I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 551

Chapter 551

Chapter 551 Big Misunderstanding

Before Qiao Qiao could speak, the bodyguard next to her immediately reminded her: "Miss, pay attention to distinguishing his words, and he is from the Bai family."

"I didn't want to open the door for him!"

Qiao Qiao stepped back a little: "I also know that he is from the Bai family, and he is very dangerous. Naturally, he would not commit such stupidity."

Bai Chen raised his hand to touch the half-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and smiled gracefully: "Just guard me like this?"

Qiao Qiao deliberately corrected: "You are a guest when you come to our house, how can you guard against the guests? You are wrong. Our house is guarding against the Bai family. Unfortunately, you are the Bai family, so I can't open the door for you. Now, please go back."

Mr. Bai's birthday banquet tonight, everyone is at the place where the birthday banquet is held, grandpa and little uncle also went, but she knows that the little uncle has arranged many bodyguards to guard Qiao's house tonight.

At this juncture, Bai Chen came and tempted Qiao Qiao to open the door for him by asking what would happen at the birthday banquet tonight...

How dare he come.

Bai Chen took out one from the bouquet of red roses. He lowered his head and sniffed it lightly, then passed it in through the gap in the iron door: "You don't want to see the Bai family, I understand, then I'm here as Mu Chen, can you please?" Received hospitality from Qiao's family?"

Qiao Qiao didn't reach out to pick up the rose, she was surprised: "Who is Mu Chen?"

Bai Chen: "My biological father's surname is Mu, but he changed his surname. Mu Chen is also me."

Qiao Qiao rolled her eyes to him speechlessly: "I said you are really willing to let go, the surname given to you by the Bai family, if you don't want it, don't want it."

Bai Chen's answer was very frank: "I didn't have any blood relationship with the Bai family in the first place. Losing the surname Bai would be insignificant to the Bai family. It's not my turn to recite the four words "big rebellion."

After finishing speaking, Bai Chen blinked at Qiao Qiao and raised a frivolous smile: "For the sake of my sincerity, do you really invite me in? Don't you also want to know what happened at the banquet tonight?" ,I can tell you."

Qiao Qiao was not moved by Bai Chen's words in the slightest. She folded her arms around her chest: "Bai Chen, did you read the Grimm's fairy tale "The Big Bad Wolf and the Seven Little Sheep" when you were young?"

Bai Chen didn't quite understand: "What?"

"It seems that your childhood was incomplete, and you didn't even know this fairy tale... Well, I'm a bit hurt, it seems that not all children like to read fairy tales."

Qiao Qiao annoyed herself for being quick-spoken for a while, because she ignored the fact that Bai Chen was Bai Qingfeng's stepson, and she also forgot that her little uncle said that Bai Chen's mother remarried to the Bai family when he was six or seven years old.

Parents divorced very early, so Bai Chen really didn't have a complete childhood.

The words she just said accidentally stabbed into Bai Chen's heart.

"Why didn't you say it?" Bai Chen looked at her with a half-smile: "Don't you think I'm angry?"

Qiao Qiao pursed the corners of her lips: "Sorry."

Qiao Qiao's unintentional remark just now did not make Bai Chen angry, but the apology at this moment made Bai Chen a little unhappy, and the smile faded from the corner of his lips: "I don't like to hear these two words."

Qiao Qiao: "I..."

Bai Chen handed her the rose just now again: "I won't come in, you accept the rose as a gift from a friend. Think about what gift you should give me next time you see me."

Qiao Qiao still didn't answer: "If you say that, I won't answer. The most troublesome thing for me is to give back the gift."

Bai Chen's eyes softly said: "Then I don't want to return the gift, this rose is for you."

Qiao Qiao hesitated for a moment, then reached out to pick up the rose.

The bodyguard beside him immediately reminded: "Miss, it's better to be more cautious."

Qiao Qiao froze in mid-air, she turned to look at the bodyguard, and saw that the bodyguard was very nervous and worried, for fear that something would happen to her because of picking up the rose.

Qiao Qiao turned to look at Bai Chen who was waiting for her to pick up the flowers.

He didn't rush, just waited patiently.

Qiao Qiao hesitated for about ten seconds, but still stretched out her hand, took the rose from Bai Chen's hand, and said, "Thank you."

A look of surprise flashed in Bai Chen's eyes: "You actually took my rose."

Qiao Qiao didn't understand why he said that, she lowered her head and sniffed the fragrance of roses: "Thank you for the roses, but don't think about it, I just took your roses, it doesn't mean I accept you as my friend. No matter your name is Mu Chen or what Chen, in my opinion you are still a member of the Bai family, regardless of your surname."

She made it clear.

I also want to tell Bai Chen not to try to get close to her in the future, especially to come to Qiao's house grandly like tonight.

Even if he really had no malice, she couldn't let him into Qiao's house.

But at this time, Bai Chen asked her: "What if I leave the Bai family? Can I be friends with you?"

Qiao Qiao frowned: "Why do you have to be friends with me? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"How could it be absurd? I know you, and I assume the identity of Mu Chen." Bai Chen smiled meaningfully: "Of course, it's also because you are very suitable to be a friend."

Qiao Qiao didn't even bother to talk to him, she turned sideways: "Go back quickly, I have to go in."

"Okay, I was turned away when I first came to visit. I also set a precedent for your Qiao family. I hope that I can come in when I come to visit next time."

After he finished speaking, he slightly raised his hand: "Let's go."

He brought a bouquet of roses when he came, and left one rose for Qiao Qiao when he left, and took the rest away.

Qiao Qiao watched Bai Chen's figure disappear into the night, and she didn't know how long she watched until the bodyguard beside her reminded her: "Miss, let's go in first."

Qiao Qiao looked down at the rose in her hand, then turned and went in.

At this time, Qiao's mother and Qiao's father were already sitting at the dining table.

Seeing Qiao Qiao coming back with a rose in her hand, Mother Qiao asked doubtfully, "Where did you get the flower?"

Qiao Qiao casually placed the rose on the dining table: "It's wild in the yard, so I picked it casually."

Mother Qiao said: "Inside and outside of Qiao's house, I don't know where the front and back yards are. Wild roses grow, and you really dare to fool around."

Qiao Qiao: "..."

At this time, Father Qiao asked, "Who is it from the Bai family?"

Qiao Qiao sat down and replied, "The one from the Bai family..."

Qiao's father reminded her: "You can just perfuse your mother, don't perfuse me."

Qiao Qiao obediently put both hands flat on the dining table, and then obediently replied: "Bai Chen."

The corners of Qiao's father's mouth moved: "Bai Chen..."

Although Qiao's father has never met Bai Chen, he also knows that Bai Chen is Bai Qingfeng's son, but he is not his own son, but a stepson, and he is not welcomed by the Bai family!

Father Qiao frowned: "Since when did you deal with Bai Chen?"

Qiao Qiao reached for the chopsticks: "Can I eat first?"

Father Qiao nodded: "Let's talk while eating."

The chopsticks were already in Qiao Qiao's hands. She picked up a ball and said before eating, "I have been taught by my grandfather since I was a child that I can't eat or sleep without talking."

Father Joe: "..."

After quoting Grandpa's words, the topic of Qiao Qiao's resistance was avoided just like that.

After dinner, Qiao Qiao planned to go back to the upstairs bedroom directly. As soon as she stepped on the stairs, Qiao's mother stopped her suddenly: "Hey, you haven't got your roses yet."

Qiao Qiao said: "No more, mom, you can throw it away for me."

"It's so beautiful, throw it away, keep it, and then throw it away." Qiao's mother really thought this rose was beautiful, so she kept it.

And when delivering milk to Qiao Qiao, he took this rose for her and put it in a vase in her room.

Around ten o'clock, it began to rain heavily outside.

Qiao Qiao moved the cushion in front of the tatami window, hugged her knees, and looked outside eagerly.

Her body was in a stiff posture, and she sat in the same posture for a long time, but she couldn't see the vehicle coming back, she began to sigh unconsciously.

When the twenty-third sound of the sigh came, that is, a little after eleven o'clock, a black car finally appeared in her field of vision.

The gate of Qiao's house opened, and the car drove slowly into Qiao's house, and finally stopped in front of the villa.

Qiao Qiao got up almost subconsciously, as before, ready to sneak down to pick him up, but before she got up from the cushion, she saw Shao Jingmo and Lin Xingruo holding the same umbrella after getting off the car, and Shao Jingmo's coat was still covering Lin Xingruo When she was on her body, the feeling in her heart was simply indescribable.

Grandpa Joe is sitting in a wheelchair, surrounded by an assistant holding an umbrella, and someone pushing the wheelchair.

Behind Shao Jingmo held an umbrella to cover himself and Lin Xingruo, and the two walked behind in unison.

Lin Xingruo seemed to be talking about something happy, and the star-like smile on his face never disappeared from the moment he got off the car to when he came in.

Qiao Qiao's heart was very blocked.

Even if it was uncomfortable, it was her own fault. It was she who suggested that Shao Jingmo change his mind and take Lin Xingruo to the birthday banquet.

At this moment, Qiao Qiao lost her mood and went downstairs again.

Afraid to see more heart-stuck pictures.

She sat quietly on the tatami for a while, and when she was about to go back to bed to sleep, she heard a knock on the door.

For a moment she thought it was an auditory hallucination.

Until the second and third knocks on the door came.

Qiao Qiao immediately put on her slippers and ran towards the door, but she didn't open the door immediately. Instead, she took a deep breath first to calm down, and then opened the door.

Shao Jingmo stood outside the door. He was still wearing a rain-stained coat, his hair was not messy, and his face was still Qiao Qiao's favorite.

The secret joy in her heart was beyond words, and the corners of her brows and eyes soon spread into a smile, and she whispered, "You're back."

Shao Jingmo pushed the door open and stepped into her bedroom.

He took a step in, and she took a step back until he reached out and closed the door.

He raised his hand to unbutton his coat, and Qiao Qiao offered to help, taking off the rain-stained coat for him.

She took her coat and turned around to get a hanger to hang it up. Behind her, Shao Jingmo stepped forward to hug her: "I'm back, Qiao Yu."

He held her tightly.

The coldness in her body was completely dispelled the moment she approached her, leaving only a soft room.

Qiao Qiao smelled his faint smell of alcohol, but it wasn't strong, which meant that he only had a few drinks tonight, not much.

She couldn't turn around, so she could only let him hold her like this, and asked with her back turned: "Little uncle, do you want to take a bath? I'll go get you some water now."

Shao Jingmo gently rested his chin on her neck: "I'll just put the water on myself."

Qiao Qiao asked again: "How much did you eat tonight? Are you hungry? Do you want a midnight snack?"

Shao Jingmo chuckled softly: "Why do you suddenly look like a little daughter-in-law at home? As soon as my husband comes back, he is busy around her husband."

Qiao Qiao rejoiced in her heart: "Isn't that good? It means you are all in my eyes."

"Good, but not great," he said.

Qiao Qiao was puzzled: "It's understandable, but how can I understand it?"

Shao Jingmo: "You are my wife, not my nanny. After I get home, you only need to put your arms around my neck on tiptoe and kiss me. You don't need to do the rest."

Qiao Qiao grinned: "Your awareness is so advanced."

Shao Jingmo loosened his arms slightly, clasped her shoulders and turned her to face him: "Actually, I'm a little hungry."

"I knew that when you went to the birthday banquet, you basically just chatted, or just dealt with drinking. You definitely didn't eat much."

She straightened the coat in her hand: "Then wait a minute, I'll hang up your clothes, and I'll make you a midnight snack. You can order whatever you want. If it doesn't take too much time, I can Thinking about satisfying you."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and was about to hang up her clothes.

Shao Jingmo pulled her back: "It's too troublesome."

Qiao Qiao shook her head: "It won't be troublesome. Cooking is very easy for me. If you feel bored waiting, you can go to the kitchen and talk with me, so that you won't be bored."

Shao Jingmo curled his lips and smiled: "It's still too troublesome, I have the best way."

Qiao Qiao asked with a dazed and cute expression, "Would you like to eat outside?"

Shao Jingmo raised a hand and unfastened the buttons: "It's the most convenient to eat and supper here."

Qiao Qiao stared at his hand unbuttoning: "You, you, you you..."

Shao Jingmo took her hand: "Help me solve it."

If she were to unbutton herself, she would definitely be familiar with it, but even if she had unbuttoned Shao Jingmo three or four times, she was still jerky, as if she couldn't undo buttons.

Shao Jingmo lowered his eyes to look at her, and he could see all the anxious and nervous expressions on her face at the moment.

He leaned over and looked at her closely: "Is it difficult to understand?"

Qiao Qiao swallowed her saliva, ignoring the face that was close at hand: "I have your coat on my arm, and it's not convenient to move. Why don't you untie it yourself, and I'll hang your coat first."

Her face was so hot that she turned around and left with her clothes in her arms.

Shao Jingmo looked at her back as she hurried away, and before he knew it, a smile had been on his face for a long time.

Drank wine tonight, a little thirsty, he went to pour himself a glass of water.

Approaching the table, the hand that touched the water glass paused, and his gaze stayed on the rose in the vase. This vase is neither too big nor too small, but with only one rose in it, it's hard not to attract attention.

Shao Jingmo remembered that when he went to Bai's house tonight, he met Bai Chen with a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

This is just Lenovo, in fact, there is nothing.

But it happened that when Bai Chen passed by him with the bouquet of red roses, he said, "I don't know if Miss Qiao will like this bouquet of roses."

At that time Shao Jingmo said: "She doesn't like roses."

Bai Chen asked: "Really? That's a pity. I carefully selected every rose in this bouquet. If Miss Qiao is willing to accept a rose, I will be happy too."

Shao Jingmo didn't take Bai Chen's words seriously. When he entered, he reminded Bai Chen: "You can't enter Qiao's house."

Bai Chen smiled: "It doesn't matter if I can't enter, but I will definitely let my roses stay with Ms. Qiao. I hope you, Mr. Shao, can see my flowers."

And at this moment, Shao Jingmo did see it.

That rose.

(end of this chapter)