I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 550

Chapter 550

Chapter 550 Luring wolves into the house, fighting with wolves

Shao Jingmo leaned back, folded his hands in front of his belly, and looked up at her: "I promised you not to go to the birthday banquet."

"But if you don't go..." Qiao Qiao frowned.

Shao Jingmo: "If you don't go, how about it?"

Qiao Qiao closed her eyes, she looked weak, she shook her head and sat down: "Just follow your arrangement, I have nothing to say."

Her face was full of entanglements, how could Shao Jingmo not see it.

But he won't change his mind about what has been decided. In short, if you don't attend Mr. Bai's birthday banquet, you have to leave Xingzhou for a day.

Otherwise, Lin Xingruo would have to attend the meeting and leave Qiao Qiao at home.

I don't want to see her jealous and angry, so even if it's just a show, he won't cooperate.

The upcoming business trip is urgent, Shao Jingmo reminded her: "You don't need to go back to the office now, I will ask Dou Ying to deliver your bag, and follow me directly to the airport later."

Qiao Qiao nodded obediently: "I see."

Shao Jingmo picked up his mobile phone and called Dou Ying. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

Shao Jingmo: "Go in."

Dou Ying pushed the door open and came in. She walked over and said, "Mr. Qiao, this is Qiao Qiao's bag."

Shao Jingmo stretched out his hand.

Dou Ying immediately handed the bag to Shao Jingmo and said, "Mr. Qiao, the car to the airport is ready."

Shao Jingmo hummed: "Go and do other things."

"Okay." Dou Ying glanced at Qiao Qiao, then turned and left.

Shao Jingmo got up with the bag, went behind Qiao Qiao, and reached out to her: "We should go."

"Oh." She put her hand on it.

At this moment, Qiao Qiao's mood was in a mess. She had a lot to say, but none of them seemed suitable.

Once said, it will disrupt Shao Jingmo's plan.

Now that Shao Jingmo's influence spreads all over Xingzhou, the Bai family never dared to attack her directly because they were afraid of Shao Jingmo.

But then again, the Bai family dare not offend Shao Jingmo easily, what about grandpa?

Only grandpa is present tonight, what will the Bai family do to grandpa?

Qiao Qiao, who had struggled repeatedly for a long time, finally plucked up the courage to say to Shao Jingmo when the elevator was about to reach the first floor: "Little uncle, why don't you go to Mr. Bai's birthday banquet."

Shao Jingmo looked sideways at her.

Qiao Qiao pursed the corners of her lips: "If you want to scold me, scold me."

Shao Jingmo asked her: "Then what is better to scold you?"

Qiao Qiao said: "Anything is fine, as long as you are happy."

Shao Jingmo's voice was cold: "Is this the solution you've been thinking about for a long time?"

Qiao Qiao bit her lips: "I'm worried about grandpa, if you don't go to the Bai family, will the Bai family embarrass grandpa? Otherwise, you can take Lin Xingruo with you."


The elevator reaches the first floor.

Shao Jingmo took Qiao Qiao's hand and came out of the elevator, and said as he walked, "Last night, I just saw me help her and ran away from home. How can I tolerate her attending the birthday banquet with me today?"

Qiao Qiao: "I..."

Shao Jingmo paused, and Qiao Qiao also stopped.

He looked at her: "After a sober and rational balance, I found that even if it is something I can't bear, it seems that I can easily accept it because of some things."

This question immediately stopped Qiao Qiao.

She looked at him nervously: "No..."

Shao Jingmo: "I don't want a satisfactory answer, and you don't have to embarrass yourself to give me a reluctant answer, I know it all."

After speaking, he suddenly let go of her hand.

The moment she let go of her hand, Qiao Qiao felt her heart sinking.

Shao Jingmo asked one last time: "I'll give you another choice, go on a business trip with me, or watch me take other women to the birthday banquet?"

Qiao Qiao frowned: "Little uncle..."

Shao Jingmo: "Just answer."

Qiao Qiao summoned up a lot of courage to say: "You, you go..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shao Jingmo: "Okay, I'll go."

Shao Jingmo returned the bag to her: "Then cancel the business trip, you won't need to go back to the office now, try to go back to Qiao's house as soon as possible."

After he finished explaining, he turned around and left.

Qiao Qiao stepped forward and asked: "What about you? Where are you going now?"

Shao Jingmo ignored her and walked out.

Qiao Qiao sighed, and finally had no choice but to take the elevator back to the office alone in a daze.

Meeting Dou Ying on the road, Dou Ying was very surprised: "Didn't you go on a business trip with Mr. Qiao?"

Qiao Qiao shook her head: "Joe always has other things to do, so the business trip plan is postponed."

Dou Ying wondered: "Mr. Qiao has already planned this afternoon's business trip a few days ago, why did he suddenly postpone it..."

Qiao Qiao turned her head and asked Dou Ying: "You mean, Mr. Qiao planned today's business trip a few days ago?"


As long as Dou Ying knows about Mr. Qiao, she will basically not hide it from Qiao Qiao: "And Mr. Qiao only plans to take you. I'm not sure, but I even asked me to make a schedule

Noticing that Qiao Qiao's complexion was getting more and more uncomfortable, Dou Ying stopped talking.

At this time Qiao Qiao asked: "Can you show me the schedule?"

"The schedule is in my mobile phone file. I made it with my mobile phone. You go back to your office first, and I will send it to you later." After Dou Ying finished speaking, she raised her wrist to check the time: "My client is here, I won't tell you much, let's go first."

Qiao Qiao watched Dou Ying leave in a hurry, and reminded her loudly, "Secretary Dou, remember to send me."

"I know." Dou Ying has already walked away.

Qiao Qiao returned to the office.

Not a minute after sitting down, a WeChat notification sound came from the mobile phone. She picked up the mobile phone and clicked on it. It was the document form sent by Dou Ying.

After reading it carefully, I found that there was no work plan to go to Long City at all, and it was all about the sights and delicacies of Long City.

It is called a schedule on the surface, but in fact this is a complete and detailed travel guide for Long City.

Qiao Qiao felt even more uncomfortable after reading it. Shao Jingmo must have felt very uncomfortable when she did what she did today, but she couldn't ignore her grandfather...

After suffering all afternoon, I finally went home.

As soon as she arrived in the living room, she heard Lin Xingruo calling her from the second floor

"Sister Qiao Qiao."

Qiao Qiao looked up.

I saw Lin Xingruo, who had already dressed up, lying on the fence, smiling at her, that smile was as bright as a sunflower blooming under the scorching sun.

Soon, the sound of "deng, deng, deng" coming downstairs.

Lin Xingruo walked a little faster when she went downstairs, and she came to Qiao Qiao's side in the blink of an eye. She held Qiao Qiao's arm affectionately, and said in a coquettish tone: "Before I came last night, I was thinking that I must sleep with you tonight, and sleep with you." Talking about a lot of happy things... Who knows that when I came out from my grandfather, I heard that you were out, sister Qiao Qiao, where did you go last night?"

Qiao Qiao: "My friend asked me to hang out."

Lin Xingruo snorted: "Don't take me with you."

Qiao Qiao's eyes fell on the dress on Lin Xingruo: "You don't know my friend well, I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable if you go."

Lin Xingruo: "No way, I've always been familiar with it."

Qiao Qiao: "You are called She Niu."

Lin Xingruo smiled, and found that Qiao Qiao was looking at the dress on her body, so she stepped back a little, turned around in front of Qiao Qiao, and asked, "Does it look good, sister Qiao Qiao? Grandpa prepared it for me, and said yes Accompany my little uncle to a banquet tonight."

Qiao Qiao asked Lin Xingruo: "Do you know what kind of banquet it is?"

Lin Xingruo: "Birthday banquet."

Qiao Qiao looked slightly surprised: "So you know."

"My aunt told me about the situation in the afternoon, so I probably know about it now." Lin Xingruo dangled in front of Qiao Qiao with her skirt in her hand: "The Bai family, Mr. Bai's birthday banquet invited my little uncle and grandpa, so I should have taken you there. But for some reason, I replaced you with me."

Qiao Qiao took a deep breath: "You know so much."

Lin Xingruo nodded: "Well, of course, sister Qiao Qiao, you can stay at home with peace of mind, I will meet the Bai family for you."

I don't know if Lin Xing really doesn't know how dangerous the Bai family is, or if she doesn't see the danger of the Bai family at all, and her words are very willful.

Qiao Qiao wanted to remind her, but before the words came out of her mouth, she suddenly heard Grandpa's voice

"Young is back."

Qiao Qiao looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that Mother Qiao was pushing Grandpa who was in a wheelchair, walking towards this side.

After Qiao Qiao called grandpa first, Lin Xingruo immediately stepped forward and showed the dress on her body in front of Grandpa Qiao. Just like the gesture she showed in front of Qiao Qiao just now, she turned around and asked, "Grandpa, what would you choose for me?" The skirt is especially suitable for me."

Master Qiao's eyes were attracted by the dress on Lin Xingruo: "It really fits, if you like it, that's fine."

Lin Xingruo's voice was crisp: "I really, really like it."

At this time, Qiao's mother next to her suddenly said: "Our family should look good in it."

Lin Xingruo looked at Qiao's mother, then at Qiao Qiao, and answered Qiao's mother's words: "Sister Qiao Qiao is beautiful and has a good figure, and she looks like a fairy in whatever she wears, but..."

Lin Xingruo paused, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened to the maximum, with a harmless face: "But sometimes good-looking is not necessarily suitable."

The air suddenly became quiet.

Qiao Qiao raised her eyelids lightly, and glanced at Lin Xingruo.

The smile on Lin Xingruo's face was as bright as before: "Sister Qiao Qiao, am I right?"

Lin Xingruo's thoughts are too obvious, without any cover-up, Qiao Qiao can see clearly. Although I feel a little uncomfortable, I can bear it.

She looked at Lin Xingruo and smiled slightly: "Sister Xingruo is right, good-looking is not necessarily suitable, not only I have to remember this sentence, but you also have to remember this sentence."

Mr. Qiao's slightly deep voice came: "Okay!"

Qiao Qiao and Lin Xingruo looked at Mr. Qiao at the same time.

Grandpa Qiao smiled and said: "I know that you two sisters have a good relationship, and there are too many topics to talk about when you meet. There will be plenty of time later, so it's not too late to chat for a while tonight."

As he said, Mr. Qiao looked at Lin Xingruo: "Xingruo, are you ready? If you are, we will set off to Bai's house."

Lin Xingruo: "Grandpa, I'm all ready."

Master Joe nodded: "Well, let's go."

Lin Xingruo stepped forward and stood beside Qiao's mother: "Auntie, let me come."

Mother Qiao moved out of her seat and told her softly, "Be careful."

"I know." Lin Xingruo replied, and then pushed Mr. Qiao out.

Soon two servants came in to help.

In addition, Shao Jingmo is back.

He got out of the car and personally helped Mr. Qiao into the car. Lin Xingruo stood shyly beside him, his eyes leaving Shao Jingmo for more than three seconds from beginning to end.

Mother Qiao glanced sideways at the daughter beside her: "Are you jealous?"

Qiao Qiao's eyes met Shao Jingmo's for a brief moment just now, as if he hadn't seen her, he yelled at Lin Xingruo when he got in the car, and he got in the car too.

As the car drove away, Qiao Qiao also looked away, and replied dutifully to Qiao's mother: "I have never been jealous since I was a child, and I don't even know what it feels like to be jealous."

Mother Qiao laughed at her: "Then what's the matter with your lonely face?"

Qiao Qiao didn't realize that her emotions were showing on her face at this time, and she restrained herself a little after hearing Qiao's mother's reminder: "I just don't understand why grandpa insists on asking Lin Xingruo to replace me."

Mother Qiao took Qiao Qiao to the restaurant.

The mother and daughter sat opposite each other, and Mother Qiao asked her, "Why can't it be Xingruo?"

This sentence brought back many boring memories of Qiao Qiao.

She raised her wrist, rested her chin on her palm, and narrated some bad things about the past in front of Mother Qiao.

When it came to the end, Qiao Qiao's tone unconsciously became a lot heavier: "In short, as long as I have it, unless she doesn't like it, once she likes it, she will definitely ask for the same one as me. Over time, I will meet you." Like things, or fun, I try not to let her know."

Mother Qiao said, "I know all of this."

Qiao Qiao remained silent.

Mother Qiao asked: "Then are you worried that Xing Ruo will rob Jingmo from you now?"

This question is a proposition.

Qiao Qiao didn't dare to admit her feelings for Shao Jingmo in front of her mother, but if she said she didn't care, it would be too against her will. Even if Shao Jingmo wasn't here, she didn't want to say that.

"Okay, don't be so embarrassing. Mom won't ask. Tonight, the three of us will have dinner. After dinner, go to bed early. When you wake up, many things will be resolved."

Qiao Qiao nodded: "Got it."

The servants brought the meals to the table one after another.

Mother Qiao got up: "I'll call your father."

Qiao Qiao nodded: "Okay."

As soon as Qiao's mother left, the servant who came in walked up to Qiao Qiao, leaned over and said, "Miss, someone is visiting."

Qiao Qiao was surprised, thinking who would come to visit today, she asked, "Who is it?"

The servant said: "His name is Bai Chen, and he said that he and Miss you had a drink at the buff bar, and you are friends."

The moment the words fell, Qiao Qiao stood up excitedly: "Bai Chen?!"

The maid nodded.

Qiao Qiao hesitated for two seconds and said, "I'll go and have a look first."

The iron gate of Qiao's house was not opened for Bai Chen. At this time, Bai Chen was holding a bouquet of red roses and was leaning against the iron gate and waiting.

Seeing Qiao Qiao coming out, he immediately stood up straight and looked at her who was walking: "I thought you wouldn't see me."

Qiao Qiao stood inside the door, looking at Bai Chen through the iron gate: "They have come to the door, Bai Chen, you are brave enough, and you are hugging a bouquet of roses, where did this come from?"

Bai Chen smiled: "I bought it on the way here, I wonder if you like it?"

Qiao Qiao was surprised: "Buy me flowers?"

Bai Chen nodded: "Yes."

Qiao Qiao was full of doubts: "I came to my house and bought me flowers, Bai Chen, what do you want?"

The smile on the corners of Bai Chen's lips gradually deepened: "Guess."

"What about the kid, I still guess, I tell you, you go now, or the dog will bite you." Qiao Qiao pretended to be fierce.

She had no real malice towards Bai Chen.

Because he is not from the Bai family.

But she will not get close to Bai Chen, because even if he is not the Bai family, he still belongs to the Bai family.

However, Bai Chen did not leave because of her tone. He held the bouquet of roses in one hand, and put the other hand on the iron gate: "There is a happy event in the Bai family tonight. See you, I don't have a place to join in the fun, I probably don't have a place to go tonight, so I just want to buy a bunch of flowers and come here for a meal, why don't you take me in for my poor sake?"

Qiao Qiao sneered: "Are you teaching me to lure wolves into the house?"

Bai Chen: "Then do you know what the Bai family plans to do tonight?"

Qiao Qiao squinted at him: "What do you mean? What do you want to say? You'd better make it clear!"

Bai Chen tapped on the iron door three times, with a rippling smile on his face: "If you want to know what will happen next, please open the door."

(end of this chapter)