I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 2009

Chapter 2009

Chapter 2009 Escape

Her words seemed to be comforting, and Tang Ye himself seemed to feel more relaxed. Looking at her face, he reached out and hugged her.

"Just be careful."

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, you have to be careful yourself." She let Tang Ye hug her, her tone was gentle, making Tang Ye feel as if a ball of velvet was wrapping herself.

Tang Ye didn't speak anymore, and Ning Yu'er couldn't see his expression, and only he knew that he was looking out the window, listening to the sirens that kept coming into his ears, and he felt that the other party's weak and boneless hands stroked his waist...

But he smelled her body fragrance, unmoved.

And her other hand touched behind her, but he was unmoved.

Soon, the needle pierced the skin on his lower back and pierced fiercely into the flesh and blood. Something was being injected into his body at an extremely fast speed!

At this time, Tang Ye let go of the other party, and under her gaze, he silently pulled out the needle inserted into his body.

"what is this?"

At this time, Ning Yuer no longer had any smile on her face, and said in a flat tone: "Something that can make you sleep well."


"I'm actually more scared than you..."

"So you let me stand by?" As the liquid in the needle continued to seep into his body, Tang Ye gradually lost his body.

"If you want, I can take you with me, drop everything, and fly away..."

"Sorry, that might not be my ideal world."

"..." Tang Ye was silent for a few seconds. At this moment, he was sure of Ning Yuer's attitude, but he couldn't show anything anymore, so he could only sigh secretly in his heart.

"I understand, but if you interfere, I will never stand by."

"Okay, have a good sleep, when you wake up, everything will be over, trust me, okay?"

Tang Ye opened his mouth to speak, but the effect of the mysterious potion took effect very quickly. With his mouth open, he couldn't even make a sound.

The cells in his whole body are falling into dormancy, and his consciousness is slowly becoming drowsy.

till the end.

The things I saw in front of my eyes were shrouded in darkness!

The moment Tang Ye was about to fall, Ning Yu'er quickly took a step forward and stretched out her hand to support him. She glanced at his face with complicated eyes, sighed and looked outside the door again, and followed Tang Ye Those who came in were the four handsome men and pretty women.

Ning Yuer nodded to the four of them, but didn't see any expressions on their faces. After walking in, he worked together to lift Tang Ye up, and then walked downstairs quickly.

The movements of the four were very quick. Tang Ye was carried down and came to the transport plane. They had a clear division of labor, opened the hatch, sent Tang Ye in, closed the hatch, and took off!

It's done in one go, without the slightest sloppiness!

Ning Yu'er then walked out, watched the transport plane take off and roared to take Tang Ye away, staying there for a while, until a large number of red-feathered birds began to appear in the sky, and she walked away from here.

South of Yunxia Base, in the temporarily established safety zone, a soldier hurriedly ran towards Su Sigui with a box bigger than everyone else.

"Mayor, everything is ready." Before the person entered the command tent, his voice came in from the outside. Su Sigui, who was in front of the projection inside, looked back after hearing it, and then turned to the person next to him. The two soldiers exchanged glances.

The two men immediately understood what happened, turned around and walked towards the soldier, took the box in his hand, put it on the long table behind Su Sigui, and then returned to the original position.

Su Sigui didn't say a word, turned off the projection silently, came to the long table, stretched out his hand, and slowly opened the box, and the items inside were neatly arranged pieces of "iron pieces"!

I don't know what material these "iron pieces" are made of. They seem to emit a little bit of colorful fluorescence, but if you look closely, there is nothing there. It is very magical and wonderful, giving people a very extraordinary feeling. .

Not long after, I saw Su Sigui pick up one of the "iron pieces", and the other hand picked up the second piece, and then they combined together and made a soft "ding", followed by the third piece, and the fourth piece , put together piece by piece.

There was no expression on Su Sigui's face, and the surrounding soldiers did not dare to breathe. They watched Su Sigui's movements, and only the "iron piece" and "iron piece" were left on the scene. The crisp sound made the atmosphere very depressing.

Not long after, the iron pieces put together in Su Sigui's hands formed something similar to a breastplate. She put it on without haste, and then began to assemble it again, still without saying a word.

Ding Da~

Ding Da~

There were fewer and fewer "iron pieces" in the box. The soldier next to him wanted to show his hospitality, but seeing Su Sigui's expressionless face, he might think she was thinking about something, so he hesitated for a while and finally gave up.

Ding Da~

Ding Da ~

Whether her speed was fast or not, it didn't take long before the second piece of armor took shape in her hands, but at this moment, when she was about to put it on, she didn't know what she thought of, and she put her hands together The good armor was put aside, then he turned his head and looked at a non-commissioned officer who was breathing very heavily beside him.

"Mayor..." The moment he noticed the other party's gaze, the sergeant couldn't help but panic, this is a ninth-level new human! Just the sense of oppression brought by a look made him unable to control the beating speed of his heart at all!

"You inform, within five minutes, everyone, evacuate here immediately." She said this to the other party, her tone was very flat, but it made people feel puzzled.

"Evacuate? Why suddenly..."

"If you don't want to die now, just do as I say."

Su Sigui didn't explain anything at all. The sergeant was surprised, but he wisely didn't ask any more questions.

"Go!" Commanded the other soldiers, the non-commissioned officer ran out with all the soldiers here, and soon, the outside became lively, the non-commissioned officer's thick voice roared, and all the soldiers outside heard it. Gather together and enter the transport plane in an orderly manner.

With the full power output of the propeller, the whistling sound of several transport planes passing by at high speed can be heard in the sky.

Su Sigui, who was still here, didn't look at it. She was as unhurried as before, but the difference was that she didn't continue to assemble the mysterious armor, but quickly took off the armor bit by bit, and waited After her whole body relaxed, she turned around, picked up the long sword of flesh and blood on the table, inserted it into the scabbard on her back waist, and grabbed the handle of the knife with her other hand at the same time!

Just like that, she dragged a long knife in one hand, walked out of the tent in silence, and on another street in the distance, an abomination named Chen Chaoyang also held a bone knife in both hands and walked towards Su Sigui's place little by little. Azimuth is coming.

(end of this chapter)