I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 2010

Chapter 2010

Chapter 2010 is just incidental

Not knowing what he noticed, Chen Chaoyang stopped suddenly, his eyes flashed, and an extremely cold smile appeared on his face in the next second.

"Jie Jie... didn't choose to escape, it seems that I underestimated you, Su Sigui..."

He was talking to himself, and when the words fell, Chen Chaoyang no longer held the knife with both hands, but held the handle of the knife and entered the fighting state. The footsteps that had stopped continued to move, and continued to approach Su Sigui.

From a bird's-eye view, the distance between him and Su Sigui is getting closer!

She walked out of the safe zone, entered the crowded street, and moved slowly among the crowd. Someone noticed her movement of dragging the knife, and at the same time exclaimed, she also discovered her true identity as the mayor.

The crowd broke into a commotion and hurriedly made way for her. In her eyes, it seemed that she was the only one left in the world. Her footsteps never stopped, as if surrounded by corpses of a size comparable to a million. The trendy crowd doesn't exist at all!

There seemed to be an invisible barrier around her, blocking all the obstacles in front of her, until she came to the entrance, turned around, and at the end of the street on the right was also crowded with people, she caught it among the black heads A man in a black cloak.

And the other party's eyes caught her at the same time!

The moment the eyes of the two sides met, it seemed that dazzling sparks were about to rub against each other!

The air began to freeze, and at this moment a gust of cold wind blew, and the fine snow falling from the sky became violent, and the people who noticed something was wrong began to panic, and no one knew who shouted: "No, the mayor has started a war! Get out of here! Quick!"

Afterwards, I saw people fleeing in a hurry to a distance, and the continuous trampling incidents made people scream endlessly!

It's so horrific that it makes one's scalp tingle!

Neither of them cared about these people. At the moment just now, both of them stopped in unison, and neither of them made a move first, as if they were giving people a chance to escape.

After standing still like this for a full ten minutes, the originally crowded street has become empty, leaving only the dead bodies on both sides of the road!

The world has finally quieted down. In Su Sigui's eyes, the snowflakes slowly falling from the sky are so clear...

At this moment, Chen Chaoyang's voice sounded abruptly: "Give me the chance, but you won't have the chance."

She didn't answer, she was very quiet.

"Su Sigui, are you afraid of death? Maybe in the eyes of people like you, death is already a very distant word for you, but today, I will let you take a good look at it, and you should experience it too. "

Su Sigui listened quietly without saying a word, but the murderous aura in his eyes has reached an indescribable level!

"Are you ready?"

"...Oh no, I have to remind you, I came here to kill you, and obstructing your actions is just incidental, don't think about getting rid of me halfway."

It may be that he has been with Radiant Corpse King Lie Er for a long time, and Chen Chaoyang's tone is somewhat similar to him, giving people a very weird feeling, at least the feeling of not being beaten is already 70% or 80% similar. But no matter what he said, the expression on Su Sigui's face did not change at all, it was still the same, without saying a word, looking at him quietly, proving her attitude with the killing intent in her eyes that seemed to swallow everything!

Seeing that she didn't talk to him, Chen Chaoyang also closed his mouth. The other party's indifference made him feel like a clown for a moment, which made his face immediately darken.

"Okay, then shall we start now?" He asked the other party, but did not give the other party a chance to answer. In the next second, he rushed towards Su Sigui with a knife, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning in an instant. Hit Su Sigui's face directly!

Holding the bone knife in both hands, aiming the knife point at her heart, he stabbed there at the fastest speed in his life, pulling out a cold light that seemed to split the space!

The storm moved with the shadow, blowing Su Sigui's long hair, and the snowflakes that were falling slowly all over his body were oppressed and turned into dust!


The cement road burst inch by inch, and the land was lifted piece by piece, rolling towards Su Sigui together with the dazzling dust!

In front of her eyes, what she saw was as if the sky had collapsed, and the gloomy sky could no longer be seen. Even so, the expression on her face did not change at all.

At the moment before the danger came, a gleam of amber flashed in her eyes, and the countless broken stones in front of her eyes disappeared at once, leaving only the tip of the bone knife stabbed at her with hatred!


After the knife was stabbed out, the hatred suddenly stopped, and the face under the mask frowned with a completely distorted brow.

He didn't feel any resistance with this knife, which shows that his attack did not successfully affect her!

However, the terrifying power erupted by the ninth-level Restoran suddenly stopped, and the force exerted did not disappear completely. The resulting storm continued to spray out dust, gravel and snow powder with a "bang"!

In the next second, all the buildings within a few kilometers in front of him were crumbling to pieces!

But Su Sigui's figure has disappeared from his sight!

Such a weird scene made his heart tighten! There was a "click"!

Just the moment Su Sigui disappeared, he immediately realized the gap between himself and Su Sigui!

Sure enough, the only ninth-level new human is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

At this moment, hatred is no longer as easy as it was just now, and he no longer dares to underestimate the other party. All nerves are tense, and all five senses are kept at their most acute state!

Suddenly, he noticed something, turned his head suddenly, and a hideous long sword attacked Su Sigui just like he did just now, stabbing in the same way, very fast, when he reacted, the blade had already Almost touched his neck!


Hate hastily resisted, only to hear a loud bang at the next moment, and a ball of fire erupted at his original position!

The smoke dispersed, blurring the surrounding environment, and accompanied by a figure flying upside down, it was Chen Chaoyang!

His mask has been turned into powder, revealing a swirling and distorted face where only the eyes can be seen! Looking at it as a whole, the four words "ugly" are not enough to describe it!

Although the two sides are of the same level, Su Sigui's combat experience is much higher than his, and almost no one can reach her level of movement speed!

The stabbing sword was fast and steady, and caught Chen Chaoyang by surprise. His whole body flew out like a bullet that had just been fired, smashing through countless buildings, until finally his body was completely buried in the ground. Only then did it barely control the backward trend!

The ravine dug out by his body has already divided the entire Yunxia Base into two parts!

(end of this chapter)