I Was Seduced Into A Marriage After Failing To Charm The Tyrannical Bigshot - Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Chapter 148 is to propose a relative, not to rob a relative

Shen Hanyu had been thinking about that dream before, and he was immersed in his thoughts.

The speed of the bullet was too fast, the moment he raised his eyes, the strong wind was already in front of him.

In the time of electric light and fire, Shen Hanyu only had time to turn his body, blood spurted out, and there was already a sharp pain above his right arm.

Shen Hanyu sullenly glanced at the direction of the bullet.

There is a tall building, and the glass windows reflect the dazzling light in the morning sunlight.

There may be a murderer hidden in every window, but the other party can suddenly take action when he is waiting for the red light to think about something.

I must have been with him for a long time, only then can I know that he will definitely take this road when he sends Sang Qianqian to school every day.

The red light at the intersection has changed, and the vehicles behind him honk their horns to urge.

Shen Hanyu drove the car with one hand and went directly to the hospital.

The wound is a penetrating wound, not a light one, but it's a good thing, it only hurts the arm.

Shen Hanyu's brows and eyes are cold, and his eyes are deep.

Just looking at his expression, there is no pain at all, as if he is not asking the doctor to deal with the wound, but sitting in the office for a meeting.

Guo Muyang rushed to the hospital quickly.

Seeing him come in, Shen Hanyu frowned slightly, "Didn't I tell you not to come to the hospital?"

called him to let him pass the surveillance as soon as possible to lock the floor and the possible murderer, but he was not allowed to come here.

"Just kidding, you are shot, how could I not come?"

Guo Muyang got out of the car and apparently ran all the way over, sweating all over his head, "Don't worry, I have arranged for people to investigate and the police have communicated with each other."

Just received a call from Shen Hanyu, his heart almost jumped out, he was so frightened that the first Buddha was born, and the second Buddha almost ascended to heaven.

Seeing that Shen Hanyu is okay at this moment, a heart that has been mentioned is finally put down.

"It's a bad year for you this year. In the first half of the year, you caught up with Han Tianyi with a knife. In the second half of the year, others even used a gun on you."

Guo Muyang sat down on the chair, raised his hands to wipe off the sweat, his expression was a little solemn, "Who the **** did you offend me behind your back?"

Shen Hanyu said lightly: "I don't know."

I really don't know, who would look down on his life so much.

"The security has been fully upgraded. It will take some time. Before I make arrangements, you can stay out of the house for the past two days, or don't go out."

Guo Muyang frowned, that person didn't succeed once, and the protection was uneven, and there would be a second time.

All the cars had to be replaced with bulletproof cars, and more bodyguards had to be dispatched, but at the fastest, it would take two days to arrange everything.

Shen Hanyu glanced at him, "I'm going to Yuecheng tomorrow morning."

"Why are you going to Guangdong City?"

Guo Muyang was puzzled, "Miss Sang is not in Mingcheng."

Shen Han said calmly, "Propose a marriage."

Guo Muyang: "."

This is really a bit of a hassle.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the phone, "I'll call Miss Sang to tell her that she will definitely understand if such a big event has been delayed for two days."

Shen Hanyu gave a look and stopped him from dialing, "My injury must be kept secret, don't let her know."

"why is that?"

asked the exit, what Guo Muyang realized again, "Afraid of her worrying?"

Shen Hanyu's voice was a little heavy, "That's it."

Last night she dreamed that he was wounded by a gunshot, and it really happened today. She was afraid that she would not only be worried, but would be afraid, even shaken.

"Is it?"

Guo Muyang's mouth twitched, afraid that Sang Qianqian would be too embarrassed to say it.

He nodded, "Okay, don't tell if you don't tell me, and find some other excuse to explain it to Miss Sang. Anyway, you'd better stay at home for the past two days and don't go anywhere."

The doctor had already wrapped a bandage on Shen Hanyu, and after tying the knot, he instructed, "Mr. Shen should pay attention to rest after returning. This arm cannot do any strenuous exercise or lift heavy objects for the time being, in order to prevent the wound from cracking. Come back in three days. Just change the medicine."

Shen Hanyu nodded and thanked him, tidied up the cuffs of his shirt, got up and walked out.

Only then did he answer Guo Muyang's previous question: "You don't have to make excuses, just go tomorrow."

"But this is a shooting, no trivial matter."

Guo Muyang took a few steps to catch up with Shen Hanyu, a little anxious, "For love, you won't even give up your life?"

Shen Hanyu didn't stop at his feet, "That man missed a hit, and he won't make a second shot in a short period of time."

He was already prepared, and now he has alerted the police. Even if the other party wanted his life again, he would not rush to the gun.

Guo Muyang is still worried.

But he also knows Shen Hanyu's temperament, once he decides, no one can make him change his mind.

In the end, he still gave in, "If you really want to go, then bring more people with you and follow you every step of the way."

He considered it for a while, "Will ten people be too few?"

"Guo Muyang."

Shen Hanyu gave him a meaningful look, "I'm going to propose a marriage, not to grab one. You think my five-year wait is too short, and you want me to wait a few more years?"

Guo Muyang came back to his senses and thought about the scene where Shen Hanyu brought ten bodyguards into the Sang family to propose marriage, and couldn't help laughing.

"It's okay not to let them show up. But ten people, it can't be any less."

Guo Muyang insisted, "In short, you must never have an accident again."

The two of them were talking and had already arrived at Shen Hanyu's car.

"Your car's glass is broken, take my seat." Guo Muyang said.

Shen Hanyu didn't speak and opened the car door.

There was mottled blood on the seat, which was left by Shen Hanyu's previous injury.

He bowed slightly, carefully looking for something on the driver's seat.

After a while, from the gap between the seats, a bullet with dried blood was found.

Guo Muyang's military skills are quite deep, and he recognized it at a glance, "This is a specially made hollow bullet."

He took the bullet, turned it over and over in his hand, and frowned a few times.

The bullet was actually split in two, and a note fell out of it.

On the note, there is a line of words, printed out by the computer, the font is bold and heavy, and there is no sense of shock.

"Stay away from Sang Qianqian. Otherwise, next time, the bullet will appear in your heart."

Guo Muyang's face changed suddenly.

Shen Hanyu took the note and glanced at it, and his breath suddenly sank.

So today's injury is a warning, warning him to stay away from Sang Qianqian?

"Han Yu, I think you should postpone going to Yuecheng."

Guo Muyang looked complicated, "Let's wait until we find out who is behind."

Originally thought it was a business dispute. After all, shopping malls are a place where the weak and the strong prey on the weak. It is impossible for a company to develop without offending others.

But Guo Muyang never thought that the purpose of the murder was just because of Sang Qianqian.

Right now the murderers are in the dark, they are in the light.

If Han Yuzhen goes to the Sang family to propose marriage at this juncture, if the other party is really vicious and does something, it will not be worth the loss.

Shen Hanyu stared blankly at the note for a long time, with a thin layer of frost in his dark eyes.

(end of this chapter)