I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 350

Chapter 350

Chapter 350 Dragon and Phoenix Twins

Pei Jiao was the first to see this circle of friends.

She scrolled through Moments as usual, and after seeing He Wangfa's Moments, she liked it, but she didn't look carefully at the content of this Moments at the time, and at first glance felt that the back in the picture was very familiar, like the God of Wealth


God of Wealth?

He Wang is tired of work, how dare he post her brother in Moments?

Pei Jiao swiped all over, and immediately swiped back. Before he had time to read the copy carefully, he clicked on the picture to confirm whether it was the God of Wealth.

When Pei Jiao saw the back figure in the picture, he could be sure that the back figure was that of the God of Wealth almost without double checking.


"...Who is this little girl?" Pei Jiao said to herself.

Han Qianye, who was sitting on the opposite sofa and watching a variety show, raised her eyes when she heard Pei Jiao's words: "Who is it?"

Pei Jiao hissed and said, "I found a circle of friends."

Han Qianye was not interested, so she looked back and continued watching variety shows.

Currently, the fourth episode of Huanxi Granny has been broadcast on Fengtai. After editing, it broadcasts many more cute and lovely subtitles than the live broadcast, and there are some interesting BJMs. The style of the variety show is full of style.

Han Qianye was very serious about chasing her.

There are a lot of jokes in the fourth issue, Han Qianye laughed heartily while watching, and said while laughing: "If Xixi is here, we can watch it together."

"Mom! Mom!" Pei Jiao suddenly shouted excitedly.

Han Qianye is catching up with variety shows, and when Pei Jiao called her, she didn't look away: "What's the matter?"

Pei Jiao came over with her mobile phone and squeezed beside Han Qianye: "Mom, mom, something happened."

Han Qianye still didn't take it seriously, just staring at the TV screen: "What happened."

Pei Jiao said in an uneasy voice: "The God of Wealth has a daughter."

Han Qianye turned her head: "God of Wealth?"

I was obsessed with chasing variety shows, and I didn't realize for a while, who is the God of Wealth that Pei Jiao is talking about.

Pei Jiao swallowed her saliva: "My brother, my brother has a daughter."

This news came too suddenly, Han Qianye was not prepared at all, and now the whole person freezes like petrified, not only a little foggy, but also a little confused.

Pei Jiao turned on the phone and showed it to Han Qianye: "This is the circle of friends that He Wang posted just now, look!"

Han Qianye came back to his senses, and took the mobile phone in Pei Jiao's hand: "Let me see..."

The picture appeared in front of Han Qianye.

My son's back is easy to recognize, he can tell at a glance, but I don't know who that well-behaved little girl is, Han Qianye has never seen it before.

She held the mobile phone and asked Pei Jiao: "What's going on?"

Pei Jiao had a complicated expression: "I don't know either."

Han Qianye pointed to the little girl in the picture: "Who is this?"

Pei Jiao shook his head: "Then I don't know."

Han Qianye stuffed the phone into Pei Jiao's hand: "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about! I was so shocked, I thought it was twins!"

"What twins?" Pei Jiao asked curiously.

This matter is still a secret for the time being, only Han Qianye and Pei Qingji know. At present, Han Qianye didn't intend to tell Pei Jiao, just perfunctory.

Biting is Jingzhou's son, and she still keeps it a secret.

Waiting for a paternity test for Bite and Xixi.

She had already thought about it, if Jingzhou and Xixi gave birth to Bitia, then everyone would be happy, and she had to bring Bitia back quickly.

If Bite has nothing to do with Xixi, you still have to tell Jingzhou and let him make the decision, but Bite must stay, after all, it is the blood of the Pei family.

She even booked the air ticket. It is safer to go directly to country T. If she goes to the North Pole first and then goes to country T, Han Qianye always feels uneasy.

This matter cannot be dragged on forever.

"Mom, Mom." Pei Jiao gently pushed Han Qianye's arm.

Han Qianye came back to his senses: "What are you doing?"

Pei Jiao showed the phone to Han Qianye again: "You only looked at the photos just now, and didn't read the text content of this circle of friends."

Han Qianye was a little speechless, she took the phone: "Obviously, that kid from the He family must have sent it casually."

As he spoke, Han Qianye finished reading the content.

Then there was silence.

After reading the comments of mutual friends of Pei Jiao and He Wan below, not only was she silent, but her expression became serious.

Pei Jiao came over and asked in a low voice, "Mom, what do you mean by this?"

Han Qianye drew her breath, and first paused the variety show that was playing on TV. She picked up her mobile phone and called Pei Jingzhou directly.

at the same time.

Li Xiwu has already made a cake. When baking the cake, she added grapefruit juice. After making the cake, spread cream on it and sprinkle the grapefruit flesh that she tore off one by one.

This grapefruit cake is ready.

She was about to take out the cake when there was a mobile phone vibrating notification sound from the kitchen counter.

It was Pei Jingzhou's cell phone that was conveniently placed there just now that was ringing.

Li Xiwu wiped his hands, went to pick up the phone, and answered the phone: "Auntie, it's me."

Han Qianye heard Li Xiwu's voice, and suddenly didn't know what to ask if it was ready, so she asked something else: "... Xixi, have you had dinner yet?"

Li Xiwu replied: "Not yet, it may be later."

Han Qianye asked: "Are you busy?"

Li Xiwu smiled slightly: "Well, I'm preparing dinner."

Han Qianye on the other side of the phone was hesitating whether to ask Li Xiwu to give the phone to Jingzhou. After hesitating for a while, she couldn't make up her mind.

It was Li Xiwu who asked first: "Does Auntie have something to tell Fourth Brother?"

Han Qianye followed Li Xiwu's words: "Hey, there is something wrong, but..."

Li Xiwu carefully pushed the cake in, then turned and walked out: "Wait a minute, I'll give the phone to the fourth brother."

Coming out of the kitchen, Li Xiwu didn't see Pei Jingzhou, only He Wang sitting on the sofa.

She asked: "He Wang, where is fourth brother?"

He Wang immediately stood up and pointed the direction to Li Xiwu: "Over there, the fourth brother and Youyou are both over there, and youyou is pestering the fourth brother to play with her."

On the phone, Han Qianye heard He Fan's voice.

Thinking that the circle of friends just posted it, and now He Wang is still in Luhu, which means that the little girl is still in Luhu? So Li Xiwu also knows?

Han Qianye hurriedly said: "Xixi, wait a moment, wait a moment."

Li Xiwu was going to look for Pei Jingzhou in the direction He Wang pointed at.

Suddenly heard Han Qianye hurriedly say to wait on the phone, she paused, put the phone close to her ear, and asked warmly: "What's wrong, auntie?"

Han Qianye asked: "Well...do you have a child in your family?"

Li Xiwu was surprised: "How do you know?"

Han Qianye said in his heart, sure enough, Xixi knew about it.

Then you don't need to ask Jingzhou, it's the same with Xixi.

"It was Jiaojiao who swiped into He Wangfa's circle of friends and took a picture of Jingzhou getting along with a child. She showed it to me." Han Qianye asked, "Xixi, who is that child?" Family? Why did He Wang say that she is the daughter of Jingzhou?"

(end of this chapter)