I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Looking back, Tang Ye's original ferocious expression froze, and he was stunned. He looked around. He killed him and couldn't think of where this old king disappeared. After calculating it, he just took three or four steps. The time is very short, and there is no place to hide behind Old Wang. There is an alley more than ten meters away from the street, but it is impossible for an ordinary person to run past in such a short time.

At this moment when Tang Ye was stunned, the corpses behind him passed through him one by one, and also bypassed the three people beside Tang Ye. When he left, he roared at Tang Ye, and looked at Chen Chaoyang and the three people with eyes full of expressions. Bloodthirsty.

But because Tang Ye, a high-level zombie, was by his side, they didn't dare to rush to the tiger's mouth to grab food.

I don't care how this old man disappeared. Anyway, the Yindan base has already fallen to the point of being occupied. It won't be long before it will be occupied by zombies. Whether the old man escapes or hides here, sooner or later You're going to die, you don't need to do it yourself at all.

As for what he said, Tang Ye thought it over in his head and regarded it as a wind in his ears, and he flew a hundred and eight thousand miles away with a slight wave of his hand.

"It's time to get out of here, you guys hurry up."

"Yeah." The three nodded in unison, and then walked with Tang Ye to the place where the army was training.

Nannan laughed out loud on Li Xiaoyan, looked at the zombies behind, stretched out a pair of small hands and waved them randomly, as if taking the group of zombies as their own, and smiled at their terrifying faces.

After a few people left the place, there were desperate shouts, gunshots, and excited roars of zombies from the surrounding buildings.

"Did you send someone over there?"

"Miss, a helicopter has been sent to pick us up, it is expected to arrive in 20 minutes, and the location has been uploaded."


Wen Yiyan nodded, stood on the top floor of the government building, climbed up and looked into the distance, and saw that a hole had been broken in the anti-corpse wall in the distance of the Yindan Base. Although she could not see the zombies, she could make up for the zombies in her mind. The scene of raging in the base.


At this time, her eyes seemed to be flashed by something, a beam of blue light shot straight into the sky, and then sag, swept across the buildings on the ground, and the sound of explosions could be heard incessantly!

The sound of corpse roars and guns resounded everywhere, the smoke of gunpowder was thick, and the fire on the ground seemed to turn the clouds in the sky red, and a scene of doomsday appeared in front of everyone in the base!

After the zombies broke through the anti-corpse wall, the attack speed was very fast. After quickly dispersing in the base, they occupied half of the Yindan base, which covered an area of more than ten kilometers. You are familiar with the early days of the end of the world for several months, but this time is not as good as the end of the world. Time to start.

Although the survivors living in the base have some experience, they will hide at home and do not go out, but this time the corpse tide is not all ordinary zombies, but there are many large evolution zombies, and now they have been eliminated before they are removed. Two Tier 3 zombies were dropped, and now there are four Tier 2 zombies in the base!

Moreover, there is a third-order zombie that can hardly be killed!

The sense of smell of evolved zombies is much stronger than that of ordinary zombies, and it is impossible to hide them from hiding at home.

The training ground in the distance was empty, and only some equipment was randomly placed on the ground. The corpse had not arrived yet. Wen Yiyan and Ai Li were standing at such a high place. Even if the corpse arrived, they would not be able to find them. .

So the two of them were not in a hurry. Ai Li looked at the distant scenery with a smile on her face. Compared to him, Wen Yiyan's heart was full of sorrow. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the Yindan Base were threatened. It's weird to feel good about it.

However, she was also full of doubts. This corpse wave attack is full of weirdness everywhere. Every zombie is controlled by someone, and it will raise its own kind to block bullets. This is unprecedented, and there are also The third-order zombies even knew that they would throw zombies directly into the base.

The thinking operation of zombies is impossible to be so flexible. It is not because people or intelligent zombies are controlling this corpse tide.

If it's a human being, but it's a smart zombie, it's terrifying.

Human beings are the representatives of intelligent races. To dominate the world, the wisdom in their brains is an indispensable factor. As a part of human beings and a part of human civilization, Wen Yiyan cannot allow other intelligent creatures to be born!

No one will share resources with other people!

Just as she was thinking deeply in her mind, Wen Yiyan seemed to have seen something, so she picked up the binoculars and looked over. After seeing a few people from Tang Ye, her big eyes narrowed, and she was very angry at the same time!

The corpse tide attacked the base, this guy didn't dare to show his face, and he was still afraid that the soldiers would arrest him and others!

deliberately glanced at Li Xiaoyan, who was carrying her daughter, but the distance was too close, and she couldn't figure out what was going on with him, so she didn't think about it for the time being.

Hearing two different types of helicopters on the training ground, Wen Yiyan almost exploded in anger after seeing that Tang Ye and the others were thinking about the helicopters walking away!

When the corpse tide was attacking the city, this guy hid like a tortoise with its head shrinking. All the other new humans went out to fight. He was a dignified second-order new human who even managed to survive? Now you still want to sneak away in a helicopter?

"No way!" Wen Yiyan was furious and said to Ai Li next to her: "Give me the bazooka, Tang Ye has already come out, and now I want to leave here, I just won't let him succeed!"


Tang Ye, who took a look, was too far away to see clearly. Only Tang Ye and a few people were a little bit small, so he didn't go to see any more. Ai Li opened the box he was carrying and quickly assembled it with skillful techniques. A small bazooka was handed to Wen Yiyan respectfully!

She stretched out her hand and picked it up, let go of the top plate, and pulled the air plug again, took the fist-sized bullet from Ellie's hand, and pressed it into the hole exposed under the air plug.

With the sound of "click", Wen Yiyan opened the side scope and closed one eye to aim at Tang Ye.

Tang Ye and the others didn't feel anything, so they just picked a red civilian helicopter that was close by and walked away.

But before he got close, Tang Ye suddenly felt the same. The three people beside him with both hands stood still, and in the next second, a shell flashed like a swoosh and hit the red helicopter.


The helicopter was torn apart in an instant, and the parts of that body were scattered everywhere. Tang Ye subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes, and was about to turn his head to look in the direction of the projectile.

Wen Yiyan quickly opened the air pressure bolt in her hand, and there was a burst of fog inside. She took the warhead from Ai Li's hand, and quickly loaded it into the rocket launcher like flowing water. !

She is going to cut off Tangye's way back!

(end of this chapter)