I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 349

Chapter 349

Chapter 349 Father and daughter's first hug

Pei Jingzhou's heart stabbed suddenly, and the feeling in his heart was indescribable.

His hand dropped, took Youyou's hand, and said in a gentle voice, "Youyou, your home is here."

The expression on Youyou's face turned into confusion: "But there is no Grandma Lin here."

Pei Jingzhou asked: "Is it the grandma who usually takes care of you?"

Youyou nodded sullenly.

In the kitchen just now, Pei Jingzhou heard Li Xiwu mention it, and it was also what Gu Lan told Li Xiwu himself in the car when he sent Li Xiwu back. Gu Lan was usually too busy to take care of Youyou all the time, so she hired an aunt in her forties to take care of Youyou's daily necessities every day.

Including pick-up and drop-off from kindergarten, going out to play on Sundays, all accompanied by Aunt Lin.

So for Youyou, apart from Gu Lanshi being a relative, that Aunt Lin is also a very important relative.

Pei Jingzhou said to Youyou: "Then, shall I take Grandma Lin over?"

Youyou Youyou's sullen little expression instantly showed up because of Pei Jingzhou's words, "Okay~"

The smile on the corners of Pei Jingzhou's lips widened, and he tried to say in a negotiating tone: "I'll live here from then on, okay?"

Although Youyou is only a little over four years old, she has her own complete independent thinking ability: "Is it moving?"

Pei Jingzhou pursed his lips: "Well, move, move here, is that okay?"

In the world of children, they don't care about the changes in the living environment, but only care about whether there are many toys in the living environment and whether they like it enough.

Currently, Youyou still likes this place very much.

She tilted her head and thought for a moment before asking, "Can I move my toys here?"

Pei Jingzhou nodded: "Yes."

Youyou: "There is also my small fish tank, I have three small goldfish, can I move it here too?"

Pei Jingzhou said: "Move."

Youyou went out one by one: "My little skirt, princess shoes, and all my hairpins, can you move them here? There are many, many."

Pei Jingzhou wanted to say that he could buy new ones for these things, and even more, and he wanted to compensate her well. But he would not refuse Youyou's request, and he would do it all, so he agreed, "Move them all here."

Youyou grinned, with dimples appearing on her cheeks.

She took the initiative to hold Pei Jingzhou's hand, pointed to an empty space, and asked, "Can I put my small fish tank here?"

Pei Jingzhou smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Youyou asked again: "Then where are my toys?"

Pei Jingzhou said: "Anywhere is fine, every place here belongs to you."

Youyou was overjoyed and asked the last important question: "Can I sleep with my sister at night?"

Youyou has been looking forward to this idea for a long time.

Pei Jingzhou replied: "It's all right."

Undoubtedly, every approval from Pei Jingzhou at this moment makes Youyou very satisfied and happy. The happiness of children is very simple, that is, they are constantly satisfied and agree to every sentence.

Because of being happy now, Youyou soon forgot the sad question about being asked where her parents are just now.

She actually doesn't like strangers asking herself this question.

In kindergarten, her classmates said that she didn't have parents, which already made her very unhappy, but why did adults ask her that.

He Wan walked over quietly, and stood beside Pei Jingzhou: "Fourth brother."

Pei Jingzhou stood up.

He Wan was still shocked by what happened just now, he swallowed his saliva and asked, "When did you and your sister-in-law have such a big daughter?"

Pei Jingzhou looked sideways: "Do you want to know?"

He Wan nodded like a pounding garlic: "Yeah."

Pei Jingzhou twitched his lips and smiled, showing his good mood: "Why should I tell you?"

He Wang: "..."

Youyou looked up and asked Pei Jingzhou: "Can you play Ultraman with me?"

He Fan next to him thought, it should be impossible for the fourth brother to play Ultraman with the children, but he is willing to help. But why did he forget that this child is the cub of the fourth brother, I am afraid that if the child asks the fourth brother to pretend to be a baboon or Zhu Bajie, the fourth brother will do so.

as predicted.

Pei Jingzhou leaned over and reached out to Youyou. This gesture meant to pick up the toy, but in Youyou's view, this gesture meant to hug her.

So she walked over, threw herself into Pei Jingzhou's arms, and hugged him with both hands.

Pei Jingzhou was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't react.

His gestures were in their original state, not retracted, and even a little stiff.

After a while, Pei Jingzhou still kept the original gesture, and Youyou withdrew and asked, "Is it possible that you can't hold Youyou?"

Pei Jingzhou's expression was in a trance for a moment: "No."

Youyou said: "Youyou is very light."

"Well, it's very light." Pei Jingzhou slowly closed his arms and hugged Youyou into his arms. It was because of Youyou's active approach just now that he had an extremely unreal surprise.

His heartbeat was fast and he was a little nervous.

After closing his arms, he tried his best to control his strength, so as not to strangle youyou, he hugged you very dearly, and he had to be careful in his movements.

This scene stunned He Wan beside him.

He rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what happened just now.

The fourth brother is also nervous sometimes, and it is facing a four-year-old little girl!

Not only was he nervous, but also a little helpless when the child threw himself into his arms.

It wasn't until he saw Pei Jingzhou holding pomelo in one hand and a toy in the other, and disappeared from He Fan's sight, He Fan regained his composure, and murmured to himself, "Fourth brother is really becoming a father." ..."

Shocking news!

Hurry up and pass it on!

He Wan picked up his phone and saw that several messages had been sent in the group.

There are Qin Zhuoning's emoticons, and there are several voices by Wen Ye. When you click on it, it's nothing more than wanting the child to soak up the rain and dew, and also praise him for being smart.

He Wan pressed the voice: "Something happened, everyone."

Wen Ye: "What's the big deal?"

Qin Zhuo was quiet, not active in the group. Not active, but he's spying.

He Wang: "Foretell what will happen, please pay to listen."

Wen also sent an emoticon package: Get lost!

Qin Zhuoning smiled at the screen, put away the phone, and continued with the work in hand.

He Wang didn't say much, and used practical actions to blow everyone away. He walked towards the direction where Pei Jingzhou was holding Youyou, raised his mobile phone, and took a picture of Pei Jingzhou and Youyou getting along.

It just so happens that in this scene, Pei Jingzhou is adjusting the zipper on Yuyou's coat.

He squatted on his knees, lowered his head, and looked focused.

Youyou also stood obediently and didn't move around, just looked down at when the zipper would be fixed.

"AMAZING." This photo is AMAZING!

He Wan sent this extremely satisfying photo to the group, and as he expected, it exploded.

Not only that, He Wan also sent this photo to his circle of friends, with the text: Someone is so fast like a rocket, I am really in a special suit, I was single when I got married, and my son is so old, I am still single , poor man...

Once this circle of friends is posted, it won't be long before the entire family circle should know about it!

(end of this chapter)