I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Chapter 96 Pei Jingzhou's Revenge

Before Li Xiwu came in, he used the front camera to see the marks on his neck.

Pinch marks are obvious.

The red one is very eye-catching.

She didn't want Pei Jingzhou to see the choke mark on her neck, so when she came in, she deliberately spread her hair to cover her neck, and then turned up the neckline a little, trying to make it invisible.

But Pei Jingzhou seemed to see something was wrong, his eyes paused on her neck for a moment and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Xiwu said calmly and calmly, "I'm a little tired."

Then he asked again: "Why is fourth brother still up?"

Pei Jingzhou's voice was very weak: "Wait for you."

She didn't answer the call, and walked towards the bed, squatted down in front of the bedside table, plugged in the charging head to charge the phone.

Pei Jingzhou put down his water glass and walked towards her.

Li Xiwu clenched her heart, and tried to act nonchalantly after standing up, but at this moment, Pei Jingzhou suddenly put his hand on her shoulder.

Accompanied by this movement, Li Xiwu's body froze suddenly.

Pei Jingzhou felt the stiffness in her body: "Relax, give you a press on your shoulder."

Li Xiwu lifted his lips and shrugged his hands away: "It's good to wash up and rest early, don't bother fourth brother."

She made a gesture to leave.

Pei Jingzhou clasped her wrist: "Wait a minute."

Li Xiwu raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Pei Jingzhou reached out to her neck

Li Xiwu's expression remained unchanged, and he naturally stopped his outstretched hand, with a slightly tired tone: "Fourth brother, I'm tired."

Pei Jingzhou looked into her eyes: "Forgot to draw a cake for me today?"

After he reminded, Li Xiwu suddenly remembered this matter.


"Didn't the fourth brother draw this cake for himself? It has nothing to do with me." Li Xiwu smiled, picked up the pajamas on the bed, and walked to the bathroom.

Pei Jingzhou did not follow.

Going into the bathroom, the moment the door was closed, Li Xiwu let out a sigh of relief.

She asked for it.

There is really no need to let Pei Jingzhou know.

Let's prepare evidence first, step by step, this crazy man will always have to pay the price for these things he has done, won't he!

Calm down, she stood in front of the sink, raised her hand to gather her hair behind her back, and then pulled down the collar. The originally slender and fair neck was now red, and she looked a little shocked.

Li Xiwu frowned, the pinch marks were too obvious.

This crazy man hit hard.

She took a face towel and dipped it in cold water. After soaking, she carefully put the cold face towel on her neck.

After applying it repeatedly for a few minutes, the neck is still red.

That's all for now, let's take a shower first.

Half an hour later, Li Xiwu came out of the bathroom, and Pei Jingzhou was already asleep.

He left a lamp for her.

She went back to bed as quietly as possible.

After throwing off the quilt and lying down for two or three seconds, Pei Jingzhou's arm crossed over, imprisoning her in his arms.

Li Xiwu is used to this posture, especially this posture is very safe. She had experienced too much today, she was really tired and sleepy, and fell asleep soon without knowing it.

While falling asleep, she felt something covering her neck...

She was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, and soon fell into a deep sleep again.

The next day.

Li Xiwu's alarm clock sounded at 7:30, she slept for an extra half an hour, and didn't get up until 8:00.

There was no residual temperature on the other side, she didn't know when Pei Jingzhou left, and there was no more of his clothes in the room.

After a night of sleep, the pinch mark on the neck has faded, and it is almost invisible if you don't look carefully.

She picked a turtleneck from the suitcase to cover her neck, put on a short woolen jacket, wide-leg trousers, and a pair of white shoes.

Come out after washing.

The makeup artist also just knocked on the door.

Li Xiwu went to open the door, and turned sideways to let the makeup artist come in with a makeup box.

Li Xiwu sat down and asked, "Has my mother-in-law returned to the inn?"

This makeup artist is responsible for the makeup of one group and four groups of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law guests. Li Xiwu just got up not long ago, so I don't know if Han Qianye has returned to the inn, so I just asked.

The makeup artist replied: "Ms. Li, your mother-in-law arrived at the inn at seven o'clock this morning."

After answering, he also mentioned by the way: "However, your mother-in-law came here today with her makeup done, and she even had a fashionable hairstyle."

What the new hairstyle looks like, the makeup artist described it to Li Xiwu.

Li Xiwu imagined that hairstyle in his mind, and it was indeed very modern.

While putting on makeup, Li Xiwu occasionally replied to her work information on WeChat. At this moment, the makeup artist suddenly lowered her voice and asked her: "Ms. Li, do you know that Chi Xu had a car accident this morning?"

'ba da'

Li Xiwu's typing hand paused.

Immediately afterwards, the mobile phone fell to the floor unexpectedly and made a light sound.

She brushed aside the make-up artist's hand, bent down to pick up the phone, swipe it with her fingertips without any trace, and asked in a steady tone, "How could there be a car accident?"

Makeup artist: "When I came here, Director Yu said that it seemed that there was a car accident on the way out of Fuzhen. I don't know the rest."

Li Xiwu frowned and remained silent.

Is it karma?

Although she believed in karma, this retribution came...too fast!

Today's live broadcast has been postponed until ten o'clock, and the official blog has sent a notice.

After putting on her makeup, Li Xiwu went out and went downstairs.

Today's breakfast has corn and flower burritos, as well as roasted sweet potatoes and Xiaolongbao.

But Xiang Lan was the only one at the table.

Li Xiwu walked over and said good morning to Xiang Lan.

Xiang Lan said: "Today's roasted sweet potatoes and corn are delicious."

Li Xiwu smiled and took a piece of corn, and asked, "Where's Muzhen?"

Xiang Lan ate the roasted sweet potatoes with a spoon and said, "I haven't gotten up yet. I heard that I was exhausted from cycling yesterday. Let her sleep more."

Li Xiwu nodded.

Xiang Lan pointed outside: "Your mother-in-law is outside, but she may be a little busy today."

Li Xiwu was curious: "What are you busy with?"

Xiang Lan smiled and said, "You'll know when you go outside and have a look."

Li Xiwu was quite curious, so he put down the corn and went to look for Han Qianye outside the inn.

The weather today is quite good. The sun came out around eight o'clock, dispelling the fog in late autumn.

Not far from the inn, Han Qianye, who was wearing a wool curly hair, was squatting in front of a baby carriage, fumbling about something.

There were no cameras around, Li Xiwu came and shouted: "Auntie."

Han Qianye looked up and saw Li Xiwu approaching.

Last second, he had a serious expression on his face, but after seeing Li Xiwu, he changed into an aggrieved expression: "You're here..."

Li Xiwu asked: "Why are you taking care of Xin Xin and Xie Wen?"

Han Qianye stood up with the diaper that he had no way to change: "I heard that Chi Xu had a car accident this morning, sister Zheng rushed over first, Xie Wen was worried, so she gave her daughter to me to take care of, and then rushed Went to the hospital. Before Han Rong came, there were only me and Xiang Lan, two mothers-in-laws, I thought Xie Wen would be more reliable to give Xiang Lan her daughter than to me, and now I am the head of the two."

Li Xiwu pursed her lips: "Chi Xu...was there really a car accident?"

Han Qianye: "It seems to be, I heard that the impact was not light, and the neck was almost broken."

Thanks to: Gu Xiyi for the tip, thanks to: circle for the tip, thanks to: Miraitowa for the tip, thanks to: Yipinguo for the tip, thank you guys~


(end of this chapter)