I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 2008

Chapter 2008

Chapter 2008 I still have you

Hold it in her hand and glanced at it, Ning Yuer returned the card, the other party took it and asked curiously: "Boss, don't you have it?"

She shook her head "No."

"Ah? What will you do when the corpse king comes in?"

"Don't worry about me, let's talk about you first, and then? What about the others?"

"They have all gone to Wanhe District 3 to report now. I have to stay here and get rid of those things first." Mi Dongdong said truthfully, and then saw Ning Yuer turned to look at the partition door next to her. , asked: "How much more?"

"There are many, many, originally prepared for you, the boss, but after we bought the goods from the black market, you disappeared, and we dare not buy them. After all, this thing is too harmful. Put it inside There will be another year." Mi Dongdong's tone was a bit resentful, as if Ning Yu'er had done something outrageous.

"Then why did you dispose of it?"

"Boss, you don't know yet. If you want to enter the dead leaf pile shelter, you need to conduct a character inspection. We heard this from the person we don't know. Those people who entered the dead leaf pile shelter are some People who are not bad on weekdays, if we go in and those things are found out, life will be sad."

Mi Dongdong explained, while Ning Yuer nodded in understanding. The things they mentioned were actually a certain substance extracted from some special plants, called "inactivator".

The use of this thing is very limited. It is usually used in some research laboratories for experiments on zombies. It can be said that the inactivator is a sweat medicine that belongs to zombies, which can temporarily disable zombies.

But at the same time, the inactivator is also a contraband that is strictly prohibited by the major survivor bases. As for the reason, it is actually because this thing is very addictive to people! Once you encounter it, you will never want to get rid of it for the rest of your life. Any drug is a child's play in front of it!

With the development of the last days to the present, although the Yunxia base still prohibits the spread of drugs on a large scale as before the last days, in fact, ordinary drugs are almost legalized in the dark, and the root cause may be that ordinary drugs are harmful to The effect of the new humans is very small, almost negligible.

Generally, the only victims are insignificant ordinary people and low-level new humans.

The inactivator is different. It was originally extracted from the evolved plants. If the concentration is higher, even the eighth-order new humans are hard to avoid it. Therefore, many survivor bases have extremely strong control over the inactivator. Once it is found that someone is hiding this kind of item, it is basically a capital offense!

It will be hanged, and the body will have to hang on the corpse wall for a week!

Ning Yuer can understand Mi Dongdong's explanation, but she doesn't quite agree with it.

"No need to deal with it, just put it here. At this time, no one will care about you."


"Don't worry, do as I said. You hurry up and pack your own things and report to the dead leaf pile shelter. If you are late, you won't have a chance to regret it."

"Okay, boss, I will listen to you. By the way, your purpose of coming this time is the same as before, right?"


"It's simple, what model do you want? During your absence, we have saved a lot, so I guarantee you will have enough." Mi Dongdong said confidently, but Ning Yuer shook his head, "This time is different from the past. Same, I need the max dose."

"Maximum dose...higher than H07?"

"It should be... right..." Ning Yuer was a little uncertain, but Mi Dongdong opened the partition door after hearing the words, and took out a metal bottle with a strange shape from the wooden box inside.

"how about this?"

Ning Yuer took a look, and wanted to nod, but thought of something later, and shook her head again.

"No, give me the concentrated one, at least six hundred milliliters."

"What?" Her words startled Mi Dongdong, and he looked at her with a very strange expression, "Boss, this thing in my hand is more than enough to stun an eighth-level zombie, you want the condensed version ...and six hundred milliliters...you don't want to go to Zombie King, do you?"

Ning Yuer didn't speak, and Mi Dongdong himself didn't expect that what he seemed to be joking, he really guessed it right!

She didn't speak, and he didn't think much about it. In the past, when the other party got the goods from here, they never asked the other party what to do with the inactivator.

"Do you have?"

"It's better to make some, boss, you wait here."

Then Mi Dongdong re-entered the partitioned room, and not long after, he took out a larger metal bottle.

"That's all, okay?"

Ning Yuer observed carefully, thought for a while, and finally nodded.

She took out a brand-new needle tube from the innermost cabinet. The needle tube was very thick, comparable to an adult's arm. She skillfully twisted off the opening, installed the needle, and then inserted it into the soft mouth on the top of the metal bottle. The light yellow liquid inside was pumped out.

"Okay, I'll take a step first, remember my words, don't worry about these things, hurry up and go to Wanhe District 3 to report."

"Understood!" The little fat man nodded again and again, Ning Yu'er didn't say anything anymore, after pinning the needle filled with liquid into his waist, he turned around and left the shop. By the time Mi Dongdong reacted, the person had already disappeared without a trace disappeared.

On Tang Ye's side, he turned the wartime supplies warehouse at Yunxia base upside down, and after he couldn't find the chocolate Ning Yuer wanted, he had no choice but to go back.

Back in front of the half-collapsed building, Tang Ye stopped inexplicably. He didn't know what he was waiting for. It took four or five minutes before he walked in, went up to the second floor, and went back to the front Soon, in the doorway where he was lingering with the other party, he saw that she was already dressed.

"Does it look good?" Sensing Tang Ye's return, she lifted up her trousers, which were so wide that they didn't fit at all, and asked herself seriously as if she was lifting a skirt.

Tang Ye nodded without denying it. In his heart, no matter what the other party wore, he thought it looked good.


"Hee hee, that's good."

She put down her pants and came over with a smile on her face, but before she got close to his chest, Tang Ye found that the smile on her face disappeared and she became extremely serious.

"Are you afraid?" She looked at him and asked the question.

Tang Ye shook his head, but nodded quickly: "I didn't have it before, but now I have you, I'm a little scared."

"It's okay, I don't want to be your vase, don't worry, you still have me, at least I can help you share some pressure, right?"

(end of this chapter)