I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 out of control, crazy

Talking without going through the brain rarely happens to Li Xiwu.

Professionalism controlled her words and deeds outside, but failed to control her words and deeds in front of Pei Jingzhou, and she regretted it only after she said it.

But I have already said it, and it seems that I can't take it back.

Pei Jingzhou had an unclear smile on his lips: "I didn't hear you clearly, do you want to say it again?"

Li Xiwu pursed her lips, turned and left.

Pei Jingzhou smiled and pulled her back: "I can hear you clearly, you can hear me clearly."

Li Xiwu: "..."

She didn't plan to answer the call. If it was in the live broadcast room, the netizens might finish typing a few lines of 'ahhhh' and it's over. But after recording and editing under the lens of the photographer, it will be broadcast on the wind station, and I don't know what kind of subtitles will be added.

Pei Jingzhou took the macaron from her hand.

Li Xiwu reminded: "It's too sweet for your taste."

Pei Jingzhou took a bite, and commented deeply: "Well, it's really not as sweet as my wife."

Li Xiwu: "..." Photographer, please turn the camera, thank you!

At this time, the other guests have already gone back upstairs to rest.

At present, only Xie Wen and Chi Xu are still outside the inn.

Li Xiwu remembered that when she and Pei Jingzhou came back around 8:30, Xie Wen and Chi Xu were already outside the inn.

Li Xiwu was still a little uneasy after thinking about it, and got ready to go outside.

Pei Jingzhou suddenly said: "I won't be on camera tomorrow, wife doesn't plan to spend more time with me?"

Li Xiwu paused at his feet: "I..."

There is indeed no scene of Pei Jingzhou tomorrow.

Originally, the three of them were supposed to go out to play together today, but because of Zheng Yuehua's incident, the director temporarily arranged for a couple date with only two people. Now the couple's date is over, and their respective husbands will leave after breakfast tomorrow morning.

Does Pei Jingzhou need her company?

During the few seconds Li Xiwu hesitated, Pei Jingzhou said, "Come back early, and the blanket will keep you warm."

Li Xiwu thought: "Okay."

Pei Jingzhou went upstairs first.

Most of the staff have already gone to rest, only two photographers are standing next to the camera.

Li Xiwu stepped out of the threshold of the inn.

Forty or fifty meters away under the searchlight, Xie Wen and Chi Xu were still there.

She went down the stairs and walked over there.

"Xie Wen." Li Xiwu came over and shouted.

Xie Wen turned her head in response, saw Li Xiwu approaching and asked, "Mr. Li, why did you come out?"

Li Xiwu glanced over Chi Xu who was next to him, and then looked at Xie Wen: "It's very cold outside, why did you stay outside for so long?"

Xie Wen replied with a smile: "Fortunately, it's not that cold."

Li Xiwu didn't speak, took Xie Wen's hand silently, and said after a while: "It's not cold when Bingcheng is like this, the body is more resistant to freezing than before?"

Xie Wen smiled wryly: "...I don't really feel anything myself."

Li Xiwu let go of Xie Wen's hand: "That's because you're numb from the cold."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiwu looked at Chi Xu next to him: "It's late autumn, it's only about ten degrees at night, and you bring your wife and children outside to blow the cold wind, what do you think?"

This does not sound polite.

Chi Xu pulled his lips: "What do I think, what does it have to do with Teacher Li?"

"Teacher Li!"

As Chi Xu finished speaking, Xie Wen immediately yelled.

Li Xiwu looked sideways at Xie Wen.

Xie Wen explained: "My mother-in-law is not in a good mood, I want to take Xin Xin outside for a while, and Chi Xu has been with me."

Li Xiwu took a deep breath: "She is in a bad mood because of herself, and it has nothing to do with you."

Xie Wen wanted to say something, wanted to send a signal to Li Xiwu for help, but in the end she pursed her lips and remained silent.

Li Xiwu looked up at Chi Xu: "Xie Wen is afraid of the cold, don't you know?"

Chi Xu expressionless: "I know."

Li Xiwu chuckled: "I hope you really know."

It's so cold outside, why did Xie Wen wait until now? What else could be the reason?

Before Li Xiwu came out, Xie Wen hadn't thought about it and snatched her daughter back from Chi Xu's arms. It was too cold, she could suffer from the cold, but Xin Xin was still young, what if she caught a cold! ?

But when she was about to do this, Chi Xu looked at her sadly: "Why did you do this?"

Xie Wen shook her head with an ugly face: "Mom, this incident was an accident. I didn't do anything."

Chi Xu asked her: "Do you have any plans? Do you want to divorce me? Wenwen, do you want to leave me?"

Xie Wen silently shook her head.

Chi Xu asked again: "You said you would never leave me, are you going to break your promise?"

Xie Wen still shook her head silently.

Chi Xu's expression became more sad than before: "Don't try to find a way to get away from me, you know, without you and my daughter, my life is meaningless."

At that moment the air was stagnant.

The depression was like a heavy gate, pressing heavily on Xie Wen, making her almost breathless.

She was numb from the cold, and for a moment she thought in frustration that she might as well freeze to death here.

One death is one hundred.

But when she saw her daughter sleeping soundly, all those dead thoughts stopped.

She gritted her teeth, endured, and waited for more than an hour.

Just when she was almost unable to hold on, Li Xiwu came over.

But she was too cowardly to ask for help...

Seeing the helplessness on Xie Wen's face, Li Xiwu first pulled Xie Wen behind her, then stepped forward and stretched out her hand: "Chi Xu, give me Xin Xin."

Chi Xu was unmoved.

Li Xiwu's tone was steady: "It's too cold, don't you want to see Xin Xin, who is only a few months old, hospitalized with a cold? As far as I know, if a child as young as Xin Xin has a cold, the infusion needle is It's poked through a vein in the scalp."

Xie Wen's heart tightened when she heard this.

Since giving birth to Xin Xin several months ago, Xin Xin has been in good health and has never been hospitalized due to a cold.

If she saw the slender needle piercing through the vein of the scalp with her own eyes, her heart would hurt to death.

At this moment, Xie Wen looked at Chi Xu nervously.

Probably Li Xiwu's words played a role, Chi Xu finally gave Xinxin to Li Xiwu.

The little guy was dressed thickly, and it looked like he wasn't cold. He was sleeping soundly, and he didn't wake up even if he was hugged by another person.

The moment Xin Xin entered Li Xiwu's arms with her own eyes, Xie Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Xiwu turned around and handed Xin Xin to Xie Wen: "It's too cold, let's go in."

Xie Wen's eyes were red with gratitude, and she was about to say thank you.

Li Xiwu interrupted: "Go in first."

Xie Wen nodded, her voice was heavy: "Okay."

Li Xiwu was about to follow her in, when Chi Xu called her suddenly behind her: "Ms. Li, can I have a chat?"

Li Xiwu paused, and Xie Wen also stopped.

Li Xiwu signaled Xie Wen: "You go in first, I will talk to Chi Xu, and I will come in soon."

Xie Wen nodded and went in with her daughter first.

It wasn't until Xie Wen entered the inn that Li Xiwu turned around and looked at Chi Xu: "Tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

At the moment Xie Wen is not here, Chi Xu asked her sharply: "What do you want to do?"

Li Xiwu raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Chi Xu approached step by step, his eyes became gloomy and appalled: "What exactly do you want?"

Chi Xu with this appearance is scary.

Li Xiwu stabilized his mind: "Chi Xu, you should understand..."

The words are not finished.

Next second

Chi Xu grabbed Li Xiwu's neck with both hands desperately, his eyes were about to split open: "Just take it as me begging you, don't meddle in your own business, okay?"

Please recommend Piaobaozi~

(end of this chapter)