I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029 Fictional characters?

"No." Su Sigui frowned, and he repeated it a little uncertainly. After confirming the current time, Su Sigui became even more puzzled.

It's almost September in the seventh year. Logically, Gao Shunan should have come to Yunxia Base long ago, but the capital of the bright moon has not found this person?

In the previous life, Su Sigui came to Yunxia Base in the ninth year of the end of the world. At that time, Gao Shunan already had a lot of power in Yunxia Base.

even has a high status in the courtroom.

Su Sigui remembered that when he came to Yunxia Base in his previous life, Gao Shunan had been developing in Yunxia Base for more than three years. According to his personal deeds, Gao Shunan had already come to Yunxia Base in the fifth year of the end of the world. It's just that Gao Shunan hadn't decided to develop here at that time. He came and went in Yunxia Base one after another, and he didn't take root at Yunxia Base until the end of the fifth year of the apocalypse.

And now it's the seventh year, and logically, this guy has been here for more than two years.

Three months, enough people in Mingyue Capital to search all the population of Yunxia Base, but Gao Shunan, or this name, is like a fictional character, and can't find a trace!

And this person is also very important to Su Sigui. In April of the same year, Mu Ling, one of the four kings of the dragon group, died tragically at the hands of Gao Shunan, and Gao Shunan not only was not hunted down by the court, but he became a One of the Four Lords of the Dragon Group.

After that, three of the four kings of the dragon group were killed, and the murderers were all Gao Shunan. This incident directly triggered a melee between the two superpowers behind, which lasted for two years, all for the position of the four kings of the dragon group. After this incident, Li Haihui, known as the lunatic of Chenghe County, took advantage of the chaos to kill Yang Jinghai, the executive commander of the Qianlong Association. He thought he would ascend to the sky in one fell swoop, but who knows, in the eleventh year of the end of the world, Ning Tianlang has evolved to The ninth-order new human beings suppress all chaos with an invincible posture.

At that time, the giants of the two major forces were sanctioned, and the Qianlong Club and the Judgment finally calmed down. They had a common master, that is Ning Tianlang, and because he had evolved to an unprecedented ninth order, he had no chance with other continents. The corpse king above stood at the same level of combat power.

During this period, the Peace Club, which had ruled South China for nearly six years, fell apart due to the civil war, and was divided into countless small forces. Among them, the high-level leaders died and the missing disappeared. After the nuclear power plant exploded, half of Longyang City was directly destroyed. At that time, Li Henian was among them. After that, the overlord of South China would not see a corpse when he died, nor a person alive, and the corpse king would not even think about it.

At that time, five ninth-order zombies on other continents were already used to the title of Corpse King. Almost every day, survivor bases and shelter cities were captured by corpses. Under the pressure of the ninth-order corpse king, there was not a single survivor. The base can escape.

Even the Hidden Dragon Sanctuary City in North America, which is comparable to Yunxia Base, was quickly occupied by the Radiant Corpse King in two days!

Then, among the survivors, a story began to circulate.

When the corpse king passes, the city will be destroyed.

These six words are enough to describe the invincibility of the Corpse King, unstoppable! Before the frequent and brutal "opening jars" of the corpse kings, the survivors lived in panic every day, for fear that one day, the corpse king would appear with millions of corpses!

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer living people on other continents, and only some remote places will transmit the signal waves sent by the survivors.

The corpse kings of other continents are so rampant, but the corpse kings of the Shenzhou continent seem to be dead, and there is no trace of them, and because Ning Tianlang has evolved to the ninth order, people are used to the title of the **** of the world. Therefore, in other Survivors from the mainland rushed to Shenzhou, even at great risk!

Therefore, Yunxia Base has also become a melting pot of races.

Anyway, there were all kinds of people in the Yunxia Base at that time.

In the mainland of China, people do not need to worry about the appearance of a corpse king, because the only white-haired corpse king has disappeared, and as a ninth-order new human, Ning Tianlang is the only source of security in people's hearts.

When other continents have almost become dead zones, the development of Shenzhou has exceeded the scale before the end of the world.

Just when people thought the Corpse King had died, on the western Lan'o Continent, because there were not many living creatures, the Corpse King over there began to migrate to Shenzhou. Along the way, a total of thirty-six large and small survived. The base was destroyed and occupied.

At that time, people began to realize that when the Corpse King evolved to the ninth order, he already had the consciousness of developing his own racial civilization. Except for the 36 survivor bases that were destroyed, there were the remaining survivor bases that were not destroyed along the way. It wasn't that the Corpse King let them go. Instead, the Corpse King is in captivity!

It's like people keep cows, sheep, chickens and ducks in captivity, but the nightmare of the magic sound in Lan'o continent did not get its way. Just when Yunxia Base was getting ready to fight the Corpse King, at a small survivor base, someone found it. Those silver armored corpses suddenly became violent, and they gathered together, heading towards Lan O's Nightmare Corpse King.

Soon, the Nightmare Corpse King's pace was blocked, and an endless tide of silver corpses rushed to the zombie king's royal family. At the moment when the two corpse tides collided, I don't know how many zombies with an unpleasant roar were killed. Assimilate the corpse of silver armor, shred it!

At the same time, in the direction of the Northern Empire, the long-disappeared Shenzhou Corpse King suddenly appeared and went in the direction of the Lano Corpse King. Therefore, the famous Corpse King War broke out!

The corpse **** religion, which was finally suppressed to a low level, also flourished again after the event of the corpse king war. It is hard to imagine that in the Yunxia base at that time, basically every weak person regarded the corpse king as a god. think he is the savior.

It's a pity, but when Shenzhou Corpse King swung his butcher's knife towards Yunxia Base at the last moment, he didn't care if some of them were his followers.

Looking at the guard fighter jets floating in the air, and the statues of Corpse Kings standing up one after another in the distance, Su Sigui sneered, this scene is too familiar, although she has not seen it with her own eyes in the previous life, but at least she saw it. related records.

She saw countless people wearing black coats and masks engraved with the symbol of the Peace Club, kneeling in front of the statue of the corpse king. The leader at the front was chanting words. After listening carefully, she could hear what he said was nothing but hope. The Corpse King can bless his followers.

In addition to tens of thousands of believers, there are also a large number of soldiers around the periphery, watching these believers with cold eyes.

They have no way to stop these believers, they can only watch from the sidelines to prevent these crazy guys from suddenly rioting.

(end of this chapter)