I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess - Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: Brother Mang's Ambition (For Subscription, For Monthly Pass!)

"Just within a day or two." The Bull Demon replied mechanically.

"When you arrive in the capital, where do you stay?" Xiao Ran asked again.

"I'll make arrangements for them."

The forbidden spirit technique is flickering, and it has reached the limit that it is about to collapse, and it can erupt at any time.

And one last question.


Xiao Ran asked the key point, "How to contact them?"

"My bull demons have a secret method. As long as they are not far apart, they can sense the existence of the other party by virtue of the secret method. Under the precondition, the other party does not hide their aura." Niu Yao said.


After answering this question, his head exploded at this moment.

The headless body fell to the ground.


A sword qi fell, destroying his body.

At this time, Shen Yiming brought someone from inside and stopped beside Xiao Ran.

"Jiang Ming is not here!"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Ran frowned.

"According to the explanation from the people below, just now, he took someone out of the mansion, as if he was going to the second prince's side."

"Could it be that the Second Prince was also involved in this matter?"

"It's hard to say!" Shen Yiming shook his head.

"Without figuring out their motives, guesswork alone doesn't help at all."

"You interrogate them on the spot now and pry open their mouths!" Xiao Ran said.

"Are you going to the second prince's place?"

"No matter who is involved in this case, it will be strictly investigated to the end."

"Let the Taoist priest interrogate them, and I will go with you."

"No!" Xiao Ran refused.

"The Jiang family has worked so hard to secretly arrest these little girls and dig their hearts. There must be some hidden secrets! Even if Jiang Ming hides it more secretly, it will reveal a little bit of wind."

"Okay! Then be careful yourself." Shen Yiming reminded.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran responded.

The men and horses looking at the Sword Guard.

"You come with me!"

"Uncle Xiao, we'll go with you." Gu Qiuhe said urgently.

"No!" Xiao Ran said.

"The matter here has not been resolved, you stay here, pry open their mouths as soon as possible, and find out the truth of the matter. I will take someone to the second prince's side to catch Jiang Ming! If there is news from your side, let me know immediately. "

Speaking of which.

Eyes turned cold.

"If it really involves him, then take him down."

Seeing Xiao Ran say this, Gu Qiuhe and the others did not insist.

The more than 200 people with the Sword Guard left Jiang Mansion, and before they could leave, the sound of horses' hooves sounded again.

The leader was a middle-aged general, riding a Zhaoye Dragon Horse and coming with three thousand soldiers and horses.

Judging from their dress, they were also from the Fifth Division of City Defense.

Seeing Xiao Ran's group, the middle-aged general stopped and ordered with a cold face, "Encircle this place, don't let a fly go without this general's order!"

Three thousand soldiers rushed up quickly and surrounded Xiao Ran and the others with Jiang Mansion as the center.

Hearing the movement outside, Shen Yiming and others sent people to guard the Jiang Mansion, and they also drove them out from the inside.

Standing beside Xiao Ran, he looked at the middle-aged general coldly.

Gu Qiuhe had already recognized him, stepped forward, and scolded coldly, "What are you doing, Ma Kui?"

The middle-aged general is called Ma Kui.

Looking at him, I panicked, and secretly asked why Gu Qiuhe was here?

But he is a member of the Jiang family. At this moment, the Jiang family is in trouble and surrounded by them, he can't stand idly by.


Even if Xiao Ran lets him go, there is a way for the Jiang family to deal with him.

The most simple and rude one, as long as he handed over the evidence of his secret corruption and bribery, he would not be able to get away with it.

This is also the reason why he immediately brought people over after seeing the flare.

"I was about to receive a report that someone committed the following crime, privately led troops to besiege Jiangfu, and came to besiege Xiaoxiao!" Ma Kui said.

"Young Master Gu, you'd better take someone away now. Ben will pretend that you haven't seen it before. If you insist on staying here, don't blame Ben for being rude."

"The Token of the Minister of War is here, I will now order you to leave quickly with your men!" Gu Qiuhe took out his father's token.

Ma Kui sneered, and at this point, his face was already torn.

If that's the case, then do it more simply.

"Unless Master Gu personally, I would have the right to suspect that you stole the token privately."

"People are doing it, God is watching, don't make yourself uncomfortable."

"Go away! Otherwise, I will take you down with me." Ma Kui scolded.

The soldiers and horses he brought, the spear trembled, and the cold tip of the spear pointed at Xiao Ran and the others coldly.

And Xiao Ran is here.

Divine Sword Guard, Jishenmen, and Gu Qiuhe brought the five divisions of city defense, plus Bai Zhanyu's arresting speed, facing them coldly.

War is imminent.

Xiao Ran patted his shoulder and motioned him to step back.

Looking at Marquee.

"Just now Jiang Wudao released the signal flare, was he just calling you?"

"I couldn't understand what you were talking about!" Ma Kui vetoed.

"Divine Sword Guard and Jishenmen handle the case, what kind of thing are you? You dare to intervene? Don't say it's you, even if your head comes, you don't dare to point fingers in front of us." Xiao Ran said with a cold face.

"The duty is, there is nothing to dare!" Ma Kui did not step back.

"This seat now suspects that you are a remnant of the Jiang family and participated in the "heart-digging" case." Speaking of this, Xiao Ran's eyes were cold.

Step by step.

He disappeared from the spot and appeared directly in front of Ma Kui.

Grabbing his neck, he violently pulled him off the Zhaoyelong horse and slammed it to the ground.

"Ah!" The sudden scene caught Ma Kui by surprise, and he cried out in pain.

He didn't expect that when Xiao Ran said he would do it, he would do it.

Just as he was about to order the people he brought to do it, Xiao Ran stepped on it and landed on his face. With a huge force, he was knocked unconscious.

Looking at the soldiers who were about to move, he said indifferently.

"Drop your weapons!"

The sound turned into a sonic boom, like a huge tornado, swept through them.

All the weapons fell to the ground in an instant, and even they were knocked over, and they didn't get up for a long time.

"I'll leave it to you here." Xiao Ran said.

"You can rest assured! We are here." Shen Yiming said.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

The people with the sword guard rushed towards Xuanwufang.

After they left.

Shen Yiming was not idle either, stepped forward, sealed Ma Kui's pipa bone, and ordered him to be taken down for torture and interrogation. As for the soldiers he brought, they were all handed over to Gu Qiuhe.

A heavy punishment awaits them.

for a while.

Xiao Ran led someone to stop here at No. 18, Xuanwu Square.

The headed guard, seeing the Divine Sword Guard coming, stepped forward, looked at Xiao Ran, and said respectfully, "Dare to ask your surname?"

"Xiao Ran!"

"Master Xiao came just in time, and his subordinates are preparing to take people to the Sword Guard at the order of His Highness."

Xiao Ran looked at him calmly, waiting for the next sentence.

"Bring people up." The leader of the guards clapped his palms.

The four guards hurried out from the inside and put the two corpses on the ground.

Xiao Ran didn't know them, but he guessed something in his heart.

I saw him pointing at the corpses of the two and introducing, "The man's name is Jiang Ming, and the woman is his sister Jiang Fei. Just now, he was about to stab His Highness, and has been rectified on the spot."


"If Master Xiao has any doubts, his subordinates can take you to see His Highness."

Looking at the two headless corpses, Xiao Ran was suspicious, "A coincidence or murder?"

Looking at the guard.

"Take this seat in."

"Please come in!" The guard made a gesture of invitation.

With people, they entered the second prince's mansion.

Here in the backyard.

Xiao Ran only brought twenty people, and did not bring more people in.

More and more puzzled, how come here?


The guards took him and stopped outside a palace.

The door is guarded tightly, with a large number of guards standing there, as well as strong men, protecting it from the air.

"Don't take offense, Master Xiao, His Highness was assassinated and seriously injured, in case of another accident, that's the only way."

Step forward.

He stopped at the gate of the palace, and respectfully asked for instructions, "Your Highness! Divine Sword Guard Sir Xiao Ranxiao is here."

The temple door opened from the inside.

A woman in a green shirt, with a beautiful appearance, opened the door of the palace.

"You step back!" the blue-shirted woman said.

With no doubt.

The guard leader bowed respectfully and left.

His eyes fell on Xiao Ran's body, and his red lips parted lightly, "Introduce myself, my surname is Gu, and my name is only a shadow."

"Xiao Ran." Xiao Ran was short-hearted.

"Please!" Gu Ying made a please gesture.

Enter the palace.

Under her leadership, they stopped at the bed.


The second prince was in a coma, with a ring of gauze wrapped around his chest, surrounding him, the dark red blood seeping out, looking miserable.

Gu Ying introduced, "We didn't expect that Jiang Ming had the ambition of a wolf, secretly arresting little girls and poaching their hearts. Seeing this was revealed, he was afraid of being caught by you, so he asked His Royal Highness to help him."

His expression changed, and justice was shining brightly.

"But who is Your Highness? Today's second prince, who has acted upright and upright all his life, never oppressed the good, and kept the people in his heart, so how could he agree to him? Don't say that he is Jiang Fei's eldest brother, even if he goes further, His Highness will not back down. "

Speaking of this, he showed anger and clenched his jade hand.

"But this beast is completely insane. In order to force His Highness to take action, he even attacked His Highness! Fortunately, the guards in the mansion tried their best to protect him before killing him, and the heaven and earth will be bright and the innocent girls who died will be fair. I didn't expect that. , Concubine Jiang actually saw this scene and stabbed His Highness while resting at night, almost killing His Highness!"

Tears streamed down, drenching the shirt on her chest.

Xiao Ran listened quietly and did not say anything.

In the dark, he used "spiritual clarity and bright eyes".

Look at the second prince.

The wound on his chest was really serious, and it was about to go deep into his internal organs. As long as he went further, even if he couldn't kill him, he could still be severely injured, leaving indelible dark wounds.

I wondered, "It's really not him?"

But it's all too coincidental, isn't it? Anything that is coincidental must have a ghost in it.

"Skynet is sparse but not leaking." Xiao Ran said.

Look back.

"I'll take their bodies back."

"Yeah." Gu Ying nodded.

They sent Xiao Ran out of the mansion, and when he saw his figure disappeared, he returned.

in the bedroom.

Gu Ying walked to the bed, took out a pill, and fed it to the second prince. After a few breaths, the second prince opened his eyes and leaned on the head of the bed with her support.

"have they gone?"


"How is this prince's performance?" The second prince was proud.

"Should have deceived him." Gu Ying thought for a while and said.

"They moved too fast. If it wasn't for Jiang Ming to report, they would have found this prince's head. If Jiang Ming fell into their hands, this prince would be really in trouble this time."

looking at her.

Holding her jade hand, "After a while, after the father wakes up, this prince will tell the father to marry you as a concubine."

"Everything is arranged by His Highness." Gu Ying said.

The two were unconvinced.

Everyone knows what they want to take. The mysterious force that the second prince secretly contacts is the Gu family.

in this matter.

The Jiang family, including Jiang Ming and Jiang Fei, were just victims of the exchange of interests.

For those in power, they lose their use value and only end up being abandoned.


The second prince was even more ruthless, and directly took away the Jiang family.

out of the palace.

The Divine Sword Guards outside greeted them, and a Purple Sword Guard said, "Sir, what did the Second Prince say?"

"Go back first." Xiao Ran shook his head.

Still at the gate, this is not the place to talk.

Leave with their headless bodies.

on the way.

Xiao Ran simply explained, "On the surface, there seems to be nothing suspicious, everything can be explained, but the more it is, the greater the mystery hidden in it."


"There is no evidence." Xiao Ran said.

Take them back to Excalibur.

Shen Yiming and others have also returned.

in the room.

A group of people sat around the table, and Gu Qiuhe and the others were also there.

"What's the situation over there?" Shen Yiming asked.

"Dead." Xiao Ran said.

Simply tell the situation again.

After listening.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and Gu Qiuhe spoke first, "I'm afraid this will be silenced?"

"Whether it was silenced or not, our actions were a step slower and we didn't catch Jiang Ming. Even if he did this, there is no proof, and there is no evidence at all, and it has to end here. Unless other evidence can be found. "Xiao Ran said.

Looking at Shen Yiming.

"How is the Jiang family's interrogation?"

"I have used all kinds of severe punishments once, and I don't know. It seems that Jiang Ming is acting without telling everyone. Even those who participated in this matter died in your hands." Shen Yiming said.

"Let's keep an eye on it to see if we can get any more news."

"Well." Shen Yiming responded.

Shen Yiming handed over a document, and Xiao Ran opened the document, which recorded the process of this operation in great detail. This was a necessary step.

They made too much noise this time, this matter must be reported, it is impossible to hide it.


Nor did they intend to hide.

He took the pen, signed his name on it, and handed over the paperwork.

"Although there is no evidence, it is not nothing. Nearly 30 million taels were copied from the Jiangfu, plus other precious antique calligraphy, paintings, jewelry, etc. We keep 30% of the money, and then give a sum of money to those who died. The girl's family, turn over the rest of the money." Shen Yiming said.

We are referring to Xiao Ran, Shen Yiming, Daoist Xuanyang, Gu Qiuhe and Shi Ming, plus Bai Zhanyu.

A few of them took one share, and the rest was shared by the people below.

They eat meat, and the people below have worked hard all night, and they are still working with their heads on their heads, so they must drink soup.

"What should the Jiang family do?" Xiao Ran asked.

"I've already been put in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. When our documents are sent, tomorrow will be the result after the third public and the six ministers and others have discussed it." Shen Yiming said.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

Looking at Gu Qiuhe and Shi Ming, "It's getting late, so hurry back with the silver ticket."

"Uncle Xiao (Brother Xiao) then let's go." The two said.

Daoist Xuanyang also stood up, "Pindao also went back."

After they left, only Xiao Ran was left in the room.

"Help me investigate a person." Xiao Ran said.

"I knew you had something to say." Shen Yiming poured three cups from the teapot and placed it in front of them.

He took a sip of tea and asked.


"Ancient Shadow."

"who is she?"

"The people around the second prince seem to have his trust." Xiao Ran said.

"You doubt her..." Shen Yiming didn't say anything after that, but he understood everything he knew.

"Intuition." Xiao Ran pointed to his heart.


The tea that Shen Yiming had just drank immediately spurted out, and gave him an angry look, "I've only heard of straight men, and I haven't heard of intuitive ones."

"Have Xiao Zhou's training resources been ready?" Xiao Ran changed the topic.

"All those bank notes have been used, and the cultivation resources are in place and can be used at any time." Shen Yiming said.

His eyes fell on Xiao Zhou.

"How are you going to arrange for him?"

"Starting from tomorrow, let him stay in purgatory, and let Yang Ping'an train him specially. With the help of this batch of cultivation resources, it won't take long for him to improve his cultivation."

"This is a good way." Shen Yiming nodded.

Xiao Zhou didn't speak the whole time. This incident made him understand a truth. If he has no strength, once he encounters danger, let alone protect others, he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself.

Standing up from the chair, Xiao Ran said, "We're going back."

"Are you together?" Shen Yiming was stunned.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran responded.

"In order to find him before, I asked some beggars to help. They are still in the Drunk Immortal Courtyard and have to go there."

"Okay." Shen Yiming said.

He took Xiao Zhou out of the Sword Guard and rushed towards the Drunken Immortal Courtyard.

On the page of the Golden Book of Fortune, the reward was finalized at this time, revealing sixteen things.

Among them, the Jiang family has contributed a lot, and they have already surpassed Jiang Wudao and Niu Yao.

It seems that the higher the status, the better things you get.

on the way.

Xiao Zhou raised his head and said with all his courage, "Brother Xiao, don't worry, I will work hard this time and I will never let you down again."

"After entering purgatory, even if you want to be lazy, you have to ask Yang Ping'an whether he agrees or not."

"..." Xiao Zhou was speechless.

Arrived at Zuixianyuan.

Seeing that they were back, Zhu Feng said to the people around him, "Go and tell Sister Yan, Brother Zhou has found it!"

Came up quickly.

"Brother Xiao sees you, we can let go of our hanging hearts."

Show concern.

"Brother Zhou, are you alright?"

"Yeah." Xiao Zhou nodded.

As soon as she entered the Drunken Immortal Courtyard, Sister Yan came up to meet him, looking at Xiao Zhou, she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer, she opened her arms and hugged him in her arms.

"You scared me to death."

"So many people here are watching, are you not afraid?" Xiao Zhou patted her on the back and joked.

Sister Yan raised her head and rolled her eyes at him angrily.

"I'm happy, can they handle it?"

Release him.

He solemnly bowed to Xiao Ran, "Brother Xiao, I'll trouble you again!"

"They're all brothers, so why bother?" Xiao Ran shook his head.

"Let's talk later." Sister Yan said.

Entered the backyard and sat down in the luxurious room last time.

The food and drinks are ready, only the three of them.

"Brother Xiao, what's going on?" Sister Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Let him speak for himself." Xiao Ran shook his head, poured a glass from the jug, and drank it.

Xiao Zhou explained what happened in detail.

I also learned that Xiao Zhou will go to Purgatory tomorrow for "training".

Sister Yan said, "Brother Xiao, don't release water this time. If he doesn't meet your requirements, don't let him come out."

"You're too cruel, aren't you?" Xiao Zhou glared at her.

"Humph! As long as you practice more seriously in your daily life, there will be nothing like today."

Xiao Zhou was speechless.

"What about Brother Mang and Guapi?" Xiao Ran asked.

"I asked people to open the yard next to them, served good wine and good food, and asked some girls to accompany them." Sister Yan said.

"I'll take a look." Xiao Ran stood up from the chair.

"I'll take you there."

"No! You two have a good chat." Xiao Ran refused.

Xiao Zhou just got back, and without thinking, he can guess that there is a lot to say between them.

Out of the room, the space was given to them.

Go to the side yard.

got here.

Hearing the chatter and laughter coming from the room, Xiao Ran smiled slightly, pushed open the door and walked in.

The sudden sound of the door opening made them stunned and looked back subconsciously.

Seeing that it was Xiao Ran, Brother Mang and Guapi, and their younger brother, they hurriedly stood up from the chair.

"I've seen adults!"

"Don't be cautious, sit down." Xiao Ran said.

Going to the main seat, Brother Mang skillfully opened a chair, wiped the chair with his sleeve, and let Xiao Ran sit down.

"You go out first." Mang said.

The others left, leaving only him and Guapi.

Taking out the one thousand taels silver note and handing it over, Brother Mang said, "Sir, Sister Yan, she doesn't want it."

"Just take what's given to you." Xiao Ran glared at him.

"how do you feel?"

The two looked at each other, Guapi winked at him, motioning him to speak quickly, Brother Mang bit his teeth and knelt on the ground. Seeing this scene, Guapi also knelt down.

Brother Mang said, "Please also give us a chance!"

Xiao Ran smiled, "This time, you guys did a good job. I owe you a favor. Don't be in a hurry, just think about it, as long as you don't ask too much, we can satisfy you."

"It's our honor to be able to do things for the adults~www.mtlnovel.com~, why do you owe us a favor?" Brother Mang replied beautifully.

Tell the truth about what's in your heart.

"Over the years, the two of my brothers have had enough of their lives under the supervision of others. Even if they are begging for food and get the property, they have to give up the bulk of it. We are not reconciled! If we wanted to fight, we had no chance before. Fortunately, God let us I met you, your presence, for us, it is a noble person in life, and it is our chance, please give me a chance, even if you risk this low life, you will not frown!"

(This chapter is only 6,000, and I will make it up in the next chapter! Xiaobai doesn't know what's going on, maybe it's because he is 18 years old!

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass! ! ! )

??Thanks to Mr. Hadameng readers for the 100 starting point coins!

(End of this chapter)