I Was Seduced Into A Marriage After Failing To Charm The Tyrannical Bigshot - Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Kiss in the Night

Ruan Xiaoshuang flew to Mingcheng that afternoon after obtaining her brother's consent.

After getting off the plane, she didn't even go to the company, but went directly to the humble house where Sang Minglang lived.

knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered.

Waited from dusk until the night was dark, and Sang Minglang did not come back.

After hesitating for a long time, Ruan Xiaoshuang still called Sang Qianqian.

"You've been waiting there for my brother?"

Sang Qianqian was so surprised that she didn't know what to say, "That, Sister Xiaoshuang, actually my brother, he, he."

I wanted to tell Ruan Xiaoshuang the truth, but I was afraid that her brother would never end with her. After thinking about it, I still said: "Sister Xiaoshuang, wait, I will ask my brother to call you."

After hanging up, Sang Qianqian glanced at her brother with a complicated tone, "Sister Xiaoshuang has been waiting for you since four o'clock in the afternoon, and she is still waiting. Please call her back, she should have something to do. find you."

It's almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Sang Minglang looked indifferent, "What can she ask me for? Let her go, just say I'm not available."

Sang Qianqian was so angry that she was speechless, "You don't have time to make a phone call?"

Sang Minglang put the plate of strawberries back into her hands, said lightly, "Of course, I'm busy", turned around and went upstairs.

Sang Qianqian: "."

I'm really going to vomit blood from her brother's anger.

can only call Ruan Xiaoshuang again, find an excuse, and vaguely go over.

On the other side, Sang Pengcheng finally ended the long "interrogation" of Shen Hanyu, and glanced back at the floor-to-ceiling glass window, the vague figure of Sang Qianqian on the garden swing frame, and said with a smile: "Qianqian has been waiting for you. ,go quickly."

Sang Qianqian was not actually waiting for Shen Hanyu, but was so angry with her brother that she came out to blow air.

Her brother is really good enough, how can he be so heartless to Ruan Xiaoshuang.

Even if the former lover broke up, can't we be friends, he didn't even bother to answer a phone call.

is also really ruthless.

was silently complaining about her brother, and when he looked up, he saw a handsome and tall man walking towards her slowly.

He stood in front of the swing frame, condescendingly, looking down at her.

To meet his dark and deep eyes, Sang Qianqian curved her lips, "Is my dad finished asking?"

Shen Hanyu said "um", his eyes still fell on her, not for a moment.

The girl Li Wu smiled lightly, her water eyes raised her little face, with a bit of sincere admiration, "Han Yu, sometimes I think you are really powerful enough to make my dad and brother accept youyou I don't know how much my dad and my brother hated you when we first came to Yuecheng."

What Sang Pengcheng hated was that Shen Hanyu rejected his precious daughter's confession, and caused her daughter to be stabbed in vain, almost losing her life.

Sang Minglang not only hated these, but also hated the well-rounded Sangjia Hongyuan Group. Because of Shen Hanyu, he had to disappear completely, and everything had to be restarted from scratch.

"At that time, our family was having dinner. Occasionally, when the news of Phoenix was broadcast on TV, my dad's face would sink immediately. My brother was so angry that he didn't even eat, got up with a dark face and left."

Sang Qianqian remembered the old things at that time, and her mood was a little mixed, "At that time my brother lost his temper, and I didn't dare to speak. Fortunately, many things went well after that, and I felt a little better in my heart."

Shen Hanyu repeated her last four words, seemingly puzzled, "Is it better?"

"Yeah, do you think there is no pressure when I persuade my dad to come to Yuecheng?"

Sang Qian tilted her head, "Hongyuan Group has such a large property, if it is sold, it will be sold, and the Sang family's foundation for many years will be abandoned if it is abandoned. Although my original intention at that time was to hope that the Sang family would be safe, but, I really feel sorry for my dad and brother."

At that time, Sang Minglang held his breath and insisted on developing the Sang family's Yongjia medical treatment in the shortest possible time.

But to start over in a new place, all resources and relationships must be rebuilt.

From the establishment to the growth of the company, they had to walk the long road again, and it was hard to imagine.

That's why she studied hard at school. She completed the seven-year undergraduate and master's medical course in just over four years.

In the first two years, I just focused on professional courses. In the next two years, in addition to professional courses, I also needed clinical practice. I was busy around the clock.

It is really hard, really tired, so tired that people fall apart anytime, anywhere, and they can fall asleep when they close their eyes anytime and anywhere.

Now that I think about it, Sang Qianqian doesn't know how she survived.

"You don't know, at that time I had a special skill. Every time I took the subway from school to the hospital where I practiced, I could fall asleep standing up as soon as I got on the train, but when I got to the station, I woke up immediately."

Sang Qian said with a light smile, "It's not working anymore. After returning to Yuecheng, I tried it twice, but I always sat and stood."

Shen Hanyu's eyes were slightly deep, "Why do you make yourself so tired?"

Sang Qian said seriously: "I want to come back early and spend more time with my dad. He worked too hard, and his health was not very good at that time. And my brother, I wish I could die at work, I wish I could stay at the company, and I am at home. , he can somewhat restrain himself."

Sang Qianqian really couldn't help feeling distressed every time she returned to China to visit them.

couldn't do anything to help them, so he could only devote all his attention to their studies, and wanted to go back to Yuecheng earlier to accompany them.

At least when she is at home, there is always some laughter and laughter in this family on weekdays, so that it will not be too deserted and lifeless.

The night wind blew over, blowing the girl's long hair and dress, and the light sweet fragrance of her body also fell into his breath.

Shen Hanyu suddenly wanted to kiss her.

For the five years they have missed, for the hardships they have endured, for the day when they finally meet again and meet and love each other.

He thought so, so he did the same, raised the girl's chin lightly with his fingers, lowered his head, and was about to kiss.

Sang Qianqian panicked and covered his lips with his fingers, "Don't, my dad and your dad are in the house, you can see through the glass"

"There are flowers and trees blocking it, so I can't see clearly."

The deep and indulgent voice fell on her ear, and the warm breath swept over the sensitive skin around her ear like a very light feather. Sang Qianqian trembled all over, but she tried her best to maintain her sense, "No. I can't see clearly. , that's not much to see, we... um."

Her wrist was suddenly grabbed by the man forcefully, moved aside, and the next moment, her lips were blocked.

All the words that were too late to say turned into small whimpers, drifting with the wind in this dark and quiet night.

In the living room, Shen Shaofeng and Sang Pengcheng were engaged in chatting, but they didn't have time to pay attention to the outside.

"I took a look at your company's industrial layout. There are branch offices and hospitals in many cities, but Mingcheng does not."

Shen Shaofeng was a little apologetic and said earnestly, "Why didn't Mr. Sang set up a branch in Mingcheng to further expand the business?"

The provinces and cities around Mingcheng still have great comprehensive potential.

The Sang family gave up this market, of course Shen Shaofeng knew that it was because of the disputes between the Sang family and the Shen family in the past, but now, there is no need.

(end of this chapter)