I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess - Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Chapter 211 Fighting in the rainstorm, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi Holy Land (please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket!)

"Remember Qu Bo'an I mentioned to you?" Xiao Ran asked back.

"The Son of Netherworld?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"I had something to do and I was going to go out. At Lingxi River, I happened to see him being chased and killed. He rescued him. He brought the head of Zhou Xing, the eighth prince of the Zhou Kingdom."

"Did he really do it?"

"There is the finger force of the Tiannu God's finger I left in the body. If he doesn't do it, once the finger force explodes, he will be worse than death." Xiao Ran said.

"With the strength of the Nether Prison, it can't be solved?" The eldest princess asked back.

She knew she was talking nonsense, but she asked anyway.

"The exercises I practice are quite special, unless I solve them by myself. Otherwise, if an outsider wants to get rid of these fingers, even if he can do it, he will abolish it, and the foundation will be completely destroyed. From now on, it will be difficult to go further."

"I see." The eldest princess nodded.

"In this way, everything can be explained clearly."

"When did the First Prince and the others go back?" Xiao Ran asked.

"Others left early, and the three of them persisted for a long time, and didn't go back until evening."

Xiao Ran knew who the "three of them" were referring to, the first prince, the second prince and the third prince.

"Pretend to be dizzy?"

"If you see through it or not, it will be boring if you name it." The eldest princess rolled his eyes at him.

"I hope to have a peaceful Mid-Autumn Festival, even if there is going to be trouble, I have to wait until after the Mid-Autumn Festival." Xiao Ran sighed.

"In the current situation, your wish is probably very difficult."

Take a sip of tea.

Just as he was about to reach out and hold Xiao Ran's hand, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside.

Zhang Yu took the dragon's blood and passed by here.

"Brother Xiao, Your Highness, you continue, I didn't see anything." Seeing them looking at him and dropping a word, Zhang Yu hurried away.

"Giggle!" The eldest princess covered her mouth and smiled.

A silver bell-like laughter echoed in the cell.

Seeing Xiao Ran looking at him without moving his eyes, he threw him a pair of big white eyeballs, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at you!" Xiao Ran said concisely.

"Then want to hug?" The eldest princess winked playfully.

"Okay." Xiao Ran answered with action.

He stood up from the chair, walked over, held her back, bent over and hugged her legs, and a princess hugged her and picked her up from the chair.

"The wood is about to become fine!" The eldest princess was shy.

Let him be held in his arms, his forehead resting on his chest, two white as lotus roots, and twinkling jade arms, around his neck.

He sat down on the bed, took off his shoes, and went straight to bed.

Put her on your lap and hug her.

this moment.

Xiao Ran's heart is very warm and quiet, like a wanderer who is wandering outside. When he returns home, his irritable heart disappears and is replaced by the warmth of home.

He hugged her tightly, without a trace of evil thoughts.

Seemingly feeling Xiao Ran's thoughts, the eldest princess hugged even tighter.

No one spoke to the two of them, and they enjoyed this happy and short time.

"Slippery!" The long princess' long eyelashes turned in a circle, thinking angrily in her heart.

"When did you kidnap Ling Qinger, even I don't know, if it wasn't for you to pick up my father-in-law and mother-in-law this time, I would have been kept in the dark. But that's fine, Ling Qinger is also a good person, self-disciplined. It's good, I can feel at ease with her taking care of me."

Looked up.

Looking at this water chestnut, handsome and sunny face in front of him.

I sighed again in my heart, "When will we be able to be together openly? Holding hands together? Shopping together? Appearing in front of people together? Like a couple in love, playful and playful?"

"What are you thinking?" Xiao Ran lowered his head.

Her chin rested on her fragrant shoulder, looking at the beautiful face in front of her.

Really couldn't hold back.

A light kiss, just want to kiss, nothing else.

But really don't blame him, and kiss again.


It stopped after seven or eight minutes.

"Hum!" The eldest princess hummed softly, like a happy little pig.

Pink Fist hammered his chest.

"I'll give you a surprise for the Mid-Autumn Festival." Xiao Ran said suddenly.

"???" The eldest princess was stunned, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at him suspiciously, as if to see through him.

"Aren't you busy?"

Xiao Ran almost didn't answer this question.

"No matter how busy you are, you will find time."



"Didn't lie to me?" The eldest princess didn't believe it.

"I did not lie to you!"


Without warning, he stretched out his jade hand, pushed him down, and then took the initiative to hold his face and kiss him.

It took a long time to separate.

"Can you remind me in advance next time?" Xiao Ran complained.

"You are so beautiful." The eldest princess rolled his eyes at him.

"By the way, have all the copybooks I gave you last time sold?"

"Not yet." Xiao Ran shook his head.

"You also know that this time is really busy. The front feet don't occupy the back feet, and I almost don't even have time to rest. I planned to take a rest these few days to relax myself, but now it seems to have failed again."

"Don't be tired." The eldest princess held his hand.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"Ah..." Suddenly, the eldest princess screamed without warning.

Demonic energy erupted, rushed out of the body, and rushed towards her head.

Just appeared.

The majestic demonic energy instantly enveloped the prison cell, thick and true, and evolved into a demonic realm, the huge aura whistled, and a terrifying suppressed sound was heard.

I saw her face grim and grinning, like a demon from the abyss, staring at Xiao Ran.

"I-I can't stand it anymore!" The eldest princess said with difficulty.


The golden light evolved, the golden phoenix roared, rushed out of her body, and swirled above her head. Every time it turned, a golden light fell down and entered her mind, protecting her last bit of clarity.

However, as her attainments in the Nine Heavens Yuling to Pure Gong became deeper and deeper, the outbreak of after-effects became more and more terrifying. Just now, it was twice as high as before.

Even in the beautiful eyes, there is a magic current flowing.

"No! What's the matter with you?" Xiao Ran was dumbfounded.

It was fine last moment.

How did it happen in a blink of an eye?

No sign at all.

"Don't be stunned! Hit me now."

"This, this..." Xiao Ran hesitated.

Holding his hand, the eldest princess begged again, "Hurry up!"

The golden phoenix couldn't protect it anymore, and the eldest princess' complexion changed greatly, and she opened her mouth to bite at Xiao Ran.

"I'm going!" Xiao Ran's shot was a quick one.

A punch hit her in the face, knocking her over on the soft slump, and before she could get up, he skillfully rode on it, opened the bow left and right, and pressed her on the soft slump and beat her violently.

After some output, it was exactly two hundred punches, and Xiao Ran stopped.

Her sequelae have been suppressed, the demonic energy has dissipated again, and her people have regained clarity. The golden phoenix turned into a golden light and entered her body.

But his face was swollen again, very exaggerated.

"Can you remind me next time?" Xiao Ran asked.

"You think I want this?" The eldest princess glared at him.

He took a deep breath, and it took a while before he reacted.

"Don't get up yet."

"Good." Xiao Ran stood up and pulled her up from the slump.

She stretched out her right hand, and the pure spiritual power condensed in the palm of her hand, swam across her face, the bloatedness disappeared, and she once again became a glamorous, holy, and aloof eldest princess.

He hurriedly put on his shoes, "I'll go see Yang Ping'an."

Lock the cell door and head inside.


The eldest princess couldn't hold back and laughed directly, "It's really fast."

Stop here when you get to Cell No. 99.

Yang Ping'an actually changed his bowels. He didn't use the Fantian Seal, and he didn't torture them. He sat there drinking and eating vegetables, with the Beiming Sword on the table. He had a really good life.

Seeing Xiao Ran coming, he greeted with a smile, "Come on?"

Take out a tableware and place it on the opposite side.

Xiao Ran was not polite, walked over, took a sip of the wine he poured over, "Where did you get the Yuanling wine?"

"Given by Your Highness."

"I guessed it." Xiao Ran nodded.

Take out the Fantian Seal and place it in front of Xiao Ran.

"Give it back to you."

"Don't you need it?"

"The Beiming Sword is easier to use than the Fantian Yin, and the damage is higher. The remaining Beiming sword energy after the sword is not easy to recover." Yang Ping'an pointed to the wounds on the four of them.

Old Ancestor Beiming and Old Ancestor Xue Li are better, after all, they are the great powers of Taoism.

Even if the pipa bone is sealed and locked by the dragon chain, the resilience is really abnormal.

No matter how serious the injury, as long as it is not a fatal injury, it will be alive and kicking after a night.

Ao Lu was miserable, but it was at the tenth level of the War Venerable Realm. Although it was strong, it was really not enough to see, even if it was a real dragon.

The injuries on his body were terrifying, with dozens of wounds still bleeding.

His face was as pale as a pig.

Ao Xiong was in the best condition. He was almost uninjured. He was full of energy and had a chicken leg in his mouth.

The same is jailed, but the treatment is really worlds apart.

Explode the three of them!

"It, you didn't take care of it?" Xiao Ran asked.

Ao Xiong was startled, and even the chicken legs in his mouth were not fragrant.

Yang Ping'an shook his head, "He's very obedient, he said what he asked and said, even if it was the secret method of the North Sea Dragon Clan. But I don't know much, but it's enough for me to practice right now."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"Isn't it a heartbreaker?"

"The mouth is very hard, and I would rather say all the secrets of the North Sea Dragon Clan than to mention the blood of my heart."

Xiao Ran put down the wine glass and stood up from the chair.

Take out the Qinglian Yaoguang Sword, and then take out the Luck Dragon Chair.

Holding one piece in one hand, he walked coldly towards Old Ancestor Beiming.

Yang Ping'an also put down the wine glass, walked over with the Beiming Sword, and stopped in front of it.

"You, what do you want to do?" Bei Ming Patriarch panicked.

Ao Lu guessed it, and hurriedly said, "Two adults, can you be careful when you strike? Can you not hurt the innocent?"

"Do you have the right to speak here?" Xiao Ran scolded.

The Luck Dragon Chair smashed violently on his head.

Its supreme divine power directly smashed him out of a **** arrow and fainted.

Ao Xiong shrank his neck and secretly said, "Stupid! At this time, I don't see anything at all, and silence is the king's way."

"Hand over a drop of blood and make your life a little more comfortable in the future." Xiao Ran said.

"If you want anything else, the ancestor can give it to you, but the blood is really not good!" Ancestor Beiming shook his head.

"Still lacking beatings." Xiao Ran started immediately.

The supreme physical strength exploded, holding the Dragon Chair of Air Luck, one after another, smashing it on his head.

Qinglian Yaoguang's sword did not stop, and stabbed wildly at his chest.

"I'll help you!" Yang Ping'an hurriedly followed.

Beimingjian specializes in attacking its lower three lanes, cooperates well with Xiao Ran, and takes good care of him.

Mixed doubles is still such a brutal torture.

Stronger than the ancestor of Beiming, he also snorted in pain.

"Ancestor is not easy!" Ao Xiong sighed weakly in his heart.


Xiao Ran and the others did not affect him.

quite a while.

Xiao Ran and the others stopped and looked at Old Ancestor Beiming. It was really miserable. There were wounds all over his body, blood was flowing out, and he was scary like a ghost.

As the three Tongtian Lingbao left the body, the injuries on its body began to recover quickly.

At this time, its perverted resilience came into play again.

Even Old Ancestor Xue Li is a little worse than him in this regard, after all, he is the body of a true spirit.

He took out ten jade bottles, cut his right wrist, and began to release dragon blood.

Ao Xiong couldn't bear to see it, it was really miserable.

"Where is the ancestor? It's like a pig in a pigpen."

After the blood was drained, the ten jade bottles were put away.

Looking at Yang Ping'an.

"Your training is too slow to improve. I don't know how to use the ready-made "treasure house". Its resilience is so strong. If you put it twice a day, you can recover as long as you have a good time."

"Okay! I will bleed every morning from now on." Yang Ping'an was excited.

Turning around, his eyes fell on the old ancestor Xue Li, Xiao Ran said, "His blood essence is useful to you?"

"Useful." Yang Ping'an said.

"Start hard, and if you die, you will die."

"Okay." Yang Ping'an responded.

"I'm going back." Xiao Ran said.

Put away the two Tongtian Lingbao, turn around and leave.

Yang Ping'an smiled and entered the cell of Patriarch Xue Li.

He saw what happened just now. Seeing him coming, Patriarch Xue Li panicked and asked subconsciously, "What, what do you want to do?"

"Fuck you!" Yang Ping'an said.

He just raised the Beiming Sword and greeted him frantically, but Xueli Old Ancestor was also a ruthless man, even if he was tortured like this, he would not cry out.

The more he is like this, the more fierce Yang Ping'an is.

He didn't say anything, just kept going.

tired? nonexistent.

to the first floor hall.

Zhang Yu handed over an umbrella, "Brother Xiao, it's raining heavily outside, do you want to go back?"

"Go to Fu Mansion to propose marriage tomorrow, even if the rain is heavy, you have to go back tonight." Xiao Ran said.

"Be careful on the road and pay attention to safety."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

Seeing him leave, Zhang Yu shouted again, "Brother Xiao, I want to go with you."

Xiao Ran stopped, "What if you leave the prison?"

There was no solution to this question, and his face instantly became bitter.

"When they got married, they couldn't miss your wedding wine."

"Thank you Brother Xiao!" Zhang Yu was happy.

out of the prison.

The Dragon Blood Warriors are still doing their jobs faithfully, guarding here, keeping the Heavenly Prison tightly guarded.

Looking at the dark night sky, the rapid rainstorm, like the pouring of the Tianhe River, is very large and exaggerated, and there is rain everywhere on the ground.

I sighed inwardly, time is really not enough.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is going to accompany Zi'er, Ling Qinger's parents are also here, and they have to accompany the eldest princess. This is embarrassing. Even a master of time management is not enough at this time.

Shake your head.

Suppress your inner thoughts, feel the power of the six reincarnations, and walk in one direction.

East of the city.

Wenxiu Square, No. 132.

A large yard with two white jade lions at the entrance, majestic and mighty.

There is also a team of guards on the side, no matter how heavy the rainstorm is, they stand in the rain, still not moving, their palms are on the hilt, their majestic eyes like eagle beaks, with penetrating in the dark Glancing, as if to find out the danger hidden in the dark.

There is a plaque hanging above the gate, which reads "Nongfu" in two vigorous and powerful characters.

The inheritance of the farm family is mysterious, and the outside world knows little information, and it has always been a mystery.

But there is one thing that has been recognized by everyone.

The "Sacred Heart Collection", a martial art passed down from a farm family, is a top-notch magical power, and even if it is compared with the general Fortune-level martial arts, it is not too conceited.

Especially in terms of healing, it has great power.

without any exaggeration.

Almost any poison in the world can be unraveled, and even if the meridians are afraid of being broken, they can still be recovered with the help of the Holy Heart Collection.

But the farm family is very special, each line is single-handed, and the sacred heart collection is passed on to males and not females.

If there are no men in this generation, choose an outstanding person from the branch, adopt it to the main branch, cultivate the sacred heart, and cultivate into a farmer.

in the library.

The farmer's head, Nong Meng, sat on the main seat.

Next to him sat a young woman in white, her name was Nong Hua, who belonged to the third prince.

Not long ago, about three months ago, I handed myself over to him.

In addition to them, there was an old man sitting next to her, dressed in a blue robe and carrying a long sword. Even when he was smiling, it gave people a sharp, blade-like feeling.

It seems that it is not a human being, but a peerless fierce sword.

His name is Jian Mingzhen, and he is not a farmer, but a farmer.

As for Nong Meng, he is also a person of agricultural painting, but he was convinced by his methods and willingly served her.

The purpose of agricultural painting tonight is also very simple.

Nong Meng found her. Half a month ago, his son Nong Liang was injured on the way back, but his foundation was ruined. Even if the farm family inherited the sacred heart of martial arts, it was too scary to restore it.

I want to ask her to take action and ask for a "vital regeneration and life-sustaining pill" to help Nongliang reshape the foundation.

So there is this scene.

After listening to what he said, Nong Hua did not answer in a hurry and took a sip from the teacup.

Master Jian Ming said appropriately, "The Rejuvenation Pill of Vitality is the supreme healing medicine in my Holy Land. The materials used are very precious, and some of them have been cut off. Even if our family has a great business, we have collected it for so many years, but we have obtained very few. Few."


"Furthermore, refining this pill is very difficult, and the failure rate is too high. Even if we have accumulated so many years, there is not much left."

Nongmeng's eyes lit up, he just had the mentality of trying.

Whether they still have the vitality to recreate the life-sustaining pill in their hands, no one can say for sure.

After all, this elixir is really too precious.

Unexpectedly, there is still.

People grow old, especially heads of households.

Nong Meng understood what he meant. If you want a medicinal pill, it depends on whether you are worth it or not.

Think about the stakes.

If you want to obtain the vitality regeneration pill, you must at least have treasures of the same value. In the entire farm family, only the sacred heart can be matched, and other things are simply not qualified.

But it is related to the inheritance of the farm family, and it has never been passed on over the years.

At present, Nongliang's foundation is abolished, and if he does not reshape the foundation, his life will be over.

A person who cannot cultivate, even his son, cannot sit in the position of the head of the family.

If he chooses one person from the branch to take over, he will not be reconciled!

It's not his own son. Once the other party takes power, what will happen to him?

Seeing him in deep thought, Nong Hua didn't want to wait any longer.

Her time is precious, and things in the palace can change at any time. She has to rush back and discuss countermeasures with the third prince.

If it weren't for the fact that the farm family still had a little power, barely enough, she wouldn't be here tonight. Does she really think she has too much time to waste?

Put down the teacup and stood up from the chair.

"There is something else in the mansion, I'll go back first."

Said and walked towards the outside.

Jian Mingren also stood up and left together.

Seeing that they were about to disappear, Nong Meng was completely anxious, "Please wait!"

"What else?" Nong Hua stopped, but didn't look back, the light in his beautiful eyes flashed away, and the secret path finally came.

"I am willing to exchange the family treasure book "Sacred Heart Book" for a life-rebuilding pill."

"The preciousness of the vitality regeneration pill, can it be compared with the sacred heart collection?" Jian Ming sneered.

"With our background, what kind of exercises do you want? Although it has its own unique effect, it is a must in terms of healing and poisoning, but it is not satisfactory in terms of attack, and its power is average."

Nong Meng knew what he said was the truth, but now he had no other way.

Cheeky begging, "Please!"

Jian Mingzhen was about to scold him when Nong Hua turned around and waved his hand to stop him.

"I can give you the Life Renewal Pill, but you have to do one thing for me."

"As much as you tell me, no matter what it is, Nong will not refuse!"

"It's not the time yet, when it's time for you, I'll let you know." Nong Hua said.

"Don't worry! Since Mr. Nong swore his allegiance to you, even if there is no matter tonight, whatever your orders, even if you risk your life, will be done without hesitation."

Just listen to what he said. When it comes to the life and death of the family, you can see what he does.

Take out the Sacred Heart Collection and hand it over respectfully.

"Yeah." Nong Hua's surface was calm, but he secretly said that he finally got it. It was not a waste to set up this game and abolish the foundation of Nong Liang.

Put away the Sacred Heart Tome.

Under his gaze, he took out a blue jade bottle and handed it over.

"There is a life-rebuilding pill in it. After he takes it, the damaged foundation can be recovered within seven days."

"Thank you!" Nong Meng was grateful.

Solemnly put away the jade bottle.

"We're going back first." Nong Hua said.

"I'll send you."

After leaving the study, before leaving, a figure stood outside like a ghost.

There are some corpses lying on the ground. These people are the guards of the farmhouse, and they are all dead now.

The torrential rain was falling, but it couldn't fall on him.

Whenever he approached his body three feet, he was drawn away by a powerful force and landed on the side.

The surrounding ground was clearly squeezed by a thick layer of rainwater, but his place was clean and tidy, and he didn't see a drop of rainwater.

"Who is your Excellency? Why do you want to break into my farmhouse at night? And kill my farmhouse's people?" Nongmeng stood up and looked at him coldly.

Wearing a black robe, he covered his entire body, only showing his two eyes.

Even if they stood there calmly, there was a huge pressure to suppress them, and they couldn't breathe.

As if facing the enemy, staring at him stubbornly, pressing the palm of his hand on the handle of the knife, ready to strike at any time.

"What are you? Are you worthy of talking to this old man?" Uncle Huo said hoarsely, changing his voice.

Started without warning.

He grabbed it from the air, and the terrifying suction force came out from his palm. This force was too strong, even if it was as strong as Nong Meng, he couldn't resist it.

He was caught in a face-to-face room.

Grab his neck and lift him off the ground.


With a sharp squeeze, he violently snapped his neck, and threw his corpse aside.

His eyes fell on the two of them.

Jian Mingzhen stood up from the back at this moment, stood in front of Nonghua, was on high alert, and looked at Uncle Huo coldly.

"Who is your Excellency? Why are you attacking us?"

"People from Yaochi Holy Land?" Uncle Huo frowned.

"Did you recognize me?"

Looking at her, Uncle Huo said, "She is also from the Holy Land of Yaochi?"

"You have too many questions." Jian Ming scolded.

"Since you know us, get out of the way and don't make yourself uncomfortable."

"Even if it's your Holy Master or the Supreme Elder, they don't dare to talk to the old man like this, what are you?" Uncle Huo sneered.

Bend your finger a little.

A scroll of fiery red aura spread out a barrier to protect it.

call out!

A fiery red aura flashed, and the whole person disappeared from the place.

"Go away!" Jian Ming's expression changed drastically.

He drew his sword like lightning, used the magic in his hand, and roared, "Wan Jian Jue!"

I saw the long sword transforming into two, two, three, and ten thousand swords, blooming with ten thousand blue light, and the destructive sword flow circulated, with supreme power, overbearingly slashed over.


The space was shattered, and the turbulent flow of time and space rushed out, unable to stop this terrifying force.

Nong Hua did not dare to stay, as if he knew that Jian Ming could not stop him, he cast a secret technique, turned into a ray of light, and fled outside.

"Did the old man let you go?" Uncle Huo sneered.

Bend your finger a little.

A fiery red finger force broke through the air, and with a huge sonic boom, it instantly caught up with her and hit her on the body.


Nong Huaru was hit hard, and the whole person was knocked out and fell into the flowers. The sacred heart collection in his arms fell to the ground and was covered by leaves.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, closed his eyes, and fainted.

"Holy girl!" Jian Ming's expression changed greatly, and he shouted desperately.

Looking at Uncle Huo, he was murderous.

"I fought with you!"

With his foundation damaged, he frantically mobilized his spiritual power, poured it into the long sword, and shouted, "Cut!"

Tens of thousands of sword lights slashed out in an instant.

"It's too much!" Uncle Huo smiled contemptuously.

He didn't put the sword light in his eyes at all, and slapped a palm. The fire-red palm print swayed in the wind and changed into a size of several dozen feet, covering all the sword light that was cut, and destroying it domineeringly.

He fell under the terrified eyes of Jian Mingzhen, and slammed him to death, and the surrounding houses were also destroyed, leaving a terrifying palm print on the ground.

Without looking at it, with one step, he arrived at the flower bushes, looking at the agricultural painting comatose on the ground, the old face hidden under the face towel, and smiled strangely.

"seal up!"

A spiritual force penetrated into her body, sealing her pipa bone.

Tore some cloth from her, blindfolded her eyes, plugged her ears, and blocked her mouth.

Carrying her, she put away the barrier around her, and rushed outside.

In a few flashes, it disappeared completely.

Not long after he left, Xiao Ran appeared outside the farmhouse and frowned at the corpse on the ground.

"what happened?"

After leaving the Heavenly Prison, he followed the power of the six reincarnations left in Qu Bo'an's body to find this place.

Walking over with an umbrella, looking at the death of these guards, all the heads were blown up with finger force, leaving only the headless corpses.

Look at the plaque hanging on the door.


With one step, he appeared in the courtyard.

There are corpses everywhere, guards and maids, all of them are like the dead outside, their heads are smashed by finger force.

The whole courtyard was filled with a strong **** smell, and the deeper it went, the more **** smell became.

for a while.

Xiao Ran stopped here in the backyard, and the entire farmhouse was destroyed, with no survivors.

"Who did it?"


Use your soul power to check to see if there are any survivors in the house.

The result disappointed him.

But he found two things, walked to Nong Meng's body, picked up the blue jade bottle he dropped, opened it, and there was a white jade pill inside, and a strong medicinal fragrance came out.

"A pill at the level of the sky? It's still a recovery type." Xiao Ran said.

He put away the medicinal pills, walked to the flower bushes, and picked up a practice technique on the ground - the sacred heart collection.

Open it up and look.

The more I looked at it, the more surprised it became. After reading it, I put it into the Seven Treasure Colored Jade Belt.

"The effect of healing and detoxification is good. Although it is far worse than Jiutian Yuling Zhichun, it is still a top-notch practice."

brows furrowed together.

"Judging from the current situation, the people who shot did not come for them, so why did they want to destroy the whole family of farmers? Could it be that there is some kind of secret hidden in it?"

Shake your head.

The information is limited, and it is impossible to calculate at all.

Leaving the farmhouse, as for here, there will naturally be people from the government to deal with it.

A few minutes later.

Xiao Ran appeared in a small courtyard with an umbrella, standing outside the room and knocked on the door.

dong dong!

"Who?" Qu Bo'an's alert voice came from the hall.


The door opened, looking at Xiao Ran who was standing at the door, with a wry smile on his face, "Have you found me with the power of the Six Paths of Samsara?"

"Since you guessed it, why do you still say it?" Xiao Ran asked back.

"come in!"

After entering the room, Qu Bo'an closed the door again.

He poured two cups of tea and put one in front of Xiao Ran, "It's hard for you, it's raining so hard outside, you actually came here."

"You're recovering well from your injury, and you're still in a mood to joke."

"!!" Qu Bo'an was at a loss for words.

After taking a sip of tea, he put down the teacup, looked at him seriously, Xiao Ran said, "Is there any of you in the capital?"

"What do you want?"

"You look so nervous, it seems that I'm right." Xiao Ran smiled playfully.

Qu Bo'an was anxious, mistakenly thinking that Xiao Ran was going to do something to them, and anxiously explained, "They didn't do anything wrong, they were just gathering information here. You also know that our Nether Prison and Zhou Guo have been enemies for so many years, and the hatred between the two sides is very high. Deep, there must be one party to fall, we must arrange in advance, and place some people here, if there is any sign of joining forces with them on Daxia's side, we might as well retreat ahead of time."

"Help me do one thing."

"you say!"

"Find out the people of Wanjia."

"Concubine Shu's family?"

"The news is very well-informed, I know it so quickly." Xiao Ran smiled meaningfully.

Looking at his smile, Qu Bo'an panicked.

"Can you stop laughing? Every time you smile at me, I panic."

"Find them before the Mid-Autumn Festival. If I can't do it, I will find your people in the capital and get rid of them." Xiao Ran said.

"Can I refuse?"

"What do you think?"

"What should they do at Jiyin Academy?" Qu Bo'an asked.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own way to deal with them."

"Okay! I'll do my best." Qu Bo'an responded.

Xiao Ran stood up from the chair and left.

Qu Bo'an kept sending him to the door, watching his figure disappear into the night, his face became bitter again, "I just escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den again, and this time I was also involved in the royal battle in Daxia, I This is too bad luck, isn't it?"

Go back to Suzakufang's house.

Xiao Ran put the umbrella outside, entered the bedroom, and stopped at the bed.

Looking at Zi'er who was already sleeping, she leaned down, kissed her face, and turned to leave.

I heard the door closing from outside.

Zi'er opened her eyes, touched the place where she was kissed, smiled slightly, closed her eyes, and fell asleep again.


Looking at the rainstorm in the night, Xiao Ran rubbed his nose and smiled bitterly, "Are you rushing to the field?"

Leave from Jingwenfang.

When I got to Ling Qing'er, I found the room where she was, and the lights were still on. Under the light of the lights, her shadow was reflected on the ground.

dong dong!

Xiao Ran knocked on the door and said, "It's me."

The door was opened from the inside, Ling Qinger came out, looked at Xiao Ran who was standing outside, and laughed, "It's raining so hard, why are you still here?"

"I promise you to come over at night, no matter how difficult it is, I will not break my promise." Xiao Ran said with a smile.

"Come in!" Ling Qing'er moved away.

into the room.

Ling Qing'er instructed, "Drink a cup of tea to warm your body first, and I'll prepare bath water for you."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran responded with a smile.

Ling Qinger left.

After a while, she returned again, closed the door, locked it again, took out the tub and placed it on the ground, filled with cold water, stretched her hand in, and activated the power of her soul to heat it up.


The bath water exudes a hint of heat.

He waved to Xiao Ran, "I haven't come yet."

Xiao Ran walked over, and under her service, untied his clothes into the tub, lay on top of the tub, and closed his eyes to enjoy.

"My mother said in the afternoon that they will leave after the Mid-Autumn Festival, but the younger brother wants to stay."

"Aren't you going back?"

"Yeah." Ling Qing'er nodded.

"No matter how good Anyang County is, it's a small county after all. Compared with the capital, it's not even qualified to carry shoes. If you develop here, the future will be better."

"What is he going to do?" Xiao Ran asked.

"I asked him, he wants to be an official, but he himself knows that he is not a high-ranking official, so he wants to enter the yamen and be a fast catcher."

"Catch fast?"

"Yeah! But it was rejected by me. It's better to go back to do this. I wake up earlier than chickens, live a lot, and get tired like a dog every day. The key is that there is no chance for promotion. If you want to get out of the "cruel official", you have to spend a lot of things." Ling Qinger said.

"what are you thinking?"

"I would like to hear your views."

Xiao Ran didn't answer immediately, but instead asked, "How is his ability?"

"Alright!" Ling Qing'er answered seriously.

"The execution is very strong. He will do whatever you ask him to do, and he will do it beautifully."

"He wants to be a catcher?" Xiao Ran asked.

"Yeah." Ling Qinger replied.

"How about letting him go to search for the gate of God? Daoist Xuanyang has just been transferred there, and there is a lack of available manpower. After he went, he was taken care of by the Daoist. As long as he did not leave the capital, there would be nothing to do. Wait for him to practice for a while, If he can stand alone, he can be promoted."

"Will it be bad?" Ling Qing'er expressed her worries.

"The Taoist priest Xuanyang has just been transferred, and many people are watching. It would be fine if the younger brother had an official body, but he is now a white body, and he is directly arranged to Jishenmen. Outsiders may gossip, which is not conducive to the Taoist priest's work. ."

Xiao Ran smiled and scratched on her Qiong nose.

"You want to crush him?"

"Yeah." Ling Qinger didn't deny it either.

"Sometimes he may not know how to cherish what is too easy to get. Only after experiencing the hardships will he cherish the hard-won results."

"Okay! If that's the case, it's easy to arrange." Xiao Ran said.

"Don't give a shit, hurry up!"

"Let him go to the Heavenly Prison for a period of time, follow Zhang Yu to practice, learn to handle things, and then take advantage of this time to improve his cultivation base, and I will make arrangements later."

"That's a good idea." Ling Qing'er nodded.

A new problem has emerged.

"But Heavenly Prison has a filthy aura. If I let my younger brother go, will it erode his life and affect his foundation?"

"With me here, you don't have to worry." Xiao Ran smiled confidently.

"I will leave a spiritual power in his body. As long as the spiritual power does not dissipate, the filthy aura cannot affect him. It is just a little troublesome. Every once in a while, input a spiritual power into his body."

A little thirsty, he pointed to the teacup on the side.

"Pour me a cup of tea."


Ling Qinger kissed his face and poured a cup of tea for him to drink.

"and then?"

"Purgatory has a gathering spirit formation that I set up, and it covers the Heavenly Prison. One day of cultivation there is equivalent to three days of cultivation in the outside world. In addition to the blood essence of the real dragons such as the ancestors of Beiming, there is another good one. Cultivation technique, it won't take long for his cultivation to improve." Xiao Ran said very carefully.

"Just do as you said." Ling Qinger had no objection.

Xiao Ran was very thoughtful, taking all aspects into consideration.

"Tomorrow Shi Ming gets married, you want to rest early tonight?" Having said that, he blinked mischievously, and then walked inside.

Xiao Ran was stunned, and asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

"Humph! You know what to ask." A humming sound came from her.

(Xiao Bai knows that this chapter is late, it's almost five in the morning, but I'm really tired, so I wrote it anyway.

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(End of this chapter)