I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess - Chapter 212

Chapter 212

The latest website: City West.

There is a barren mountain, towering old trees and lush forests, which cover it.

The torrential rain fell madly and flowed along the creek.

on its edge.

There is a thatched hut built with earth walls, with the breath of the age, old and dilapidated, as if a storm will blow over it and it will be destroyed.

in the bedroom.

The torrential rain was falling, leaking down the roof, ticking on the ground, and there was a crashing sound.

on the bed.

There were three women lying there, dressed in different clothes, but they all had one characteristic: they were all top-notch beauties.

You have to have a body and a face.

The temperament is different, and each has its own merits. It is impossible to say who is beautiful, but in terms of the degree of charm, it is undoubtedly the woman in white in the middle who is better.

Her name is Nong Hua.

On her left is Concubine Jiang, and on the right is Concubine Yang, the first wife of the eldest prince.

Heavy rain tonight.

After giving him a favorable opportunity, after subduing the agricultural paintings, Uncle Huo sneaked into their bedroom and secretly subdued the two of them.

With his cultivation base, he cleaned up two weak women and attacked mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns.

As for the guards in the Prince's Mansion, it was even simpler.

First, he has a high level of cultivation, second, he is good at concealment, and third, it is raining heavily.

The weather, the location, the people, and the three are all occupied. Coupled with the familiarity with the prince's mansion, it is difficult to capture them silently, but it is not impossible.

Even the strong people in the mansion are already late at night, and they will not pay attention to the concubine's side.

Even if he didn't sleep, his attention was still on the prince.

Protecting the prince's safety is the top priority.

On the edge of the bed.

There were two people standing, one old and one young. The old man was Uncle Huo, wearing a black robe with only two eyes showing, and the young man was the second prince. At this moment, he was wearing a black dragon mask and dressed in night clothes. Show two eyes.

"You only have one hour. After one hour, I must send them back. Otherwise, their disappearance will be revealed." Uncle Huo said in a different voice.

Even though the three of Nong Hua were all tied up, the pipa bones were sealed, his eyes were covered, his ears were blocked, and he was still in a coma, so he was still as careful as ever.

"I understand!" The second prince replied.

Uncle Huo took out a jade bottle and handed it to him. Facing his doubtful eyes, he explained, "This is from a friend of mine. The effect is very strong. There is no problem in allowing you to last an hour without any sequelae."

"Yeah." The second prince's eyes lit up.

Uncle Huo left and walked outside to watch silently.

After he left, the second prince couldn't bear it any longer. Looking at Nong Hua, Concubine Jiang and Concubine Yang, Concubine Jiang was subconsciously ignored by him.

If he could, he would like to kill her.

Circling around Nong Hua and Yang Fei, his eyes finally fell on Nong Hua.

"Let's start with you." The second prince licked his lips wickedly.

Take out a pill and take it.

It is worthy of being produced by Uncle Huo, and it must be a fine product.

As for whether it is his friend or his own, it doesn't matter, as long as the effect is strong.

An hour later.

The second prince came out from inside.

"You go back now, and I will send the three of them back." Uncle Huo reminded.

"Well." The second prince knew that the matter was urgent.

Without delaying the time, he turned his movements to the extreme, and within a few breaths, he disappeared into the night.

After he left.

Uncle Huo entered the room, looked at the three agricultural paintings, waved his hand, and quickly left with the three of them.

Back to Beijing.

I found a place and threw Concubine Jiang at random.

He then threw Longhua in the dirtiest, poorest, and messiest place in the west of the city.

Do it all.

Only then did he go back the same way and send Concubine Yang to his own bedroom.

Erase all traces and disappear into the night.


The third prince's mansion, the third prince has not slept, sitting in the study waiting for the farmer to come back.

But after so long, she still hasn't come back.

The torrential rain outside, rushing non-stop, made him very irritable, and there was a bad feeling in his heart, as if something would happen to her.

thought here.

The third prince couldn't sit still anymore, and shouted outside with a cold face, "Come on!"

Butler Pei Tao hurried in from outside.

"I have seen Your Highness!"

"Let people find agricultural paintings." The third prince ordered.

"It's Your Highness!" Pei Tao responded, turning around and leaving.

Following his order, the power in the mansion turned like a high-speed and fast machine, and countless people were dispatched to search the capital.


Pei Tao personally led the team to the farmhouse to check the whereabouts of the agricultural paintings.

When he moved here, all the people who were secretly paying attention to his forces here got the news.

Knowing that he dispatched a large number of people to run around in the rainstorm, he seemed to be looking for someone, and he hurriedly ordered that his subordinates investigate, trying to figure out what happened, so that they could respond in time.

The First Prince's Mansion.

Concubine Yang had woken up, sat up from the soft slump, and rubbed her head as if she was dreaming, "Is it an illusion?"

Looking at the clothes on his body, it was the same suit as before. It was dry, neat, and without any stains.

Just as he was about to get off the bed, he suddenly felt a sharp pain.

She was frightened and her complexion changed, and she hurriedly checked.

Very swollen!

But she has not yet suspected that this is the mansion of the first prince, with strict guards, and strong people sitting in the town, it is impossible for outsiders to get in.

"How can His Highness do this? He actually used such a heavy hand while he was asleep." Concubine Yang was shy.

Didn't take it seriously.

Xuanwu Square, No. 18.


The second prince was sitting on the chair drinking tea, and his clothes had been changed. Uncle Huo came out of the darkness and sat beside him.

"Have you got the Sacred Heart Collection?" Uncle Huo asked.

"???" The second prince was taken aback.

Looking at him suspiciously, his eyes seemed to say, didn't you go to get the sacred heart? Why did it involve this prince again?

"You didn't get it?" Uncle Huo asked.

"Yeah." Although I don't want to admit it, it's the truth.

"No!" Uncle Huo shook his head.

"When I arrived at the farmhouse, I happened to hear Nong Meng handing over the Sacred Heart Collection to Nong Hua. When you unpacked her clothes, you didn't get anything?"

"No!" The second prince replied helplessly.

"Not good!" Uncle Huo's expression changed.

"Could it be that it fell to the ground on the way with her?"

"!!!" The second prince's face darkened, a little unhappy.

Can you drop something so important?

"It should be like this, otherwise things can't be seen."

"What should we do now?"

Uncle Huo said, "Let the imperial doctor come over and see if he has any way to cure syphilis."


said again.

"I got the news just now that the third child has already sent someone to look for Nonghua. He made such a move and immediately attracted all the attention of the capital. After a while, Jiang Ming will come over, and then you will disappear Jiang Fei. Tell her what happened, and send troops to find her whereabouts."

"The bait has already been put down, let's see if the third child has the courage." The second prince's eyes flickered.

"If he really comes to you, do you really want to join forces with him? Get rid of the eldest prince together?"

"No!" The second prince shook his head.

"There is news from there that I have agreed to join hands, but the prerequisite is that Concubine Jiang must be abolished. If this did not happen, this prince would not agree, and would not even think about it. I really thought that without them, this prince would not have it. Is the manpower available? It's bullshit."

He took a sip of tea, his eyes twinkling.

"If you want to blame it, blame this **** for being too bullying. Relying on the power of her family, she actually bullied this prince! What does she think of this prince?"

"What are you going to do with the Jiang family?" Uncle Huo asked again.

"Trash utilization!" The second prince said viciously with cold eyes.

"It creates an illusion that the Jiang family is destroyed, we have suffered heavy losses, our forces have been damaged, and we need to recuperate. But before we kill the Jiang family, we have to ask them to do one thing for us."

"Not bad! This is a qualified prince." Uncle Huo nodded with satisfaction.

dong dong!

"His Royal Highness, Mr. Jiang has urgent matters to see!"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the chill in their eyes.

Uncle Huo stood up from the chair, drank the tea in the teacup, and put the teacup back in its original place. Details are very important. With a flick of his body, he melted into the darkness, as if it had never appeared before.

"Please!" said the second prince.

for a while.

The people in the second prince's mansion also moved, but more people from the Jiang family were looking for traces of Jiang Fei in the capital.

A third prince made people drink a pot, and now a second prince is added, secret power, guess what happened? More determined to figure out the secret behind it.

Send someone to inquire at all costs.

West of the city.

In the rainstorm, Nong Hua woke up from a coma. At this moment, the rope tied to his body had disappeared, and even the blindfold, the cloth in his mouth, and the earplugs were gone.

But her pipa bone was sealed, and she couldn't use her spiritual power.

Was poured into chicken soup.

Let the torrential rain fall on her and turn her into a **** without caring.

Squinting eyes, contains terrifying murderous intent.

"Who is it that is secretly shooting?"

thought here.

The eldest prince, the second prince, and other forces were all passed over by her in her mind, and finally shook their heads. At this time, it should not be the eldest prince and the others.

Emperor Shengwen didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and all the princes were staring at the palace.

At this time, it is impossible to move casually and attack other princes.

If discovered, both sides will be immortal.

Once this happens, it will only make other princes take advantage of it, and it will not do them any good.

But everyone ignored one point.

Although the ninth prince was removed, let's take a look at it. He is now dead, but his legacy is still there. As for what will happen in the future, no one knows.

Syphilis alone, this poisonous scheme, is preconceived.

It was clearly brought to him by Aunt Xue, but the ninth prince thought it was the black hand of the boss and the others, so he retaliated and passed it on to Concubine Jiang.

Originally it was just a small matter, but now it has spread more and more.

The second prince is also poisoned now, and it is also suspected that the eldest and the third are secretly doing it.

He simply did something more ruthless and returned all the poison.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps in the darkness.

Nong Hua was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly looked back.

I saw a group of beggars appearing behind, with tattered clothes and withered faces, all of them very miserable.

But looking at her, his eyes were full of heat, his mouth was wide open, and his saliva was still drooling, staring at her without blinking.

"Not good!" Nong Hua's heart changed.

Now that her pipa bones are sealed, she cannot use a little spiritual power. Even if her cultivation is strong, she is still a weak woman.

He did not cultivate his body at the same time, and faced these beggars.

On weekdays, as long as you wave your hand casually, you can kill them all.

But now, all she can do is run away.

I wanted to take out the signal bomb from the Qiankun bag and release it, but found that the Qiankun bag was gone.

At this point she was really panicked.

"Escape!" The color of the farm screen changed dramatically.

Crazy to run to the front.

"Where are you going, little girls?" A group of beggars chased after them with a wicked smile.

The speed was very fast, out of proportion to their thin, clumsy bodies, shuttling through the rainstorm, closely following her.


Nong Hua panicked, ran too fast, not bad for a while, fell to the ground, soil stained her whole body, and dirty things were all over her hair and clothes.

But as if she hadn't noticed, she hurriedly got up from the ground, and then fled forward.

She clenched her silver teeth hard, even if the torrential rain hit her, she couldn't open her eyes, and her whole body was in pain. She wanted to find a place to stop, but she couldn't now.

Once you stop, you don't have to think about being caught up by them, you know what the consequences will be.

Absolutely disastrous, she couldn't take it at all.

She fell, her arm was torn, her clothes were torn, her shoes fell, her jade foot was pierced by a stone, and the burning pain came into her heart, but she didn't dare to stop at all.

This is unprecedented for her pampered and pampered.

Roaring inside, hiding a hundred thousand anger, and swearing fiercely in my heart!

As long as you escape the catastrophe in front of you, you must send someone to kill all the beggars in the city!

Kill him until the blood flows into rivers, until there is no one left, until they are completely extinct.

Seeing that the footsteps behind her were getting closer, and there was a wall in front of her, she was blocked into a dead end.

His eyes flickered fiercely, and he ran to the wall and stopped.

The wall was too high, nearly three meters, for her to climb over.

Looking at these beggars coming towards him, there are quite a few, there are a dozen or so, nearly twenty.

The beautiful eyes are full of madness and a hint of ruthlessness.

Yushou took out the dagger from her waist and held one in each hand. Even if she didn't have spiritual power, she would still be able to perform some simple martial arts moves.

"What a beautiful woman, this waist, this figure, enough for me to play for three years."

"Death under the peony flower, it is also romantic to be a ghost."

"Don't rob me of anything, let me come first!"

One by one said evilly.

She surrounded it and approached the agricultural painting, unaware of the dagger in her hand.

"Give me all to die!" Nong Hua roared angrily.

Yuzu was a little on the ground, and suddenly her complexion changed, and she stepped on a broken glass shard, which happened to be inserted into the sole of her foot, her complexion was twisted in pain, and her madness was even worse.

Like a mad beast, enduring the severe pain, waving the dagger, leaving streaks of cold light in the rainstorm, reaping their lives.

Do not check for a while.

Several people were killed by her, all of whom had their necks severed and fell to the ground.

When the remaining beggars came back to their senses and tried to resist, they found that the stick in their hand had been thrown away.

Seeing Nong Hua come to kill, his moves are ruthless and his movements are fast.

It was only at this time that they felt scared and retreated to the back, but Nong Hua did not give them this chance. They waved daggers and had red eyes. In their fear, they stabbed them frantically and beheaded them.

Especially the last person, she was stabbed dozens of times in the chest by her, almost stabbing him into a leak.


His body softened and he fell violently to the ground.

Kneeling on the ground, her hair was disheveled, and her hair covered her face. Looking at the corpses on the ground, she suddenly raised her head and laughed evilly, "A bunch of pariahs! They want to arrest me too."

The sharp pain in the soles of the feet came again.

At this time, she couldn't help it and looked down.

A large shard of glass had dyed the soles of her feet red, and the wound was so large that it was about to touch the meridians.

Holding the shards of glass, Nong Hua's eyes flashed madly, and he shouted, "Come out for me!"

Pull hard!

It's embarrassing, the glass is too slippery, and the insertion is too deep. In addition to the rain, not only did the hand slip without pulling out the glass shards, but the fingers were broken, which made it worse.

"Ah!" Nong Hua was about to go crazy.

After roaring angrily for a while in the rainstorm, he calmed down again.

At this time, she didn't have any help, she was alone, and the only one who could help her was herself.

Taking a deep breath, he held the glass shard again, this time holding it accurately, and pulled it out again.


The blood spurted out, and a large piece of fresh blood flowed out, along with some minced meat, and finally pulled out the glass shards.

"Fuck!" Nong Hua scolded.

Looking at her clothes, many places were torn to pieces, her face was gloomy, and she didn't dare to think about what happened next.

She swears! After going back this time, we must find out the people who are hiding in the dark, and let them die!

Tear off a piece again, tie it to the foot, and bandage the wound.

It was absolutely sour, she bared her teeth in pain, and her teeth were clenched together.

It took a lot of effort to bandage the feet.

He put away the dagger, picked up the stick on the side, held the stick, and walked limping in the rainstorm.


She had just walked less than a few dozen steps, but the torrential rain was too heavy and the wind was strong. Her body was covered in injuries, and she couldn't bear it at all, and fell directly to the ground.

"Ah..." Nong Hua was about to go crazy and roared again.

Looking at this **** rainstorm, it was louder than she screamed. If you want to break it open, or tear it apart, you can only think about it.

Not to mention that she is injured now, even if she is not injured, in the face of this storm, she will only end up lying flat.

This time, she learned to be obedient and did not dare to continue walking.

I found a place to hide from the rain, curled up like a pug, hiding under the eaves and shivering.

Holding the dagger in his hand, the hatred in his heart has reached its peak.

Compared with her miserable situation, Jiang Fei was much luckier than her.

The people in the Second Prince's Mansion found her after an hour.

Immediately Jiang Ming came, and when she saw that she was at peace with her, her heart relaxed.

Just about to go back.

They met Pei Tao, the housekeeper of the Third Prince's Mansion, and the two groups of men faced each other in the rainstorm, separated by ten steps.

all know each other.

"Don't sleep at night, what is Master Jiang doing?"

"How does this officer act and still need to report to you?" Jiang Ming flicked his sleeves.

Concubine Jiang was held hostage twice in a row, which made him very unhappy. He was full of anger in his heart, and scolded with a cold face, "Get out of the way!"

Take people directly away.

Looking at their retreating backs, one of the subordinates said, "How could Concubine Jiang appear here? Judging from her situation, it seems miserable!"

"If my guess is correct, the black hand behind the scenes not only attacked His Highness, but also attacked the second prince and kidnapped Concubine Jiang away. I just don't know what's going on with the eldest prince." Pei Tao said solemnly.

looking at him.

"Go back now and tell Your Highness that Concubine Jiang is also missing and was found by Jiang Ming."

"Yeah." The subordinate responded hurriedly.

Leaving in a hurry with some men.

"Continue searching! Be sure to find Concubine Nong before dawn." Pei Tao ordered.

But the heavy rain brought great difficulties to their search.

It was dawn.

The torrential rain is still falling, and it has not diminished with the delay of time.


living room.

Xiao Ran and Ling Qinger's family were eating breakfast, looking at the rainstorm outside, their brows furrowed together.

"It's been down for a whole day, and it's still down."

"Will it affect your going to Fu's house to propose marriage?" Ling Qinger said.

"It's okay." Xiao Ran shook his head.

Ling Ji was stunned for a moment, swept over them suspiciously, and asked Spirit Father and their questions, "Brother-in-law, have you fallen in love with a woman again?"


Ling Qing'er couldn't hold back and laughed directly.

Angrily, he knocked on his head, "It's not your brother-in-law, it's Shi Ming! Your brother-in-law's friend, the current number one scholar, is now a member of the Longwen Pavilion, a fifth-rank official. Your brother-in-law has no relationship with him. Generally, you have to go.

"Hehe!" Ling Ji rubbed his head and laughed.

"A capable person like my brother-in-law, um, three wives and four concubines, isn't this normal?"

"Fan can't stop your mouth." Ling Qing'er glared at him fiercely.

Xiao Wu was riding the canopy when she came over from the house on the Jingwenfang side and stopped in the hall.

Tianpeng said, "Jian Twelve and Gu Qiuhe have already arrived."

"So fast?" Xiao Ran was surprised.

Putting down his chopsticks, he stood up from the chair.

"Father and mother, I'll go there first, and when the rain stops, I'll let Qing'er accompany you around."

"It's important to do business." Father Ling said.

Ling Ji suddenly stood up, "Brother-in-law, can I go see you?"

"Sit down!" Spirit Father yelled.

Xiao Ran smiled, and just said "three wives and four concubines" to this kid just now, it is worth cultivating.

"There are just a lot of places that need help, and it's good to see the world."

"Thank you brother-in-law!"

The spiritual father said, "This won't make it difficult for you, will it?"

"It's okay." Xiao Ran shook his head.

Take him to Jing Wenfang's house.

Xiao Wu rode behind the canopy.

Ling Ji was curious and looked at the canopy, "How can you speak?"

Tian Peng rolled his eyes at him, "Why can't I speak?"

He was speechless at this question.

Arrived at Jingwenfang.

Jian Twelve and Gu Qiuhe waited here for a long time. The former was alone, while the latter led a group of servants and carried a large box with a red "" on it. It seemed that all the gifts were inside.

"Uncle Xiao!" Gu Qiuhe hurriedly called out.

Rush up in the rain.

"Go." Xiao Ran waved his right hand.

A golden light fell down and evolved into bursts of golden light in the air, blocking the rainstorm from outside.

At the same time, under the irradiation of golden light, the rain on the ground dissipated.

"Arrived so early?"

"Hehe!" Gu Qiuhe laughed.

"To be honest, Shi Ming's marriage was just like mine. He didn't fall asleep last night because of the excitement. He brought someone here just after dawn. Knowing that you were busy, he had someone prepare things. already."

"Good job." Xiao Ran patted his shoulder.

Pointing to the spirit plan, introduce each other.

"This is Sword Twelve, your name is Uncle Twelve."

"Uncle Twelve." Lingji's mouth is very sweet. Anyway, what Xiao Ran said and what he did, in a word, brother-in-law would not treat him badly.

"This is Gu Qiuhe, his name is Brother Gu."

"Brother Gu."

Begin to introduce magic.

"This is Ling Ji, Ling Qing'er's younger brother, my wife and brother."

This can be regarded as a formal disclosure of his relationship with Ling Qinger in front of his relatives and friends.

"Uncle Xiao is wrong!" Gu Qiuhe said.

"I call you uncle, he calls you brother-in-law, and he calls my brother again. Is this a mess?"


Xiao Ran waved his hand and tapped a chestnut on top of his head, glaring at him angrily, "It's different."

"Go to Fuzhong first, I'm preparing something."

As soon as Jin opened the door, a group of people entered the house.

Seeing that Xiao Ran's house was so big, Ling Ji was stunned and asked curiously, "Brother-in-law, are the house prices in the capital very cheap?"

"Ghost!" Gu Qiuhe rolled his eyes.

"This is Jingwenfang. It's a good location in the capital. The house prices are terribly expensive. When Uncle Xiao bought it, it was better. A set of yards ranges from hundreds of thousands of taels to millions of taels. The yards you see, There are more than 20 sets connected together, after being bought by Uncle Xiao, and then remodeled, it cost tens of millions of taels in total."


"The current housing price has risen very sharply. Just for this set of courtyards (more than 20 sets), if you buy another one, you will have to start at least 100 million taels."

"Is it so expensive?" Ling Ji was stunned.

"Yeah." Gu Qiuhe nodded.

to the study here.

Xiao Ran asked them to drink tea outside, went inside, took out the finishing touch pen, and then took out a special piece of drawing paper, using the blood of Suzaku as a guide, and began to paint.

The two people, Shi Ming and Fu Yujing, are drawn together, the background is a heavy rain, and a sunbeam appears in the sky, while they are leaning against the window, looking at the sky after the rain, and using the style.

Wait until he closes his pen.

White auras flicker, illuminating the painting.

With his painting skills back to the basics, coupled with Lingbao's finishing touch, and the blood of Suzaku as a guide, how can the paintings be ordinary?

It's just the text contained in it, it's very amazing.

Coupled with the background of the painting itself, it is enough to explode the full blow of the Xuanzong realm, which is even more extraordinary.

"Not bad." Xiao Ran smiled with satisfaction.

After putting up the painting, he took out two more bottles of dragon blood.

These two things are the point.

After doing all this, walk out of it.

Gu Qiuhe hurriedly stood up, "Is Uncle Xiao ready?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"let's go."

A group of people left the mansion and rushed towards Fu mansion.

all the way through.

The torrential rain was all pulled by a huge force and fell to the side, but it couldn't rain on them, and even the gifts were clean.

Before the person arrives, the rain on the ground evaporates.

When walking to Suzaku Avenue, I encountered a group of uninvited guests.

The people in the mansion of the third prince, the one headed by him is Pei Tao.

He led people to look for it all night, but still has not found the whereabouts of the agricultural painting, and is still continuing to search, expanding the scope and sending more people.

The two groups of men stared at each other ten paces apart.

Pei Tao knew Xiao Ran and the others, but Xiao Ran didn't know him, but Gu Qiuhe did.

"Uncle Xiao, this is Pei Tao, the housekeeper of the Third Prince's Mansion."

Pei Tao stepped forward and greeted with a smile, "I have seen Master Xiao, Senior Jian, and Young Master Gu."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling person.

"Master Xiao, what are you doing?"

"Fu House proposes a marriage." Xiao Ran said, it is not difficult to inquire about this matter, I am afraid it has spread long ago.

"It turned out to be about Shi Zhuangyuan, congratulations!" Pei Tao said.

"What are you doing?"

"To be honest, His Royal Highness's Concubine Nong returned to her mother's house yesterday. The whole farm house was destroyed, and even she was missing. Now we are searching." Pei Tao did not hide it.

When such a big thing happened, they also searched all night.

With the power of Xiao Ran and others, they should have known about this.

Instead of hiding it, it's better to say it out loud.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"Get out of the way! Let Sir Xiao and others go over." Pei Tao waved his hand and ordered.

Xiao Ran led people away.

After they left, Pei Tao led people to continue their search.

Looking at Gu Qiuhe, Xiao Ran said, "Did something happen last night?"

"Uncle Xiao, don't you know?" Gu Qiuhe was surprised.

"I've been staying in the mansion, I haven't returned to the Sword Guard, and I haven't gone to the Heavenly Prison. I don't know what's going on outside yet."

"No wonder." Gu Qiuhe was enlightened and told what he knew.

"Two major events happened yesterday, one was the disappearance of the second prince's concubine Jiang Fei, and the third prince's concubine Nongfei, almost turning the capital upside down, but the second prince's luck was good and found Jiang Fei. But the third prince's luck It's a bit miserable, and I haven't found Concubine Nong until now."

"What about the other thing?" Xiao Ran asked.

"Concubine Nong's mother's farmhouse was destroyed all over the house."

"Farmer?" Xiao Ran frowned.

"Uncle Xiao, do you know?"

"I think I know." Xiao Ran nodded.

"Yesterday I saw a friend who happened to be passing by the farmhouse. When I arrived, they had already been wiped out. There was not a single person alive in the whole house. The death was very bad. Inside, no one lives."


Gu Qiuhe sucked in a breath of cold air and was shocked, "Who is too cruel?"

"In an eventful autumn, it's getting harder and harder to think about a festival." Xiao Ran shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah!" Gu Qiuhe felt the same way.

"When will this messy situation come to an end?"

"Shi Ming is getting married today, let's not mention these things." Xiao Ran said.

A group of people continued on the road and rushed towards Fu Mansion.

got here.

The guards of Fu's residence have already received the news that Xiao Ran's group of people are coming over. They have been waiting here for a long time. When they see them coming, one person hurriedly entered the residence to report, and the rest quickly greeted them.

Carry the things in, and then bring these servants to the side hall, where the banquet is prepared.

"Brother Xiao!" Shi Ming quickly ran over from inside.

"I'm about to get married, and I'm still so unstable." Xiao Ran rolled his eyes at him.

"Aren't you here? I'm excited."

Start calling people.

"Uncle Twelve, Brother Gu."

The two smiled and nodded, even if it was Sword Twelve, it was rare for them not to show their faces.

His eyes fell on Lingji.

Xiao Ran introduced, "This is a magic trick, my wife's little brother."

"???" Shi Ming was taken aback.

He was stunned by this sentence, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It took a long time before he could say a word.

"Brother Xiao, when did you get married?"

"It's a long story, I'll talk about it later."

"Yeah." Shi Ming nodded.

"Little brother."

"This is Shi Ming, your name is Brother Shi."

"Brother Shi." Ling Ji called out.

A group of people entered the living room.

Fu Yujing was also there, not waiting in the backyard, and Fu's mother, Fu Xianhe put down the teacup and greeted her with a smile.

"Come on."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

Both parties knew each other, except for a magic trick, and after the exchange, they sat on the chairs.

Xiao Ran handed over the gift list.

He took out the painting he just made and two bottles of dragon blood.

After taking the gift list and taking a look, Fu Xianhe was very satisfied.

Open the painting.


The majestic literary aura bloomed from the painting, and as soon as it appeared, it enveloped the entire hall.

As the aura revolved, the rainstorm in the painting was reflected, and Shi Ming and Fu Yujing in the painting also came out, snuggling together, watching the rainstorm.

"This, this..." Fu Xianhe was stunned.

Even with his heart, he was shocked.

After returning to his senses, he closed the painting and handed it to Shi Ming, who in turn handed the painting to Fu Yujing.

Fu Xianhe said, "This painting is too precious."

"They can afford it." Xiao Ran smiled.

"Yeah." Fu Xianhe nodded.

He knew the relationship between Shi Ming and Xiao Ran. If it was someone else, he would not accept it, but Xiao Ran was different.

Take a bottle of dragon blood and open the stopper.


The majestic dragon energy rushed out, and the huge coercion filled the hall, the golden light manifested, and an illusory real dragon was condensed in the dragon's might.

Fu Xianhe was quick-witted and hurriedly stuffed the stopper back.

Shocked, "Could it be the old loach?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran replied with a smile.

"Good trick!" Fu Xianhe praised.

Point to the seat next to you.

"You have a different status today, and you represent Shi Ming's elders, so you have to take the upper seat."

"Okay." Xiao Ran didn't refuse, walked over and sat down beside him.

"Serve tea." Fu Xianhe said.

Shi Ming and Fu Yujing came over, knelt on the ground, took the tea handed by the maid and handed it over.

This is etiquette, Xiao Ran did not refuse, and took a sip of the tea they handed over one by one.

So far.

This marriage is settled.

"Yujing, Shi Ming will give it to you in the future. If he has anything wrong with you, just clean it up! If he dares to backhand, you can tell me, and I will support you." Xiao Ran said.

"Thank you Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Ran patted Shi Ming on the shoulder, saying nothing.

Looking at Fu Xianhe.

"Uncle Fu, I've figured it out. It's a good day on the eleventh day. Why don't we set their marriage on that day!"

"Eleven?" Fu Xianhe thought about it for a while, and it was really good.

"Okay! Just set their marriage on that day."

After discussing the family affairs, the next step is simple.

Chat in the living room.

No political affairs, only family affairs.

Pulling, pulling, it reached Xiao Ran.

Fu Xianhe was curious, "When did you and Ling Qinger get together?"

"We knew each other when we were in the prison." Xiao Ran smiled wryly.

"You were just a jailer."

"It has nothing to do with identity. No one can tell about feelings. Just look at the right eye. The real relationship is her hometown in Anyang County. At that time, Xiaozhou and I were on a mission, and I happened to meet her. She was urged by her family to be kissed, and she couldn't hide it, but I had no choice but to put down what I was doing and rush over."

"Haha!" Fu Xianhe couldn't help laughing.

Uncle Zhong walked in from outside.

"Master's banquet is ready."

Fu Xianhe said, "Serve the food."

Soon the food and drinks were served, and the table was full.

"I won't go home if I don't get drunk today." Fu Xianhe was very happy.

"I will give my life to accompany the gentleman." Xiao Ran smiled.

A group of people were sitting at the table. Mother Fu and Fu Yujing went to the backyard. Even if it was a family banquet, it was not convenient for them to eat.

Even though Fu Xianhe was only one person, he was really good at drinking. He went back and forth with Xiao Ran and his group, and the wine was served pot after pot.

The meal was over for an hour.

In the end, Fu Xianhe still drank too much. He was alone, even if Shi Mingcai and two people were added, Xiao Ran's side had four.

When the banquet was over, the two were helped by Zhong Bo to leave.

"Uncle Xiao, are we doing something too inauthentic?" Gu Qiuhe couldn't help but smile.


Xiao Ran tapped him on the head, "You're ashamed to say that you were the most vicious drinker with Shi Ming just now."

"Isn't this an engagement? If you don't get him drunk today, you can't get him drunk when he gets married."

"It's hard work." Xiao Ran said.

He took out a bottle of dragon blood and handed it over.

"A drop by drop of refining, before taking it, it's best to let Elder Gu watch it, otherwise you won't be able to bear the huge power contained in it."

"Thank you Uncle Xiao!" Gu Qiuhe was not polite, and quickly collected the dragon's blood.

The relationship between them doesn't need to be said.

"Let's go!" Xiao Ran said.

Without waiting for Uncle Zhong to return, he spoke to the servants, and a group of people walked outside.

out of Fu's house.

Jian Twelve stopped and looked at Xiao Ran, "Do you still paint?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded.

"Back to Basics?"


"When Ning'er wakes up, can you help us make a painting?" Jian Twelve's face was a rare blushing.

"Okay." Xiao Ran replied with a smile.

"I'll go back first." Jian Twelve said.

"Go!" Xiao Ran waved his hand.

After he left.

Looking at Gu Qiuhe, "Are you going back or going to my place?"

"How about you, Uncle Xiao?"

"Such a big thing happened last night~www.mtlnovel.com~ I'm not at ease, I have to go to the Sword Guard and the Heavenly Prison."

"Then I'll go back!" Gu Qiuhe said.

"Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Although everything for the festival has been prepared, I still need to purchase a little more."

"Okay." Xiao Ran responded.

He took people away.

"Let's go." Xiao Ran greeted.

Leave with a magic trick.

After passing Suzaku Avenue, it is very close to the Sword Guard, "Such a heavy rainstorm is not suitable for shopping, you go back first, and then go shopping with your sister and the others when the rain stops."

"Yeah." Ling Ji responded and turned to leave.

After he left, Xiao Ran did not delay, and rushed towards Shenjian Guard.