I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Don't do this, I beg you

Li Xiwu probably didn't expect that Chi Xu would suddenly go crazy.

Caught off guard, without warning.

Chi Xu's palm was wide, and in just a few seconds, she was pinched until her face turned red.

Out of human instinct, she struggled to break away Chi Xu's hand, but the strength of men and women is very different, and she has never learned close-up self-defense.

For a moment, she felt that she was really going to die.

Chi Xu seemed to really lose control, he strangled Li Xiwu's neck

I hate others meddling in my family affairs.

"Live your own life and don't stretch your arms too far."

"Don't try to interfere with Wenwen and I's normal life, otherwise..."

The words are not finished.

Chi Xu let go of his hand suddenly, which caused Li Xiwu to fall heavily to the ground.

She sucked in fresh air greedily, because of the short-term lack of oxygen, her whole body was so weak that she had almost no strength to support her body to get up.

If Chi Xu had completely lost his mind just now, Li Xiwu thought, her life might really have ended so quietly.

And Chi Xu also realized that he had done something wrong.

He squatted down to help Li Xiwu up, full of apology: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Li Xiwu was so sore that he couldn't speak, but his body strength gradually recovered bit by bit.

Chi Xu looked regretful: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I didn't control my emotions well, and almost hurt you, I'm sorry..."

Li Xiwu swallowed hard, her throat still hurting.

It is the kind of pain that seems to have been burned.

She struggled to speak, unable to form a sentence: "Yes, a normal life? Are you sure it is a normal... life?"

Chi Xu was startled.

The little strength that Li Xiwu had recovered was all on his arms, supporting himself so that he didn't lean back: "Just, just... just because you didn't control your emotions well, you almost strangled me... Chi Xu, have you gone to see me?" A psychiatrist?"

Chi Xu was startled again.

Then, he slowly stood up.

The guilt on his face disappeared, replaced by shock and indifference: "You are the one who needs to see a doctor."

Li Xiwu barely supported the ground with all his strength, and then slowly stood up: "Did you treat Xie Wen like this?"

Chi Xu's eyes were firm: "Never."

After finishing speaking, Chi Xu suddenly chuckled. That kind of smile made people feel terrible: "You tried to destroy the relationship between me and Wenwen, and I didn't mean to hurt you. It's understandable. If you want to call the police, I don't care."

Looking at Chi Xu and smiling.

Li Xiwu realized something, and then smiled: "The reason why you don't care is because Xie Wen will beg me for you, and you just know that I will soften my heart for Xie Wen, and nothing will happen to you in the end.

As for your apology, it's just your disguise, and it's your helplessness to cover up the atrocities you committed against me. "

The smile on the corner of Chi Xu's mouth faded: "Mr. Li, sometimes being too smart is not a good thing."

Li Xiwu raised her lips: "I'm not considered smart, sometimes I'm dull. For example, when Xie Wen was with you, I was actually dull for so long."

Who is not greedy for life and afraid of death?

are all ordinary people!

Li Xiwu was also afraid that Chi Xu would really kill her by mistake.

But after slowing down, she realized that Chi Xu just wanted to teach her a profound lesson from the beginning to the end, so as to remind her to stop thinking and not try to change anything.

But Chi Xu didn't know that he, who has always sailed carefully for thousands of years, rashly warned Li Xiwu this time, would soon bring him a catastrophe.

The night is deep.

Chi Xu went back to the inn alone.

He greeted the photographers with a gentle smile, then went upstairs to his and Xie Wen's room.

Xie Wen sat on the edge of the bed and quietly looked at her daughter's sleeping face, with a lot of melancholy in her heart and nothing to say. She was waiting for Chi Xu to come back, when there was a sound from the doorknob, she got up, and saw Chi Xu pushing the door in with his body wrapped in a cold air.

Xie Wen looked at him: "I'm back."

Chi Xu came over and hugged Xie Wen: "Tonight...I'm sorry."

Xie Wen let Chi Xu hold her, and the tip of her nose became sore: "You really can't do this again in the future. If Teacher Li hadn't come, would you have planned to hold Xin Xin and me until dawn?"

mentioned Li Xiwu.

Chi Xu hugged Xie Wen's arm tightly, let go, and held her shoulders instead, asking, "Do you trust her that much?"

Xie Wen was puzzled: "Ms. Li is my former manager, don't you know...ah..."

Before she finished speaking, Xie Wen suddenly let out an 'ah' in pain.

She frowned and shouted: "Chi Xu, you hurt me."

Chi Xu let go of his hand belatedly, looking very at a loss: "I'm sorry Wenwen, I deserve to die, I deserve to die..."

'Snapped-! '

Chi Xu suddenly slapped himself.

Xie Wen was startled, and hurriedly held Chi Xu's hand: "Chi Xu, don't you do this? Don't do this, I beg you..."

"Or you hit me, Wenwen, hit me, hit me hard..." Chi Xu took Xie Wen's hand and slapped him **** the face.

With tears in her eyes, Xie Wen called him calmly: "Chi Xu."

Chi Xu was startled suddenly.

Xie Wen broke free and held Chi Xu's face: "I won't leave you, can you stop doing this? You are like this, I'm scared...I'm really scared..."

Chi Xu hugged Xie Wen into his arms: "I'm sorry, there will be no next time, I swear."

Xie Wen was hugged by Chi Xu with a blank face, and listened to what he said with a blank face, what he had said over and over again.

She was thinking, when will such a day end?

The crying brought her back to God, and she said, "Xin Xin is awake."

Chi Xu let go of her and went to the bedside: "I'll do it."

At this moment, Chi Xu returned to his normal state in almost a second, gently hugged his daughter, and patiently coaxed her to sleep, while Xie Wen just watched quietly from the side.

After watching for a long time, he opened his voice and shouted: "Chi Xu."

Chi Xu walked over with his daughter in his arms, the haze on his face dissipated, replaced by a gentle smile.

Compared with the gloomy face just now, he seemed like two different people.

Xie Wen pursed her lips: "No matter what, Teacher Li is always my bole, I hope you respect her."

Chi Xu did not retort: "Okay."

Xie Wen was physically and mentally exhausted. She wanted to rest, but when she turned around, she heard Chi Xu suddenly ask, "What is the identity of Li Xiwu's husband?"

Xie Wen lowered her eyes and didn't answer immediately.

Of course she knew Pei Jingzhou's identity.

But she has always been a person who can keep her word. Even if Chi Xu asked before, she never revealed Pei Jingzhou's true identity.

At this moment Chi Xu suddenly asked again, Xie Wen still said the same words: "Ordinary businessmen, I don't know the details."

Chi Xu hummed, and didn't ask any more questions.

Li Xiwu stood quietly outside the inn for a long time, before slowly walking back to the inn.

Before going in, she closed the neckline in advance.

The photographer was dozing off. Seeing her come in, she cheered up and returned to work, and even said hello: "Teacher Li, go to bed early."

Li Xiwu nodded: "You too."

After going upstairs, she returned to the room.

Pei Jingzhou was pouring water, when he heard her coming back, he turned to look at her: "I'm back."

When his gaze fell on her, he suddenly froze.

(end of this chapter)