I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess - Chapter 229

Chapter 229

Chapter 229 Xiao Ran is good, Ao Xiong is in prison (please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket!)

"Sister, what do you mean?" Long Ling looked puzzled.

A pair of beautiful apricot eyes, turning there, seemed to see through her.

"Don't ask me why, just say what?" Long Hua said.

"It's really handsome, a little more handsome than the third prince." Long Ling told the truth.

I had already guessed it in my heart, but I was just pretending to be stupid and didn't say it.

Long Hua flexed his fingers and injected a spiritual force into the painting, causing the painting to float in the air, and sat down on the chair.

holding a teapot.

I poured her a glass, and then I poured myself a glass.

After drinking a sip of tea, he said calmly.

"Introduce him to you, do you agree?"

"Are you serious?" Long Ling asked.

"Yeah." Long Hua nodded heavily.

Long Ling asked back, "Do you think the Holy Land would agree?"

"Yes!" Long Hua said with certainty.

Long Ling smiled and said nothing, drinking tea and waiting for the next sentence.

Then the topic continued.

"His name is Xiao Ran, he is very unusual, his potential is also strong, and his combat power is unparalleled. In just a few years, he has grown from a small jailer to this height. According to reliable information, he has broken through to the sixth level of the War Venerable Realm. Heavy, with time, you can grow up, reach the peak of martial arts, and even reach the height that we look up to."

In order to win over Xiao Ran.

It can be said that Longhua took great pains. Although what he said was the truth, he still added fuel to the rumors and boasted fiercely.

"You are so optimistic about him?" Long Ling was surprised.

She knows her sister's character very well, and she wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.

Longhua has been very arrogant since she was a child, and she has to be strong in her work. There are not many people who can get into her eyes.

"Yeah." Long Hua nodded.

"That's just a conservative estimate."

He held her hand again and patted her jade hand back and forth.

"Although his background is not good, he is only a hereditary jailer, but now he is the head of the heavenly prison, the sword guard Jin Jianwei, and the purgatory steward. With time, he will be able to stand at the top of the power."

A look like I'm good for you.

"Following him doesn't mean humiliating you."

"I want to hear the truth!" The smile on Long Ling's face disappeared, with a rare seriousness.

"This is the truth." Long Hua said.

Long Ling did not speak, stood up from the chair, and was about to leave.

"Sister, what do you mean?" Long Hua was anxious.

He stood up quickly, took her hand, and let her sit on the chair again.

"Can't you just listen to what I have to say?"

"If you hide it from me again, leave immediately." Long Ling said.

"Alas!" Long Hua sighed helplessly.

Sitting on the chair, he poured himself a cup with the teapot, and held the teacup. This time, there was no hurry, and the tea lid was gently pressing the tea.

See here.

Long Ling didn't urge her either. He also drank tea and took a sip. She was very ladylike, immortal and full of charm.

Half a cup of tea.

Long Hua put down the teacup, met her bright eyes, and laughed at himself, "Sister needs you to help me!"

"???" Long Ling was puzzled, and there were a series of question marks above his head.

Looking at her suspiciously.

He didn't say anything in a hurry, he was still waiting for the next paragraph.

"You should know that I am leaving, and the Holy Land gave me the task." Long Hua asked back.

"Yeah." Long Ling replied.

"Before I came, I thought that with my wisdom and methods, as well as the Holy Land's secret help, plus the management of the third prince over the years, as long as he used a little means, he could defeat all opponents, help him win the succession, and sit on the crown prince. s position."

Laugh at yourself.

At this point, there is nothing to hide, or they really have no other choice but to rely on their sister's hand.

"But after these days of confrontation, I found that I was too wrong. Calculating the queen, assassinating Xiao Ran, etc., plus this time stealing the golden dragon Tianqing bowl and Emperor Shengwen's dragon blood, they all failed. It seems that there is one The invisible big hand is behind all this, smashing our plan." Long Hua said.

"It's as simple as assassinating him? Not a rebellion? What's going on with the Suzaku Sect?" Long Ling frowned.

"I've been tricked again!" Long Hua clenched his jade hand tightly with hatred on his face.

At the same time, the bitterness is stronger, and there is a deep sense of powerlessness.

"We are not fools. Even if we kill Emperor Shengwen and cause chaos in the palace, we will not take the lead in rebelling! The first shot was shot, and he just died. If we jumped out, we would have to get into a show if it wasn't shit. We have nothing to do with it. The advantage. It will only be hidden behind the back, sit and watch them fight, and then wait for the opportunity to shoot."

Shake your head.

"Someone took the opportunity to make arrangements and borrowed our hands to completely disrupt the situation. And Zhu Zhenguo, if he were ours, we wouldn't assassinate him, we would continue to hide in secret and win over more people in the palace, for the sake of Prepare for that day. But in the end, the variable was on him, and the mastermind behind the scenes did not hesitate to abandon him, and with the help of his hand, he wanted to get rid of us all."

After a pause, his eyes became colder.

"In the melee that broke out, the army alone exceeded 100,000 people. Countless strong people fought together. We also suffered heavy losses and many people died. Zhang Yuan came with ten thousand Heavenly Wolf Guards, and I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out."

"What the **** is going on?" Long Ling looked serious.

"It's still investigating, not only us, but other princes are also investigating, but Zhu Zhenguo is dead, the deputy general was tried alive, and the clues are interrupted here."

"and then?"

"Xiao Ran also felt this, holding the True Dragon Order, commanding Zhang Yuan and other troops, forcibly suppressing the rebellion, suppressing the riot, and even Zhu Zhenguo died in his hands." Long Hua said.

"Jian Twelve doesn't know what's going on. It seems that his guardian, with his own strength, fought against many strong people, including Lei Yuantai and others, and defeated them all."

"Drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat." Long Ling poured her a cup.

The sisters took a sip of tea.

Following the topic just now, Long Hua continued.

"In this melee, a lot of people died, even Xia Bowang died."


Long Ling took a deep breath and was shocked.

Xia Bo hoped that she knew that the dean of Longyuan Academy, with a cultivation base that reached the sky, was powerful, especially with a strong and upright aura.

Even if they look at their holy land, they are big figures standing at the top.

But such a person actually died in this melee.

"A lot of people died, which is far more terrifying than you think! Others are celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, but His Royal Highness and the others are detained in the palace, surrounded by strong guards, staring at them, if you dare to change, directly suppress them!"

Looking at her, she asked a question.

"Now you know how terrible things are?"

"How did the third prince come out?" Long Ling was curious.

"After being locked up for a day, the Mid-Autumn Festival is about to pass. At this time, Xia Weiyang came and asked everyone to take out a large sum of money to compensate the fallen soldiers as a pension, and then take out another sum of money to go to the sky prison to redeem People, redeem the strong man imprisoned in the mansion." Long Hua said.

After listening.

Long Ling has already felt the seriousness of the matter.

The trivial things that I thought were easy to grasp, turned out to be like this in the end.

He pondered for a moment to speak.

"So, is there almost no power you can use in the palace now?"

"Almost so." Long Hua nodded.

"What about other powers?"

"Also, the loss is heavy!"

"..." Long Ling was speechless.

The atmosphere was silent, unusually eerie.

The two sisters drank tea and kept silent.

A pot of tea was drank unconsciously.

Long Hua was the first to sit still, stretched out his jade hand, and held Long Ling's hand again, revealing his true feelings, playing emotional cards, "Sister help me!"

"You asked me to marry Xiao Ran?" Long Ling solved the mystery in one sentence.

"Well." Long Hua admitted.

"What's the matter with him?"

"The things I told you before are only a part of him. Apart from these, he is also the person of the eldest princess. He holds the real dragon order and has great power. If he can help, then pull the eldest princess over through him." Long Huayue said more excited.

"No matter how the eldest prince and the others make trouble, the position of the crown prince belongs to His Royal Highness, and no one can take it away!"

"What is their relationship?" Long Ling asked again.

"I don't know!" Long Hua shook his head.

Express your guesses.

"We suspect that he is very likely to be the disciple of the eldest princess."

"Do you think the Holy Land will agree?"

"As long as you nod, I'll take care of the Holy Land! By this time, they should all understand that we are completely tied to the third prince, and there is no way out. Either help him get to that position, or the efforts made before. , all wasted." Long Hua sneered.

"As long as you're not a fool, you know how to choose."

"Have you considered my feelings?" Long Ling's face was ugly.

"Yeah." Long Hua nodded.

"Sister did this for your own good. Think about it, Xiao Ran is really good, both in character and ability, he is top-notch. Although his cultivation is a little worse, he can grow up as long as he is given a little time. After His Royal Highness ascends the throne, he will be under one person, over ten thousand people, and hold great power, and it will not be a disadvantage with you."

"I don't agree!" Long Ling refused.

"My sister has never asked you for anything. From childhood to adulthood, I have always protected you and shielded you from the wind and rain. If His Highness loses this time, there will only be one fate for anyone involved in this matter - death! Even if I am Yaochi Holy Land The saintess of her will not be spared either!"

Long Ling was silent again.

In a short period of time, she has been silent several times.

"I beg you, just help me once! Sister promises you that he will never let you down."

"Why are you embarrassing me like this?"

"Alas!" Long Hua sighed.

Let go of her hand, her face is lost, she smiled miserably, and waved her hand weakly.

"You're right, my sister is too selfish to actually help His Royal Highness get to that position with your personal happiness!"

looking at her.

"Have a good time in the capital for a few days, and then you can go back by yourself! The people you brought this time will still be of great use."

looking at her.

Long Ling remembered the little things in his childhood, like a fleeting cloud of smoke, flashing through his mind quickly.

I don't know how long it took.

With a helpless sigh in my heart, "That's it! Rather than marrying someone else, it's better to help you once!"

"Really?" Long Hua's eyes lit up.

Holding her catkin excitedly, "Sister, have you agreed?"

"Yeah." Long Ling was bitter.

"You can help you, but you have to let me contact him for a while, and after my inspection, marry him!"

"Will it be too difficult?"

"No!" Long Ling shook his head.

"Observe his character, whether it is as you said."

"Thank you, sister!" Long Hua was truly moved.

"I've already arranged it for you. Right next to his house in Jingwenfang, I bought a yard for you. Well, you will live there in the future, just to observe him."

"Are you in a hurry too?"

"Sister doesn't want this either, but it's not my time."

"I'm a little tired, let's go to rest first." Long Ling stood up from the chair.

The door opens.

Long Hua called a maid and took her down.

She has just left.

The third prince hurried in from the outside, the door was closed, and there were only the two of them.

"How's it going?"

"It's done." Long Hua said calmly.

"Are you unhappy?" The third prince frowned.

"I don't know if it's the right thing to do."

Holding her hand, the third prince said, "You are not harming her, you are helping her!"

Soft comfort.

"At least Xiao Ran's character, we also know, ability is also good. Although it is a little short of birth, it is not important. When this prince sits in that position, he will be named king. At that time, we will lean on him to cultivate together. Resources, it won't take long for him to grow completely, and in the future, he might even become my Daxia's Dinghaishenzhen."

Let her slow down.

Seeing that she was almost digested, he said again.

"If you marry another holy child, you don't even know the character of the other party, and you will only push her into the fire pit, unhappy, unwilling, and depressed for a lifetime. This is what will harm her."

"Yeah." Long Hua nodded in agreement.

"The people of the Bull Demon Clan have arrived in the capital." The Third Prince's words changed.

"Come so fast?" Long Hua's beautiful eyes flashed coldly.

"Not bad!" The third prince nodded.

"It came much faster than we expected. Besides, there is another big event happening."

"What's the matter?"

"The Princess Minmin was on the way to the capital, and the convoy was attacked and killed. Except for her mysterious disappearance with the maid Xiaoyu, everyone else, including the army who escorted her, died in battle!"

"When did this happen?"

"Last night! The news came to the capital in the morning. After San Gong and the others discussed it, they have sent people from the Holy Warrior Division to investigate." The third prince said.

"Do you think it was someone from the Bull Demon Clan?" Long Hua guessed.

"No!" The third prince shook his head confidently.

"Their routes are not the same at all! How could they have killed the Minmin county master if they were not in the same place? Besides, the Minmin county master came to the capital this time, and his whereabouts were very secretive. Revenge, revenge for the Bull Demon King, the two have nothing to do with each other."

"That's true." Long Hua nodded.

"The county master Minmin is missing, the Qin family is afraid to go crazy this time!" The third prince joked.

"how you said that?"

"According to the information this prince has received, the Minmin County Master came to the capital this time for the sake of the marriage that his parents had decided, to decide the marriage with the Qin family, and then choose a good date to get married. This man hasn't arrived in the capital yet. , they were kidnapped by others, do you think they can be in a hurry?"

"The Qin family in Jixia Academy?" Long Hua remembered.

"Yeah." The third prince responded.

"Their people, like mad dogs, are frantically searching, trying to find out the whereabouts of the Minmin County Master, and then catch the murderer behind the scenes, and put pressure on the court, and they were beaten back by the Taifu with a word, no Dare to do it again."

"Very good!" Long Hua laughed.

looking at him.

The beautiful eyes turned, and the poisonous plan appeared again, "How did you think about the plan I proposed before?"

"Really do this?"

"We have no choice!" Long Hua firmly said.

"Huh!" The third prince let out a heavy breath.

The fact is as she said, at this point, if you don't work hard, you will really be finished.

The cards are all over.

The eyes flickered.

"How do you get the Bull Demons to lead the Sword Twelve away?"

"Although Princess Qingning was resurrected by the Xingyao Divine Stone to dispel the dead energy in her body, her will has not awakened. There are only two ways, or wait, and slowly recover as time goes by. The second way, if With the blood of the real spirit, dreamy spirit beast, you can wake her up in advance and wake up from her deep sleep."

"Do you want to use the news of the fantasy heavenly spirit beast to lead the Sword Twelve out of the capital, and then let the Bull Demons take the blame?"

"Not bad!" Long Hua nodded and said fiercely.

"As long as we get Princess Qingning, we can use her to control Sword Twelve, plus Xiao Ran's relationship, double insurance, and the trump card will increase again. Wait for the eldest princess to make a move to help you ascend to the throne of the prince, even if they are united in Together, we can also serve them in one pot."

"This matter needs to be discussed in a long-term manner, and there can be no loopholes. Otherwise, once there is a little rumor, it will be really miserable!" said the third prince.

Around this plan, the two quickly perfected.

Heaven Prison.

got here.

"Follow Zhang Yu to study hard." Xiao Ran reminded.

"Yeah." Ling Ji wrote down.

Looking at Zhang Yu.

"Is there nothing wrong?"

"everything is normal."

"I'll leave it to you here, go to purgatory to find me if you have anything." Xiao Ran said.

Go to Purgatory.

to the first cell.

The eldest princess was eating cakes and drinking tea. When she saw him coming, she waved to him, "Come in."

He opened the cell door and walked in, sitting opposite her.

He took a piece of white lotus cake and ate it, "Is something wrong?"

"The Princess Minmin and her maid disappeared. The army who escorted her, and the strong people who secretly protected her were all silenced. The scene was a mess, and it was burned down by a fire, and no clues could be found." Princess Road.

"Who is the Minmin County Master?" Xiao Ran was puzzled.

"The precious daughter of King Jiangning, the fiancee of the eldest son of the Qin family."

Seeing that he was still confused, the eldest princess introduced the relationship in detail.

After listening.

"So, the Qin family has a lot of power in Jixia Academy?"

"Exceeds your imagination." The eldest princess said.

"Who are they?" Xiao Ran asked the key point.

"On the surface, it belongs to the neutral camp, but who knows in secret? According to the information on my side, it is very close to the second child."

"There's a good show to watch."

"It will only make the capital more and more chaotic." The eldest princess rolled her eyes angrily.

Changed the subject.

"Is Xiao Zhou okay?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"It is very likely that the second prince secretly instigated this matter, but there is no evidence, so people can only investigate secretly."

"With his status, there is no shortage of cultivation resources, why should he dig the heart of an innocent girl?" The eldest princess was very puzzled.

"Who knows." Xiao Ran shook his head.

"Brother Xiao!" At this moment, Xiao Zhou's voice came from the hall of purgatory.

"Why is he here?" The eldest princess wondered.

"I asked him to come." Xiao Ran explained simply.

"This guy's cultivation base is too weak. It happened that he intercepted the treasury of the ninth prince last time and got a lot of money. Until now, he has exchanged this batch of money for cultivation resources, let him come here, and let Yang Ping'an special. Training, plus the gathering spirit array I arranged, it will not take long to improve the cultivation base."

"Yeah." The eldest princess nodded.

Holding a piece of white lotus cake, Xiao Ran stood up from the chair, "I went over first."

Get out of the cell and lock the door.

"Here." Xiao Ran greeted.

Xiao Zhou hurried over and stopped at the door.

"I have seen Your Highness!" Xiao Zhou respectfully saluted.

"Yeah." The eldest princess responded.

"Follow me." Dropping a sentence, Xiao Ran walked inside.

Stop here at Cell 99.

The picture is very discordant.

Cell 99.

Old Ancestor Beiming, Ao Xiong, and Yang Ping'an were actually sitting and drinking together. Only Ao Lu was still tied to the wall, his hair was disheveled, and blood was all over his body, his appearance was very miserable.

Looking at the wine and meat on the table, he licked his lips dryly, but there was nothing he could do.

in the cell opposite.

Qing'er is holding the Beiming Sword and is frantically torturing Old Ancestor Xue Li.

Be ruthless, women are professional.

In addition to being devastated by her, Old Ancestor Xue Li was also tormented by the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, roaring there like a lunatic.

Looking at this, it is estimated that the will is about to collapse.

"Hey! Why are you here?" Seeing Xiao Ran, Yang Ping'an hurriedly stood up.

Ancestor Beiming and Ao Xiong reacted faster.

"I have something to do with you." Xiao Ran said.

Yang Ping'an's heart suddenly burst, and he thought weakly, "Could it be for Zi'er's business?"

Holding back his composure, he asked, "Just say hello, do you still need to come over in person?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

Point to Xiao Zhou.

"You guys also know each other, so I won't introduce more. This time I come here, there is only one thing, no matter what method you use, I want to see him improve his cultivation in the shortest possible time."

"Just this little thing?"


Seeing this, Yang Ping'an's heart was relaxed.

"Don't worry! I promise to raise his cultivation to your satisfaction."

"Brother Xiao!" Qing'er also came over at this time and called out enthusiastically.

"Are you used to staying here?" Xiao Ran asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Qing'er nodded happily.

"It's all good."

"This is Qing'er, Yang Ping'an's wife, this is Xiao Zhou, my brother." Xiao Ran introduced them.

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Hello!" The two simply shook hands.

"Let's go out and talk." Yang Ping'an said.

Xiao Ran glanced at him, left the cell, and stopped at the corner.

"Ao Xiong has surrendered and wants to serve you."

"Trustworthy?" Xiao Ran looked serious.

"Don't worry about my work! If you don't have full confidence, you won't say it." Yang Ping'an patted his chest to assure.

"What about the North Sea Dragon Clan?" Xiao Ran asked again.

"Already our people, naturally stand with us and deal with the Beihai Dragons together."

"Okay! You ask him to come out." Xiao Ran said.

Yang Ping'an left and quickly called Ao Xiong over.

"I've seen Brother Xiao!" Ao Xiong saluted respectfully.

The dragon chain was on the body of the ancestor of Beiming, and his pipa bone was sealed, and he could not break free with his Taoism.

No matter if Yang Ping'an was watching, he wouldn't be bound by iron chains.

"Come with me!" Xiao Ran walked towards the ground fire.

Yang Ping'an patted his shoulder and explained, "You got the chance, don't let me down! Otherwise, you will know the consequences."

"I understand." Ao Xiong responded.

Follow Xiao Ran.

Stop here at the fire.

Across the formation, looking at the raging fire, burning the sky and boiling the sea, a terrifying heat wave spread out, exuding great power, and even the space was deformed.

"No wonder no one dares to break in from here." Xiao Ran sighed.

Thinking of the three-headed Jiaojiao, with the help of the sacred flame of the ice blue Xuanxin bird clan, they can sneak in.

It is also because of the special icy blue holy flame, which is extremely powerful, that he was lucky enough to succeed.

He turned his body and looked at him with scrutiny eyes, pointing directly to his heart, trying to see through his whole person.

"If you were asked to deal with the Beihai Dragon Clan, would you take action?"

Ao Xiong calmly met Xiao Ran's eyes, "Yes!"


"Some people in the North Sea Dragon Clan should be killed, but some people are innocent. I only kill people who should be killed. If they endanger your lives, I will try my best to stop them!" It was complicated.

But Xiao Ran still smiled with satisfaction.

With persistence, a bottom line, and his smooth personality, things can be accomplished.

"I'll give you two choices. The first choice is to give you a cell alone. There is enough wine and meat, and no one will torture you! Until your life is exhausted, you will stay in purgatory."

"This is not what I want." Ao Xiong smiled bitterly.

"Once I say the second choice, as long as you listen, there is no room for rejection. You will know the consequences." Xiao Ran said again.

"As long as I can go out, I don't regret it!"

"Join the Divine Prison and serve me from now on." Xiao Ran said.

When Yang Ping'an asked him to tell him about Ao Xiong just now, the plan had already appeared.

The Divine Prison had just been established, and it was too difficult for Xiao Mang and his team to develop the Divine Prison alone.

In this process, it is necessary to continuously absorb new blood, have potential, profound cultivation, and have a certain status, and it is best to be more tactful.

From this point of view, Ao Xiong fits perfectly.

Absorb him into the Divine Prison, let him be responsible for the information on the North Sea Dragon Clan, and arrange it in advance. Once it is used, the benefits are huge.

But there is one thing, although ability is important, faithfulness is also very important.

As long as they are loyal enough, even if they are like Xiao Mang and the others, as long as they pass his test, they can be cultivated in a pool of mud.


Ao Xiong knelt on the ground on one knee, "Ao Xiong sees your lord!"

"Yes! You are very smart." Xiao Ran nodded with satisfaction.

Bend your finger a little.

When the power of reincarnation was displayed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com took this as the foundation, and arranged a forbidding technique in his mind, and its power surpassed the ordinary forbidding technique, even if people with the same power of time, Interrogation with the secret method can't get any news about the prison.

(This chapter is 7,000 words, and the rest will be filled in the next chapter! Xiaobai has done his best.

It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, say important things three times! ! )

?? Thanks to ilove888 readers for their 1500 starting point coins!

?Thanks to the readers of Ice and Snow Crocodile for the 100 starting point coins!

?Thanks to Guo Ya 5919 readers for their 100 starting point coins!

(End of this chapter)