I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Chapter 552 It Really Must Be You

Qiao Qiao hung up her coat and came over, seeing Shao Jingmo holding a rose in her palm.

"Who sent it?" He looked at her and asked.

Qiao Qiao's tone sounded inexplicably questioning, but she didn't lie in front of Shao Jingmo: "It was given by... Bai Chen."

Shao Jingmo was not surprised to hear this name: "He has been here before."

Qiao Qiao nodded: "Well, he came once."

Afraid that Shao Jingmo would get angry and thought she was in contact with the Bai family, she deliberately explained clearly: "But I didn't let him in, and I only talked to him through the door. The bodyguard you arranged can prove it."

Shao Jingmo walked up to her with a rose in his hand and asked, "What did you talk about?"

Qiao Qiao tried to take the rose from his palm: "He just wanted to fool me while you were away, and changed his surname, tricking me into opening the door for him, and I'm not stupid, how could he give me the rose just because he changed his surname?" He opened the door."

Shao Jingmo raised his hand lightly, avoiding her hand, not letting her take the rose away: "I didn't open the door for him, but took his rose. Do you know what that means?"

The smile on the corner of Qiao Qiao's mouth slowly disappeared: "Why are you so serious."

She pointed to the rose in his palm: "The reason why I accepted his flowers was because I didn't open the door for him to come in. He stood outside the door for so long, and my heart overflowed, so I accepted one." Well, I won't accept it in the future.

Shao Jingmo looked at the vase on the table.

Although he didn't say anything, he just glanced at the vase, and Qiao Qiao knew something was wrong.

She hurriedly explained: "I didn't bring this flower."

Shao Jingmo raised his eyebrows lightly: "Really."

Qiao Qiao was a little wronged: "My mother brought me milk by the way. She said that this rose is very beautiful. I happen to have no flowers in my room, so it looks good."

"It looks good..." Shao Jingmo's fingertips loosened slightly.

Seeing that the rose was about to fall from his hand, but the next second, when the rose was about to fall from his palm, he suddenly pinched the flower.

Qiao Qiao didn't know what he was going to do.

But soon know.

She saw Shao Jingmo crush the flowers, then turned and left.

Qiao Qiao was stunned for a few seconds, until Shao Jingmo had opened the door, she reacted and immediately chased after her, and pressed the open door to prevent him from leaving: "Why are you so angry? Didn't I explain everything?"

Shao Jingmo's brows and eyes were very tired: "Get out of the way."

Qiao Qiao really didn't understand why he was so angry: "You are so angry because I accepted a rose from Bai Chen?"

Shao Jingmo didn't say a word.

But that indifferent expression and attitude already quietly explained everything.

Qiao Qiao really felt aggrieved in her heart, but thinking about herself that day, just seeing him help Lin Xingruo, she was so angry and self-willed that she ran away from home. Thinking about it this way, Shao Jingmo's anger seemed understandable.

She has never been like this before, convincing herself to give up before half a minute.

She blocked his way and did not leave: "As for Bai Chen sending me flowers, I can explain it in more detail and more clearly. I will answer whatever you ask, including every sentence I talked to him. Then, I will tell you everything, isn't that okay?

She put her posture so low in front of him.

But who told him to be Shao Jingmo, she was willing to lower her whole posture in front of him: "Don't be angry, I promise you, I will never accept anything from Bai Chen in the future."

She said so much.

But in exchange for Shao Jingmo: "Have you finished?"

Qiao Qiao was stunned.

Shao Jingmo said: "Get out of the way after you finish speaking, I'm tired."

Qiao Qiao was in a daze until Shao Jingmo pulled her away, and she stood by the side in a daze, watching him leave.

"Shao Jingmo!" Qiao Qiao shouted at his back.

At this time, Shao Jingmo had gone far away and did not look back.

Qiao Qiao didn't chase her out, she raised her hand and slammed the door and cursed: "Stinky bastard! At least I still listen to you when I lose my temper, but you don't even want to listen to a word of my serious explanation, don't you? Thought I had to be you..."

The more she scolded to the end, Qiao Qiao's voice became softer.

She squatted down slowly, hugged her knees, and pursed her mouth in grievance: "It seems that I really have to rely on you, you bastard..."

Qiao Qiao was silent in her heart for tens of seconds, hoping that Shao Jingmo would come back in ten seconds.

But ten seconds passed, thirty seconds passed, two minutes passed, and Shao Jingmo still didn't come back. Qiao Qiao's legs were numb from squatting, and she almost fell when she stood up.

Holding her numb legs, she moved to the bed step by step, picked up her mobile phone and called Li Xiwu who was far away in the capital.

It's getting late.

Li Xiwu, who has no habit of staying up late, has already fallen asleep. Pei Jingzhou answered Qiao Qiao's call, and only replied: "She is asleep, it's not a very important thing, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Qiao Qiao sniffed her nose: "You can tell Boss Pei."

Pei Jingzhou: "..."

In order not to affect Li Xiwu's sleep, Pei Jingzhou went to the window to answer the call. He looked back at Li Xiwu who was already asleep: "You say."

Qiao Qiao began to cry sadly, but didn't say a word for a long time.

Pei Jingzhou lost all patience: "Have you been subjected to domestic violence?"

Qiao Qiao: "Mr. Pei, this matter is more serious than domestic violence."

Pei Jingzhou frowned: "Wait a minute."

Qiao Qiao: "Oh."

Pei Jingzhou reminded: "The premise is that you are not allowed to cry, and you are not allowed to affect her."

Qiao Qiao: "You know."

Pei Jingzhou returned to the bed with his mobile phone in his hand. He put the mobile phone on the bedside table, and then reached out to turn on the bedside lamp. The warm yellow light fell on the sleeping Li Xiwu.

Pei Jingzhou leaned over the bed, looking at Li Xiwu's sleeping face, he really didn't want to wake her up.

It was so late, if someone else called, he would hang up directly.

But the person who called so late was Qiao Qiao.

Pei Jingzhou pushed aside the quilt gently, stretched out his hand to cover her eyes, blocked the light, and called softly, "wife."

Li Xiwu didn't sleep deeply, and when she heard Pei Jingzhou calling her, she slowly opened her eyes.

His hand covered the bedside lamp, and the moment he opened his eyes, it was not dazzling. After she got used to it a little bit, Pei Jingzhou took his hand away again: "Sleepy?"

Li Xiwu was just woken up from sleep, she was indeed a little sleepy, her sleepy eyes were very relaxed: "What's wrong?"

Pei Jingzhou said, "Qiao Qiao's call."

"Qiao Qiao," Li Xiwu stood up while supporting the bed: "Where's the phone?"

Pei Jingzhou reached out to take the phone from the bedside table, the call page was still on, and Qiao Qiao was waiting for her.

Li Xiwu took the phone and stuck it to her ear: "Qiaoer."

Qiao Qiao remained silent.

Li Xiwu shouted again: "Qiaoer, are you listening?"

Pei Jingzhou took a coat and put it on Li Xiwu: "She's in a bad mood, she must have encountered something difficult."

As soon as Pei Jingzhou said this, Li Xiwu raised his heart.

She clenched her phone tightly and was about to call again when Qiao Qiao's voice came: "Baozi..."

The nasal voice is very heavy, and you can tell that you have cried once you hear it.

Li Xiwu rolled up his coat: "What happened?"

Qiao Qiao poured out all the bitterness in her heart, and after she finished speaking, she felt a little better.

Li Xiwu also listened carefully, and then analyzed for Qiao Qiao: "He may be hiding some things from you, which should be very important to your Qiao family, and your parents should know, but..."

Qiao Qiao: "But Mom and Dad won't tell me."

Li Xiwu pursed her lips and remained silent.

Qiao Qiao doesn't know everything. Although her mind is not delicate, her intuition has always been accurate. She always felt that Shao Jingmo was hiding something from her, and that her parents and grandpa were hiding something from her.

It seems that everyone in the Qiao family can know.

Only she can't know!

"Actually, I can pretend that I don't know about these things, obediently follow their arrangements, and walk every step of the road they pave for me, but my relationship with Shao Jingmo, I always feel that it is not as good as I thought."

Li Xiwu knew about Qiao Qiao and Shao Jingmo being together.

She and Qiao Qiao have a good relationship, and Qiao Qiao will tell her almost everything that happens in Xingzhou.

For a long time, Li Xiwu was very optimistic about Qiao Qiao and Shao Jingmo being together.

During this period of time, I also heard Qiao Qiao share some interesting stories about her relationship with Shao Jingmo after marriage.

She once felt that no matter what happened to the Qiao family in the future, Qiao Qiao and Shao Jingmo should always walk hand in hand like this.

But when she heard that Qiao Qiao began to question her relationship with Shao Jingmo, she didn't know how to comfort Qiao Qiao for a while.


Qiao Qiao's voice was very heavy: "Huh?"

Li Xiwu said: "I don't know Shao Jingmo, and the only thing I know about him is from you, so I can't tell what kind of person he is, but you know best, don't you?"

Qiao Qiao replied: "Yes."

Li Xiwu continued: "He treats you with indifference and makes you worry about gains and losses. This alone is enough for you to face up to whether or not to stay in this relationship. Maybe this is difficult for you, because I know you are the first time Be tempted, don't want to, and be afraid of being defeated in the end.

Qiao Qiao was about to cry again: "Baozi, every word of yours touches my heart."

Li Xiwu smiled softly: "Make up your mind."

The call quieted down, and there was no sound from Qiao Qiao's side. Li Xiwu was not in a hurry, and waited patiently.

About a minute later, she heard Qiao Qiao's sniffling voice: "I know what to do, so I'll hang up first."

Li Xiwu hummed: "Don't stay up late, go to bed early."

call ended.

Li Xiwu stared at the phone in a daze for a while, until Pei Jingzhou reached out and pulled the phone away: "It's time to sleep."

Li Xiwu turned to look at him: "Did you hear everything?"

Pei Jingzhou put the phone on the bedside table: "Obviously."

Li Xiwu moved towards him: "Then what do you think?"

Pei Jingzhou took off the coat on her body: "I'm not an upright official, and I can't stop doing housework."

After speaking, he pulled her to lie down.

Li Xiwu lost all sleepiness and wanted to sit up to chat, but Pei Jingzhou pulled her down and lay in his arms as soon as she sat up.

She didn't move, and rubbed the center of her brows on his chest, finding a comfortable position: "Based on what you've heard, it's okay to forcefully express your opinion."

Pei Jingzhou did not make a sound.

Li Xiwu pinched him lightly.

Pei Jingzhou laughed in a low voice: "I knew I wouldn't wake you up."

Li Xiwu pinched his finger and poked it instead: "Come with me."

Although she said a lot to enlighten Qiao Qiao tonight, only Qiao Qiao knows whether it is useful or not.

Those who have done wrong things, just persuade them.

But for those who are in love, the probability of persuasion is actually very small. Li Xiwu knows it too well, but she thinks that she is not a love brain.

Especially compared with Pei Jingzhou, Pei Jingzhou is more in love and brainy.

This is not her blind opinion, this is a fact that Pei Jingzhou has admitted.

"The matter of Qiao's family has not been resolved yet, so I don't have any opinion on the matter of Qiao Qiao and Shao Jingmo for the time being. If I say how to look at it, then after the matter of Qiao's family is over, everything will be resolved at that time."

These are the original words that Pei Jingzhou viewed rationally.

Qiao Qiao didn't sleep well all night.

Woke up the next morning with heavy dark circles, unwashed hair, unwashed face, sitting at the dining table breathing frequently, compared with Lin Xingruo who was very delicately dressed, she looked like a village girl.

Lin Xingruo asked Qiao Qiao while spreading cranberry sauce on the toast, "Sister Qiao Qiao, you look so haggard today, did you not sleep well last night?"

Following Lin Xingruo's question, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother all looked over, but Shao Jingmo didn't look at her.

Qiao Qiao glanced quickly, and lowered her head: "I'm uncomfortable, I don't have the energy to dress myself up."

Mother Qiao said: "Then you will take a leave of absence today and not go to the company."

Qiao Qiao glanced at Shao Jingmo subconsciously.

Lin Xingruo noticed Qiao Qiao's gaze, and also looked at Shao Jingmo, then moved his gaze back and forth on Qiao Qiao and Shao Jingmo twice, suddenly smiled, and shouted: "Little uncle."

Shao Jingmo focused on eating breakfast without looking at anyone. When Lin Xingruo called him, he just responded with a hmm without raising his eyes.

Lin Xingruo said: "Sister Qiao Qiao seems to be unwell, she wants to take a day off, little uncle, you are in charge of the company, can you give sister Qiao Qiao a day off?"

At this time, Mother Qiao also said: "Jingmo, she is not feeling well, why don't you let her rest at home for a day today."

Shao Jingmo put down the tableware, took a napkin and wiped his mouth: "Employees ask for leave to find their immediate leaders, not me, just follow the process."

After finishing speaking, Shao Jingmo got up and left.

Mother Qiao's complexion changed: "Jingmo!"

However, Shao Jingmo ignored him, he had already gone a long way.

Even Lin Xingruo was a little surprised: "Is the little uncle in a bad mood?"

Qiao Qiao stood up suddenly.

Mother Qiao looked at her distraught daughter: "You don't need to go to the company."

"I didn't ask for leave with my immediate supervisor, so I still have to go." Qiao Qiao smiled wryly, then turned to Mother Qiao and said, "Mom, I'm going to the company first."

"You haven't finished your breakfast yet." Mother Qiao shouted.

Qiao Qiao said: "I'll go to the coffee shop downstairs of the company to buy."

Lin Xingruo reminded: "Sister Qiaoqiao, you don't even wear makeup, so you just go to the company like this?"

Qiao Qiao: "It doesn't matter."

After finishing speaking, he left.

Lin Xingruo looked at Qiao Qiao's walking figure with a curious look on his face: "Sister Qiao Qiao and my uncle are having trouble? Why do they both look so bad?"

Mother Qiao smiled slightly: "It's like this when you are uncomfortable. As for Jingmo, he has always been like this."

Lin Xingruo couldn't deny it: "It seems to be the same."

Qiao Qiao thought that when she came out, Shao Jingmo's car had already driven away, so she would not wait for her.

But when she came out, she saw that the car was still parked there, and she couldn't tell how happy she was.

She trotted over, instead of getting into the car directly like before, this time she asked outside the car first: "Uncle, can I take this car?"

Shao Jingmo was looking down at his phone, and when he heard her question, he responded, "Yes."

Qiao Qiao opened the car door and sat on it, and said to the driver, "Drive."

A few minutes later, the car drove out of the villa and drove smoothly on the wide avenue.

Qiao Qiao really wanted to talk to Shao Jingmo, but every time she turned her head and saw his cold and distant profile, she swallowed all her words.

When she finally plucked up the courage to speak, Shao Jingmo put away her phone and said suddenly, "In three days, the grievances between your Qiao family and the Bai family will be completely settled."

(end of this chapter)