I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Chapter 191 The Fall of Yindan Base

There was a particularly dramatic scene in the guarding battle of Yindan Base. The soldiers on the anti-corpse wall concentrated on fighting against the tide of foreign corpses, but in the base behind them, a large group of survivors escaped physically from building after building. There are several zombies chasing them.

And the zombies chasing the survivors inside, their ranks are getting bigger and bigger, and gradually become a small-scale corpse group, and this scene, no one of the soldiers on the anti-corpse wall saw it.

"Fuck Nima, zombies have come in! A group of deaf people! Fuck!"

"Why don't you give us guns? Ah..."

The survivors who were chased by the zombies scolded, and there were no survivors with firearms in the base at all. After the zombies sneaked in, they were powerless to resist.

Some people will say why not fight? If you go on like this, you will die, but can anyone dare to fight? There are no hot weapons in hand, only hand-to-hand combat against zombies, close combat, not everyone is a new human, don't worry about being infected when you are caught!

And ordinary people go to melee with zombies, which is equivalent to playing Super Mario, and die immediately after being injured!

But this is not a game, no one can guarantee that they will make zero mistakes!

The game can be resurrected. In reality, there is no resurrection button. If you are bitten by zombies, even if they scratch a small wound with their fingernails, this can directly declare death!


Ah Fu's body slammed into the wall again and again, and several support rods at the back collapsed. This time, the vibration of the anti-corpse wall became even greater, shaking the soldiers behind who were unstable on the ground. , Fortunately, there are guardrails around, otherwise they will fall directly.

A soldier breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his aching shoulder, just stood up on the ground, glanced at the base casually, and at first felt nothing, and after turning his body around, he suddenly found himself Seeing something was wrong, he turned his head back in a daze, and he was stunned when he saw the mess below.

"No... not good, the base... there are zombies at the base! There are zombies! There are zombies coming in, look behind!"

His screams attracted the attention of countless companions, and they subconsciously looked at the zombies in the base and the survivors fleeing everywhere. This was incredible, and their faces suddenly froze.

A sense of powerlessness rose in the hearts of the soldiers, and desolation and fear filled everyone's hearts. At this moment, a word appeared in their minds at the same time.

It's over! It's all over!

The base has been breached, there are zombies inside and out, what else is there to defend?

Their bodies softened, and the long battle had already exhausted them. After losing hope, they sat on the ground one by one.

A veteran soldier tremblingly took out a cigarette with only a small half left in his pocket, and then took out a lighter with a rusted outlet, and after hitting it twice, a tiny flame ignited. .

"Hey~ huh... ah! It's over ah, smoke a cigarette before you die, and go on the road happily!"

The veteran seemed to be joking, but his tone was full of embarrassing wind and frost.


Ah Fu's huge body hit the anti-corpse wall many times. This time, one side of the anti-corpse wall collapsed and fell to the ground with the soldiers above.

The moment the tall corpse wall smashed to the ground, a large cloud of dust was stirred up, and the nearby buildings were crushed into a pie shape!

The anti-corpse wall collapsed, and the wall in front of Lai Fu was only two meters high. Its roar rose into the sky along with the roars of other zombies. After that, the corpse tide came in like a ferocious wave.

The survivors inside watched the collapse of the corpse wall, despaired in their hearts, and temporarily forgot to escape.

The collapsed anti-corpse wall was like a death knell, and it sounded despair in the hearts of countless people. This means that the high wall of hope fell, and the zombies outside rushed in frantically, chasing the survivors.

Some people were stunned and unable to move their steps. They were thrown down by the fierce zombies, tearing off pieces of flesh and blood from their bodies and eating them.

Ah Fu stood in the wreckage of the corpse wall, growling lowly, sending a message to Tang Ye in his mind.

In the distance, Tang Ye threw the corpse of the soldier with the broken neck in his hand to the side at will, with a devilish smile on his face, he muttered to himself, "Yindan Base, it's over..."

After finishing speaking, Tang Ye led the three of them to the empty street where no zombies had arrived yet. Their direction was the noble district.

"Hope there are helicopters there!"

The backs of the three gradually disappeared on the street. After they all disappeared, another harsh siren sounded throughout the base. Countless survivors who were hiding at home heard the siren, and their brains thumped. , becomes blank.

Everyone will know what this alarm sound means. If the previous alarm sound represents the attack of the corpse tide, then this time the alarm sound means that the base has been breached by the corpse tide, and the army has failed to defend!

The alarm sounded in everyone's ears, but even so, no one still had a little hope in their eyes, and there was still a little light ahead, maybe someone accidentally pressed the wrong alarm...

A row of soldiers standing guard on the high wall of the noble district appeared in front of them. They came to support them. When they saw the four figures of Tang Ye approaching, all the soldiers saw their appearance. After comparing them one by one, their expressions changed. .

"You...you are a zombie!"

The soldiers in the front row were startled when they saw Tang Ye, who was not wearing a mask to show his true colors. The three Chen Chaoyang beside him were wanted, and only Tang Ye was left. The height and the windbreaker you wear are all very suitable!

"Hey... it's really troublesome, when is it time to arrest people? Jie Jie!"

For forgetting to wear a mask, Tang Ye seemed to have a headache, as if he was muttering to himself, but as soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of tentacles suddenly stretched out from behind him.

The dark red scales on the were all opened, exuding a **** luster, and then attacked the soldiers without hesitation!

"Ready to fight!"

Several officers shouted loudly, and a series of sounds of pulling the safety bolt rang out, but their response was too slow for Tang Ye. When they just raised their guns, the hundreds of tentacles rushed in like poisonous snakes!

Suddenly, there were screams everywhere, and every time Tang Ye's tentacles swept across, countless soldiers could be thrown into the air by more than ten meters, and they died on the spot after falling to the ground!

The tentacles kept attacking, Tang Ye stood there, stretched out his hand and took out the white crying face mask leisurely, and put it on his face. After about a minute, a pile of corpses were left on the road in front of him.

There was a roar of corpses behind him, and it was obvious that the zombies had come to this place.

Tang Ye looked back and walked forward silently.

(end of this chapter)