I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 351

Chapter 351

Chapter 351 Youyou: Love you~

Li Xiwu didn't intend to hide it from Han Qianye.

It's just that on the phone, I'm afraid I can't explain what you just picked up Youyou in a few words, so I can only say: "Auntie, I will come back with my fourth brother the day after tomorrow."

Han Qianye rejoiced: "Really?"

Li Xiwu responded, "Yes."

Han Qianye chattered a lot: "Don't talk about the day after tomorrow, I can't wait for tomorrow. Then Mrs. Mo said that she will take you back to Mo's house for a while, and I'm afraid she will come to pick you up soon. I still think about it." How can I let you come back to stay for two days, this is great, I will ask Uncle Dong to arrange it sooner."

After Han Qianye's reminder, Li Xiwu suddenly remembered what her grandmother said that day that she would take her back to Mo's house to live for a while.

At that time she should come down.

It was only because of the temporary delay in hospitalization. She also told her grandmother that she would stay at home for two days after being discharged from the hospital and then move to Mo's house.

"Xixi?" Han Qianye called out.

Li Xiwu regained consciousness: "Well, tell me, Auntie."

Han Qianye is not curious about who the child in the photo belongs to, anyway, the two of them will be back the day after tomorrow, and it will be good to ask when the time comes.

But she has to mention something now: "Xixi, last time we talked about going to the North Pole, when do you have time?"

The words should be mentioned along the way, and you cannot directly say that you are going to T country.

Li Xiwu pursed her lips, and said in an apologetic tone: "Auntie, the recording of the program has delayed a lot of things at work during this period. I'm afraid I don't have much time recently."

"Oh, yes." Han Qianye followed the words, showing reasonableness: "The recording of the program has indeed delayed a lot of work, and it's really not good to ask for more than ten days off all of a sudden."

Li Xiwu: "Yes."

It stands to reason that for a wealthy family like the Pei family, Li Xiwu doesn't have to go to work at all.

She only needs to dress up beautifully at home and be an exquisite rich wife.

But the first thing she did after marriage was to step into the workplace and climb up with her own efforts.

At that time, Han Qianye had a bit of a grudge against Li Xiwu, so naturally he didn't care about Li Xiwu's work, so he didn't see Li Xiwu two or three times a year.

Han Qianye always thinks recently that if she can travel back to three years ago, she must spoil Li Xiwu to the sky and never let her go to work so hard outside.

Now it would be hard to tell Li Xiwu not to work, after all, she already has her own achievements in the workplace.

Han Qianye said in a soft voice: "There are many places to go to the North Pole, and the delay is too long. The time is too tight to have fun. Hey, T country can be reached directly by plane, Xixi, do you want to come with me? Go to country T to meet Mrs. Dessing?"

Suddenly hearing Han Qianye mention going to country T, Li Xiwu was slightly taken aback.

Why did Han Qianye suddenly want to go to country T to see Mrs. Di Xin?

If it wasn't for the fact that she had just brought back her daughter Youyou, Li Xiwu's original plan to go to country T would not have changed.

Probably only these two days will leave.

But she didn't expect that at this time, Han Qianye would take the initiative to mention that she would go to T country to meet Mrs. Di Xin...

"Xixi, do you think you can spare two or three days to go there?" Han Qianye didn't wait for Li Xiwu's response for a long time, feeling a little uneasy.

Li Xiwu replied: "Auntie, the plan to go to country T is too sudden. It can be moved out in two or three days, but I'm afraid...not so soon."

Han Qianye felt a little regretful: "Oh, that's fine."

If Li Xiwu can't go, then she has to go alone, but she must bring Li Xiwu's hair or other items that can be used for DNA testing.

Listening to Han Qianye's disappointed tone, Li Xiwu said apologetically, "Auntie, it's really not easy to move the time recently, not only about work, but also about other things."

Other things?

Han Qianye can't guess what other things are. It is definitely impossible for Xixi to quarrel with Jingzhou. Jingzhou loves Xixi so much, so there must be some other things.

Han Qianye expressed her understanding: "Well, I will ask Uncle Dong to prepare early and wait for you to come back the day after tomorrow."

Li Xiwu promised: "Yes."

After finishing the call, Li Xiwu looked for Pei Jingzhou with his mobile phone in his hand.

Her steps were light, and when she went in to see the scene in front of her, the corners of her lips slowly rose. The rabbit ears on Youyou's head couldn't be worn stably and kept sliding down, so Pei Jingzhou stretched out his hands to support them, preventing the headband from slipping off.

Youyou is not playing Ultraman now, she is playing with...

Li Xiwu's smile froze for a few seconds, and he shouted, "Youyou."

Youyou, who painted her face into a little tabby cat, looked up when she heard the sound, and when she saw Li Xiwu, she immediately smiled like a sunflower: "Sister~"

Li Xiwu was amused by Youyou's appearance at this time, walked over and squatted down, and asked softly, "Did you paint it yourself?"

"Ang~" Youyou nodded, and then asked with a smug face: "Is Youyou pretty?"

Li Xiwu didn't know what to say for a while, if it wasn't good-looking, it was a little cute.

She stretched out her hand and scratched the tip of Youyou's nose: "Why isn't my little princess beautiful, she is very, very beautiful."

Youyou complimented politely: "My sister is also beautiful."

Li Xiwu's eyebrows and eyes are curved, and at first glance she looks very similar to Youyou when she smiles. She knows not to be in a hurry to correct what Youyou calls her, as Youyou can call her whatever you like.

After getting along for a long time in the future, I will slowly correct the address.

If youyou doesn't want to, it doesn't matter if you are late.

After all, as an incompetent mother, she has missed the most important four years in her daughter's life.

Thinking of this, she lost her expression, and recalled what Gu Lan said, that Yuyou was born prematurely and had been kept in the incubator, and after she gave birth to Yuyou, she had not been able to see Yuyou through the incubator. pomelo. Then there was turmoil in country T, something happened to her, and she was brought back to the country by Pei Jingzhou and lost all her memories.

About why she gave birth to Youyou without telling Pei Jingzhou back then, Gu Lanshi didn't tell her the reason, even though Li Xiwu asked her several times, Gu Lanshi still didn't tell her.

See Mrs. Dessing, maybe you can learn some truths.

But now she has to take care of Youyou, so she can't leave for country T, so she can only postpone the time. During this period, when she wants to find another opportunity to ask Gu Lan, tell her why you gave birth to Youyou without telling Pei Jingzhou...

Just as he was thinking about these thoughts, his cheeks were suddenly held together.

Li Xiwu came back to her senses, and saw Youyou holding her cheeks with both hands, rubbing her cheeks: "So beautiful."

Li Xiwu didn't know that Youyou rubbed some blush on her cheeks, and raised her hand to rub Youyou's cheeks.

At this time, Youyou took the initiative to lean towards Li Xiwu, just when Li Xiwu thought that Youyou wanted her to hug her, and just opened his arms, Youyou leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, and said to her generously: "Love you~"

Li Xiwu's heart was about to soften, she looked up at Pei Jingzhou, not surprisingly, she saw envy in Pei Jingzhou's eyes.

She gave Pei Jingzhou a look.

Pei Jingzhou understood, bent his knees and squatted down.

(end of this chapter)