I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Chapter 93 is too sweet

It's night.

The lights inside the car are a little dimmer.

Li Xiwu leaned half of her body in Pei Jingzhou's arms, his arms wrapped around her lower back, his palms were pinned, and his fingertips rubbed a soft spot of soft flesh, as if he had no intention of letting her get out of the car just like that.

I want to... abduct her back to Luhu.

Li Xiwu's eyes stayed on Pei Jingzhou's floating Adam's apple: "Fourth brother should be a little angry recently."

Pei Jingzhou retracted his chin, with a half-smile: "Is there any good suggestion to reduce the fire?"

Li Xiwu pursed his lips: "There is a suggestion, and the fourth brother has to accept it."

Pei Jingzhou: "Let's listen."

Li Xiwu moved his upper body: "Why don't the fourth brother let go of his hand first, so close together, I can't say."

Pei Jingzhou's smile gradually deepened: "You think I'm easy to fool?"

The disadvantage of playing Tai Chi with smart people is that the other party is always not easy to be fooled.

Although it is said that most men are easily confused when they are anxious.

But this is rarely reflected in Pei Jingzhou.

It's not that Pei Jingzhou's self-control is strong, but that he is used to controlling the overall situation.

Fortunately, what he said just now was just talking, and he didn't really force her to take her back to Luhu.

Next, Li Xiwu read the information he found.

Pei Jingzhou said: "If you think it is not detailed enough, or if it is different from your guess, send a message directly to the other party, and the other party will conduct an in-depth investigation according to what you said."

Li Xiwu looked at it seriously, and replied: "Okay."

Pei Jingzhou sent people to find out very detailed information, and the most important thing is that the timeline of each event's development was accurate. The more he looked back, the darker Li Xiwu's face became, and he was so angry that he almost wanted to throw away his phone.

Fortunately, he still has his senses. This is Pei Jingzhou's cell phone, so he can't throw it away.

Pei Jingzhou can always read her mind with her micro-expressions: "Throw it away if you want, and buy me a new one if it breaks."

Li Xiwu: "..."

She took a few seconds to calm down, long pressed the file, and forwarded it to her from Pei Jingzhou's phone. After reposting, she found that she was actually at the top of Pei Jingzhou's WeChat list.

Still the only top.

Li Xiwu was silent for a few seconds.

Pei Jingzhou stretched out his hand.

Li Xiwu regained consciousness, and put the screen of the mobile phone in Pei Jingzhou's palm: "Thank you."

In terms of being a human being, she knows how to advance and retreat, and also understands etiquette.

Thank you as much as you should, regardless of the relationship between the two.

Pei Jingzhou frowned: "I don't like to hear you say these two words to me."

Li Xiwu directly changed the topic: "Everything that happened in the crew that year seems to be a coincidence, but it is not. It can only be said that Chi Xu's methods are very clever, and he cut black for nothing."

Pei Jingzhou wasn't very interested in the topic she diverted, so he casually asked, "What do you plan to do next?"

Li Xiwu inhaled: "Exposure, but it takes a moment."

Chi Xu is too dark, and his mind is terribly complicated. If he confronts him head-on, who knows if he will jump over the wall and do something that hurt Xie Wen in a hurry.

Before the exposure, she must ensure the physical and mental safety of Xie Wen's mother and daughter.

Pei Jingzhou sneered: "My son is bad, and my mother is bad."

Li Xiwu pursed the corners of her lips.

Pei Jingzhou's words are too appropriate.

And this sentence just reminded her of one thing...

But the car has been parked here for a long time, and we talked too much just now, so let's talk about it later.

The first couple to come back today were Xie Wen and Chi Xu. When they were out on a date, Xie Wen was always absent-minded, always thinking about her daughter who was being looked after by Zheng Yuehua at the inn, and Chi Xu rushed back before five o'clock the inn.

Originally, Li Xiwu and Pei Jingzhou were the second pair to come back, but because they sat in the car for a long time, Xu Muzhen and Liang Sheng returned to the inn first.

After that, Tao Jing and Wu Jiacheng and his wife returned to the inn near nine o'clock.

Although the live broadcast has ended.

But from entering the inn, the recording and broadcasting cameras continued to shoot.

Xu Muzhen was so tired that his feet were limp, and he beat his thighs while going upstairs: "Today I challenged the longest ride of a shared bicycle in history, and I almost threw up."

Liang Sheng supported Xu Muzhen intimately: "I told you not to ride so fast, I'm afraid you don't want to touch a bicycle for a month."

Xu Muzhen waved his hand: "Don't talk about shared bicycles, just talking about bicycles makes me want to vomit."

Tao Jing, who came in from behind, held a bobo ball with colored lights in his hand, and Wu Jiacheng, who followed behind, was carrying a large bag in his hand. The two went to Universal Studios, and then went shopping in Sanlitun to buy a lot of luxury goods.

Those luxury goods stunned netizens.

Li Xiwu poured a glass of water in the kitchen and just took a sip when she saw Tao Jing walking towards her and handing her a small box: "Xiwu, I bought it for you."

Li Xiwu was stunned: "You bought it for me?"

Tao Jing said: "Xie Wen and Mu Zhen both have one, each has a copy."

Li Xiwu put down the water glass, reached out to take the small box: "Thank you."

Tao Jing's eyes were bright: "You're welcome, by the way, did you have a good time today?"

Li Xiwu nodded, and then said: "It can be seen that you must have had a good time today."

From the moment Tao Jing came back and stepped into the inn, Li Xiwu noticed that Tao Jing's face was always filled with a happy and bright smile, and it seemed that he came back after having a good time.

Tao Jing bit her lips and smiled: "It's okay, it's just that I haven't felt this kind of first love date for a long time, and I went back to the time when I first met Jiacheng, and I felt that the air was bubbling sweetly."

At this moment, Tao Jing is sharing with sincerity.

The corners of Li Xiwu's lips rose unconsciously as he listened.

It's already past nine o'clock.

Pei Jingzhou came down to look for Li Xiwu, saw her and Tao Jing chatting, walked over: "My wife."

The wife called out very naturally.

Li Xiwu looked back.

Tao Jing quickly retracted her gaze, and moved to the side. It wasn't that Pei Jingzhou's face was fierce, but that Pei Jingzhou's handsome face was so charming that Tao Jing was a little embarrassed to stare at him.

Although her husband is not bad-looking, compared with Li Xiwu's husband's appearance, he is really far behind.

It is undeniable that the appearance is good, but the Wu family is still stronger.

Tao Jing said: "Then I will go up first."

Li Xiwu smiled: "Good night."

Tao Jing nodded and hummed, then turned and went upstairs.

Pei Jingzhou came, his eyes fell on the box in Li Xiwu's hand, and then moved away: "Aren't you tired?"

Li Xiwu rolled his lips and smiled: "It's okay."

She didn't feel sleepy, and she had a good chat with Tao Jing just now, so she was full of energy.

She opened the box Tao Jing gave her, which contained macarons. She picked up one and planned to taste it, but before she put it in her mouth, she felt a burning gaze looking at her

Li Xiwu raised his eyes: "Do you want to eat, fourth brother?"

Pei Jingzhou: "Too sweet."

Li Xiwu was at a loss for words, and suddenly answered: "Can you be as sweet as me?"

(end of this chapter)