it won't have a deterrent effect on Shen Hanyu at all."

Ruan Cheng picked up the teacup, the hot air blurred his deep and gloomy face.

He lowered his head and sipped his tea casually, "Since you have done it, do it, remember to clean it up, don't let anyone come to the capital, and don't cause trouble for Shi An. At this juncture, I don't want to do too much."

Cui Yao respectfully said: "Don't worry, Master Cheng, even if they find out about Young Master An, they won't be able to find anything. This matter has nothing to do with Young Master An at all. I have arranged everything and will never leave any clues. "

Ruan Cheng nodded, took two sips of tea slowly, and waved his hand.

Cui Yao knew that this meant that he should step down.

bowed, he closed the door silently, and went out.

Ruan Cheng put down the teacup, leaned on the couch, closed his eyes and raised his mind.

Someone pushed the door and walked in very lightly, probably because he saw him sleeping, he hesitated for a while without making a sound.

Ruan Cheng didn't open his eyes, "Just say something."

Ruan Xiaoshuang summoned up his courage, "Brother, I want to go to Mingcheng for a while. Our family doesn't have a shipping branch over there. Can I transfer to work there?"

The man still closed his eyes, his voice was light, "Why?"

Ruan Xiaoshuang bit her lip, "Mingcheng has a friend who I haven't seen for many years. I want to see him again."

Ruan Cheng finally opened his eyes and looked at Ruan Xiaoshuang with shallow eyes.

Obviously this look is dull, but Ruan Xiaoshuang's nerves tense subconsciously.

Ruan Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is that the friend who made you even make up your marriage, and didn't hesitate to regret it, why didn't you want to get married?"

Ruan Xiaoshuang lowered her head and said "um".

"What's that person's identity?" Ruan Cheng asked lightly.

Ruan Xiaoshuang panicked, "Just, a very ordinary identity, a very ordinary family."

She seemed to be afraid of Ruan Cheng's objection, and added in a hasty voice, "But our family is not short of money, and I don't care what his identity is. You have seen it over the years, eldest brother, it's not that I haven't had a blind date, or I haven't tried I've been with other people, but I really can't find the feeling, it's just him"

She blushed and said nothing further.

Ruan Cheng looked at her meaningfully, "You and Shi An are considered to be the ones that I brought up, why don't you learn if you are good, and let me be bad?"

Too infatuation is not a good thing.

At any time there is a weakness, and no one can handle it. Once separated, a good life will become a mess from now on.

Ruan Xiaoshuang remembered what happened to her eldest brother over the years, and she felt sad and didn't know what to say.

I don't know if it was because of the memory of the past that was disturbing, Ruan Cheng lowered his head and coughed.

Ruan Xiaoshuang silently walked to Ruan Cheng's side, wrapped the thin blanket around him, and gently stroked his back.

After hesitating for a moment, he still said, "Brother, it's been so many years since Sister Qiu Ling passed away, so take it lightly."

In fact, I know how powerless my persuasion is.

Take it lightly, these three words are easy to say, but how difficult it is to do it.

After so many years, she couldn't underestimate the past relationship.

As soon as he saw Sang Minglang, he knew that there might be no result, but he was still like a moth to a flame, desperate to get close to him.

Ruan Cheng finally stopped coughing, and his pale face was dyed an abnormal red.

He closed his eyes slightly, breathing calmly, his voice a little low, "If you want to go, go. Don't leave any regrets for yourself."

Ruan Xiaoshuang couldn't believe it, her eldest brother agreed to her request just like that.

She was overjoyed and her voice was excited, "Thank you, big brother!"

"Remember to bring me and Uncle Guo when you go to Mingcheng."

Ruan Cheng gave a rare smile, "If you have anything, just tell Uncle Guo, he will take care of you."

Ruan Xiaoshuang agreed and left almost impatiently.

Looking at her disappearing back, Ruan Cheng's eyes dimmed a little.

He is a past person, so he can understand Ruan Xiaoshuang's state of mind too much, and he is very indulgent towards this sister.

It is better to be separated than to die, and it is better to meet people who can never meet again.

Whether it is Shi An or Xiaoshuang.

He didn't want them to follow in his footsteps in the future.

I don't know if it's because I know too much about my daughter's temperament, or because Shen Shaofeng personally accompanied Shen Hanyu this time.

Sang Pengcheng's attitude towards Shen Hanyu was quite polite.

asked many questions about the details of the wedding, Shen Hanyu answered them in an orderly manner, and Sang Pengcheng was still satisfied.

He had to continue to ask, and Sang Minglang became impatient, "Dad, the wedding is between him and Qianqian, why are you asking so many questions?"

Sang Pengcheng glared at him, "Han Yu didn't say anything, what qualifications do you have to say?"

Sang Minglang shrugged, "Okay, you like to ask, it's okay to ask tomorrow morning."

Sang Qian was sitting cross-legged on the sofa beside him, holding a plate of strawberries with a smile, eating happily.

Sang Ming's eyes fell on her, "I've been talking about you all afternoon and night, but you are good, like an outsider, leisurely."

"I have Han Yu and Dad to worry about for me, of course I am leisurely."

Sang Qianqian glanced at her brother, "Brother, is your uncle here? Why don't you like anyone?"

Sang Minglang stretched out his long arms and snatched her fruit bowl directly, holding it up high, "Dare you say that to your brother? Don't eat this strawberry."

Sang Qianqian stood on the sofa to grab the fruit plate. The two brothers and sisters were having a lot of fun when the phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the name of the caller, Sang Qianqian immediately restrained herself, cleared her throat, and answered, "Sister Xiaoshuang."

Hearing the three words of Sister Xiaoshuang.

Sang Minglang's figure froze, and the smile on his face before was silently restrained, dyed a bit cold.

(end of this chapter)