I Was Seduced Into A Marriage After Failing To Charm The Tyrannical Bigshot - Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

"Miss Sang's social circle is quite complicated."

Guo Muyang weighed the bullets in his hand and guessed, "Han Yu, do you think this person is not your rival? Otherwise, why do you want you to stay away from Miss Sang?"

Shen Hanyu's identity is here, but the other party dares to use a gun when he comes up, which can be said to be lawless.

The person behind this is either a high-ranking person who can reach the sky, or a desperado.

The latter one is a little easier to handle.

If it is really like the previous one, Han Yu can't let go, and that person will not give up easily.

This pair is really troublesome at that time.

The words rival in love came out, Shen Hanyu's eyes darkened, his thin lips pursed into a line, and he didn't speak.

Sang Qianqian once said that besides him, she has only Xie Shian as a boyfriend.

We broke up after one day of dating, and it was thanks to Antioch.

But that day, at Mingcheng University, Xie Shian held Sang Qianqian's hand in Huxin Pavilion.

And at Guo Dingsong's 50th birthday banquet, Xie Shian looked at Sang Qianqian's eyes, obviously, with a hidden and unspeakable affection.

So he suddenly broke up and resigned and disappeared from Yuecheng. What was the inside story?

"How did Xie Shi'an and Ruan Xiaoshuang know each other?"

Shen Hanyu said lightly, "How could he represent the Ruan family and choose a birthday present for Uncle Guo?"

"Xie Shi'an has a sister who used to be lovers with Xiaoshuang's eldest brother Ruan Cheng."

Guo Muyang remembered the secrets of the wealthy family that he knew from his father, and sighed a little, "Speaking of which, Xie Shi'an is quite pitiful. The Xie family is not one of the major families in the capital? But Xie Shi'an and his sister's biological mother , from a very low background, he seems to be a restaurant waiter. They died not long after they gave birth to their sister and brother. Xie Shian and his sister are not very valued by the Xie family, and they have been living very hard, and I don't know how to get to know the Ruan family. He has been living in Ruan's house. His sister passed away a few years ago, and he was entrusted to Ruan Cheng. Ruan Cheng has always taken good care of him. The last time he came to Mingcheng, it was for Ruan Cheng to give my dad a birthday wish."

Shen Hanyu frowned slightly, "Go check Xie Shi'an, what did you do in the few days you came to Mingcheng."

Guo Muyang's face was full of disbelief, "Isn't it? You suspect that Xie Shi'an is related to this shooting?"

"You're not guessing your rival in love? At present, it's barely him, so he can be counted."

Shen Hanyu glanced at him, and his eyes narrowed a little, "Besides, don't you think that Ruan Xiaoshuang came on behalf of the Ruan family, and Xie Shian came to Mingcheng, it seems redundant?"

Guo Muyang thought about it too, "Okay, Xie Shi'an, I'll go check it out myself."

Although he thought that Xie Shi'an was very gentle and handsome, he was not so bold and not so capable, and he did things like shooting.

However, it is about cold protection and safety. It is better to check by mistake than to miss it.

In the evening, in addition to Shen Hanyu, Guo Muyang came to pick up Sang Qianqian.

"The Hanyu car broke down and I sent it to the repair shop for repair."

Guo Muyang explained as soon as he saw her, "I just want to tell Han Yu something, and I will see you off on the way."

Sang Qianqian didn't think much about it, "Then I will trouble President Guo."

She got into the back seat and sat in, with Shen Hanyu sitting on the back seat.

Sang Qianqian didn't sleep much at all because of that dream last night. Today, she was busy at school all day. She looked a little haggard and her head was drowsy.

and Shen Hanyu said a few words about going to Yuecheng tomorrow, and I really want to sleep.

The eyelids were so heavy that they seemed to be able to close at any time, she couldn't hold it any longer, "Han Yu, I'll sleep for a while, you can call me when you arrive."

Shen Hanyu nodded: "Okay."

Sleeping on the chair was not very comfortable, and the car jolted over a pothole again.

Sang Qianqian was just about to fall asleep when she was thrown to the side.

She opened her eyes blankly and adjusted her position.

"Sit over here." Shen Hanyu looked at her sideways, his voice low and doting: "Sleep on me."

Sang Qianqian thought that Guo Muyang was not an outsider, and besides, she just leaned on Shen Hanyu's shoulder and squinted for a while, which was not too much.

She gave a "hmm" and moved to Shen Hanyu's side, half leaning on his right arm quite naturally.

But he didn't notice, Shen Hanyu frowned invisibly, his teeth clenched a bit, but he still didn't move.

The position she was leaning against, coincidentally, was exactly where he was injured.

Shen Hanyu could bear it, but Guo Muyang couldn't bear it, "Miss Sang, that, let's chat, don't sleep."

Sang Qianqian raised her head in a daze, "What are you talking about?"

Shen Han Yu said warmly: "Ignore him, sleep with you."

Guo Muyang: "."

also served Shen Hanyu.

The penetrating wound that the bullet passed through was just bandaged this morning, and he dared to let people lean on him like this at night.

I don't want this arm anymore for a woman?

Fortunately, Sang Qianqian didn't listen to Shen Hanyu, "What does Mr. Guo want to talk to me about?"

Guo Muyang thought of the relevant information about Xie Shi'an that he found in the afternoon, and almost blurted out: "Talk about Xie Shi'an."

As soon as these words came out, the air in the car was silent for several seconds.

Shen Hanyu's cold gaze swept across Guo Muyang, "Guo Muyang, are you talking too much today?"

Guo Muyang grinned, "I'm not curious. If I can't chat, Miss Sang will just leave it alone."

Sang said lightly: "There's nothing to talk about. What does Mr. Guo want to ask?"

"I heard that he used to be your boyfriend." Guo Muyang said, "How is he?"

Sang Qianqian thought for a while, and commented objectively: "Excellent business ability, very measured in dealing with people and things, good temperament, gentle and modest."

Of course, except for breaking up with her, that can't be counted as measured.

But in general, having known Xie Shi'an for four years, he really can afford these few comments.

She didn't finish her words, the handsome face of the man beside him was slightly cold, and his breath was a little sunk.

Guo Muyang said "oh" and asked very directly, "Does he still like Miss Sang? If he chases Miss Sang again, will Miss Sang turn back?"

The first question was what he wanted to ask, and the latter question, um, was asked instead of Shen Hanyu.

"Does he like it or not, it doesn't seem to matter to me?"

Sang Qianqian glanced at the man beside him who looked worried, and obviously felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a bit.

She stretched out her hand and quietly held Shen Hanyu's hand, answering Guo Muyang, but looking at Shen Hanyu:

"My husband is more than 100 times better than him. I'm crazy and will turn back."

In the dimly lit compartment, the two of them looked at each other, Shen Hanyu's dark eyes seemed to be shining with a scorching light.

Sang Qianqian coughed and turned his head in time.

If it wasn't for Guo Muyang in front, she suspected that Shen Hanyu would hold her face and kiss her on the spot.

Every time he looked at her with this look, she couldn't escape. Being kissed.

Guo Muyang, who was driving in front of him, was caught off guard and was thrown a face of dog food and almost choked to death.

This is true, find abuse by yourself.

If I had known earlier, I would have stopped asking that sentence.

The capital, Ruan family.

On the soft couch, the man with dark eyebrows and dark eyes, holding a cup of hot tea, listened calmly to the people around him and reported the situation in Mingcheng.

(end of this chapter)