I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess - Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Chapter 228 God's Prison Established! Longhua pulls sister into the water (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass!)

Xiao Ran smiled meaningfully and did not rush to give him an answer.

Just as he was about to pour a glass of wine from the jug, Brother Mang was very discerning, straightened his upper body, and said diligently, "Let the villain come!"

Skillfully holding the wine jug, he still knelt on the ground, filled the wine, and placed it in front of Xiao Ran.

He and Guapi showed hope and looked at Xiao Ran hotly.

The desire in the eyes is not hidden at all.

His true temperament, his inner thoughts, were all expressed.

No matter how small the characters are, they still have the ambition to climb up.

as he said.

Opportunities are hard to come by, if you can't grasp them, they will be fleeting.

The disappearance of Xiao Zhou this time is a great opportunity for them.

Climbing and rolling around in the lowest level of the capital, after mixing for such a long time, although there is no great wisdom, it has its own wisdom.

Vicious eyes, know what to do when.

After the ghost king's courtyard was separated, they inquired about Xiao Ran.

Someone with a name and a surname, or a Divine Sword Guard, is not difficult to inquire about.

Although the information they can get is limited due to their strength, it is only spread out. For them, it is already a big man in the sky.

Shen Jianwei Jin Jianwei, the head of the Heavenly Prison, part-time purgatory steward.

Brother Shen Yiming, the deputy sword master of Divine Sword Guard.

Daoist Xuanyang was arrested by the deputy chief of Shenmen, and the Minister of War was his nephew, and the current champion is his younger brother.

Take out any identity and stomp your feet, and the capital will be shaken by three points.

If this happens, from now on, they will join Xiao Ran's line, soar into the sky, stand up from humble and small roles, and dare not say in the future, how much achievements they can achieve.

But at least it doesn't have to be like now. Even if you see a street patrol, you have to nod and bow and call "Master".

Not to mention giving away more than half of the money that you have worked hard to get to the rogue scoundrel.

Don't worry about food and clothing.

Three meals a day, big fish and meat, and a beautiful maid to serve.

No need to hide in dirty corners or vents, eating and begging, or saving money to buy beggar chickens.

You can also live a decent life like everyone else.

With your head held high, wearing nice clothes, walking on the street.

The most important thing.

They don't have to kneel anymore!

Ants also have self-respect. If they are not desperate, no one is a cheap bone and likes to kneel before others.

drinking wine.

Holding a pair of clean chopsticks, Xiao Ran started to eat.

It's as if he didn't see them, not anyone who wants to get on his line.

The premise depends on whether they have that value.

Even if they helped him this time, he could accept their affection. When necessary, as long as it was not excessive and returned his affection to them, he would not promise at will.

Brother Mang and Guapi looked at each other and saw the anxiety in each other's eyes.

A bite of the teeth.

Brother Mang said again, "The villain knows that as an adult, if you want to be a subordinate, as long as you let it go, countless people will break their heads, scramble to grab it, and beg you to accept it."

Point to the rind.

"Our brothers don't have any specialties, only a humble life. For you, my lord, it is almost useless. In addition, there is absolute loyalty, as a sign of determination, please wait and see."

He took out a dagger, ripped open the shirt on his chest, exposing the yellowed skin, and stabbed it sharply.


The dagger stabbed into the chest, penetrated deep into the flesh and blood, and the blood flowed out along the blade.

He still held the handle of the dagger in his palm, his eyes flashed madly, holding the heart of mortal death, betting his own life on tomorrow, and stabbed the whole thing with force again, leaving only the handle of the dagger exposed.

Guapi also took out a dagger, and almost as soon as Brother Mang started, he tore his clothes and stabbed it into his body.

Severe pain came, through the nerves, to the brain.

Almost in an instant, they were about to scream in pain.

When it was about to make a sound, they were endured with great perseverance.

His face was pale, with no blood at all.

The body swayed, and it seemed that they could fall to the ground in the next second, but the two of them were still enduring and insisting, so that they would not fall on their knees.

in the room.

Only the sound of blood dripping onto the ground sounded.

Within a few short breaths, a cloud of blood appeared on the ground.

"Please, Lord, give us a chance!" The two of them said at the same time.

Xiao Ran put down his chopsticks, put away his laziness, and looked at them seriously, "Do you think this way, this seat will give you a chance?"

"No!" Brother Mang hurriedly explained.

"We have no other intentions, we are just proving ourselves! Whether you agree or not, there will be no complaints."

Speaking too quickly, more blood flowed out, staining the ground red.

Xiao Ran looked at them with scrutiny eyes, facing these majestic, indifferent eyes that pointed directly at people's hearts, the two did not dare to look at them, and lowered their heads subconsciously.

Only the blood in the chest continued to flow.

The index finger tapped on the table, and in their ups and downs, Xiao Ran's voice sounded again.

"I'll give you two choices, the first choice, this time the favor is void, this seat will give each of you 10,000 taels. With this money, no matter where you go, as long as you are not in the capital, you can buy a house and settle down, and then Do a little business and be rich for a lifetime.

"Sir, we choose the second one!" Brother Mang said without hesitation.

Xiao Ran didn't even say his second choice, so he made a decision.

"Don't be in a hurry to choose, just listen to what this seat has to say." Xiao Ran joked.

"The premise of choosing the second one is to experience the torture of life rather than death. As long as you can persist for one minute, this seat will accept you. Within this minute, if you die, then you will die!"

"the second!"

"Tiannu God's finger." Xiao Ran shot.

The **** slammed out and rushed into their bodies respectively.

They are all ordinary people, they have no cultivation base, they were seriously injured, and they lost half of their lives.

If they can survive, Xiao Ran doesn't mind accepting them and training them well.

Although innate is important, acquired growth is equally terrifying.

Depends if they are worth it.

If you don't even have this bit of perseverance, if you want to waste his precious resources, you can only say that you want to eat!

A wave of the right hand.

The pure spiritual power rushed out and set up an enchantment in the room to cover it.

Just done.

The finger force of Tiannushen's finger exploded, and a finger force was more terrifying for them than killing two people.

There are countless small ants in the body, biting off their flesh and blood piece by piece.

Then sprinkle with salt, then pour chili water, and so on, forming a cycle.

That kind of pain.

It was really terrifying, and it just screamed out in an instant.

He raised his palms and scratched towards the flesh and blood all over his body, trying to grab all the itchy places on his body.

But as soon as their hands were raised, the enormous pressure from Xiao Ran suppressed the two of them, making them unable to move, and endured the torture abruptly.

In addition, there is a dagger in the chest, and under the double stimulation, the nerves are being destroyed every moment.

Every second, to them, is as long as a cycle.

Sanity collapsed in sobriety, and then reluctantly persevered.

Seeing that he could not bear it anymore, he fainted due to the severe pain. Brother Mang took the lead, grabbed the dagger, stirred his body, and forcibly stimulated himself with pain to keep him awake and not faint.

This time Xiao Ran didn't stop him.

The same is true of melon skin, in order to hurt himself in exchange for rational sobriety.

"Perseverance is okay." Xiao Ran commented.

I made a decision in my heart to accept the two.

But the test has to continue, not everyone is eligible to ride his ride.

After a minute.

The two were almost stuck in time, fell to the ground one after the other, closed their eyes, and didn't know if they were alive or dead.

Standing up from the chair, Xiao Ran walked to their side and squatted down.

Take out two Yangchun Great Returning Pills and feed them.

Then they took out the daggers from their chests, placed their right hand above them, and the pure spiritual power rushed out and poured into their bodies.

I saw that the injuries on their bodies were recovering quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition, the medicinal power of Yangchun Da Huan Dan exerts its effect.

Less than three minutes.

The injuries on his body almost disappeared, and even the terrifying injuries caused by the dagger on his chest healed together, and the scars fell off.

Withdraw palm.

Xiao Ran sat on the chair and continued drinking.


Brother Mang and Guapi woke up from the coma, Guapi couldn't hold back, and couldn't wait to ask, "Sir, have you accepted us?"


Brother Mang twitched his head and pointed to the intact wounds on his body, "You are stupid! The adults have already taken action to cure us. If we don't accept us, how can we waste precious medicinal pills?"

Kneeling on the ground, saluting respectfully, "Meet Your Excellency!"

Guapi also responded quickly and followed behind him.

"Get up!" Xiao Ran said.

The two stood up from the ground and stood up straight, like students waiting to listen to the teacher's teaching.

"Although your cultivation base is a little short, your perseverance is good and it is barely worth cultivating."

Stern look.

"But you have to remember one thing. Your ability can be poor, but you must be absolutely loyal! If you let this seat know that you are doing small tricks behind your back, and you can give it to you, you will be able to spit it out ten or twenty times."

"Don't dare!"

"Your cultivation is too poor to be able to do things for this seat. Improve your cultivation first, and then give you a task." Xiao Ran said.

Take out two Frost Jade Bone Pills and put them on the table.

"One per person, take it immediately."

Holding the medicinal pill, Brother Mang and Guapi ate it without hesitation.

The medicinal pill had just entered the stomach, and the huge power it transformed was far beyond what they could bear.

"Remember this practice route." Xiao Ran reminded.

Bend your finger a little.

Two rays of golden light penetrated into their bodies, and according to the operation method of the Sword Yuan Collection, they wandered in their bodies. At the same time, the pure spiritual power contained in the golden rays of light suppressed the power of the medicinal pill and let them absorb it.

for a while.

The rich impurities were excreted from their bodies, and the stench was exuded, and the Sword Origin Collection also ran a great Zhoutian, which was memorized by them.

With the help of the pure spiritual power left by Xiao Ran and the power of the Frost Jade Bone Pill, he stepped into the martial arts and broke through the tenth level of the Houtian realm in one fell swoop.

"Thank you sir for giving the law!" The two knelt down and thanked them.

"What's your name?" Xiao Ran asked.

Scratching their heads, Brother Mang and Guapi didn't know how to answer.

For a long time, he didn't say a word.

"no name?"

"Yeah." Brother Mang nodded embarrassedly.

"I and Guapi are both orphans. I fight more recklessly, so people call me Mang. Guapi is more flexible, so I got the nickname of Guapi. Many people don't even have a name, they call me the second child. Dog eggs, chicken feathers, fire sticks

"..." Xiao Ran was speechless.


"I'll give you a name, you'll be called Xiao Mang, and he'll be called Xiao Yi."

"Thank you for your name!" The two were excited.

He took out two empty jade bottles, and took out two drops of Suzaku blood essence, put them in each, and threw them away.

"Don't let anyone know, or you won't have the good fruit to eat. During this time, don't go anywhere, stay here, dilute the blood essence into dozens of parts and drink it with water, lay the foundation, and wait for you to digest it. After that, you should be able to ascend to the Grandmaster realm.

"Thank you for the treasure!"

Xiao Mang asked boldly, "Sir, what do you want to tell us?"

"Let you be responsible for setting up an intelligence network. Any place in Daxia, even Dazhou, etc., who I want to investigate, even when they eat, how much they eat, and how much water they drink, must be clear." Xiao Ran said.

"Sir, do you want to..."

"Not bad!" Xiao Ran nodded.

"The identity of the beggar is the most inconspicuous. Once the clothes are worn, outsiders will not be able to recognize which country they are from. There are no restrictions on their actions. If they plan well, they will have unexpected results."

"This has nothing to do with improving our cultivation, and we don't need to stay here. As long as we have enough money, Zhou Guo can't promise, but Da Xia can definitely meet your requirements." Xiao Mang promised. .

"If you can't do it, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"The little guy knows!"

"Okay! This seat fulfills you." Xiao Ran said.

I took out two Qiankun bags and threw them away.

"This is the Qiankun bag. It can store things. Although the space is not large, for you, it is enough to use now, and it is more convenient to do things."

He took out another two million taels of silver and handed it over.

He didn't have anything else except that he had a lot of money. He just divided up another sum, plus he cut off the treasury of the ninth prince last time, and planned to buy the viewing river.

I have been busy and have no time to go to Xinyi Yaxing, so I have been delayed until now.

Not only did the money not decrease, but it also increased.

Up to now, there are more than 2 billion taels of silver notes.

Valuable things such as gold are not counted. If you count the gold and silver mountains hidden in Xiaolong Lake, its value is even greater.


He lacks everything except money.

"This is two million taels of silver. Buy some more properties in the capital. It must be hidden, and don't let anyone find out. It's a secret base. You can handle the rest of the money. This seat will not ask or intervene. . But when you use it, within the time limit, you must find out the news."


When did Xiao Mang and the two see so much money, they looked at the pile of banknotes with hot eyes.

But they have a good temperament, and they recovered quickly.

"Please don't worry, adults, we will never let you down!"

"This is the first batch of funding. When you get a firm foothold in the capital, take the capital as the center, and spread out to the outside world. Every state, county, county, town, and even village in Daxia will have to pay for it. We have people." Xiao Ran said.

"Then what's the name of our organization?" Xiao Mang looked expectant.

"God prison!" Xiao Ran blurted out.

"God Prison? A good name, enough domineering!" The eyes of the two of them lit up.

Xiao Mang said again, a little embarrassed.

"Any positions available?"

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, glanced at them, each one kicked, and said angrily, "You think a lot!"

"When it grows and develops in the future, it will be convenient to manage." Xiao Mang laughed.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

Thinking about the job.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"There is! It's called God King, World Lord, Prison Lord, Dark Messenger, Judge, God General, and ordinary members."

Make more.

"The world master manages a country's intelligence network, the prison master manages a state, the dark messenger manages a county, the judge manages a county, and the gods and ordinary members are the cornerstones."

meet their fiery gazes.

"This seat is naturally the king of gods. As for you, it is tentatively designated as the messenger of darkness."

"Thank you for the promotion!" The two entered the role quickly.

"The opportunity is given to you, don't let this seat down!"

"Please rest assured, God King, I will never let you down!" The two of them took care.

"Whether to go or stay, you can decide for yourself! If you stay, say hello to Sister Yan, and she will arrange everything for you." Xiao Ran said.

"Time is pressing, in order to develop the prison faster, we should go back first." Xiao Mang said.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran responded.

"Things about God's Prison must not be leaked out, it's better to be short than to waste, but everyone who enters my God's Prison is an elite among the elites."


"This seat has left a forbidding technique in your mind. If someone uses a secret method to search, the forbidding technique will break out, protect all the information of the divine prison, and then pass the method of forbidding the spirit to you. , No matter the level of the official position, you must plant the forbidden spirit technique."

Index finger a little.

Two golden lights penetrated into their minds, and they immediately casted the forbidding technique, and then passed the technique to the two of them.

Thinking that there are still a lot of low-level martial arts on the body, there are Huang-level, Xuan-level, Earth-level, and Heaven-level, and there are still quite a few.

It also includes many useful secrets.

He took out a Qiankun bag, put these things in it, and threw it to Xiao Mang.

"There are thousands of martial arts in it, which is the foundation of the development of my prison, and must be protected."

"God King, please rest assured, the things are there, we are here! If the things are lost, it will be the time when the two of us die in battle!"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded in satisfaction.

Get up from the chair, open the door and leave.

The two of them looked at each other and felt a huge pressure.

Even though Xiao Mang said it was easy, it was actually very difficult to meet Xiao Ran's requirements.

"Brother Mang, we succeeded!" Xiao Yi was excited.

"Well." Xiao Mang's expression was too dull, but his expression was solemn.

"The lord believes in us so, and bestows the heaven-like good fortune. Even if you and I die, we will not be able to live up to the high expectations of the lord! We must do things well and build a prison as soon as possible."

"You're right! The adults are like recreating our parents, so that we have the opportunity to become the masters, and we will live up to the adults in this life!" Xiao Yi nodded heavily.

Out of the Drunken Garden.

Xiao Ran asked Zhu Feng to tell Sister Yan that he had gone back beforehand.

Lingqing'er's parents will leave tomorrow. After two days of delay, they have to go there every time.

Go to the Spirit of God.

to the Spirit of God.

No obstacles were encountered, just like entering the sword guard. Now the relationship between Xiao Ran and Ling Qinger has been spread in Lingshen Division, and it is not a secret at all.

Entering the yard, pushed open the door and walked in, then closed the door.

There was no rush to enter the bedroom.

Sitting on the chair, check the rewards of the Golden Book of Fortune, there are sixteen pieces in total, and the rewards are very generous.

80 million proficiency, 4,000 years of martial arts cultivation, 4,000 years of soul cultivation, True Dragon Ten Thousand Holy Pill, Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus, Nurturing Holy Fruit, Heavenly Spirit Fruit*50, Source of Life*30, Mother Qi of All Things* 30. Martial Skills Completion Card (fortune-telling only), True Spirit Yulu Dan*1 bottle, Special Secret Technique Completion Card, Ancient Tree of Life Fragments*2, Xingchen Sand*10, Shen Luo Sword Formation (Mysterious Rank, Combined Sword Formation), Excalibur Formation (Heaven Rank, Combined Sword Formation).

Of the sixteen items, what Xiao Ran valued most was the last two sword formations.

Regardless of their low rank, it is perfectly suitable to use them to develop the newly formed Divine Prison.

The Shenluo Sword Formation is just for the members below to practice, while the Excalibur Sword Formation is for the higher-ups to practice.

The two sword formations have double effects.

first effect.

If they are cast separately, they are separate swordsmanships, and they are invincible at the same level.

The second effect.

There is no upper limit on the number of combinations. The more people there are, the stronger the power will be. The power of everyone will be superimposed together to form a shocking blow. At its peak, it can kill gods and demons.

For a developing force, having these two sword formations is far more than anything else.


Xiao Ran had already made a decision to divide the 80 million proficiency into two.

One fifty million, one thirty million.

Add 30 million proficiency to Shenluo Sword Formation and Divine Sword Formation respectively.

Property refresh.

The two sword formations returned to their original nature in an instant.

Add the remaining 50 million proficiency to the Supreme Law of Absolute Beginning.

Properties have not changed.

On the other hand, the power increased by one point during the operation.

The rank is even higher than that of Jiutian Yuling Zhichun. At the back, it is a big proficiency eater. If you want to improve, you need too much proficiency.

to this.

Xiao Ran had been prepared for a long time, but he didn't take it to heart.

Martial arts are still 5,200 years away from breaking through to the tenth level of the War Venerable Realm.

When the Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus was taken out, in addition to the extremely strong medicinal scent, it also contained a terrifying cold air. As soon as it appeared, it froze the surroundings, forming a world of frost.

"Broken." Xiao Ran shot.

The pure spiritual power was released, breaking the frost world, swallowing it, and eating it.

The martial arts cultivation base has increased by another thousand years, and it is still 4,200 years away from the breakthrough.

The spiritual master's cultivation base is still 4800 years away from breaking through to the tenth level of the Spiritual Venerable Realm.

Take out the sacred fruit of nourishment and take it, the soul cultivation base will increase by a thousand years, and it will be 3,800 years before the breakthrough.

Take out the True Dragon Pill.

Looking at the medicinal pill in his hand, his face showed anticipation. As long as he took it, his physical body could go further, which was comparable to the tenth level of the War Venerable Realm.

Strength, speed, and defense, including the God of Evil Spirit, can all experience earth-shaking improvements.

Just relying on the cultivation of the physical body, it is possible to kill the ordinary legendary powerhouse.

Open your mouth and swallow, the dragon's blood quenches the body.

The terrifying power roams in the body, from the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, tempering his fleshly body.

Wait until the power disappears, as he expected.

Just relying on the cultivation of the physical body, it is comparable to the tenth level of the War Venerable Realm.

The improvement brought is very powerful.

Take out the providence of space and let it devour the origin of life and the mother energy of all things, make it mature by three points, and the power of space will be stronger.

"Another big dog." Xiao Ran shook his head.

Put away the will of space.

Take out the Martial Skills Completion Card (fortune-telling martial arts only) and use it on the Haoran Wanjian Jue.

Property refresh.

Haoran Wanjian Jue: Return to the original.

Then take out the special secret technique completion card and use it directly on the heavenly secret technique.

Property refresh.

Heavenly Secret Art: Back to basics.

Deduction of secrets, interference, concealment, etc., the power is increased by five times, which is very abnormal.

Seven fragments of the ancient tree of life have been accumulated.

Xingchensha also accumulated thirty grains.

In the bedroom, there was a sound of getting out of bed.

Ling Qing'er's voice also came from inside, "Why haven't you come in yet?"

While talking, she had come out from the inside, looked at Xiao Ran who was sitting on the chair, smiled lightly, walked over, and sat down beside him.

Holding the teapot, he poured two cups and placed one in front of him, "Anything on your mind?"

"No." Xiao Ran shook his head.

After drinking a sip of tea, I looked at the beautiful face in front of me, especially her tall nose bridge, which was really tempting. I couldn't help but stretch out my hand and squeeze it twice.

"I don't believe it!" Ling Qinger threw him a pair of big white eyeballs.

"If you have nothing to worry about, you will sit here alone in a daze? It's not like you."

"..." Xiao Ran was speechless.

I thought angrily, I can't tell you, I'm digesting the rewards of Goldfinger, right?

"Really do not have!"

"Drink tea." Ling Qing'er poured him another cup.

She is very considerate and considerate. Since Xiao Ran didn't want to say anything, he didn't continue to ask questions.

"Has Xiao Zhou found it?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

Tell what happened in detail.

After listening.

Ling Qinger said her guess, "My thoughts are the same as yours. This incident is too coincidental. It's so coincidental that everything seems to be arranged."

"Death has no proof!" Xiao Ran said.

"Without evidence, you can't touch him! Shen Yiming has already sent someone to keep an eye on him. If there is news about him, it will come as soon as possible."

"Besides that, you have to keep an eye on it." Ling Qing'er reminded.

"You said." Xiao Ran said.

"If it was really what he did, he instructed Jiang Ming to secretly arrest those little girls and poach their hearts. Although Jiang Ming was killed, the matter is still there. If there are more little girls missing, it means that he is still secretly shooting, Now is the best chance to seize him.

Rubbing her head, Xiao Ran said with a smile, "But I forgot about this."

"You don't have time to think about it, or you will."

He stood up from the chair, walked to Xiao Ran's side, held his hand, and sat in his arms.

I arched hard twice and found a comfortable position.

"Thank you for the little brother!"

"See you out." Xiao Ran's chin rested on her shoulder.

"You are my person, he is your little brother, isn't it normal to give him a hand?"

"It's nice to have you." Ling Qing'er was very happy.


She stood up from Xiao Ran's body, turned her body, stretched out her jade hand, held his face, kissed his forehead, and giggled, "Wait for me here!"

Drop a word and leave quickly.

"???" Monk Xiao Ran Zhang Er was at a loss.

Looking at the back of her leaving.

"What tricks are you going to play?"


Ling Qinger returned, closed the door, took out the tub and placed it on the ground, filled with clean water, placed her palm in the water, and used her cultivation base to heat it up.

The heat rolled.

Withdrew his jade hand, walked over, and pulled Xiao Ran up from the chair, "Why are you standing still? You haven't taken a bath yet."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran responded with a smile.

Under her service, he undressed.

After taking a shower.

Ling Qinger walked to the desk, supported the desk with both hands, and raised her hips.

Two hundred miles away from the capital.

Fang Lei Mountain.

On the official road, there is a pavilion here.

A group of burly men, dressed in black robes, were sitting in the gazebo to rest. The leader was a middle-aged lady, who was very beautiful, born with charm, and raised her hands and feet with endless temptation.

Her name is Niu Youlan, a capable general of the Bull Demon Emperor.

Daoxing is profound and unfathomable, and her methods are old-fashioned, but everything that goes through her hands is resolved satisfactorily every time.

Entering the capital this time, he was ordered by the Bull Demon King to avenge the Bull Demon King. If he could catch the live one, he would catch the one alive. If it really couldn't be done, he would get rid of Xiao Ran by means of thunder.

After rushing for several days in a row, they were also tired, so they rested here.

"Ma'am, don't we rush to the capital tonight?" Niu Tuotian asked.

"Use your brain to think about it!" Niu Youlan glared at him coldly.

"It's almost early in the morning. I'm rushing to the capital now. Even if the city gate is closed, how can I get in?"

"We can fly in over the wall."

"What if he is caught by a powerful man in the court?" Niu Youlan asked rhetorically.

"Luck can't be so bad, right?" Niu Tuotian didn't believe it.

"It's not like you don't know what's going on in the capital of the Xia Kingdom. Emperor Sheng Wen is in a coma, and the entire capital is under martial law. At night, with the start of the curfew, the formation in the capital will open. Although it is not the main formation, it can be used. Tracking, if someone sneaks in, it will alert the strong defenders."


"Now are you going to gamble?"

"My subordinates know what's wrong!" Niu Tuotian was persuaded.

"Other than that, everyone is tired from the continuous journey. Take a good rest here for a night and adjust your spirits. After dawn, we will act again. After arriving in the capital, we will meet with Niuhuang (the bull demon killed by Xiao Ran). Then make a plan to take Xiao Ran down." Niu Youlan said.

"It's what Madam said."


There was a rush of hooves on the official road, from far to near, rushing towards this side, it seems that it is also going to the capital.

They walk high and deep, and the darkness cannot block their sight.

due to sight.

Two thousand elite soldiers in a hundred battles, dressed in battle armor, armed with spears, with sabres hanging from their waists, carrying quivers, and guarding a luxurious carriage, were in a hurry.

In addition to the army, there are many strong people hiding in the team to protect the convoy.


The old woman driving the car is even more exaggerated.

Even if there is no imposing manner, just one look can easily kill a War Venerable Realm.

Invisibly, there was a huge oppressive force, causing the space to send out a low scream.

Judging from their flags and markings, they appear to be royal people.

Especially on the carriage, the word "Xia" printed on it is very eye-catching.

"The person who is Xia Junxian, the king of Jiangning?" Niu Youlan's eyebrows narrowed and locked together.

"Strange! What are they going to do in the capital at this time? Could it be to visit Emperor Shengwen? If so, why is there only one carriage? With only so many people and horses?"

Niu Tuotian licked his lips evilly, his eyes flickered with fierce light, and said coldly, "This is easy to do! Don't you know if you take them down?"

The other demons looked at her, waiting for her order.

Think about the pros and cons for a while.

In the end the pros outweigh the cons.

Niu Youlan said, "Stop them first before making the next move."

"Madam, wait here, I'll take them down." Niu Tuotian said.

He stood up from the stone bench and walked towards the official road.

Besides him, four other people followed.

The rest of the people didn't move, still sitting beside her.

As the two sides approach.

The galloping army also found Niu Tuotian five people blocking the official road.

"Stop!" The leader of the general ordered.

He rode forward, stopped after twenty steps, and looked at them indifferently.

"Where is the monster who dares to block our convoy. If you don't want to die, get out of the way!" The general reprimanded.

The five Niu Tuotian did not deliberately hide the demonic aura on their bodies.

Sisi Demonic Qi rushed out of the body and spread to the outside, shrouding the surroundings.

Niu Tuotian took a step forward and pointed a finger at him, "What kind of thing are you, how dare you talk to me like that!"

Wave your hand.

The aura of the surrounding heaven and earth condensed into a big azure hand, which descended from the sky and grabbed it roughly with great power.

"Humph! Even the little tricks of the eagles dare to be shamed." The general snorted coldly.

The sword on the horse was drawn out like lightning, and a cold light bloomed from the body of the sword, illuminating the night sky.

The sharp sword qi wants to cut through the ages and destroy all methods.

There are hundreds of feet, and it is domineering.


He didn't even hold on to a breath, and the sword light that came to him was slapped away by Qingguang's big hand. In his stunned eyes, Qingguang's big hand shot him domineeringly, even with his horse, and some soldiers around who couldn't dodge, all of them. It was smashed into flesh, leaving a terrifying palm print on the ground.

Dusty and long-lasting.

"Let Xia Junxian come out and talk!" Niu Tuotian scolded.

Like a thunderous roar, it echoed over the convoy.

Some soldiers were caught off guard and were killed by this sonic boom, turning into a cloud of blood and falling on the ground.

"People from the Bull Demon Clan?" An old voice came from the convoy.

A hunchbacked old man walked out of the crowd.

Looking at the sonic boom between heaven and earth, with a wave of his sleeve, countless blue lights swayed out, only to see the blue light passing by, and all the sonic booms that impacted in the night sky were violently broken.

With one step, he appeared in front of the army.


The army has already protected the carriage, with three layers inside and three layers outside, the defense is airtight, and it is ready for a last-ditch battle at any time.

The hunchbacked old man said, "You bull demons attacked and killed my Daxia army without authorization, and dared to stop the county master's phoenix frame, can't you rebel?"

"Don't use the imperial court to scare us." Niu Tuotian scratched his ears in disdain.

"Xia Guo is indeed strong, but as long as we hide in Daqingshan, what can we do?"


Two fingers pointed to the ground with contempt.

"As for now, this place is two hundred miles away from the capital, and the emperor is far away. Even if you are slaughtered, as long as things are done beautifully, who can know?"


Niu Tuotian's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have grasped the point.

"What did you just say? Xia Junxian's daughter is here?"

"Not good!" Seeing this, the hunchbacked old man panicked in his heart, had a premonition that something was wrong, and hurriedly denied it.

"No! You heard it wrong."

"Fart!" Niu Tuotian yelled.

"I'm not deaf, how can I hear it wrong?"


The strong demonic energy rushed out of his body without warning, like a panic, and as soon as it appeared, it turned into a sky, covering the place.

The terrifying coercion was suppressing them.

The space exploded and the hurricane swept through, containing supreme destructive power.

"Don't overdo it!" The hunchbacked old man snorted coldly.

With a direct shot, with a slap of the palm, it evolved into an enchantment, protecting everyone, and resisting the magic power that Niu Tuotian suppressed from outside.

Ripples rippling, and the azure enchantment is difficult to resist.

"Oops! This demonic practice is so profound." The hunchbacked old man secretly said that it was not good.

Doing the last struggle.

"As long as you retire now, what happened before will be treated as if it never happened."

"Aren't you too old, old man, and have a bad memory? Take what Lao Tzu said as a deaf ear?" Niu Tuotian scolded.

"what did you say?"

"I just said that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. Even if I kill you, as long as you do it cleanly, who will know?" Niu Tuotian's face was hideous.

At this time.

Niu Youlan came over, "Destroy them all and capture Xia Junxian's daughter!"

With no doubt.

After receiving the order, Niu Tuotian no longer had any scruples, and walked towards them with a grinning smile.

The other four followed behind him and stepped forward together.

"Protect the county master!" Seeing this, the hunchbacked old man hurriedly reminded.

Seeing that the two sides are getting closer.

Niu Tuotian shouted loudly, "Kill!"

This time, with all his strength, the sound evolved into a sonic boom, forming a circle of light circles, surrounded by air waves, with the power of destroying the world, falling on the azure enchantment of the hunchbacked old man.


In just one face-to-face, the azure barrier of the hunchbacked old man was broken.


As the blue light barrier was broken, the hunchbacked old man spit out a **** arrow and retreated back, taking dozens of steps in a row, only to stabilize his body.

But he had already suffered a lot of trauma from the blow just now, and his strength was more than half discounted.

Without the protection of his blue light barrier, the sonic boom fell and hit the soldiers. For them, it was a devastating disaster.

Don't look at the number of people, but in front of the demons that travel through the sky, they are like ants.

The mantis arm is a car, vulnerable to a single blow.

Countless blood rains exploded, like fireworks, blooming one after another.

The corpse was scattered on the ground, and in a short moment, this place became a purgatory, and the strong smell of blood came out, which was very terrifying.

Those who are timid are afraid that if they see it, they will faint from fright, leaving an indelible shadow throughout their life.

"I leave this group of trash to you, I'll go catch Xia Junxian's daughter." Niu Tuotian instructed.

Rolling up a sky-like demon wind, the speed was extremely fast, and it rushed towards the carriage fiercely.

"Bold!" The hunchbacked old man roared angrily.

Ignoring the injuries on his body, he turned into a blue light and charged towards Niutuotian.

"Sword Transformation Technique!"

It turned itself into a giant sword, which was hundreds of feet in size. The endless sword energy spread out, and the blue sword light spun frantically, chopped down from the sky and the earth, and slashed towards Niu Tuotian.

"You are also worthy of blocking Lao Tzu?" Niu Tuotian sneered.


In the face of this monstrous sword that was beheaded, he roared in the sky, and the bull roar roared above the nine heavens.

The black light spun, reflecting him like a peerless monster descending into the world, transforming into a body, nearly three hundred feet in size.

The bull's palm clenched into a fist, blessed with demon power, and reprimanded, "Break it for Lao Tzu!"

Like a broken bamboo, absolute power crushes everything.

No matter how flamboyant his martial arts are, it is not enough to see in front of this punch.

The fist fell, and the monstrous giant sword that was slashed was directly blown up.

And the hunchbacked old man also died and could not die again.

After eliminating him, Niu Tuotian's speed did not decrease, and he rushed towards the carriage.

The old woman sitting on the carriage raised her cloudy eyes, "No matter what happens outside, please don't come out, Your Highness!"

"Mr. Hongmei, be careful!" From the carriage, a soft and pleasant voice came.

"Yeah." Granny Hongmei replied.

He stood up from the carriage and shouted at the surroundings, "You protect the safety of His Highness!"

Finished explaining.

Walking on the sky, rushing towards Niu Tuotian.

The two sides fought frantically between heaven and earth, and every time they collided, there was a huge explosion.

The other four bull demons also killed them and fought with the strong men in the convoy.

Don't look at the fact that there are only four of them, but Daoxing is too high.

Far from being able to resist the team's side.

in the gazebo.

Niu Youlan was drinking tea calmly, and an old man asked, "Madam, why are we arresting her?"

"I heard that Xia Junxian's daughter has the beauty of sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon and shy flowers. She was born well and has a distinguished status. If she was captured and made a concubine for the king, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing?"

"But in this way, once Xia Guo gets the news, they will not give up easily."

"It's a big deal! What else can they do to us?" Niu Youlan sneered.

"In the current Xia Kingdom, the ministers have no masters, the court is in chaos, and the princes have even committed such things as the murder of their fathers in order to seize the successor. What else is there that they dare not do?"

I brushed my hair to make myself look even more beautiful.

"Don't say it's a county master, even if it's a princess, if you rob it at this time, it will be robbed. This lady is sure that Xia Guo is just loud thunder, little rain, and a few farts, and then it's over."

"It's what Madam said!"

Less than a quarter of an hour.

The battle is over.

Two thousand elite soldiers in a hundred battles, as well as a group of strong men, plus Granny Hongmei, were all killed, and no one survived.

Niu Tuotian was not feeling well either, Granny Hongmei was very strong, and in order to kill her, he also suffered a little injury, but it was innocuous.

Chasing Xia Min, and her personal maid Xiaoyu stopped here at the gazebo.

"To clean up a bunch of trash, can you still hurt yourself?" Niu Youlan was very dissatisfied.

"This subordinate knows it's wrong!" Niu Tuotian kept his posture very low.

"Next!" Niu Youlan said after saying that, she still took out an elixir and threw it over.

"Mrs. Xie!" Niu Tuotian was grateful, took the medicine pill, and sat on the ground to heal his wounds.

Looking at Xia Min.

"What is your name?"

Although Xia Min was afraid, she didn't panic too much. She acted very calm. Xiaoyu opened her arms to protect her in front of her, but she was stopped by her.


"Aren't you afraid?" Niu Youlan asked again.

"Why are you afraid?" Xia Min asked back.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"If you kill, we are here, and we can kill at any time! Even if I beg you, you will still die! If you don't kill, even if we anger you, you won't do it." Xia Min's logic was clear.

Snapped! Snapped!

Niu Youlan clapped her palms and praised, "As expected of a member of the royal family, with the best educational resources, people who are trained have great wisdom even if they are a daughter."

His eyes were cold.

"Get rid of this maid!"

One person is about to step forward and kill the little fish.

"If you kill her, then kill me too!" Xia Min said.

"You're courting death!" The man was so angry that he wanted to get rid of Xiaoyu and teach Xia Min a lesson.

"Stop!" Niu Youlan stopped him.

Stand up from the stone bench, walk in front of her and stop, pinching her chin, "You are very good! If my king sees you, he will definitely like you."

Wave your hand.

Hit them on the head and knock them out.

"let's go!"

The sky-like flames swept over and landed on the battlefield, burning violently, destroying the corpses and erasing all traces of the battle.

And Niu Youlan and others also rode the demon wind and left here quickly.

Today's weather is exceptionally bright, the sun is shining brightly, the sky has just brightened, and the warm sun is falling down.

in the room.

Ling Qinger was like a kitten lying on the bed, arching hard, looking for a comfortable position, lying in Xiao Ran's arms, reluctant to get up.


Xiao Ran waved and patted her buttocks, and said angrily, "It's already dawn, the sun is about to dry your buttocks, how long are you going to sleep?"

"Don't make trouble! Let me sleep for a while." Ling Qing'er didn't open her eyes.

He put his legs on him, hugged his chest, and muttered.

"It's hard to rest for a few days. After today, I'm going to be busy again. If I want to lie in your arms like now, it will be difficult to smell the manly smell emanating from your body."

"I haven't left the capital again." Xiao Ran said.

"When the war in the deserted county starts, will you not go?" Ling Qing'er raised her head and stared at him with her **** and white eyes.

Xiao Ran was speechless.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many things going on recently, and it has been delayed until now, he probably would have left.

There are his brothers in Huangxian County, Zheng Qing and Qian Xuan, and it is still the border of Daxia.

"Giggle! Don't you have anything to say?" Ling Qing'er smiled smugly.

He hugged his neck and kissed him directly.

dong dong!

There was a knock on the door, and the voice of the spirit mother came in from outside, "Qing'er is up!"

"..." The two of them looked at each other, speechless.

Not coming early, not coming late, but it happened at this time.

"Come on!" Ling Qing'er smiled slyly.

In Xiao Ran's ear, he muttered something.

"Is it very uncomfortable?"

"You talk too much!" Xiao Ran glared at her.

Just as he was about to get out of bed, Ling Qinger suddenly grabbed him and lowered his head under his doubtful gaze.

in the yard.

On the stone table are eight dishes and one soup, as well as moon cakes and snacks.

Xiao Ran ate moon cakes, drank millet porridge, and then looked at Ling Qinger and the others, chatting and laughing with Ling Mu, but he couldn't see the shy look at all.

"Is everything ready, Dad?"

"Yeah." The spiritual father nodded.

"Everything that should be prepared has been prepared, and people are waiting outside, and they can leave after eating."

"I have arranged for you to be escorted by four strong men. Otherwise, I will not be at ease when I go to Anyang County all the way." Ling Qinger said.

"Okay." Father Ling pondered for a while, but did not refute.

Mother Ling took over the topic at this time, and her eyes fell on Xiao Ran.

"If Qing'er dares to bully you, or is disobedient, just take care of it! If she doesn't agree, you can tell me, and my mother will take care of her for you."

"Am I really your own?" Ling Qing'er pouted.

Xiao Ran smiled.

After breakfast.

The convoy was ready, and Father Ling came here this time, and brought some guards, plus the four Spirit God division powerhouses prepared by Ling Qinger, enough to **** them back to their hometown.

It was the North Gate to send them out of the city.

on the official road.

"You don't need to send it any more, you all go back!" The spiritual father waved his hand.

Don't worry, let me explain again.

"Lingji, you must listen to your brother-in-law and your sister."

"Yeah." Ling Ji responded.

As the convoy disappeared, Xiao Ran retracted his gaze.

"Let's go! Let's go back."


Send Ling Qinger to Lingshen Division, at the door here, did not go in, "Let's go!"

Say hello.

With a talisman, he walked towards the Heavenly Prison.

the other side.

Qinglongfang, No. 8.

The mansion of the third prince.

in the library.

In addition to the three princes and Nonghua, there is one more uninvited guest, no! She is a beautiful young woman with long and slender legs, exceeding one meter.

The skin is very white, like milk, sparkling, with a layer of luster.

The face of melon seeds, long eyelashes, piercing apricot eyes, red lips and white teeth, with a fairy smell, elegant and out of the dust, like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks on earth.

She is Long Ling, the sister of Nong Hua, a saint, and one of the jewels of the Holy Master of the Holy Land of Yaochi.

Its beauty and figure are even better than those of agricultural painting by three points.


Nong Hua is not called Nong Hua.

real identity.

Its name is Long Hua, the elder sister of Long Ling, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi Holy Land, and the pearl in the palm of the Holy Master.

Only so.

Only then can he mobilize so many powers, calculate the queen, assassinate Xiao Ran, etc.

It is also the person Xiao Ran has been tracking down.

If it wasn't for her hiding her identity, and in the name of the peasant family, with the strength of the eldest princess in the capital, she would have been found out long ago, and she would not have been allowed to hide until now.

"Linger, sit down!" Long Hua took her hand and sat on the edge enthusiastically.

Looking at the third prince, he winked.

"Your Highness, don't you still have something to do? I'm here with Ling'er, you go first!"

"Look at this prince's memory, he actually forgot about this." The third prince cooperated very well, patted his head, and stood up from the chair.

Apologetic smile.

"Ling'er, ask your sister to chat with you. This prince will deal with important matters first, and then treat you well after the matter is settled."

"His Royal Highness is busy." Long Ling smiled politely.

"Yeah." The third prince nodded.

Leaving the study in strides.

As he left, the door closed, leaving only their sisters.

"Come all the way, are you tired? Take a sip of tea first." Long Hua said with a smile.

Holding the teapot, poured two cups and placed one in front of her.

Long Ling held the teacup and held the tea lid gently, not in a hurry to drink it, but instead asked, "Sister, are you really committed to him?"

"What's wrong with this?" Long Hua asked back.

"The identity is a good match, but his ability, do you know?"

"Silly girl!" Long Hua stretched out his jade finger and poked it between her eyebrows angrily.

"Sister has been here for such a long time, if his ability is not good, why would you give yourself to him?"

He took a sip of tea and smiled confidently.

"Whether it's trickery, character, or daring, he is very qualified! Over the years, he has accumulated a lot of power, and with our help, the success rate of winning the heirloom is very high."

"Are you happy?" Long Ling's soul tortured.

Long Hua was stunned, the smile on his face disappeared, and he laughed at himself, full of seriousness again.

"Although we were born noble, noble as saints, and the daughters of heaven, so what? After all, we are daughters, and it is impossible to inherit the father's position! When the time comes, we will be like ordinary girls. Get married, choose the right person to marry. Instead of marrying an unhappy person, it is better to marry someone who likes you."

Holding her jade hand, she jokingly said, "Linger, your hand is smoother than your sister's, and you envy me to death."

"Sister, don't make fun of me." Long Ling rolled her eyes at her.

Long Hua continued, "With him, my sister is very happy."

"Yeah." Long Ling replied calmly.

"You are three points more beautiful than my sister, especially this skin, which seems to hide the sea, elasticity, white and tender, good figure, and stronger temperament than my sister. Then Dad will let you choose one of them."

"I won't agree!"

"It's not like you don't know the rules of the Holy Land. Once it's settled, no one dares to refuse!" Long Hua stared at her, as if to see through her.

"You think you can refuse?"

"..." Long Ling was silent.

Although she didn't want to admit it, what Long Hua said was a fact.

The Holy Land gave them abundant cultivation resources, and the best teachers gave them hands-on guidance and training, so they didn't have to worry about anything.

In the eyes of others, the treasures of heaven and earth are commonplace in their eyes, and they are tired of eating them.

After so much effort, once they are used, if they refuse, the result will be devastating.

Even they can't stand it.

"Sister showed you something." Long Hua smiled slightly.

With an apology in my heart, "Sister didn't mean to cheat you. Although Xiao Ran's identity is a little worse, he looks really handsome, even more handsome than the third prince."

Take out a painting.

The painting is unfolded to reveal a young man.

A black brocade suit, with his hands on his back, clear water chestnuts, his eyes are bright, like stars, it is fascinating, especially the magnanimity exuding from him, majestic, contempt for the world, as if everything is in control.

He is Xiao Ran.

Long Hua secretly asked top painters to draw Xiao Ran's portrait secretly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

It's as lifelike as it is in person.

"How?" Long Hua asked with a smile.

(Xiao Bai is really tired. I have been writing since yesterday and went to bed.

If you have a monthly pass, please help! ! )

?? Thanks to Xiao Qiao readers who love to read for their 120 starting point coins!

?Thanks to Andy readers for the 1666 book coins!

?Thanks for the 100 book coins from the sword readers of the third master!

(End of this chapter)