I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 553

Chapter 553

In Shao Jingmo's words, what Qiao Qiao heard most clearly was the words "your Qiao family".

He picked himself out of Joe's house.

Although this is perfectly normal, combined with the tone of his words just now, it will make Qiao Qiao feel that he was just an outsider from the beginning to the end, and was just forced to be involved in this dispute!

"Joe ."

When she was in a daze, she heard Shao Jingmo calling her name, Qiao Qiao immediately came back to her senses, with a blank expression: "What's wrong?"

Shao Jingmo looked at her: "Did you hear what I said just now?"

Qiao Qiao's eyes dimmed, she took a deep breath before speaking: "Listen clearly."

Shao Jingmo: "Repeat it again."

Qiao Qiao lowered her eyes, her voice was extremely low: "In three days, the grievances between our Qiao family and the Bai family will be completely settled."

She imitated his tone, he used 'you', she used 'we', as long as he was happy.

The car arrives at the company.

When getting out of the car, Qiao Qiao thought that Shao Jingmo would not wait for her, so she moved slowly, and even wanted to wait for Shao Jingmo to get in first before she got out of the car and not walk with him.

But she thought too much.

Shao Jingmo didn't go in directly after getting off the car, but stood outside the car and waited for her.

Seeing that she was lingering and unable to get out of the car, he didn't urge her, instead, he stood outside the car and waited patiently. Qiao Qiao thought it was her own illusion, until she couldn't help asking: "Little uncle, are you...waiting for me?"

Shao Jingmo asked calmly: "Otherwise?"

Qiao Qiao got out of the car quickly, she straightened her clothes, and said a little embarrassedly: "I thought..."

Shao Jingmo's eyes fell on her: "If you promised, even if there are only three days left."

When he turned around, she immediately followed and asked: "Then you say you love me, will you always count?"

She didn't know how she would, and suddenly asked this sentence in front of him, and it was still in such an inappropriate occasion, but luckily there were no passers-by on both sides.

Of course, Shao Jingmo didn't give her a positive answer.

Just skimmed the topic and reminded her: "You will chair today's meeting."

"..." Qiao Qiao lost her mind: "Got it."

She wanted to chase after him to ask questions, but she was afraid of annoying him. Recently, he was already busy with the company's affairs, and now there are people from the Bai family to worry about.

So she was very sensible and well-behaved, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Because she thought to herself, as long as it takes two days, he won't be angry for a long time, and when he is over, maybe he will talk to her.

When Qiao Qiao thought about it, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously, and her mood improved a lot.

She found that she was quite easy to be satisfied, and she was satisfied after self-consolation. She only hoped that Shao Jingmo would be less angry with her in the future.

At night.

After Qiao Qiao finished dinner, she offered to push Mr. Qiao to go for a walk outside. Mr. Qiao was naturally happy, with a smile on his face.

Mother Qiao warned: "When the wind is strong, push your grandfather in earlier."

"I know." Qiao Qiao replied, while turning her head to look for Shao Jingmo.

Mother Qiao said: "Jingmo answered the phone and went to the side hall."

Qiao Qiao's eyes wandered for a moment: "...I am not looking for my little uncle."

"Okay, I don't know you yet." Mother Qiao took a thin blanket, folded it, put it on Mr. Qiao's body, and said to Qiao Qiao, "Go, slow down, don't push it too fast. .

"I know." Qiao Qiao replied.

She pushed Mr. Joe out of the house, and the servant followed at a distance of three meters, just in case.

Qiao Qiao pushed slowly, and casually asked Lin Xingruo in front of Mr. Qiao: "Grandpa, isn't my cousin coming home tonight?"

Mr. Qiao said: "Xing Ruo goes to college here and has a lot of classmates. I heard from her that the classmate who asked her out today had a good relationship with her before, and she is about to return to the capital. Thinking that it will be rare to see her in the future, I went to stay at the classmate's house for one night. "

Qiao Qiao said, and then asked: "Cousin came to Xingzhou this time just to attend the birthday banquet of Mr. Bai, is there nothing else?"

Old man Qiao turned his head and asked, "Little boy, what do you want to ask?"

"I didn't want to ask anything, I just wanted to tell Grandpa something." She obviously had something to say, and couldn't hide it at all.

Grandpa Qiao smiled and said: "I knew you pushed me out. I just want to stroll around. I don't bother to guess. You young people have too complicated thoughts, so tell yourself."

Qiao Qiao pursed her mouth: "No way, our young minds are the best at guessing, and you old people are the ones who always hide their thoughts so tightly that you can't see them at all."

"Oh? Then look, do I seem to have something on my mind?" Mr. Qiao asked her with a smile.

Qiao Qiao shook her head: "It doesn't look like it."

"That's right, hahaha." Mr. Qiao laughed a few times, but just smiled, and the smile on his face faded a little.

He sighed, and the old **** said: "In fact, there are."

Soon, Mr. Qiao waved his hand: "Stop talking about me, talk about your affairs."

Qiao Qiao originally thought that she could hear her grandfather chatting with her, but obviously, she was overthinking it. Even if she directly asks her grandpa now if she is hiding something from her in dealing with the Bai family, grandpa will not tell her.

Knowing the result after asking, she simply was very knowledgeable and didn't ask.

She pushed the wheelchair and walked slowly: "Uncle and I... No, I think I should call him Shao Jingmo in front of you, otherwise the seniority will be messed up."

Mr. Qiao was quite interested: "The title is nothing, but I have heard your mother mention that the relationship between you and Jingmo is much better than before."

Qiao Qiao did not deny this.

In the past, when Mr. Qiao said this, Qiao Qiao would have echoed her words, but what she said in the show would sound fake.

Actually, Qiao Qiao didn't realize that she and Shao Jingmo staged a couple's love scene in front of Mr. Qiao every day, and Mr. Qiao knew it well.

It's just that I didn't put it bluntly.

He knew that even if he put it bluntly, it would be embarrassing for Qiao Qiao, so he never deliberately mentioned anything.

At this time, Mr. Qiao raised his hand suddenly: "Young man, come here."

Qiao Qiao came around and knelt down on the right side of Mr. Qiao. She raised her head and said, "Grandpa."

Grandpa Qiao's face was kind and loving: "You tell grandpa the truth, since you have been together for so long, have you not taken Jingmo seriously?"

Qiao Qiao was very embarrassed, her voice became indistinct: "Grandpa, do you think that... the love I, Shao Jingmo and I showed in front of you is all to make you feel at ease?"

Grandpa Qiao had an inscrutable look on his face, seeing through everything: "Your grandpa is just old, not blind, of course you can tell."

Qiao Qiao smiled happily and asked, "What about now?"

Old man Qiao thought for a moment: "It's hard to say. A while ago, I watched the acting look like that. After watching it these two days, it's the same as before, and my acting skills have regressed."

Qiao Qiao: "..." Why is her acting skills regressing...

Grandpa Qiao asked curiously: "Did you two quarrel recently because of some things in the company?"

Qiao Qiao: "No, actually we have a very good relationship."

Master Joe was a little surprised: "Very...good?"

Qiao Qiao nodded: "Well, it's really good. There's no acting skills, it's all about true feelings. What I wanted to tell you just now is that I want to have a make-up show with Shao Jingmo after the grievances between the Qiao family and the Bai family are resolved. When the time comes, you will preside over the wedding."

"You want to make up the wedding?" Mr. Qiao was even more surprised.

Qiao Qiao nodded, her tone was very serious: "Grandpa, I'm not joking. And I hope you can agree with Shao Jingmo to restore the surname Shao to the outside world, so that he can marry me openly."

At this moment, she was full of anticipation.

I was already imagining in my mind how wonderful it would be to put on a wedding dress and walk hand in hand with Shao Jingmo on the red carpet that symbolizes the palace of marriage.

Now it's just a fantasy, she feels very yearning, and looks forward to this day.

Mr. Qiao didn't know what to say for a moment, he pondered for a moment and asked, "Have you really decided to spend your whole life with Jingmo?"

Qiao Qiao's face was full of happiness, she nodded: "Thought it out."

Grandpa Joe asked: "You won't regret it?"

Qiao Qiao wanted to shake her head subconsciously, and said to her grandfather in a firm tone that she would not regret it. But when the words were about to blurt out, she hesitated again.

Seeing her hesitation, Mr. Qiao reminded: "There are still many choices in the future, don't rush to the present, your own life, you still have to think about it before making a decision."

"Actually... I've already thought about it." Qiao Qiao said: "The reason why I didn't answer just now is because I feel that no one can say what will happen in the future. Feelings can't stand the temper of time, and everything tends to fade over time. Go, but right now I am really ready to give my all sincerity, and I want to spend my whole life with him."

If it is sincere, at this moment, Qiao Qiao has done it 100%.

But as old man Qiao said: "If Jing Mo heard you say these words, he should be very happy."

"Should be... right?" Qiao Qiao covered her cheeks with her hands, smiling shyly.

Grandpa Qiao said happily: "Do you know that Jingmo likes you?"

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao's almond eyes widened slightly.

Her reaction was surprise, but not because she was surprised to know that Shao Jingmo liked her, but because Shao Jingmo liked her, even grandpa knew it!

Did Grandpa see it, or did Shao Jingmo tell Grandpa about it?

Mr. Joe asked her: "Are you surprised?"

"A little bit." She made a 'a little bit' gesture.

Mr. Qiao gathered the thin blanket on his lap: "I thought you would be surprised, and asked me once, twice, and three times in disbelief until you were sure it was true. But your reaction is so true Grandpa was surprised."

Qiao Qiao asked in turn: "Then how did you know, Grandpa?"

Grandpa Qiao had a look of seeing through: "I can see it."

"But I don't think it's obvious," she said.

Mr. Qiao: "That's what you think. What's more, you had too much prejudice against him at that time, thinking that he robbed everything of the Qiao family and your inheritance rights. When you hate him, you will ignore him." Everything he did for you."

Mr. Qiao's words, every word, hit Qiao Qiao's heart.

She didn't think much about it before.

But at this moment, after being reminded by her grandfather, she realized that she really seemed to ignore a lot of Shao Jingmo's kindness to her because of prejudice.

She sees him as malicious.

Naturally ignore his kindness to himself.

Every time she saw him, she would either run on him or target him, and rarely had a good face, and he seemed to be used to it, no matter how willful she was or how she targeted him, he would accept it.

"Little ."

Master Joe's voice came.

Qiao Qiao responded sullenly: "Huh? Grandpa?"

Old Man Qiao said: "If you really think about it, you will live with Jingmo for the rest of your life from now on, so you can live well."

Qiao Qiao nodded: "Of course."

"Also." Mr. Qiao said a little more: "Little boy, you have to be nice to him. He lost his parents very early. Later, I brought him into Qiao's house and recognized me as his father. But in his opinion, he is always a child who depends on others, and most of the time he is not happy. The only happiness he had later was given to him by you unintentionally, so Jingmo likes you, and grandpa doesn't like you at all. Not surprisingly."

The evening wind blows through the treetops, and the swaying branches whirl under the moonlight.

Old Man Qiao folded the thin blanket on his body several times, but still felt cold, so he turned his head and said to Qiao Qiao who was absent-minded: "Little boy, it's windy, push me in."

Qiao Qiao lowered her head: "...Okay."

Not long after Qiao Qiao pushed Mr. Qiao's front foot in, a figure came out from under the faint shadow of the tree.

It's the third day.

Qiao Qiao went to work in the company as usual. She yawned, and she seemed to have no energy. It wasn't that she slept late last night, but that she was too busy these two days.

Shao Jingmo gave her a lot of things in the company at once.

She was too busy to touch the stool, and she couldn't even take a sip of warm water.

Besides being busy, she often sends some caring WeChat messages to Shao Jingmo. As for why she doesn't go to see him, it's because he is also busy. Apart from having meetings at the company, she also holds meetings outside.

There are too many dinners and various invitations to count, and when necessary, she will be taken to meet the world.

Qiao Qiao doesn't know if it's her own illusion, anyway, Shao Jingmo has been cultivating her very hard recently.

'buzz buzz'

The mobile phone on the desktop kept vibrating. Qiao Qiao rubbed her tired eyes from looking at the computer for too long. She took the mobile phone and clicked on it.

Shao Jingmo's voice came from the phone: "Where is it?"

Qiao Qiao replied: "In the office."

Shao Jingmo: "Come down, I've arranged for a driver."

Qiao Qiao pulled herself together: "Where are you going?"

Shao Jingmo: "It's fine if you don't come."

"Come! Come, come!" She was afraid that he would call back just now, so she quickly saved all the pages on the computer, and then shut down.

Holding the phone in one hand, she quickly straightened her hair with the other, fearing that she would look too embarrassed.

Then quickly take the elevator downstairs.

The driver is Jing Cheng, he waved at Qiao Qiao: "Miss, here."

Qiao Qiao trotted over, glanced into the car first, and then asked, "Where's little uncle?"

Jingcheng said: "The third master asked me to pick you up to a place. When you get there, you can meet the third master."

Qiao Qiao didn't think much, and hurried down the steps: "Then let's go, don't be dazed."

Jing Cheng hesitated to speak, but when he saw that Qiao Qiao had already opened the car door, he sighed inwardly and followed with his head down.

After arriving, Qiao Qiao found out that the place Shao Jingmo wanted her to come to was the golf course.

After being busy for three days, suddenly feel so leisurely?

Jingcheng stepped forward and said, "The third master is inside."

Qiao Qiao: "Lead the way."

Jingcheng raised his hand in a gesture of extension: "Miss, this way."

On the way in, Qiao Qiao was arranging her hair while admiring the scenery of the stadium. She always felt that she had been here before, probably for a long time, and she didn't remember it very clearly.

She looked down at the clothes on her body, and felt that they were not very suitable for playing.

You must change a set later.

Thinking of the scene of playing ball with Shao Jingmo, she couldn't help but walk a lot more briskly. After entering, she followed Jing Cheng and got on the golf cart.

As she approached, Qiao Qiao had already seen several figures standing there.

She has a good vision, and she saw Shao Jingmo's figure among those people at a glance. She was about to ask Jing Cheng who the other people were, but suddenly saw a scene that made her suffocate