I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess - Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Chapter 210 The second prince is diagnosed, one is more cruel (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass!)

"Hey! You can't do this." Qu Bo'an was anxious.

"No matter how much you talk nonsense, there are a few kinds of things in your body." Xiao Ran didn't look back.

"..." Qu Bo'an was speechless.

Looking at his distant back, he smiled bitterly.

"I thought that this time I would be able to untie the Tiannu God's finger to restore freedom, but I didn't expect to be hit by the six reincarnation fingers again."

He took out a new set of clothes and put them on, and walked towards the capital.

To the Lingxi River here.

There was no trace of Ling Qinger on the spot, and it seemed that they had already returned.

Open the Golden Book of Fortune, a total of six things.

Ten million proficiency, 800 years of martial arts cultivation, 800 years of soul cultivation, Origin of Life*10, Mother Qi of All Things*10, Frost Jade Bone Pill* a bottle.

Add 10 million proficiency to the Supreme Law of Absolute Beginning.

Properties have not changed.

On the contrary, the power has increased a little, the speed of operation is faster, and the power of time and the power of reincarnation are mobilized to temper the flesh.

Martial Dao is still seven hundred years away from breaking through to the sixth level of the War Venerable Realm.

The spiritual master's cultivation base is still 2,300 years away from breaking through to the sixth level of the Spiritual Venerable Realm.

Take out the providence of space, absorb the mother energy of all things and the origin of life, let it mature by three points, and the outgoing space fluctuations will be stronger.

Frost Jade Bone Pill: The Book of Changes washes the marrow. The lower the realm, the better the effect.

Take one out.

The whole body was sky blue, the cold air was flowing, and the strong medicinal fragrance came out. When I smelled it, I was already breathing heavily, and I couldn't wait to swallow it.

take it.

The medicinal power circulated throughout the body, the Book of Changes washed the marrow, and transformed his body.

And eggs.

His current physical body is too perverted, whether it is the supreme **** and demon body, or the law supreme body that is condensing, it is strong to the ceiling.

Although the Frost Jade Bone Pill is good, it has almost no effect.

"No." Xiao Ran sighed.

Displaying the vertical immortal step, he hurried towards the capital.

Back to Beijing.

He walked towards the house on the Jingwenfang side, and when he arrived here, on the edge of his yard, about a hundred paces away, was the house that Ling Qinger bought here.

She was standing at the door, seeing Xiao Ran coming back, three steps into two steps, and hurriedly greeted her, "Have you solved it?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

Looking into the yard.

"Have the two elders come?"

"Yeah." Ling Qinger responded.

"Besides them, the younger brother is also here."

"You still have a younger brother? Why haven't I heard of you before?"

"You didn't ask, what did you ask me to say?"

"..." Xiao Ran was speechless.

Taking a step forward, holding his arm, Ling Qing'er smiled sweetly, "Don't be stunned, we'll go in now."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran replied.

Just two steps away, he stopped again.

"Empty hands and nothing to buy, is that good?"

"You also know that you are empty-handed?" Ling Qing'er rolled his eyes at him.

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you are here. Don't be in a daze, they have been waiting for you for a long time."

into the yard.

Ling Qinger closed the courtyard door and walked towards the living room.

got here.

The spiritual father and the spiritual mother are all there, and there is a young man who looks a bit like Ling Qinger, who is her younger brother Lingji.

"Uncle and aunt are really sorry! I went out of the city with Qing'er to greet you just now. I didn't expect to encounter a case at Lingxi River, so I went to deal with it." Xiao Ran explained with a smile.

"It's okay! Business is important." The spiritual father smiled slightly.

Looking at the talisman.

"Are you the little brother?"

"Hello, brother-in-law!" Ling Ji called enthusiastically.

"Hello!" Xiao Ran reached out and shook hands with him.

He took out three drops of Vermilion Bird's blood essence and put them in three jade bottles, and took out three more Frost Jade Bone Pills and handed them over.

"Here are some gifts I prepared, you guys are welcome."

Handed one of them to Lingji.

"Thank you, brother-in-law!" Ling Ji's eyes lit up and he hurriedly thanked him.

The spiritual father didn't pick it up, "Just as long as you like it, you don't need anything."

Ling Qinger knew that what Xiao Ran gave was a good thing, and in his capacity, how could he make a bad move.

Especially the huge fluctuations in the blood of the Vermillion Bird just now, the effect is even better.

"Father, mother, don't refuse what your son-in-law is filial to."

Lingmu glared at him and took the things, "Qing'er is right, my son-in-law is filial to us, what do you think about pushing three and forty percent?"

He pulled Xiao Ran and sat down beside him.

asked with a smile.

"Busy at work?"

"It's okay!" Xiao Ran couldn't understand what medicine was sold in her gourd.

"You and Qing'er have been together for such a long time, um, aunt has no other intentions, just ask, don't worry."

"Auntie, tell me!"

"Do you often sleep separately, or Qing'er bullies you and doesn't let you into her room?"

"!!!" Xiao Ran felt a group of crows flying over his head.

If someone asked him like that, he would have slapped his mouth violently.

But she can't, Ling Qing'er's mother.


"Then Qing'er's stomach, why hasn't there been any movement yet?" Lingmu threw a bomb.


Xiao Ran blushed, and was extremely embarrassed, not knowing how to answer.

Can it be said that we are all working hard, but there is no movement?

He looked at Ling Qinger and asked her to help.

She is not much better, and she still looks high in front of outsiders, like a big girl next door, shyly lowering her head and fiddling with her jade fingers, as if what Lingmo asked had nothing to do with her.

See can't hide.

Xiao Ran said hesitantly, "Auntie, don't worry, I, I will work hard!"

"Giggle..." Ling Qinger couldn't help it, and covered her mouth with a coquettish smile.

"Don't laugh!" Lingmu glared at her.

"If you dare to bully Xiao Ran, let me know that you must look good."

"Yeah." Ling Qinger replied wisely.

Clap Xiao Ran's hand, Ling Mu said again, "Is it still called Auntie?"

"Mother!" Xiao Ran was very attentive and called very sweetly.

"Eh." Mother Ling replied happily.


"Eh." Father Ling couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

Clap your palms.

The maid came over with a jar of wine, Ling Mu took the jar from her hand, handed it to Xiao Ran, and explained.

"This is a good thing. It is soaked with tiger whip, deer antler and other great tonics. Your father has finished drinking it. I didn't give it to him if he wanted to drink it. Well, although you are young, you don't need this stuff yet, but keep it. Be prepared."

"This, this..." Xiao Ran was embarrassed again.

What a tiger's word.

However, the elder gave it, and he didn't dare to quit, so he still put it away.

"Thank you mom!"

"The family doesn't speak two languages." Lingmu said.

Looking at the sky, it was already noon.

Xiao Ran said, "Let's go eat!"

"Just do something at home."

"When you arrive in the capital, mother, don't argue with me, I will arrange everything."

The spiritual father added, "Just listen to the child."

"Okay." Mother Ling nodded.

A group of people packed up, left the mansion, and walked towards Yumanlou.

Yumanlou is very famous in this generation. He is in the business of dignitaries. He is not powerful enough. Even if you have money, you can't enter this door.

The chefs inside are all retired imperial chefs from the palace.

The cooked dishes are delicious and the environment is elegant.

Xiao Ran has eaten here before, but only rarely.

Most of them are on the side of Zuixianyuan. The meals on both sides are not comparable. The "characteristics" of the business are different, and the main direction is different.

After being surrounded by Xiao Zhou and the others, as time goes by, they rarely come here.

got here.

The guard at the door knew Xiao Ran, and when they saw him coming, they warmly greeted him, "Mr. Xiao, you are here!"

"Old position, let your shopkeeper prepare a banquet for the ninth table." Xiao Ran ordered.

"Okay." The guard replied.

"Father, mother, little brother, let's go in." Xiao Ran greeted.

"Yeah." The three responded.

They were all shocked by this huge and magnificent restaurant, which was full of luxury and money.


In the capital, Yumanlou is enough to rank in the top five, and the grade is super high.

Their hometown, Anyang County, is only a small county town with limited conditions. Even if the Ling family is not bad for money, they are ranked first in Anyang County, but when they get to the capital, their money is really not enough.

See Xiao Ran coming.

The shopkeeper's name is Xu Lin, a middle-aged man who is very good at doing things. With a smile on his face, he warmly greeted him, "Sir, you are here!"

Looking at the spiritual father and others.

"they are?"

"This is my wife Qing'er's father, mother, and younger brother."

"It's extraordinary at first glance, with a noble temperament, full of purple energy, and a person born with great wealth and honor." Xu Lin complimented without trace.

"Where, where." The old man blushed.

"Please go upstairs, I'll let the back cook do it right now."

He personally led the way and greeted Xiao Ran's group.

Stop here on the third floor near the window.

The location here is very good, and the outside scenery is clearly in the eyes.

All kinds of snacks, fruits and cakes were delivered.

"Sir, you should eat some pads first, and the dishes will be served soon." Xu Lin said.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran responded.

Xu Lin was very sensible, he closed the door of the box and left.

"Brother-in-law, do you often come here to eat?" Ling Ji couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I've eaten it a few times, but I usually eat it elsewhere." Xiao Ran said.

The spiritual mother pulled him to chat about family affairs again, and asked all kinds of questions.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Ran blushed, never so embarrassed as now.

Fortunately, the food came quickly.

The No. 9 Banquet has a total of 18 courses, and sometimes there will be a little more or a little less, mainly because of the ingredients. If there are enough ingredients, the dishes will be a little more.

Every dish is full of color and flavor, and the appearance is super beautiful.

The rich fragrance came out and slammed into the nose, and when I smelled it, I was already hungry, and I couldn't wait to eat them in one bite.

Looking at this table of food, Mother Ling said, "I'm afraid this table is not cheap, right?"

"It's not expensive, it's commonplace." Xiao Ran said with a smile.

These ingredients are very expensive, all of them are spirit beasts, even the seasonings, they are all aged and very precious.

Any dish is worth hundreds of taels, or even more expensive.

However, the No. 9 Banquet is not calculated on a single course, but on a serving basis, with limited supply. Depending on the ingredients, the price is different each time.

This table of dishes alone, excluding fruits, snacks, etc., will cost more than 10,000 taels.

It sounds expensive, but ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to watch it.

Greeted warmly.

"Father, mother, don't stand still, little brother, it won't be delicious if you don't eat."

He took out two pots of Yuanling wine and handed them over.

I ate this meal for half an hour.

There were so many dishes that I didn't finish it by the end.

Xu Lin pushed open the door of the box and walked in from the outside.

"My lord, I am entertaining the second old man, so don't settle the bill."

Xiao Ran glared at him, took out a 10,000 tael bank note and handed it over, "Take it."

"Okay!" Xu Lin was helpless.

If you want to flatter Xiao Ran, you can't do it.

Out of Yumanlou.

Xiao Ran stopped, "Qing'er, take your parents and younger brother around first. I'll go to the Sword Guard first, and you won't have to wait for me for dinner."

He took out a stack of silver notes and stuffed it into Ling Qing'er's hand.

Ling Qinger put away the bank note and lined up his neckline.

"I have to come back later."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran responded.

Looking at their spiritual father.

"There are still some things waiting for me to deal with at the unit. I will go to work first."

"If you have something to do, you are busy, we have Qing'er to accompany you." Lingfu said.

After saying a few more words, Xiao Ran turned and left.

Ling Ji blinked, "Sister, brother-in-law gave you hundreds of thousands of taels of money, right?"

"You talk too much." Ling Qinger tapped on his head.

The spiritual father asked worriedly, "This money?"

"He earned it all by himself, and there is no problem. Besides, he never bullies others." Ling Qinger explained with a smile.

Holding the mother's hand.

"I'll take you shopping."

A group of people started walking around.

to the Sword Guard.

Only Shen Yiming, Taoist Xuanyang and Xiao Zhou were not there.

"What about them?" Xiao Ran sat down.

He took a sip from the teacup passed by Shen Yiming.

"Xiao Zhou is cultivating in his room, and the Taoist priest has already taken office at Jishenmen."

"So fast?"

"It originally took three days, but there are too many things going on recently, and the Jishenmen can't be busy, so they passed ahead." Shen Yiming explained.

"Do you know what happened at the Vermillion Bird Gate?"

"I heard someone say it this morning, and I went there to watch it again. It's wonderful."

"You cow!" Shen Yiming obeyed.

Express your guesses.

"I always feel that this matter will not be so simple, these princes are not fuel-efficient lamps, and with Emperor Sheng Wen's assassination this time, the news about him has been blocked. Except for what we know, no one else knows. In this case, the accident is very big.

"Be confident, remove the negation, something will happen." Xiao Ran said.

"Even you see it that way?"

"The opportunity this time is really good, especially for those who are ambitious. For example, if there is a chance to get rid of him, the palace will be in chaos, and some people who have no chance to ascend to the throne will also have a chance, As long as you plan well, you may not be able to sit in that position, and now it's up to you to see who will take the shot first." Xiao Ran's face was solemn.

"Apart from these, Zhou Guo's people should also enter the capital. This time, Wen Jinglei, the vice president of Jiyin Academy, is leading the team. We don't know the number of people for the time being. Apart from them, there should be a second team."

"How did you know?"

Xiao Ran briefly said about Qu Bo'an.

"Is Zhou Xing dead?"


"These people in Nether Prison are really ruthless, even the eighth prince of the Zhou Kingdom can assassinate. But he still owes you two, so let him continue to kill?"

"Why not?" Xiao Ran asked back.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend. How many things have they done in Daxia these days? From the previous Zhao Jishan to Princess Feng Wu, if you don't give them some color, they think we are easy to bully."

"You're right! Don't rub their prestige hard, I really think no one can cure them." Shen Yiming looked fierce.

"If the opportunity is right, I will also make time to go to Zhou Country and let them pay back what they owe us."

"It is estimated that there is going to be a war in the deserted county." Xiao Ran said.

"???" Shen Yiming was suspicious.

Xiao Ran briefly explained the matter of Zheng Qing and Qian Xuan's letter, including the recent wars, big and small.

After listening.

Shen Yiming frowned, stretched out his index finger, tapped the table, and thought seriously.

Xiao Ran took the teapot and poured a cup for the two of them.

He took a drink and drank.

And he just said at this moment, "Your hunch is right, the war is really about to start."

"The only thing I don't understand is why this time?"

"Let someone go to investigate, and it will be clear." Xiao Ran said.

"Well." Shen Yiming nodded heavily.

There must be something hidden behind every war. If there is no benefit, once a war starts, no one can bear the losses caused by the war.

"Qu Bo'an, stare at you, try to find Wen Jinglei as much as possible, and then use him to find another force. I will also send someone to investigate, but the Taoist side is still not good, he just transferred over, People who have not believed in their subordinates will only leak the news if they are sent to investigate. In this way, they will be shocked by the grass."

"You think the same as me." Xiao Ran smiled.

"Let people keep an eye on the Vermillion Bird Gate, and the princes. If they want to move, it will be in these two days, but it will exceed the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Well." Shen Yiming responded.

"Ling Qing'er's parents are here."

"???" Shen Yiming was suspicious, he came when he came, what does it have to do with you?


He thought of something, and a pair of eyes stared at him tightly, as if to see through him.

"You, you..."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded with a wry smile.

"No!" Shen Yiming didn't know what to say.

He opened his mouth several times, but not a word came out.

"Remember when Xiao Zhou and I went out a year ago?"

"How did this matter have anything to do with her?" Shen Yiming was even more puzzled.

Xiao Ran simply said it again.

After listening.

"You have done a good job of keeping secrets. If you hadn't said it yourself today, you would have been kept in the valley." Shen Yiming smiled bitterly.

One more thing to add.

"It's no wonder that these days, something is wrong with you, and the relationship is this stubborn."

"People can't help themselves in the arena." Xiao Ran said.

"You don't want to be cheap and sell well. If this is out of your own hands, let me do it all."

Xiao Ran was amused by him.

"You didn't do it properly, you have to treat yourself back."

"Zixianyuan invites guests to play casually."

"With your words, it will do." Shen Yiming smiled.

"I'm going to the Heavenly Prison first, and if something happens, someone will go there to find me."

"it is good."

Leaving the Sword Guard and walking towards the Heavenly Prison.

In fact, just as Xiao Ran had guessed, after noon, there was a princess who couldn't hold on, and closed her eyes and fainted.

Then she was taken away by her entourage.

As she started, in the following time, people fainted one after another, and in the end, only the first prince and the others were left.

When the night fell, the three seemed to have negotiated.

Pretending to be unable to hold on, they fainted and fell to the ground. Their entourage cooperated very well, calling out the names of their respective princes, and then took them away.

When he left, he hurriedly called the doctor.

It seems that the only way to show the filial piety of the First Prince and the others.

Back to the mansion.

As soon as he entered the backyard, the second prince had already woken up.

He also wanted to pretend for a while, but the reality didn't allow it, the itching was so severe, if he hadn't been kneeling at the Vermillion Bird Gate, he would have grabbed it with his hands long ago.

"Go and call the imperial doctor!" The second prince ordered with a cold face.

for a while.

The imperial doctor came and saluted respectfully, "I have seen Your Highness!"

"You all go down."

The door to the hall was closed, and only they were there.

At this time.

The second prince no longer hides, put his palm on the waistband of his trousers, and untied the waistband of his trousers.


The imperial doctor jumped down, hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy, "Your Highness, please let me go! This stinky little man is really not worth your condescension."

The second prince was stunned for a moment, and soon came to his senses.

His face was very dark, looking at him, his heart was full of anger, even if this prince was blind, he would not look at you as a bad old man.

He didn't scold it.

Unbuttoned the underwear inside and scolded, "Look at what's going on?"

The imperial doctor was stunned for a moment, raised his head, his eyes were all swollen and red, he stood up from the ground, walked over, squatted down, and studied carefully.

Those who can sit on the imperial doctor's seat naturally have some real skills, not to mention that they are the prince's personal imperial doctor, if they do not have certain skills, they can't do it.

quite a while.

"Your Highness, you can put your clothes on."

The second prince put on his clothes, expressionless, "What's going on?"

"You seem to have syphilis."


"Yeah." The imperial doctor nodded heavily.

"This kind of poison is very terrifying. Once infected with ordinary methods, it cannot be cured. I dare to say that even the imperial doctor in the palace may not be able to do it."

After a pause, he carefully considered his words.

"But Your Highness, you have a distinguished status, and you didn't go to the land of smoke and willows. Why did you get infected?"

The second prince didn't speak, his face was gloomy and uncertain.

A candidate jumped out, it was Concubine Jiang, and there was no one else except her.

He is relatively clean and self-absorbed. In other words, he has a strong desire for self-control, knows what he wants, and is not very keen on this aspect. He also relies on her to solve his physical problems on weekdays.

"Could it be that she disappeared this time and was infected by someone? The people behind the scenes want to get rid of this prince by such vicious means?"

thought here.

This possibility is very big, the boss or the third?

Their suspicion is even greater. If they are missing, the success rate of the two of them will be greatly increased. As long as they work together to eliminate other princes, and then compete with each other according to their abilities, the crown prince will fall to one of their families.

He clenched his palms tightly together, his eyes spit fire, and he cursed angrily, "Bitch!"

But now is not the time to be angry.

He had to continue to endure, "Is there a way to heal?"

"Yes!" The imperial doctor gave an affirmative answer.

"The peasant family has a practice called "Sacred Heart Collection", which can solve this problem. However, the peasant family belongs to the third prince, and the general method cannot be obtained at all, and it will even expose His Highness to this poison. ."

"The third one?" The second prince said angrily.

this moment.

He figured it all out, combined with the current news.

I am afraid that this is what the third child did. The purpose is to poison himself and completely solve himself. Once he loses this ability, let alone the throne, even the identity of the prince cannot be preserved, and he will discredit the royal family.

Don't think about it.

Then he will not end well.

"Yeah." The imperial doctor nodded heavily.

"This prince knows."

Looking at him coldly, facing the indifferent eyes of the second prince, the imperial doctor panicked, knelt on the ground in a hurry, kowtowed and begged for mercy, "His Royal Highness! Let the little man die!"

The second prince did not speak, his eyes flickered, thinking about whether to kill him.

quite a while.

He decided that it was still useful to keep this person, and it would bring more benefits than killing him. Even if he wanted to kill him, he would have to wait for the syphilis to be cured.

But letting him go like this made him uneasy.

He took out an elixir and threw it, "Eat it."

The imperial doctor did not dare to resist, and seeing this, his heart was relieved.

Take the pill in one bite.

"Don't worry! As long as you keep your mouth shut, this prince will not kill you. On the contrary, he will give you glory and wealth, including your family."

Double entendre.

While giving grace, it also carries a threat.

"The villain understands!" said the imperial doctor.

"Go down!" The second prince waved his hand.

The imperial doctor hurriedly backed away, and when he left the main hall, his clothes were already wet, and his whole body looked like he had just been fished out of the river.

"Come out!" The second prince sat on the chair expressionlessly.

A man came out of the darkness.

Covered in black robes, only showing two eyes, he sat down beside him.

"Help me do two things," said the second prince.

"You said." The man in black robe's attitude was very casual.

But for him, the second prince is absolutely at ease.

"The first to destroy the farmhouse, grab their inheritance method "Sacred Heart Collection"."

Speaking of this, his face was crazy, his eyes were ruthless, and even his tone became cold.

"Second, bring the agricultural painting uniform to the secret base outside the city."

Nong Hua was the chief think-tank and confidant of the Third Prince, as well as his wife.

"It's easy to talk about the farm family, farming painting is a little troublesome, and this woman's cultivation is okay." Heipao said humanely.

"No matter how strong she is, she won't be enough in front of you, Uncle Huo."

"You want to infect her with syphilis?" Uncle Huo asked.

"Humph!" The second prince had a gloomy face.

"This bastard, the third child, actually used such vicious means to humiliate me. How can this prince suffer from this secret loss? This time, this prince will fight a tooth for a tooth, and let him also taste the power of syphilis."

"You're not cruel enough." Uncle Huo shook his head.

Without waiting for him to speak, he said to himself.

"Since you let me do it, how can one agricultural painting be enough? How can a third child be enough? Your biggest enemy is the boss and him. Since you do something to the third child, whether it is for revenge or for the position of the prince, you must If you move, you will move, and you will also bring the boss's people, and infect him with the syphilis."

His eyes are fierce, he is absolutely cruel.

"In this way, they are all infected with syphilis. When the opportunity is right, and then spread the news, they will completely lose the qualifications to compete with you, and even the ministers who support them in the DPRK will also leave their relationship with them. , take the initiative to join your camp."

"In this way, this prince has become their suspect target, especially the third child, he can definitely guess it." The second prince said.

"Jiang Fei, this slut, relied on her mother's power to humiliate you and infect you with syphilis, but she still has no consciousness. Shortly after you left in the morning, she secretly went back to her mother's house and called the doctor. , and then killed the doctor, I'm afraid I also know about it. Even if the third child knows, what can be done? It depends on whose methods are more sophisticated."

After a pause, another slap in the face.

"She must have let the doctor see the affected area. Such a shameless **** will only embarrass you."


The teacup was crushed, and the second prince's eyes were spitting fire, killing intent soared to the sky, his complexion was distorted, and he could not wait to burst out fiercely.

After a long while, the anger in my heart was suppressed.

"Uncle Huo, you are right, this **** should be damned!"

Resolutely determined.

"Since that's the case, if you don't do it, don't stop, take all of them away, create the three of us, and be kidnapped at the same time. This will confuse the line of sight. No matter how suspicious they are, as long as there is no evidence, at this time. , don't dare to act rashly.

Uncle Huo was very relieved and patted his shoulder, "It's a big deal, but when you sit in that position, what kind of woman do you want? You don't even need to open your mouth. With one look, the people below will tell you all kinds of things. The beautiful woman, sent to you."


"The Jiang family has to continue to use it. Now is not the time to kill them, and the forces over there have to speed up their progress. When necessary, we can give up some benefits. As long as our core interests remain unchanged, other It doesn't matter."

"I understand." The second prince nodded heavily.

Looking at the night sky outside.

Uncle Huo sighed, "It's going to rain soon, and the rainstorm is still heavy. Tomorrow night at the latest, this matter will be done."

"Uncle Huo, you have watched me grow up since you were a child. No matter when or what happens, you must live well." The second prince said seriously.

Uncle Huo looked at him with wise eyes, as if to see through him.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah." The second prince said.

"Nuo Da's royal family has no relatives! Although you and I are not related by blood, in my heart, you have always been my uncle."

Uncle Huo warmed his heart and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry! There are not many people in the capital who can kill me."

Stand up from the chair.

"I'll destroy the farmhouse first, grab the "Sacred Heart Collection", and then find an opportunity to rob the farmer and the eldest prince. As for Concubine Jiang, I'll find an opportunity to start."

"Yeah." The second prince nodded.

call out!

A gust of wind blew, and there was no trace of him there.

The second prince's eyes flickered, "You forced me to do this!"

Heaven Prison.

Xiao Ran met an unexpected person, Lin Weiyong, Minister of Punishment.

As soon as his forefoot arrived, Lin Weiyong came.

Looking at Xiao Ran, Lin Weiyong was very upset, especially the grievances between the two, every time he thought about it, he felt very aggrieved.

But now Xiao Ran is the head of the Heavenly Prison, even though he is the Minister of Punishment, he is in charge of the Heavenly Prison in name, but in fact it has nothing to do with it.

Heavenly Prison is managed by Shenjian Guard and Spiritual God Division, and the Ministry of Punishment is just a name.

If you want to see someone, you have to get his permission.

Like eating a fly, it got stuck in his throat and was very uncomfortable, so he stopped in front of Xiao Ran.

"Master Xiao!"

"Is something wrong?" Xiao Ran was drinking tea.

"I want to see Yun Yi, please make it easy."

Xiao Ran didn't speak, he drank tea calmly, and Lin Weiyong didn't dare to urge him. Now he is being pinched by Xiao Ran, and if he dares to beep, he will be thrown out, let alone see Lin Yunyi.

But Mrs. Lin, who was beside him, couldn't help it.

Lin Yunyi has been imprisoned in the sky prison for such a long time. Some time ago, Xiao Ran reformed in the sky prison. Every prisoner who is imprisoned must pay a sum of money. Miscellaneous Fees".

Afraid that Lin Yunyi would suffer in it, she gave a lot.

Even if she has to submit it once a month, she has no complaints at all.


The matter was still very noisy, and Fu Xianhe pushed it back with one sentence.

"Dead people don't need to eat and drink!"

All opposition voices are blocked, and no one will mention this again.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably, and said pleadingly, "Master Xiao, please, for the sake of the rain jacket, let us meet Yun Yi!"

Put down the teacup.

looking at them.

Xiao Ran said, "Zhang Yu, take them there."

"Well." Zhang Yu responded.

"Thank you!" Mrs. Lin was grateful.

With them gone, continue drinking tea.


Lin Weiyong returned, but Mrs. Lin hadn't come back yet. She sat down opposite him, took out a letter, put it in front of Xiao Ran, and said, "I know you don't believe it, but it's been so long, I think too. It's ok, Yun Yi's affairs are not your fault, it's his own fault."

Xiao Ran drank tea quietly and waited for the next paragraph.

"I may also be wrong about the rain jacket, or it may be right. From the father's point of view, I want to make my daughter have a better life. Is this wrong? I have been thinking about this question for a long time, and I still have it. Didn't figure it out."

Point to the letter.

"I know you know where the raincoat is now. Please send this letter over there. If you're worried, you can take it apart and take a look."

Get up from the chair.


It happened that Mrs. Lin came out at this time, the tears on her face were gone, and she still had a smile on her face. It seemed that Lin Yunyi had a good life here and did not suffer.

"we are leaving."

Turn around and leave with Mrs. Lin.

Zhang Yu came over and sat down beside Xiao Ran, "Brother Xiao, can you believe it? Lin Yunyi has changed his mind, he seems to be a different person. , I can't believe it's real."

"Everyone is the same, their nature is not bad. It's like a blank sheet of paper, it depends on how they are cultivated. Some people are spoiled, and their character will be distorted, but after experiencing some things, they are beaten by reality, they You will understand a truth, you can't be too arrogant. There are people outside people, there are heavens outside, and there are many people who are stronger than them." Xiao Ran smiled.

He took Zhang Yu's full teacup and took another sip.

"Lin Yunyi has been detained in the Sky Prison for such a long time. If he still can't understand, he is afraid that he will go to the bottom of the prison."

"But it's not bad. If it was someone else, it would be ruined for the rest of his life. But he is different. He is surrounded by Lin Weiyong. At least he is rich.

Looking at the letter.

"He gave it?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"Let me give it to Lin Yushan."

Opened the letter, took out the letter and looked at it.

Zhang Yu curiously stretched out his head.


Xiao Ran waved his hand and tapped a chestnut on top of his head, "Don't look."

Zhang Yu smiled and sat down on the chair, but still curious, a pair of eyes traced back and forth there.

The content of the letter is as follows:

Very short, only one sentence.

"Father has forgiven you. If you and him really love each other, come back and handle the marriage when you have time!"

He closed the letter and put it back again.

"What makes you laugh so happily?" Zhang Yu wondered.

"Old Zheng Xiucheng is fruitful."

"Did he agree?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"It won't be fake, will it?"

"No." Xiao Ran shook his head.

"Lin Weiyong won't be so stupid. With our current power, as long as Lin Yushan doesn't nod his head, he can't do anything at all. Even if the trouble comes to the court, it's him who will be embarrassed. I think he should have seen this, plus she is after all. It's her own daughter, she will make this decision when she is soft-hearted!"

"This guy, Lao Zheng, is finally going to be successful." Zhang Yu was sincerely happy.

"Have everyone from the Wan family been interrogated?"

"Well." Zhang Yu replied.

"I've been interrogated severely, and I haven't gotten any useful information."


"I understand."

Xiao Ran stood up from the chair, "I'll go to see purgatory."

"Brother Xiao, I'm with you." Zhang Yu smiled and followed.

"Yang Ping'an asked me to get the dragon's blood."

to purgatory.

Zhang Yu was very discerning and walked towards the inside, where he did not dare to stay.

Open the prison door.

Xiao Ran walked in. Seeing him coming in, the eldest princess put down the book in her hand and jokingly said, "It looks good?"

She was referring to the matter of the princes and princesses kneeling at the Suzaku Gate.


"What happened to Sword Twelve?"

"He is investigating the person who humiliated him, but there are very few clues, so far there is no news." Xiao Ran said.

"That's right! With his character, being humiliated like this is more uncomfortable than killing him. It's impossible to let it go." The eldest princess nodded.

"The person sent by the palace has returned."

"???" Xiao Ran looked at her suspiciously.

"Wan family's other lineage."

"Did you succeed?" Xiao Ran asked.

"Most of them were wiped out, and only a few escaped. When they got the news, they didn't take anything with them and left very simply. When the people in the palace arrived, only most of them were left. People, dealing with family business." The eldest princess explained.

"According to my guess, these Wan family members who escaped will not give up. Coupled with the news you got from Wan Qianqian's mouth, they are afraid that they will come to the capital and use the information hidden here."

"I'll tell you one more piece of news." Xiao Ran said.

"you say!"

"Wen Jinglei from Jiyin Academy~www.mtlnovel.com~ led people to sneak into the capital. Besides them, there should be a group of people who are also from Zhou State, and their power is not weaker than them."

"How did you know?" The eldest princess hurriedly asked.

(This is the first chapter, Xiaobai will go and write the next chapter! I didn't mean to drag it, my head really hurts.

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, everyone! ! ! )

??Thanks to the readers of Ice and Snow Crocodile for their 100 starting point coins!

?Thanks to Yingqiu readers for their 100 book coins!

?Thanks to book friends 854***191 readers for the 100 book coins reward!

(End of this chapter)