I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 Fortune Teller Pharaoh

Approaching the noble district, Tang Ye raised his head and glanced at the six-meter-high wall that was empty and represented the class hierarchy. Tang Ye snorted coldly, walked to the foot of the wall, raised his fist and slammed it!


With this punch, with the tyrannical power of the fourth-order zombies, the high wall was torn apart in just one blow, and after shaking it twice, with Tangye's fist as the center, the crack spread to both sides of the wall with a "click". With a "boom", a large piece of the wall fell to the ground, blowing smoke all over the sky!

Looking at the same building in the noble district, Tang Ye and Chen Chaoyang walked towards the front.

The movement he caused attracted countless survivors living in the noble district, and they all looked over, but only glanced at Tang Ye, their eyes were startled by the corpses behind them, and they hid one by one , dare not look again.

Everyone has lived in the early stage of the apocalypse. This kind of corpse tide attack means that the Yindan base has been occupied. Now, it is a better way to temporarily hide.

Leaving the group of corpses behind him far away, Tang Ye walked very leisurely, but compared to his indifference, the three people around him were nervous and looked at the zombies behind him from time to time, for fear that the group of zombies would rush down. Ripped himself and others to pieces.

Thinking like this, the three of them involuntarily moved closer.

Tang Ye saw an old man in ragged clothes, with greasy and messy hair intertwined, holding a bamboo stick in his hand, sitting cross-legged on the street in front of him. care.

Tang Ye looked at him with doubts in his eyes, this old man looked very sloppy, and his body had the same strong smell of flesh and blood as ordinary people, even lower, but since it was not a new human, it might be a relative of a new human.

But if they were relatives of the new humans, they wouldn't be able to live and dress like this, would they?

Tang Ye didn't want to care about him, the corpses behind him would come soon and tear the old man to pieces. If he didn't escape, he would become food in the stomach of a zombie. He didn't care about his own life, let alone himself. .

His eyes didn't stay on the old man, so Tang Ye continued to walk forward, but when he just passed by him, what Tang Ye expected was that the old man spoke to him.

"Wait a minute, this gentleman, is it a fortune-telling? You don't charge money."

This man's hair was a little white. Tang Ye was originally an old man for this man, but the voice he made was not at all old. Instead, it was the voice of a middle-aged man. The voice was small, but it sounded clearly in his ears , is also very common, but also too common.

"Fortune-telling? What's fortune-telling? Look at your side, zombies are here, it's fortune-telling, wait until you die..."

was about to speak, but Chen Chaoyang was the first to speak, but before he finished speaking, Tang Ye waved his hand and told him to choke back, with a strong interest in his eyes.

In the face of disaster, he still has the leisure to engage in fortune-telling. Since the end of the world, Tang Ye has never seen such a person.

"Fortune teller, where is it? What is the name?"

This person doesn't take the corpse seriously, and Tang Ye is not in a hurry at all. After the corpse runs here, it will only be this person.

"You don't need to say more, I'll do the math. I'll just call you the old man. Can you give me a cigarette?"

Tang Ye winked at Chen Chaoyang, he reacted immediately, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, opened it, only the last one was left in it, after taking out the cigarette inside, Chen Chaoyang took the empty box as he wished. The cigarette was thrown away, and the cigarette was given to the old king.

Old Wang sniffed at the cigarette, and did not rush to light it, but took out a crumpled piece of paper from his waist. One page of the paper was painted black with a black watercolor pen. Lao Wang smoothed the paper, turned the black side up, and then said to Tang Ye, "Can you see anything on this piece of paper?"

Tang Ye squinted at the piece of paper for a while, squinted his eyes, then shook his head and said, "Black?"

Old Wang also shook his head after hearing this: "What else?"

Tang Ye looked at the paper carefully for a while, and then he seemed to find something wrong. How could he feel that this person was playing with him?

Seemingly knowing that Tang Ye couldn't see anything, Pharaoh closed his eyes, as if in deep thought, opened it again after a while, closed the paper, and then tore the paper into pieces and threw it out. The wind was blowing, and I didn't know where it went.

"Forget it if you can't see it, remember the look of this piece of paper, I hope one day in the future, you will understand."

Old Wang took a break and looked at Tang Ye, who was wearing a mask and couldn't see his expression, and said, "Do you want to become a strong man?"

Tang Ye was a little puzzled after hearing this. This old man said something wrong. He felt more and more in his heart that this man was playing with himself. Seeing the old man's eyes full of killing intent, he still endured it. He always felt that This old king has something to tell himself, but it seems that he didn't say it because of something.

He nodded, but his eyes were fixed on Pharaoh. Although he wore a mask, the mask also blocked his white eyes.

Old Wang also saw Tang Ye's eyes, but surprisingly, he didn't feel any fear, he was still calm.

"If you want to become a strong person, your strength is second, and your state of mind is the main thing. A strong mind is a real strong person. If you have strength but no state of mind, it will make you lose yourself. Create less karma and more good power. Get what you want. The five thieves are in your heart, and the world will return together, just like you have been going on like this for a long time, and then you will run away from what you think."

As Old Wang said, he glanced at an expression he didn't know why, shook his head helplessly, and continued: "You may not understand what I said now, but you will understand in the future, everything has nothing to do with others. Any relationship, everything will be caused by you alone! What is lost will never come back, what has happened will never change, well, I can only tell you this, go and do what you should Do something."

There was disappointment in Old Wang's eyes, but he saw the pink plush rubber band on Tang Ye's wrist, and laughed again, but this smile was only a moment, it came and went quickly.

Hearing what Lao Wang said in front of him, Tang Yezhi felt that there were three big question marks on his head, but when Lao Wang said that what was lost would never come back, and what had happened would never change, his mind exploded. After a while, he seemed to understand, but he didn't know what he had understood, and he was in a hazy situation.

Originally thought that Lao Wang was playing with himself, but now Tang Ye knew the meaning of Lao Wang's words very loudly, but wanted to know it was one thing, but Tang Ye's body moved forward after Lao Wang finished speaking.

Before taking a few steps, Tang Ye's desire for knowledge disappeared. He realized that he had been tricked. His eyes were full of fierce light and he turned his head to look behind, but there was still the figure of Pharaoh there, and he was the only one left on the ground. Bamboo stick that was left behind when he fled in a hurry.

(end of this chapter)